Sammy439 is correct, in no way allow him to detox in jail or even in the house alone or with you. He needs treatment, sounds like he has been to detox before but it has not worked. He needs the following.
1. seven day detox where he is wheened slowly off his alcohol addiction with a drug like valium, He is give the largest dose first and slowly in the course of a week weened down to nothing. Detox is not fun, especially the last 3 days or so when your meds are really being cut but it does work.
2. Once detoxed he needs to enter a good 30 day sobriety program that is the first step an alcaholic needs to take in order to learn how to live without alcohol. He will be introduced to AA and the 12 steps of recovery during the 30 day program.
3. When he is finished with the 30 day program he will be able to come home and it is going to be up to you to get him to at least one AA meeting a day. This job you will have to keep until he can be trusted to go on his own or even better finds a longtime sober AA sponser who is willing to take over. The first year it is imperative that he get to a meeting everyday. If he is serious about getting sober and staying that way he will have to go through this.
4. After a year nothing changes, he will still have to go to meetings and do what his sponsor tells him to do and hopefully work the 12 steps of recovery which can take years to complete.
5. There is no cure for alcohlism but you can learn to live without it, not easy at all but doable I know as I have not had a drink since April 22nd 1990. When I was worse than your father but with a lot of help managed to go thru the detox, 30 day program, thousands of meetings (still go but not nearly as often) and worked the 12 Steps into my life. A day at a time I am sober over 18 years.
6. Check out this website and call the number in your area.
7. Talk to Silver7 also, I am sure he can help.
Best of luck, wilheim