I cant believe something this serious has not been mentioned here yet. I know a lot of you think the most important topic in college football should be "What did Lane Kiffin eat for breakfast today?" but there is more goin on around the south.
Alabama is being investigated by the NCAA for a recond 1 billionth time it seems. There is lots of talk they are looking at 2 yrs probation and loss of scholarships (again) over the textbook issue and not disclosing all the facts to the NCAA.
Im torn on the issue. On one hand its cool that they sucked for 10 yrs after caught cheating last time , on the other it was nice in a way to have them finally be relevant again last year.......... Nah,. nevermind - im all for them sucking for 10 years again.
Alabama is being investigated by the NCAA for a recond 1 billionth time it seems. There is lots of talk they are looking at 2 yrs probation and loss of scholarships (again) over the textbook issue and not disclosing all the facts to the NCAA.
Im torn on the issue. On one hand its cool that they sucked for 10 yrs after caught cheating last time , on the other it was nice in a way to have them finally be relevant again last year.......... Nah,. nevermind - im all for them sucking for 10 years again.