a single chart showing the decay LBJ's Great Society brought to out nation


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
stole this from chart Joe, thought it was a topic which deserved it's own thread

please observe the massive surge in African American single parent households


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
this has the single biggest influence on American politics today. The growth in poverty, the growth in government programs, the growth in government dependency have all lead to the growth in the democratic base. And that growth is the one and only reason Obama won in 2012.

while libtard nation likes to incorrectly argue that the northern and southern political blocks are an indication of "republican" racism, the reality is that modern day america is divided by urban vs suburban voting blocks. (even if one gives their "racism" argument credibility, why is it whites are racist when they vote 55/45 and blacks are not racist when they vote 95/5?, but that's a topic for a different thread)

year after year the democrats make the same broken promises to the inner city poor, telling them how they're going to end the despair they created and they nurture to this day

year after year the democrats use fear mongering against republicans, the GOP is going to take away easy street they've come to relish (when we want to try something that hasn't failed for 50 consecutive years and counting)

year after year, they call conservative African Americans "Uncle Toms".

There is no bigger fraud, no bigger disgrace, no more dishonesty ..... to be found in politics today. It is the pinnacle of political deceit, enabled by the uneducated low information base, while the more educated members of that base hides behind their naive "good intentions"

New member
Jan 9, 2009
[h=1]Killings in Chicago defy anti-gun gimmicks[/h]


Over the weekend eight people were slain and 44 wounded in Chicago. “Although murders in Chicago spiked to 516 in 2012 – only the second time homicides surpassed 500 since 2003 – they dropped to 415 last year, the lowest murder total for Chicago in nearly 50 years. The superintendent said the vast majority of shootings in Chicago are gang-related, and detectives were working to determine ‘which of the hot conflicts’ were to blame for the most recent spate of violence.” Mayor Rahm Emanuel (D) seems to think that the strict anti-gun laws in the city and state are insufficient. (Local news reports unsurprisingly state that the weapons used in most of these killings were illegally obtained.)
Mayor Rahm Emanuel speaks during a news conference in Chicago’s Englewood neighborhood on July 9, 2012. (Scott Olson/Getty Images)

The Chicago Tribune reports that Emanuel denounced the violence, “calling for adults around the city to instill the right values in their children and to stand up for the safety of their neighborhoods. . . . Emanuel said he spoke to the parents of five children who were shot over the weekend, as is his custom, calling it the most difficult part of his job. ‘I want them to know that I love them, I care for them and their city cares for them, and we will be there as many tomorrows as it takes,’ he said.” He continued: “Every child deserves a childhood, regardless of where they live. But to do that, our city and community, the neighborhoods that make up this city, cannot live by a code of silence. They have to live by a moral code. Now I’ve read some of this, and I just want to say this, when some people go ‘Well, it’s the weather.’ It’s whether you have values.” He added, “Yes, weather’s an impact. Where you put police is an impact. Whether you have summer jobs, after school programs, camps, summer reading programs. We have to do that and more.” Emanuel might have also addressed the responsibilities of fathers who abandon their children and religious leaders who can cultivate those “values” the mayor mentioned.
After the killings, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Chicago announced that it would set up a special violent crimes unit. Whether the violent crimes section should have been formed years ago or whether it is another symbolic move I’ll leave others to debate. But the gruesome homicide toll, which rarely gets national media coverage, is sickening and inconceivable to most Americans. Why is Chicago still racking up homicides?
Coincidentally, I just returned from a few days in Chicago. One couldn’t miss the ubiquitous stickers on the glass doors and windows of public buildings, restaurants and schools picturing a handgun in a red circle with a line through it. The “no handgun” signs, it seems, don’t work. None of the establishments we visited, both public and private, had metal detectors or even guards to check purses and bags. They’re on the honor system, I suppose.
It is also the perfect example of the mindless efforts of anti-gun advocates who imagine that such things have any value. They are, if anything, a cruel hoax, a distraction from the killings in the city, which unlike New York, has not established rudimentary public order for all its citizens. Nearly as useless are the city’s and state’s anti-gun laws, some of the most stringent in the nation. In January, a federal judge struck down the city’s ban on gun dealers but gave the city six months to rewrite the law. (This was only one of many legal battles in the past few years over the city’s uber-strict gun restrictions. A raft of other bans and restrictions remains in place.)
Maybe other laws are the root of the problem. The local ABC news station in Chicago reports:
Despite some political rhetoric suggesting that Illinois allows those arrested for gun possession to get off home-free, there is a mandatory minimum penitentiary sentence for gun possession here of one year. But with day-for-day good behavior credit, most convicts are out in 6 months, and some Cook County judges give probation. The result? According to police, “169 people involved as offenders or victims in last year’s murders or shootings would instead have been behind bars.” Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez, police and Mayor Emanuel back state legislation that would lock up illegal gun carriers for a minimum of three years, offer no day-for-day good time and require a convict serve 85 percent of the sentence. That would mean that gun possessors would service 930 days in custody vs. 180 as it now stands. The legislation passed the Illinois Senate late last year but is stalled in the Illinois House.

Yes, getting criminals who have used guns off the street might help.
I suggested earlier today that first lady Michelle Obama should spend more time talking to teens. She can start, perhaps, in her home town. At funerals — but more important, in schools before kids drop out and when a productive life still awaits them – she and her husband can lend their own stature to the effort to reduce violence, not by putting stickers on windows or passing more useless anti-gun laws, but by keeping kids in schools and fathers in families.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
^^^^^So why did I post the above article. Because for the Dem's it is all about getting those inner urban votes. They do not care about the safety and the welfare of those who vote and their families, it is all about control. These killings happened in Obama's home town and the mayor of that town is his old buddy Rahm Emanuel. You can compare these inner city situations to those of the old west. Substitute drugs for cattle etc. Why is not Obama more concerned. Why does not Michelle forget about school lunches and focus on the welfare and safety of the children in her home town five of whom were killed last weekend. Why is she not attending the funerals and spending her energy on reforming the inner cities in America.

More people died this weekend in Chicago than in the Ukraine. But that is on Putin, Chicago is on Obama. The lame stream will blow this off and not give it the attention it deserves and nobody will be blamed directly. Sometimes what you don't do far exceeds what you do. So far Obama and Rahm Emanual are failing miserably in their own home town. No wonder the 4 who died in Benghazi seems like nothing to this administration when killings like this are common place weekly occurances. Priorities begin at home and Chicago is Obama's home.

Life's a bitch, then you die!
Jul 10, 2007
The majority of those who vote Democratic are slaves.

Slaves to dependency.

The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution abolished slavery and involuntary servitude, except as punishment for a crime. It was adopted on December 6, 1865.

149 years later this country has come full circle.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Yes, LBJ caused black people to have more babies for decades. Sounds about right.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Willie's point is valid about this being the biggest influence on elelctions/politics today. If the Dem's try to show force in places like Chicago they stand to lose their support. Obama is all about politics and the anti-Bush sentiment got to his head. The huge turnout was as much anti-Bush Republican as anything. The Dem's have not really accomplished much since Obama took over. He and his administation are more concerned with the open ranges in Nevada and Texas than they are with 44 people killed in Chicago last weekend. He was all over Trayvon but any of those 5 children could have been his also. What a hypocrite.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Willie's point is valid about this being the biggest influence on elelctions/politics today. If the Dem's try to show force in places like Chicago they stand to lose their support. Obama is all about politics and the anti-Bush sentiment got to his head. The huge turnout was as much anti-Bush Republican as anything. The Dem's have not really accomplished much since Obama took over. He and his administation are more concerned with the open ranges in Nevada and Texas than they are with 44 people killed in Chicago last weekend. He was all over Trayvon but any of those 5 children could have been his also. What a hypocrite.

Obama won the $50k+ vote in Illinois 50%/48%. He didn't need a single "impoverished, born out of wedlock, black person" to vote for him in order to win the state.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
And remember, even in Willie's state, he didn't need a single person who made under $100k to vote for him. But Willie does not know a single person that voted for him. Lmao!! You guys are dumb as fuck.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
Obama won the $50k+ vote in Illinois 50%/48%. He didn't need a single "impoverished, born out of wedlock, black person" to vote for him in order to win the state.

You continue to post the stupidest stuff ever. Get real. What percentage of the total vote was the $50 k vote.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
And remember, even in Willie's state, he didn't need a single person who made under $100k to vote for him. But Willie does not know a single person that voted for him. Lmao!! You guys are dumb as fuck.

Need to change your name to A(K)linsky. LMAO at most everything you post. I have heard of a dumb fuck (you) but please describe what dumb as fuck means. Are you too dumb to fuck or something. LOL

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You continue to post the stupidest stuff ever. Get real. What percentage of the total vote was the $50 k vote.

65% of the vote. And it doesn't really matter since it disproves your theory that he needs poor black voters in order to win.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Need to change your name to A(K)linsky. LMAO at most everything you post. I have heard of a dumb fuck (you) but please describe what dumb as fuck means. Are you too dumb to fuck or something. LOL

So it's now "Alinsky" to tell the truth, lmao! You are obsessed with a dude that no one has ever heard of except psycho conservatives.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
So it's now "Alinsky" to tell the truth, lmao! You are obsessed with a dude that no one has ever heard of except psycho conservatives.

If you are a liberal and never heard of Alinsky then you drank the kool aid. You don't get it and you never will.
Jan 24, 2012
And remember, even in Willie's state, he didn't need a single person who made under $100k to vote for him. But Willie does not know a single person that voted for him. Lmao!! You guys are dumb as fuck.

Am I missing something? Am I supposed to be surprised that 2 states(Connecticut& Illinois) that haven't voted Republican since the 1988 election voted overwhelmingly in favor of Obama? Why not look at the incomes of voters throughout the entire country? Romney won 50k-100k 52-46 and 100k+ 54-44. Obama won the under 50k 60-38.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
If you are a liberal and never heard of Alinsky then you drank the kool aid. You don't get it and you never will.

No one knows who Alinsky is other than far right wing whackos and old people that used to be hippies. He literally has no influence on present day politics whatsoever, and his "rules" that you site are just basic rules that can be applied to anything, lol. You are really dumb.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Am I missing something? Am I supposed to be surprised that 2 states(Connecticut& Illinois) that haven't voted Republican since the 1988 election voted overwhelmingly in favor of Obama? Why not look at the incomes of voters throughout the entire country? Romney won 50k-100k 52-46 and 100k+ 54-44. Obama won the under 50k 60-38.

Mr unbiased coming to the rescue, lol. Russ and Willie were talking about how inner city blacks were the biggest influence on politics today. Russ brought up Chicago. I simply said that Illinois didn't need a single vote from a "poor, out of wedlock, black person" in order to win.

Not sure how you didn't comprehend that. But you have proven to be pretty dumb, so it makes sense.

New member
Jan 9, 2009
No one knows who Alinsky is other than far right wing whackos and old people that used to be hippies. He literally has no influence on present day politics whatsoever, and his "rules" that you site are just basic rules that can be applied to anything, lol. You are really dumb.

You continue to show your stupidity. As far as Illinois goes just for the record, it is one of the bluest states in the country and not all Dem's in Illinois are poor. You don't get it and you never will. If you don't think Obama and Hillary are knee deep into Alinsky then you really are a retard. He was a community organizer in Alinsky's home town and has been praised by Alinksy's son for adhering to his dad's principles. Hillary wrote her thesis on Alinsky and he even offered her a job. Go drink some kool aid loser.
Jan 24, 2012
Mr unbiased coming to the rescue, lol. Russ and Willie were talking about how inner city blacks were the biggest influence on politics today. Russ brought up Chicago. I simply said that Illinois didn't need a single vote from a "poor, out of wedlock, black person" in order to win.

Not sure how you didn't comprehend that. But you have proven to be pretty dumb, so it makes sense.

Proven to be dumb, how? I know what you were saying, pard. What I was saying is I don't understand how you "disproved their theory" by citing examples of 2 states. 4% of the Union. You're full of shit, so I had to point it out. Don't even agree with Willie and Russ on this. I think Republicans lose elections because they don't appeal to middle and upper class women, and to a lesser extent Hispanics. Two demographics that kill them.

Oh and just to reiterate, I only show bias against you.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
if fratfraud wasn't so damn stupid, you'd think he's was putting the ball on the tee for me intentionally

1) he argues the least prepared man in the room won the over 50K vote 50 to 48 so he didn't need the inner-city vote (as if I argue Republicans would win all 50 states, but you can't reason with libtardism). But he chooses to ignore the fact that Romney won that vote 53-45 nationwide. Is he being stupid on purpose? does he know he's putting his foot in his mouth? rhetorical questions because he is that dumb and he doesn't know he's defeating himself.

2) let's breakdown IL

< 50k, 72-27 Obama (no surprise, they always win the slcker vote)
50k to 100k, 57-41 Obama (somewhat surprising, maybe average incomes are higher in Chicago and/or maybe the Daly crime machine is that powerful or maybe there's just a ton of good intention-ed people who live there)
>100K, 55-44 Romney (the selfish racist vote)

whites 52-46 Romney (more racism)
blacks 96-3 Obama (good honest hard working victims held down by slavery)
Hispanics 81-18 Obama (presumably because Obama espouses bilingualism, he does speak Ebonics y'know, and will sell whatever soul he has left to win their vote)

only whites that vote republican are racists in libtardville, where the fratfrauds of this world reside.

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