Ahhhh.....Canadas Vietnam


"Things do not happen. Things are made to happen."
Dec 6, 2004

You are the best. All Coultergeist Quotes, all the time.

"I have a simple solution for silencing this malignant type of mindset from public debate: only those who have served should be eligible to vote."

I suspect well be seeing the mandatory draft soon. Will that make you feel safer? And does that go for the armchair generals and the "NUKE THE PUKE" RAH-RAH- RIghties?

"The rest should remain on the sidelines. That'll take care of the appeasement crowd ensuring modern civilization remains strong and free."

How can a man who traded in his liberties to a man who if he didnt have money couldnt pass the intellegence test be a security guard?

"The simple fact is, we should not be spending as much time and energy defending what we know in our hearts to be morally right, against a group of sheeple who cannot come to grips with reality."

Hitler tortured and killed. Was he morally right? Saddam tortured and killed. Was he? But if we do it its somehow morally right? Who is it that cant grasp the reality?

"See, the danger facing modern civilization is not the threat of militant Islam abroad, rather the culture of a liberal utopia here at home."

See, Im the decider. And whatever I decide to happen happens. So thats why theyre building all those concentration camps all over this country. Gee, I coulnt figure out why. Hey your a big fan of movies arent you. Who said and what movie?
"Me they can kill , you they own."
Nobodies gonna own me. At least Ill be secure in the notion that fools like you will be in them too. They have a special camp for intellectuals, regardless of your views. They dont like people who think, period. Only people who think will ever, ever question authorit. Did you know that? Im sorry Joe but youll be just another baby thrown out with the bathwater.

"The enemy knows it cannot defeat us militarily on the battlefield"

Im sorry to have to inform you of this, but the battlefield is your living room, and the enemy defeats you on television every night. And you believe every word.

Modern liberalism is our weakest link.

Wrong. Right wing extremism will be the coup de grace...

The more dramatic the beheadings and road side bombs delivered into our living rooms, the louder the irrational higher-pitched shrieks of "immediate withdrawal" -- conspiracy nuts notwithstanding.

Conspiracy nuts can withstand anything, and we want a gradual withdrawal, say beginning in 12 months? Or does it have to last 100 years. Were not letting you turn this country into another Israel Jo...

"Yes it’s true, the enemy knows the coddled irrational "anti-war" camp better than they know themselves."

Not quite, but Il tell you what they do know. We cant nuke all 1.6 billion of them can we? so how are we winning any war after killing only a few hundred thousand-----civilians!

"Islamofascism could have not have picked a weaker and more vulnerable target."

Speak for yourself, Connie.

We are losing Afdganistan, just like the Russians did...

If we hadnt invaded Iraq we might have held it.

Were spread to thin.

Hitler made the same mistake. You dont open up a second front until you control the first one...

<!-- / message -->

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
xpanda said:
That's the thing, luv, the gov't isn't growing in strength daily.

Four more of our soldiers were killed today in a suicide attack.

In 2002, four Cdn soldiers were killed by 'friendly fire' (US mistake.)

In 2003, two Cdn soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb.

In 2004, one Cdn soldier was killed by a suicide bomber.

In 2005, one Cdn soldier was killed in a driving accident.

So far, 8.5 months into 2006, 29 Canadian soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan.

Winning? Are you shitting me?

If this is winning, I'd hate to see your definition of losing.


You lack of knowledge regarding warfare is terrifying.Folks like you are the reason the GOP takes the House and the Senate in this country again X.Thanks for the ignorance.

This is war X.You think this is some kind of peacekeeping exercise....this is the real thing sweetheart.

29 lost heroes = loss of war to you......Im sure that exactly the way theyd want to be remembered.:toast:

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
It's the exponential increase in the numbers of deaths that says it all.

And we've gone from seeing a handful of Taliban supporters killed a week, to hundreds. Are we suddenly able to find them all, or is their support increasing exponentially, too?

We're losing this war exactly the same way the Soviets did.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
xpanda said:
It's the exponential increase in the numbers of deaths that says it all.

And we've gone from seeing a handful of Taliban supporters killed a week, to hundreds. Are we suddenly able to find them all, or is their support increasing exponentially, too?

We're losing this war exactly the same way the Soviets did.

The Soviets didnt lose until the left X

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
The Soviets didnt lose until the left X


And I guess Communism wasn't in trouble until the Wall came down, eh?

Sep 22, 2004
So...until you leave...you're winning !

There's some real strategic genius at work here.
We appear to have a masterplan than lands somewhere between the Twilight zone and the Muppet show.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
xpanda said:

And I guess Communism wasn't in trouble until the Wall came down, eh?

We're not talking about communism movement (The US "loss" in Vietnam was the beginning of the end for the commies years before), we're talking about the Taliban making things bad enough for the Russians they left.Certainly in terms of warfare the Russians werent really losing the proxy war...but it just got to be an unworthy cause.The ends didnt seem to justify the means...which is most likely was the truth at the time.How could the commies have known generations of radical muslims would become martyrs killing thousands of innocent folks in celebration of the Taliban "victory" in Afg?

Look what happened to the remnants of the USSR after the Muslims up north "defeated" the Russians and the Muslims down south brokered deals with them.Ooops that led to the last Canadian peacekeeping mission.

New member
Oct 23, 2004
xpanda said:
Finish the job ... what does that even mean? What are the criteria for a job well done?

Even conservative MPs are calling for some kind of exit strategy.

Harper should tread lightly on this issue, and open it for some kind of debate, or it will cost him a majority next go-around. He should have a boo at Blair's polling numbers for an idea of what non-American citizens think of American adventurism and our blindly following it.

Stupid is as stupid does.

We will not 'win' in Afghanistan. State militaries do not win guerrilla wars. And the evidence is mounting that we've lost already. But, hey, it's not over until the body count sings, no?

A guy in my home city was killed a few weeks ago. And for what? Increased heroin production? Protecting a single city under Western rule? Creating the climate that encourages Taliban support and Western hatred?

Giddy up, dumbfucks.

Its amazing that Canadians are so fearful of supporting not only the US led battle in Afg. but also showing the least bit of support for our troops who attempt to assemble some form of world security.

Say all you want about the US in Iraq, misguided maybe but thats beside the point. We have Canadian soldiers fighting in Af. trying to rid the world of the most notorius terrorist organization of our time. An organization that has spread violence in the US, Britain, Spain and targets many other nations INCLUDING CANADA and our government is to deploy an exit strategy in order to preserve and strengthen there place in governement???

Give your head a shake brother. Finally we have a governement willing to make a stand for not only the safety of our own country, but worldwide and we still see these hippy, sit on the fence liberals trying to smear their name and question thier policies.

Stephen Harper is the first PM in a long time to take some real initiative and show some actual leadership on an issue that is less then popular in the public eye. The fact that he is sticking to his guns and not giving in to pressure from probably even his own advisors to back off the Afg. situation he has decided that the saftey of Canada and the world supercedes his popularity. This to me is true character and conviction, something Canadian politics has been devoid of for decades.

BTW Xpanda,

there is a good article in Macleans this week about the differences in fighting a war such as this in Afg. as compared to other wars like Vietnam, WW2 and such. It give you a good understanding of what the troops are doing, what they are up against and that in them securing just a small area of Afg. are actually achieving quite a bit. Just a good read I thought you might like.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
thesmacker said:
Its amazing that Canadians are so fearful of supporting not only the US led battle in Afg. but also showing the least bit of support for our troops who attempt to assemble some form of world security.


We have Canadian soldiers fighting in Af. trying to rid the world of the most notorius terrorist organization of our time.

Then why are our troops not in Pakistan where OBL is? And why are our troops fighting Talibani on a daily basis, not Al Qaeda? And why, five years later, when it's clearly getting worse not better, are our troops rebuilding those parts that Russia ruined? On our dime?

An organization that has spread violence in the US, Britain, Spain and targets many other nations INCLUDING CANADA and our government is to deploy an exit strategy in order to preserve and strengthen there place in governement???

Are you asking if I think our gov't should create an exit strategy so that they can be re-elected? I'm quite confused by that last bit.

I think they should have an exit strategy because, well, perpetual warfare doesn't belong in our society.

Give your head a shake brother.

I'm a girl.

Finally we have a governement willing to make a stand for not only the safety of our own country, but worldwide and we still see these hippy, sit on the fence liberals trying to smear their name and question thier policies.

I am neither hippie nor Liberal. I am not 'sitting on the fence' either. Believe me. My view is quite strong. Do a search.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
HEAD counsels XPANDA: Make sure you seek out one of these fine men/women protecting your sorry ass

SH: Protecting her ass from what??

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
barman said:
HEAD counsels XPANDA: Make sure you seek out one of these fine men/women protecting your sorry ass

SH: Protecting her ass from what??

From what....lol.Thats funny.

Even funnier than this:

Steve Irwins wife was getting her husbands effects together following his untimely death.He was quite wealthy despite his fondness for getting down and dirty while wearing pretty much nothing but zoo keeping uniforms.His collection of cars is quite unique.His wife decided that she simply could not be the one the care for them as they need to be cared for.She decided to auction them off for charity.70 GTO judge,delorean,an Aussie interceptor,mustang gt350,a ferrari,an old jaguar,a fully restored jeep willy,an MG, and a couple of astin martins all went to the block.The only car his wife wouldnt put up was his 65 corvette....because he would always have a place in his heart for the Stingray.

New member
Oct 23, 2004
Then why are our troops not in Pakistan where OBL is? And why are our troops fighting Talibani on a daily basis, not Al Qaeda? And why, five years later, when it's clearly getting worse not better, are our troops rebuilding those parts that Russia ruined? On our dime?

Capturing Osama will not end the Taliban. The Taliban is trying to grow in Afg. and by Canadians defending in that area they are stopping the new recruitment for AQ. You think if Osama is taken out someone else isn't going to fill his role?

Are you asking if I think our gov't should create an exit strategy so that they can be re-elected? I'm quite confused by that last bit.

I think they should have an exit strategy because, well, perpetual warfare doesn't belong in our society.

Exactly, you said previous:
Even conservative MPs are calling for some kind of exit strategy.

Harper should tread lightly on this issue, and open it for some kind of debate, or it will cost him a majority next go-around.

So yes I am saying that you implied his strategy would cost him a majority, I am saying it is showing some backbone and standing up for a cause that will aid in the struggle towards wiping out terrorism and the Taliban.

perpetual warfare doesn't belong in our society.

But terroism does?
I'm a girl.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Come on HEAD...give.

My earlier question was not rhetorical, it was straight up.

In response to your admonition that XPANDA thank returning troops for protecting her ass, I asked

"Protecting her ass from what?"

Help a brother understand. IF there's something out there threatening X's ass, it might want to threaten my ass too on accounta my being part of the X-crowd more days than not.

I'd hate to be caught unaware.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
barman said:
Help a brother understand. IF there's something out there threatening X's ass, it might want to threaten my ass too on accounta my being part of the X-crowd more days than not.

I'd like to know, too.

New member
Aug 16, 2005
Whoa...I'm never in here but the thread title caught my eye, as I am canadian/vietnamese.

I actually read all posts and felt I'd throw in my cent worth.

My father was a diplomat in Vietnam (where he met my mother), he first entered the military at 17 years of age. Came back to Canada for good when he was 45.
At 17, he really didn't have a grip on what he stood for, but as time went by, he really believed in what he needed to do. As much as he has told me stories about all the wrongs, he still believed in fighting to try and make things right.

Good or bad, I think it comes down to trying to make things right, unfortunetly, everyone has their own/different opinion on what is right, which obviously is the problem.

To those whom fight for our countries....best of luck and I wish you well.
To those whom choose not to...best of luck and I wish you well.

...as you can tell, I'm not much into politics. But like I mentionned at the beginning, it's only my cent worth.

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
barman said:
Come on HEAD...give.

My earlier question was not rhetorical, it was straight up.

In response to your admonition that XPANDA thank returning troops for protecting her ass, I asked

"Protecting her ass from what?"

Help a brother understand. IF there's something out there threatening X's ass, it might want to threaten my ass too on accounta my being part of the X-crowd more days than not.

I'd hate to be caught unaware.

OK since you insist....Im sure you already know but just cant force yourself to accept some simple truths.

1.We can all agree there are plenty of extremists of the Islamic persusion that would just assume kill some Canadiens if the circumstances present themselves.If they felt that Xpandas local mall (movie theater,hockey game,church,tec) was a soft target and had the people at hand to do the job, then it could very well become a target.I doubt theyd take into consideration her penchant for arguing for criminals rights on their behalf.Wouldnt matter if they knew she paints Bush as the criminal and them as the victims.If she was in that mall on that fateful day she be blown up too.

2.Of course the US will always be the holy grail but given the Canadien leaderships recent sense of urgency in dealing with thses unsavory types we can agree that Canada remains a tasty target.Especially given Canadas defiant resolution in the face of public opinion to continue to fight terror while rebuilding Afg.

3.To accomplish the plans they devise for mass murder, the "freedom fighters" need quite a few things going their way.Money,contacts,anonymity and most importanly strong willed ,cold blooded volunteers.Thanks to the folks who are serving and killing bad guys at a very nice clip, the best and brightest of AQ end up shot dead in Iraq or hit with a NATO 500 pounder in Afg.This is but the most basic argument....personell....its better to have them being wiped out in the ME than have them unengaged allowing them ample time unabated to what ever thier evil minds can come up with.It goes so much deeper.Depsite you peoples foolish assertions the militaries of all the coalition forces in both Afg and Iraq are just wasting time and money,driving around waiting to be blown up,they actually conduct raids and operations on an unreal pace every single day.These operation lead to intel,weapons,hostages, all the good things you need to track down and kill more terrorists and/or prevent addition murder.You seem to believe there is a neverending supply of martyrs....I can assure you there are unless the world relents and allows them to breathe.

4. Theres simply no argument you can provide....since the onset of the wars in conjunction with the implementation of the PA and its associated tools its simply more difficult for terrorists to set up shop and execute any kind of catastrophic attack.Money sources,ability for known terrorists to move undetected,manpower for attacks abroad,etc all seemed to have diminished...go figure.

I see Barman and X are cut from the same small picture mold.Ive found these types to be the most stubborn regarding acceptence of reality.We're at war....they started the war.....Bush engaged them in war and hopefully future leadership will continue the war b/c its so necessary.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Now, Base.

Do you think Canada's involvement in Afghanistan increases or decreases the likelihood that I will be killed by a suicide bomber whilst shopping in my local mall? (Rhetorical question, since you already answered this.)

And, since it increases this likelihood, then isn't the war that I want us out of doing the precise opposite of what you claimed, that it is NOT 'protecting my ass' but, instead, putting it at increased risk?

Living...vicariously through myself.
May 20, 2005
You asked and answered the question....how liberal of you.Now my own answer.

It decreases it of course,less terrorists,less funding,less carte blanche.It may not decrease the amount of hatred directed at the western world but Im not sure were fighting that anyway.Theres nothing anyone can do to end that sentiment towards countries like your and mine.You are under the false impression they wouldnt bother you if you didnt bother them.This is ignorance.

The US left them alone throughout the 90s....didnt stop them from coming anyway.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
You asked and answered the question....how liberal of you.Now my own answer.

Of course the US will always be the holy grail but given the Canadien leaderships recent sense of urgency in dealing with thses unsavory types we can agree that Canada remains a tasty target.Especially given Canadas defiant resolution in the face of public opinion to continue to fight terror while rebuilding Afg.

It decreases it of course,less terrorists,less funding,less carte blanche.

So does Canada remain a 'tasty target' especially in light of our PM's 'defiant resolution...to continue to fight terror' or are we moving further away from danger by fighting them?

You're contradicting yourself, and in back-to-back posts, no less.

You are under the false impression they wouldnt bother you if you didnt bother them.This is ignorance.

Back that up.

The US left them alone throughout the 90s....didnt stop them from coming anyway.

No, the US did not 'leave them alone throughout the 90s.'

Base, it's like this: what's more likely to encourage Islamic extremists to suicide bomb us:

a. completely retreat from the Middle East, on all fronts, only be involved in matters of open trade, and defend our own soil as/if necessary OR

b. continue to bomb their countries, fund oppressive regimes, meddle in their affairs, and take a proactive approach to funding Israel's army?

B. got you 9/11. And you call ME ignorant.

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