Nancy Gay: Despite victory
Davis will soon fire Kiffin for insubordination
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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<!-- end types/article/articletools.tmpl --> (09-14) 18:10 PDT Kansas City , Mo. -- Only the Raiders can bring you awkward situations like this: Moments after they drilled the hapless Chiefs 23-8 and stunned the crowd at Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday, coach Lane Kiffin discussed whether he would still have an NFL job by Week 3.
If ever a team to fade..
Nancy Gay: Despite victory
Davis will soon fire Kiffin for insubordination
Sunday, September 14, 2008
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<!-- end types/article/articletools.tmpl --> (09-14) 18:10 PDT Kansas City , Mo. -- Only the Raiders can bring you awkward situations like this: Moments after they drilled the hapless Chiefs 23-8 and stunned the crowd at Arrowhead Stadium on Sunday, coach Lane Kiffin discussed whether he would still have an NFL job by Week 3.
If ever a team to fade..