all right, which one of you did this?


Feb 9, 2005
We've had an all-night gaming session or three in our time, but this is ridiculous.

Some records are made to be broken. By the same guy.
Chirantan Patnaik, a resident of Mumbai, India, became an official Guinness Record holder last month when he clocked over 40 continuous hours playing Rockstar's 2008 smash Grand Theft Auto IV, reports GameCulture. Patnaik trained for the marathon event by running, exercising, and yoga -- which no doubt prepared him well for Grand Theft Auto's themes of running, shooting, and stealing cars.

The previous record was held by a U.S. citizen and stood at a mere 28 hours and one minute. Patnaik, who has a day job as an equities trader, isn't done, either: he plans to challenge his own record in an attempt to make it to 48 hours.

"I enjoyed the game very much. It's fun playing long hours. It wasn't that exhaustive for me, as one might feel," Patnaik told long-running Indian news channel Zeenews. Under the rules laid down by Guinness, Patnaik could take a ten-minute break every hour, but he only took four over the course of his two-day session.

How did he keep his energy levels up? "Staying away from coffee and eating dates during my game helped me to stay alert and fit," he told Zeenews.

Maybe it's just us, but fiber-packed snacks like dates just don't seem like a good snack choice for a marathon like this. Chirantan, we admire your commitment...not to mention your intestinal fortitude.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
I went 14 hours w/o sleep just recently playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I beat the game in 3 days. I just couldn't put it down. I played it so much I almost started to think I was really Batman.

I have gone 12-14 hours several times back in My world of Warcraft playing days. I no longer play that game.

New member
Jun 3, 2008
Sooner is this serious? The record for consecutive gaming hours is 40? I think if that record was more known that would be broken in a day.

Jul 25, 2008
Breaking A 40 hour record in a day?That would be a record for sure.

Feb 9, 2005
Sooner is this serious? The record for consecutive gaming hours is 40? I think if that record was more known that would be broken in a day.

yeah, at least according to yahoo, which had the story on its homepage last night.

New member
Jun 3, 2008
yeah, at least according to yahoo, which had the story on its homepage last night.

Thats crazy when Final Fantasy 7 came out I knew someone who stayed up for 2 straight days playing that game. And when Grand Turismo 3 came out I was close to 40, but crashed at around 38 and this was well before Redbull existed. I have played poker in AC for three days straight without no sleep, which is common for a lot of people in big poker rooms. There is no doubt I could go 40 hours if I tried and I believe a lot of people could. I dont sleep well at all to begin with, so staying up has never been hard for me.

Feb 9, 2005
Thats crazy when Final Fantasy 7 came out I knew someone who stayed up for 2 straight days playing that game. And when Grand Turismo 3 came out I was close to 40, but crashed at around 38 and this was well before Redbull existed. I have played poker in AC for three days straight without no sleep, which is common for a lot of people in big poker rooms. There is no doubt I could go 40 hours if I tried and I believe a lot of people could. I dont sleep well at all to begin with, so staying up has never been hard for me.

i don't know, 40 hours is a long time. when nintendo first came out, i got hooked on legend of zelda and kid icarus, but the most i ever played was probably between 12 to 16 hours. if i hadn't gotten my dad hooked on zelda i would've never been allowed to play that much.

New member
Jun 3, 2008
i don't know, 40 hours is a long time. when nintendo first came out, i got hooked on legend of zelda and kid icarus, but the most i ever played was probably between 12 to 16 hours. if i hadn't gotten my dad hooked on zelda i would've never been allowed to play that much.

I played Resident Evil 5 when that came out a few months ago for 20 hours straight no problem without even trying. I have always been a huge fan of video games, but hey i'll give credit where credit is due. 40 hours is great for that guy, but I know that wont stand for a long time.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
I went 14 hours w/o sleep just recently playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I beat the game in 3 days. I just couldn't put it down. I played it so much I almost started to think I was really Batman.
That reminds me of when I first started playing Grand Theft Auto IV. I wasn't too patient driving down the road in the video so I would slam into cars that got in my way.

When I drove in real life I had the slight urge to ram cars and people who got in my way so I had to "reset" my thinking back to normal. I especially remember seeing a pregnant lady walking between rows in a parking area and thinking "ok, now don't run her over!"

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
I went 14 hours w/o sleep just recently playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. I just couldn't put it down. I played it so much I almost started to think I was really Batman.

I've gone 12 to 14 hours w/o sleep while logged in as Rx moderator late at night. I just couldn't log off. I was on so long I almost started to think I was really RobFunk.


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
quantumleap. That's funny. I know there is that one highway with a toll booth you are supposed to slow down for I usually just ran right through the thing and outran the cops.

Barman, I don't know if that is a compliment or an insult but either way you made me laugh. And that's always a good thing : )

Boxer22, RE5 was great. I reeled off some long sessions on that one. I wish it was still new. "This is for our fallen brothers" "Suck on THIS Wesker." haha. But you are right. 40 hours?!?! That's less than 2 days.

UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves is the last game I couldn't put down. The game is absolute crack. You may have seen commercials for this.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
There are certainly worse role models than RF, so please just enjoy the smile and know that at the end of most days, We're All Bozos On This Bus

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