not really much of substance there.
Certain watchdogs are tianted, but he won't name them (doesn't do any of us any good)
Forums are whores and accept advertising dollars without due dilligence of the company
Players feel that since forums receive compnsation (be it direct or via advertising) based on the referal code, they have a fiduciary duty to the player; forums don't feel that way (Charles Barkely, buy my shoes but I'm not a role model)
the only thing of note in the artcle is as follows
"The emergence of a true watchdog, with transparent funding mostly from players"
Wrong. Follow the extisting SEC model. All member firms are assessed a fee to over monitoring and enforcement. You don't pay the fee you can't be registered. The other party to be included in a new formal monitoring structure is the payment intermediaries, Firepay, neteller,etc. Will this work, who knows, but that is the model. Unless the players have a "guarantee"of payment via escowed funds created, then I believe players would gladly pony up a fee for true monitoring.