Alex Jones: Brilliant At Pretending To Be An Idiot


Breaking Bad Snob
Dec 5, 2004
This is a long read, but there are, sadly, a lot of followers of this idiot in this forum. Dude is a con artist, and anyone who follows him- especially those who send him money- are even biggers idiots.

Note: Only one video per post is allowed, so I had to link to the other 6. The Howard Stern interview is well worth the time.

Alex Jones: Brilliant At Pretending To Be An Idiot

(photo @

This article has been stewing inside of me for a while, but the recent horrific events in Boston (and Alex Jones' predictable yet shockingly tasteless reaction to it) finally convinced me that I needed to put it out there.

And yes, I am well aware that most of you with a functioning brain don't take Alex Jones seriously. I'm also well aware that most of his of very large listener base will refuse to listen to reasonable arguments or have a logical debate about why Alex Jones is a about as good a source of information as graffiti on a rest area bathroom stall.

Now to be fair, I do think that he actually believes the core ideas from which everything he says comes from...and believe it or not, there is a little bit of truth to some of it. A cursory amount ofresearch and knowledge about the Federal Reserve is enough to make any conservative or liberal's blood boil with populist outrage.

And let's not forget that government conspiracies can and do happen once in a while. Operation Northwoods, Project MKUltra, and the Gulf of Tonkin incident constitute more than enough evidence to make any determined skeptic cast a wary eye towards official government narrative that sounds suspicious.

But most people seem to think that Alex Jones is simply a deranged idiot. With videos like the one embedded below, it's not hard to see how they could come to that conclusion.

When Alex Jones recently appeared on CNN with Piers Morgan and had what appeared to be catastrophic shut down of all higher brain functions, many believed that they were watching someone who didn't realize just how crazy (and bad) he was making himself look. On the contrary, his behavior was probably very carefully orchestrated and played perfectly to his large, disposable cash spending audience

Just like I've pointed out with Glenn Beck and Michael Moore, pundits on the extreme end of the political spectrum have an audience that tunes into them specifically to have their beliefs validated and enhanced, not to be challenged or to think critically.

If Alex Jones got on the air after the Boston Marathon Bombing and said "Hey guys, this wasn't some elaborate plot; it was just a couple of angry, deranged/radical individuals," then his listeners would tune out and find someone else who DOES think that every national tragedy is layered in cover ups and false flag operations.

As one commenter on a thread said recently, many conspiracy theorists have an elaborate story pre-loaded in their heads for every time a dog farts. Alex Jones then swoops in to make sure that dog fart is backed up with an exhaustive amount of unrelated research, out of context mainstream media reporting, and a healthy dose of hyperbole and theatrics.

"The New World Order ...listen to me folks...they're trying
to make your homes smell like poorly digested Snausages​

The man knows his audience and he knows how to keep them listening...all while turning a very healthy profit. Let's take a look at Alex Jones and how he's turned his brand of crazy from some deeply held (and bizarre) beliefs into a very profitable brand of crazy.

The New World Order: Playing the Long Game
Jones has been warning everyone who will listen about the imminent end of our world as we know itsince 1996 when he was just a crazy (but very popular) radio and cable access television show host in Austin, Texas.

Part of his theory about how things will go down is that the New World Order, a group of powerful people who run the world from behind the scenes, will somehow eliminate approximately 80% of the world's population while the "elites" that are left will live forever thanks to the magic of technology.

While it shouldn't be a shocking revelation to anyone over the age of 10 that people with large amounts of money and political power control how the world works, I'm not convinced that they all like to get together, put on robes, and sing the Stone Cutters Song.

But let's say that I'm wrong. Let's say that the global elites have been planning to wipe most of us out (myself included since there is no way I am even in the top 50% of the population) so that they can live forever like Larry King or Suzanne Sommers.

If this is how things work, than I have a couple of questions. First of all, let's just look at our government. How can a group that historically has had so many instances of incompetence (even byAlex Jones' own analysis) also be able to pull off such an elaborate scheme?

And my second question: What exactly is taking them so long? I mean, according to Jones, the U.S. government secretly develops and withholds all types of technology that is decades ahead of what the general public has access to.

Why keep letting all of us 80% commoners keep breeding and having our "eyes opened" by people like Jones as information (and misinformation) flows more and more freely across the world?

Who knows; maybe he's just joking about that part...which brings me to my next point.

The Sliding Scale of Satire

In a 2009 interview with NBC, Rush Limbaugh told Jamie Gangel that his show was "equal parts satire and serious commentary." As a formerly avid listener of the Rush Limbaugh show (for which I am still deeply ashamed), I can tell you right now that at the very least, his 50/50 percentage split is way off.

With the exception of his ridiculous songs, Rushbo sounds dead serious when telling you how America is going to crumble into dust under the rule of Obama (just like he was when Clinton was president).

Limbaugh, however, is one of the many pundits who has become smart enough to know when to use the old "it was just satire" card whenever he is really wrong about something or makes an incredibly offensive statement. Alex Jones, on the other hand, hasn't quite figured out how that system of deception works.

On the eve of the year 2000, Alex Jones did a special broadcast that included claims of missiles being launched at the United States by Russia, nuclear power plants failing all over the world, ATM machines not giving people money, short wave radios going down, and that more military conflicts were happening right at that moment all over the world than had occurred in 50 years. Here are some of the highlights:

During this time, Alex Jones apparently forgot that the internet existed and that someone would record what he was saying on the eve of the year 2000. When questioned about his claims in 2010, Jones explained that he was just "joking around" and had simply been taken out of context.

If you listened to the first part, I think that even giving the most liberal benefit of the doubt to Jones would still leave you with the conclusion that he was not joking. Blatantly lying to garner ratings, maybe, but definitely not joking.

For a more recent example, one only needs to look at a recent statement he made while protesting a 2012 meeting of the Bildeberg Group.

For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a meeting private meeting for many of the world's most powerful people in the world of politics, finance, entertainment, and commercial industries to discuss the state of world events and the global community (in other words, a conspiracy theorist's wet dream).

At last year's meeting, Alex Jones packed up his bullhorn and headed out to protest the event. One of things he shouted (which was caught on tape) was that the people meeting inside were having dead roasted babies wrapped in gold foil delivered for them to eat.

"Please hurry and sign for this so
that I can go cry myself to sleep."

Jones didn't just say this in passing, either (although to be fair, talking about dead and roasted babies in gold foil is hard to just slip into a statement). He used his usual qualifier of "you can't make this stuff up," emphatically reiterated that he wasn't joking, and even got angry at one of the security guards who dared to laugh at him about his claim.

He went on to bet the guard $10,000 that what he was saying was true...although if it was, I'm not sure how they would go about proving things for the sake of the bet without causing quite a scene.

A video of Jones saying all of this is embedded below for your viewing pleasure/disgust.

Luckily for Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, who is one of his writers at came to his defense. He explained that Alex was simply "engaging in a piece of dark satire" while also expressing shock and dismay that people seemed to be keying in on that one statement from the websites' hours of Bildeberg Group coverage.

First of all, Mr. Watson, a claim that people are cooking and eating babies is probably going to stand out quite a bit more than anything else you had hoped to expose during your "coverage." Secondly, is "dark satire" something Alex Jones engages in frequently? Because if it is, than we might need a bit of clarification about some of these:

Predictably Wrong Predictions

One thing that many of Alex Jones' listeners love to cling to is their claim that their messiah figure predicted 9/11 before it happened. The problem with that line of thinking is that he didn't. Jones made some very vague claims that a false flag attack on the United States was going to happen...just like he had been doing for the last decade.

If I predict every year that the Cubs will win the World Series, then I don't get to call myself a prophet when/if that finally comes to pass.


You win this round, Bartman...​

He also was never able to put a specific date/location on his prediction, something that Jones has actually been particularly smart about for the most part. Most of his prophecies are said in a way that they could happen tomorrow or a million years from now.

He's also usually pretty good about creatively back peddling.During the swine flu outbreak in 2009, Jones claimed that the government had created the swine flu and that it was killing off far more people than anyone realized.

Later, when swine flu turned out to not be the giant world ending epidemic that he had predicted, Jones explained website explained that it was simply a "beta test" for government population control...and an excuse to take our DNA.

But every once in a while, he gets a little too bold and attaches a finite timetable or definite result to what he claims will surely come to pass. Embedded below is a list of a few of those, though to be fair some were predictions made by his guests or that don't give a definitive time frame in which they will occur.

After the video, a list of the failed prophecies that did give a (failed) due date has been compiled for your amusement and more efficient mockery.

-June 15, 2008: US Dollar will be devalued 90% over the next two years.

-February, 2008: Hillary Clinton has been chosen by the "elites" to be president.

-February 1, 2009: Obama to stage an attack in 2-4 months.

-February 4, 2009: Inaugural bombings to be staged by US government in 6-7 months.

-February 26, 2009: Staged terror attack to occur before the end of 2009.

-May 17, 2009: 16-year-olds in training to be part of youth corps to help implement martial law in 2-3 years

-June 22, 2009: Obama to stage terror attack in 60-90 days.

-August 24, 2009: Bernie Madoff will soon die of cancer.

-September 17, 2009: Internet will be shut down in 2 years.

-February 28, 2010: Within 16 months, at least 15 European nations will collapse.

-March 3, 2010: Staged terror attacks coming April 15 or 19 of 2010.

-March 29, 2010: Massive staged terror attacks coming in the+ next month.

-May 23, 2010: US Dollar will be devalued 50% in next two years.

-December 15, 2010: All pension funds will be gone in a couple of months.

All these dire predictions makes one wonder where Alex Jones gets his information...which brings up another point...

Suspect sources and sourcing
If you spend any time at all listening to Alex Jones or reading the material produced for his websites, you'll notice a large amount of disdain for the mainstream media. This is a bit hard to reconcile with the fact he also tends to cite all of them (often times completely out of context) whenever he goes through the news of the day, but I digress...

One thing that happens quite a bit on his website is obsessive linking to sources, something that I myself am often guilty of. The difference is that when I link to a source, I try to make sure that it goes to information that actually supports my statement.

Info Wars and Prison Planet, however, don't seem to have the same 'A to B' standard. Below is a screenshot of this article by Paul Joseph Watson and Kurt Nimmo of In it you'll notice a an eyebrow raising claim from the New York Times that the "vast majority of domestic terror plots in recent years were "facilitated by the FBI.

That blue underlined text on the words 'New York Times reported' really adds in air of authenticity...except for the fact that the article it links to doesn't say that at all. It's actually a piece about FBI sting operations that are used to catch terrorists.

Just because you attach a hyperlink to a statement doesn't mean that it goes to a source that confirms it. For example, I could claim to have verified/sourced information about Alex Jones being sexually attracted to ostriches, but that's not what I linked to.

Unfortunately, some people won't bother to click on the link and watch a funny ostrich peck around someones car. Instead, they'll see the highlighted text standing out from everything else, assume that it's true, and use their own confirmation bias to cement it as a fact in their minds.

"And make some of us have to disclose our
relationships before we wanted to ya jerk."​

So why is he doing all this?
If you spend some time searching the interwebs for Alex Jones meltdowns, you are in for what could potentially be hours of entertainment. One of my favorite ones is embedded below. In it, Jones yells at...well...whoever is behind all the conspiracies and claims that they have "ruined his life."

I guess if all the claims he's made about everything being one giant, population exterminating conspiracy (that is taking a REALLY long time to happen) were true, I could understand his frustration.

But that desperate, ranting lunatic you saw in the video above doesn't really jibe with man profiled inthis Rolling Stone interview he did with Alexander Zaitchik. What we see outside of the studio is a jovial, happy, and surprisingly soft spoken man who takes his family to church on Sunday, has long phone conversations with his grandmother, and likes to joke around with his staff members.

Heck, he even refers to what he considers his "boring and conventional life" as a "love letter to humanity." That doesn't sound at all like the keeper of such a heavy burden as how the world will end for almost the entire human population.

Jones also seems to have no problem making sure he lives comfortably off of the DVD/merchandise sales and ad revenue that his media empire generates.

Why go to the grocery when you can
buy a 1 month supply of food at the shop!

The most current property records that I could find (listed under E. Jones--Alex's middle name is Emerick) show Jones, his wife (who is also listed on the property deed with her maiden name), and three children living in a beautiful 4,036 square foot home (estimated to be worth about $850,000) that is located in a very nice looking gated community.

You'd figure a guy with his belief system would be holed up in a bunker somewhere, but instead he seems to be living the typical upper middle class life (when he's not ranting and raving on the airwaves)....which still doesn't stop him from asking his listeners to send in their money to keep his media empire going.

So What Can We Do About This Guy?

Well, you could try to debate him and his followers seriously, which will garner the same results that you would obtain by hitting your head repeatedly against a wall...

...or you can do what Howard Stern did and make Jones and his followers look like complete idiots.

In February of 2013, Stern brought Jones onto his show and started things out by making Alex feel as though he was talking to someone that was on his side. This should have raised some red flags in Jones' highly attuned mind due to the fact that Stern doesn't really subscribe to Jones' way of thinking.

From there, Stern and his crew work their usual magic of getting people to talk about things they really shouldn't out loud and to an audience of millions. Audio of the entire interiew is embedded below, but you should be wary of a couple things:

1. It's Howard Stern, so it's a bit NSFW.
2. At one point, Alex Jones begins talking about government-caused shrimp suicides. It gets much crazier from there.

So the next time someone comes up to you and tries to preach the gospel of A.J., here are a couple of ideas to help you get through it.

1. Point them towards the Howard Stern interview.
2. Share this article with them (I won't mind the extra page views; I promise).
3. Just start laughing.

It's what he's doing all the way to the bank.


I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
You should credit the original author when cut and pasting an article.

1st no one can defend everything Jones says. He has many times made claims that he hasnt ckd out. Just last Friday he had a sheriff on who he had said Tweeted that he would be glad to do a door to door gun confiscation.
The Sheriff denied it several times and Jones kept trying to move on but Sheriff insisted...eventually Jones admitted he hadnt read the Tweet but had only been told about it by someone else.
His claim that he predicted 911 is an outright lie but not for the reasons mentioned in the propaganda piece posted above. It WAS predicted on his show but by a man named William Cooper. He didnt actually say what would happen only that something was about to happen and the Govt would blame it on Osama Bin Laden. This was in like June of 01. The tape is out there, its not hard to find. In Nov 01 however Cooper was killed by a local Sheriff. Sometime after that Jones began claiming the prediction as his own.

So there is no doubt Jones goes beyond bounds to make himself look like the know-it-all when hes just a regular guy like everyone else. The 2000 Y2K story is another 1, he stayed on the air extra long to cover the midnight time change when EVERYBODY at every news service was predicting everything from clocks stopping to the Sun going out.. He began taking calls from people reporting what was happening around them and people starting calling him telling him things he should have obviously known was not true or should have at least tried to verify the stories 1st....But he didnt, he stated them as fact and thats why he has never, will never be taken as a serious news person.
But he shouldnt be anyway...He has never been anything but a guy who bought airtime on radio and stated whatever he had to say. Its called Free Speech, he can say what he wants. He gets no money from the Govt unlike PBS,ABC,CBS and NBC. And has no accountability to be correct about anything. Some quick calculations show that he has been on the air somewhere around 9000 hours since hes been on since 1996. Lets see Dan Rather was on for 30 mins a day , masquerading as a legit news service, receiving Govt money for a long time. I doubt he even did 9000 minutes. Yet he was caught many times lying, reporting things that were later determined to not be true and in fact even going thru a very elaborate hoax to try and decide a Presidential Election....Yet ill wager this has never bothered the authors conscience 1 iota.

He states as if Alex is lying about the NYT articles about being involved in terrorism actions, yet thats exactly what it says. During the latter part of Bush2 and into The Liars term the FBI was involved in just about all the major ATTEMPTED terrorist acts by setting up people to do them, supplying them with the means to do them then at the last minute pulling the rug out from under them. This is a fact...Im sorry it doesnt fit the propaganda the author wants to spew.

I guess this author is to low information to actually read the Leftist articles calling for an 80% reduction in the population of the world. Or more likely its part of his ideas to ridicule things right up until the last second before it actually happens. No less than Gore, Bill Gates and countless other STUPID liberals have advocated population reduction, this really isnt even in dispute, a member of The Liars inner circle wrote a book stating that we must reduce the population by 80%....that is where the Jones quote and figures come from.

I could go on and on but the point is Jones, a confirmed showman and not a news reporter has been damn near as accurate as trained, paid and supposedly professional "news journalists"

The slander of him continues now....this author like all the others is accusing Jones of saying the Govt did the Marathon bombing. Thats is not what he has said. He has left that possibility open but what he is saying is the FBI knew about the bombers in advance, may have even known who they were but either did not get lucky enough to catch them or stood by while it happened. Jones unlike the Govt paid and controlled media is discussing ALL possibilities and not just delivering the Govt narration of what happened. Why did the Govt feel the need to call a press conf. to tell people to only look at the pictures they were releasing to try to find the bombers and to pay no attention to what was being put out on the internet?? Would it be because Jones was exposing that there were Bomb squads at both the start and finish lines, there were Govt security agents at both positions....and weirdly enough all carrying Black backpacks just like the 1's used in the bombings??
Do they not want anyone to find out that Russia told them a year ago the bomber was dangerous and should be watched??? Was it because the didnt want word out that Saudia Arabia warned them about the Saudi guy last year...the same guy who just happened to be close enough to get injured when he was supposed to be in Findley, Ohio and just a guess here but probably not a big marathon fan???????

O and Jones's "popular" radio show? its been bounced around low output AM stations for years and i doubt seriously has more than a few thousand listeners tops during peek times such as last week. His family is in the medical profession and i believe his wifes family is wealthy as well so insinuating his $800K home is from a lifetime of fraud is even further evidence of this authors low information brain...

New member
Jun 3, 2009
I've heard Alex Jones on Howard Stern and on Opie and Anthony. He clearly knows what he's doing and it's all for show.

Skip to the 34 minute mark where he starts arguing with a female caller and it's hilarious.


Jan 15, 2010
Alex Jones and his followers are a Cult. What ever he's says, which is 99% bull shit, his follower will defend till the end even when the facts are completely at odds. There are people that actually believe that the crytalized water vapor coming from airliners is the government poisoning us! WTF?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I never listened to his show, but credit where credit is due - everything Alex predicted about the NWO turned out to be accurate.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
what about that sandyhook problem..what did it cost him again?
Honestly, his voice is grating so I can't listen to him.

What about Sandyhook? When you read all the witness testimony, it is way over the top. Any REAL investigative reporter want to do a deep dive into their bank accounts, financial records, texts and phone records? I bet I could find something.

The NWO does not want Alex on the air because despite all his hyperbole and showmanship, he's too close to the truth. Alex always said he's not some miracle prediction guru, he just READS THEIR DOCUMENTS.

So 'I' started "READING THEIR DOCUMENTS"...and sought out likeminded individuals who "READ THEIR DOCUMENTS."

Now I'm a tin foil hat loony bin conspiracy theorist and know pretty much everything they tell us is fake, phony and false.

Dec 13, 2007
Honestly, his voice is grating so I can't listen to him.

What about Sandyhook? When you read all the witness testimony, it is way over the top. Any REAL investigative reporter want to check their bank accounts and financial records? I bet I could find something.

The NWO does not want Alex on the air because despite all his hyperbole and showmanship, he's too close to the truth. Alex always said he's not some miracle prediction guru, he just READS THEIR DOCUMENTS.

So 'I' started reading their documents...and sought out likeminded individuals who "READ THEIR DOCUMENTS."

Now I'm a tin foil hat loony bin conspiracy theorist and know pretty much everything they tell is fake, phony and false.
Sandyhook was "over the top"..well, people got blown away..nothing more over the top than blood and guts
Please don't tell me you believe his Sandyhook crap're not that stupid.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sandyhook was "over the top"..well, people got blown away..nothing more over the top than blood and guts
Please don't tell me you believe his Sandyhook crap're not that stupid.
Yes, the witness testimony during the lawsuit was way over the top.

Parents used as pawns to boot Alex off the air.

Dec 13, 2007
Yes, the witness testimony during the lawsuit was way over the top.

Parents used as pawns to boot Alex off the air.
so sad, no more irritating voice...the guy lied and paid the price $$$$, justice server..biblical almost..

enjoy the day Joe.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
so sad, no more irritating voice...the guy lied and paid the price $$$$, justice server..biblical almost..

enjoy the day Joe.
Yes, his voice is very grating, that's why I can't listen.

And yet..

Infowars lives on.

You know the DS wants this guy gone. Nothing to do with "traumatized parents"...give me a break. :rolleyes:

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I feel its less about getting rid of Alex and MORE of trying to discourage/scare others from speaking out.

The whole thing is a complete farce and sham

People will think "Hey if they can railroad someone as famous as Alex then they will destroy me with a snap of the finger" if I question a goverment narrative


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I can make a YouTube about the sun being made of ice, get millions of views and nobody will care. Total disinformation and obviously not true. Nobody cares.


If I post one on the dangers of the jab, the climate hoax, election fraud, real video on the ground in Ukraine, pretty much anything NWO/DS...I get ZAPPED immediately - no questions or appeals.

Why is that?

We all know the answer.

Fortunately, a growing majority all around the world are onto their corrupt scam agenda.

Sep 20, 2017
The same people bashing Alex are the same who eat up mainstream lies by the media that do much more harm
Alex is a voice that rarely gets heard on topics. Mainstream lies and brainwashing far surpass what he might be wrong about and so many people get high off to it like a drug. Many lies are 100% intentional too.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I can make a YouTube about the sun being made of ice, get millions of views and nobody will care. Total disinformation and obviously not true. Nobody cares.


If I post one on the dangers of the jab, the climate hoax, election fraud, real video on the ground in Ukraine, pretty much anything NWO/DS...I get ZAPPED immediately - no questions or appeals.

Why is that?

We all know the answer.

Fortunately, a growing majority all around the world are onto their corrupt scam agenda.
Correct and on a micro level that is the deal with Alex
He doesnt get shit about being wrong....He gets shit because he is RIGHT too often and that scares certain people.

If he was truly JUST a crazy conspiracy guy NO ONE would care.

Dec 13, 2007
Correct and on a micro level that is the deal with Alex
He doesnt get shit about being wrong....He gets shit because he is RIGHT too often and that scares certain people.

If he was truly JUST a crazy conspiracy guy NO ONE would care.
reminded he just got his ass handed to him goofball..YET>>> somehow you see the verdict as a confirmation of truth..

LOL. never ending stupidity... naturally
Sep 21, 2004
The clown posing in the White House lies way more than Alex Jones, why don't we put that fucking shit-stain on trial?

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