<TABLE style="BORDER-TOP-WIDTH: 0px" class=tborder border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center><TBODY><TR title="Post 6775901" vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=125 align=middle>barman</TD><TD class=alt1>Quote:
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset" class=alt2>Originally Posted by
Scott L
Loren was asked kindly to keep similar posts in the same thread and he ignored it. Finally, as he has done before with other posters Barman merged Loren's similar threads into a single topic. Loren responded by throwing a tantrum, demanded to be banned and his request was granted. Sorry, no conspiracy here either.......
This is a very fair summation of how the events unfolded between Loren and Head Mod Wilheim when Loren complained about the merging of four same-topic threads.
He "demanded" they be reverted or else the RxMods were "Agents of Thought Control", "fascists".
Further, when told by Wil we would not reverse the Merge, Loren advised he would be creating even MORE threads and raising hell.
In short, he was politely asked to go and find one of the literally THOUSANDS of other web forums which are dedicated to discussing the topics which he purports to be of high importance.
At the end of the day, this small fraternal forum here is simply a cyber "break room" down the hall from the Sports Handicapping forums which constitute 98% of the RxForum mission as promoted to our paying sponsors.
If Rx members enjoy trading ideas and some banter about political topics and World Events, this is a fair place to engage. But for those with some kind of serious intent to "Deliver A Very Important Message!!!", it's likely best done on some other website which actively solicits such content. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I have delibrately held back on this topic until I knew all the facts.
Here they are:
Barman is a liar and I will prove it because- unfortunately for him Loren got word to me through a go-between who shall remain nameless.
The reason Barman pretended not to know Loren was banned when I originally asked is because it was his doing- not Wilheilm's. Thats right! Thats why you have heard nothing from him...Wilheilm never banned Loren for anything!!!
Barman has clearly gome beyond his given powers to harass and torment a poster with 1001 things a control freak would do if given the chance.
This is Also why Rob hasnt said a word either Ill surmise.
Loren NEVER demanded to be banned.
Barman chopped up his posts on a number of divergent topics that cannot be merged without an audacity that would infuriate anyone yet Loren saud nothing.
Its fair to say that everyone here knows that Loren does not resort to demanding anything or name calling. This is in reference to Barmans ludicrous claim that Loren resorted to "demands" that the threads be reverted or else the RxMods were "Agents of Thought Control", "fascists". (Just you Barman)
In point of fact- Loren told Will that he had no problem with the merging of his threads. His one little complaint was that Barman had changed the TITLE of his thread. This is not the right of a Mod in Lorens opinion and mine and and clearly merits Lorens charge of thought control. .
If Barman "thinks" he has a better thread title than any of Lorens he could use thats good but he has no right to impose it. Title you own threads. Merge all you want but allow a poster's original thread title you have merged into to remain his intellectual property- not yours.
So- bottom line truthtime- Barman banned Loren for "going over his head"- which is difficult to imagine because of its sheer size of Barmans head today- try imaging the Good Year Blimp for comparison....
Yes- the ugly thruth is Wilheilm did not ban Loren- was not even aware that he was banned by Barman until the 22nd after he had been banned for an entire week!
Loren logged in on the 15th and received this message:
You have been banned for the following reason:
Undeserable poster
Date the ban will be lifted: Never
Tell me RX'ers is this is how Wilheilm would have handled it?
Or is it instead the evil machinations of Barmans patently sadistic fingers?
You be the judge....