I was born in Kenya. No, I was born in Hawaii. Yeah that’s the ticket!
Breitbart did a fantastic job of peeling back this lie. In 1991 Barack Obama’s literary agent[/COLOR]
, Dystel & Goderich (formerly Acton & Dystel), published a catalogue of the authors they represented. Barack Obama was listed as one of them. The short bio that accompanied Obama’s head shot said that he was “born in Kenya ….raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” 24
Author Steve Bowman, who was involved with the same literary agent in the mid 90’s, says that he was instructed by the agent to write his own narrative bio and to write it in the third person. 25 And of course that makes sense.
Virtually every author and journalist is familiar with this practice. In fact I was recently asked to write a short bio about myself to go alongside research articles I write on Obama. Years ago I was a regular columnist for a weekly newspaper and had to submit a bio to attach to my columns. It is also standard practice to update your bio. The one I wrote two weeks ago is different than the one I wrote 20 years ago.
So in 1991 Obama writes his own bio for his literary agent and says that he was “born in Kenya…raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” Screen shots in 1998, 2005 and 2007 show that Obama’s biography was updated, edited, on the Dystel & Goderich website without changing the “born in Kenya” claim. 26 The first time it was edited to include the title of his latest book, “Dreams From My Father” and to add that he was also raised in Chicago. (1998 screen catch) The second time it was updated to say that he was now a “junior Democratic senator from Illinois” and that he was the “dynamic keynote speaker at the 2004 Democratic National Convention”. (February 2005 screen catch) The third time it was updated with a modified text change but no new or changed information was added. (April 2007 screen catch)
Through every single edit over a period of 16 years, the “born in Kenya” was left intact every time. In fact, on April 3, 2007, two months after announcing that he would run for president , the “born in Kenya” was
still in Obama’s bio on the Dystel & Goderich website.
Between April 3 and April 21, 2007 someone in Obama’s campaign, David Axelrod? Valerie Jarrett? or Obama himself, realized that being “born in Kenya” did not serve his desire to be President of the United States of America like it served his desire to be an exotic, foreign born author. So Obama’s bio, on the Dystel & Goderich website, was edited for the fourth time to say that he was, “born in Hawaii”. 27-28
Was Kenya the truth or simply a way to make himself look cool to uppity intellectuals who hold America in disdain? Was Hawaii the truth? Or a necessary lie in an attempt to be an eligible presidential candidate? You never know with liars. Particularly when they wield power from the White House that stops any independent means of document authentication. 29-30 Copies of the original Dystel & Goderich catalogue and caches of the website were not so easy to hide. You can find them all at Breitbart. 31