A new spin on the Mike Vick situation


New member
Aug 12, 2006
Did Mike Vick commit some crimes? Yes, but lets take a look at the whole ordeal at a different angle and see if his punishment is fitting the crime...

Before Vick even appeared in court to enter his original non-guilty plea he was already left for dead by everyone and everything associated in his life. He lost his sponsors, fans and the NFL turned their back on him. The card companies pulled his cards off the market, Nike stopped the releasing and sales of his shoes and clothing line and the NFL halted all of his jersey sales. All of this just for being ACCUSED of a crime. Whatever happened to being innocent until being found guilty? I am trying to think back to recent sports figures that have committed crimes and if any similar backlash happened to that player prior to a trial and I can't think of a single person. Not Ray Lewis, PacMan Jones, Jamal Lewis, Maurice Clarrett, Leonard Little, Rae Carruth or even OJ Simpson. Shit you can even still buy Rae Carruth and OJ Simpson throwback jerseys if you like.

I think this whole thing was a witch-hunt against Vick, I get the feeling tat the whole water bottle incident that happened last year was thrown out on purpose by the FBI because they wanted him on heavier drug charges and dog fighting charges that were linked to his home in Virgina. The FEDS didn't just build this case overnight it had to be at least 2-3 years in the works. The FBI could careless if Vick served a day in jail. They just want to bring him done and destroy this man publicly. Of course Vick would lie to Goddell when first asked if he had any involvement in all of this mess. That is the first thing your lawyer tells you when being investigated or charged with any crime "don't talk to anyone and don't say shit". So if Goddell is going to weigh the length of his suspension based on Vick lying that is totally unfair.

Me personally I could careless about dogfighting. I wasn't raised in an area that have dog fights but in Urban America that is a standard part of their upbringing. Just like in the deep south they drink and run moonshine, eat roadkill and sleep with relatives. And lets be honest guys Pit Bulls are raised to be fighting dogs. It is just in their nature so if those dogs are being breed to just participate in dog fights I would rather hear about that any day of the week then hearing about a little four year old girl being mauled to death in her front yard by the neighbors pit bull.

Some people will say that the dog has no choice when it comes to fighting. Well of course he has no choice it's a dog the owner is responsible for their pets and makes the choices for them. Just like a horse has no choice to horse race. I think horse racing can be just as cut-throat as dog fighting when you break it down. What happens when a horse breaks his league in a race? He gets put down. What happens if a horse is wild or cannot be trained to race? He gets SHOT!!! What happens when a horse has good racing genes? The owners force them to mate for profit. Because a horse holds a certain value to the owner that horse can be insured and if for any reason doesn't measure up to such standards those horses are killed off to make it look like an accident to collect the insurance and cut their loses before any more investment goes in. But all we as the public is the finished product of the horses in the starting gate waiting to collect your wager on the 20-1 odds and discuss year after year if a certain horse will win the triple crown. Some owners love their horses but a lot of owners consider it a business and for damn sure you know the breeders consider it a business.

So I say give Vick a chance to overcome his mistakes. The guy is just 27 years and he just like everybody else do make errors in life. Just because you wouldn't do or participate in something doesn't mean that it is not common among another gathering of people raised in a different environment.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
tis ok for vick i heard he just landed a new shoe deal with..........Hush Puppies

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hos, what is your point?

The league or the public should give him a second chance? No one thinks the league will ban Vick for life. Of course he will get a second chance.

he will be out for 2 years and return. He will still be a millionaire living a great life. What else do you want for the guy???

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Hos, what is your point?

The league or the public should give him a second chance? No one thinks the league will ban Vick for life. Of course he will get a second chance.

he will be out for 2 years and return. He will still be a millionaire living a great life. What else do you want for the guy???

The pet loving public won't give him a second chance but if by chance he does latch on to a new team as long as he makes plays he will get some fan support. Me personally I think Vick won't return to the NFL. After he gets out he will have missed 2-3 seasons and won't be considered a starting QB and he will have lost some speed so at the best he would be a change of pace RB or something. No team will want the public backlash for a player that won't really help them win a super bowl. Besides Vick is rich and he will probably won't even want to return to the NFL after they turned their back on him. Gene Upshaw and the players union didn't even have his back. I think he will just live a quiet little life and will be an afterthought in the NFL in 3 years time. Just another wasted talent who will soon become a punchline like Todd Marinovich and Lawerence Phillips for the sports radio guys like Jim Rome and Colin Cowherd.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
WOW where to start. LOL at you thinking this has been a 2-3 years in the making a bust. This would have come out if that was the case. Second Vick did it you can't be set up if you did the crime you are accused of. Also Vick is a scumball no matter how much money he has will change that.

The Feds want to bring him down???????????????????

Hmm that is just stupid. Yeah we have nothing alse to worry about lets bring a black man down. Duh

Since when does public opinion need to be proven in a court of law.

Another stupid comment.

I hope he gets ass raped bigtime. I also hope Carruth has been someones bitch . I think both lewis's should be in jail. I think OJ should be dead.
Don't excuse bad behavior by comparing it to more bad behavior. He knew it was against the law if not he would have passed out flyers to come watch the dogfights.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
If Vick wants to return, some team will take him. Whether it is Dan Snyder or Al Davis.

I am pretty sure we will see Vick on Oprah apologizing and begging for forgiveness. At some point the public forgives almost everyone.

There's always next year, like in 75, 90-93, 99 &
Sep 20, 2004
odds on hosnatcher committing a felony in hopes he can get caged up with Vick and be his bitch

yes +110
no -140

New member
Jan 14, 2005
I have to agree with hos. If you remove the "pc" factor from the equation, apples to apples the time (12 months or more) doesn't fit the crime when compared to the others listed. I think that is the point he was trying to make, not whether the punishment will be just.

Why is not reasonable to think that the FBI does press on cases they know will attract public attention and lead to promotions and a bigger budget if they successfully prosecute?
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New member
Jul 21, 2006
people have gotten off and let back in the nfl doing way worse. Leonard little killed someone and we cheered him when he won the super bowl with st. louis. of course guys like steak tartar will just say it was a human that he killed and not a dog, throw the electric chair at him. either way yea i do agree this is media hype to the finest resulting in all of this swift action.

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
The question shouldnt be whether he will be allowed back in the league but rather whether is overrated ass will muster any takers. Maybe a Slash RB/WR small incentive laden 1 year contract in 2010. More of a freakshow then anythng else. So we can all talk and think deeply about him once again.:eatya

You want a new spin? Didnt his father tell a reporter today he knew about the dog fighting MIke has been doing for years and he begged him to stop.

Falcons ownership knew this along too and framed his ass to not pay for that riduclous contract they gave him:lolBIG:

And so it goes......
Sep 21, 2004
people have gotten off and let back in the nfl doing way worse. Leonard little killed someone and we cheered him when he won the super bowl with st. louis. of course guys like steak tartar will just say it was a human that he killed and not a dog, throw the electric chair at him. either way yea i do agree this is media hype to the finest resulting in all of this swift action.

stop trying to come across that you are such a humanitarian. Did you help Katrina victims? How about when the tsunami hit? The Bridge collapse? Here's an idea, join the peace corp b/c you have zero understanding for the logic being posed here. Other people value human life as well, but also animal lives too. What is so wrong to care for innocent creatures? Pets are family members to most of us in this country.
You are so narrowed minded that only one life exists on God's earth to you it seems. You are cold, calis and selfish and think you above everything b/c you were lucky enough to be born human...Like I said, you condone this stuff. You can't convince me otherwise. Karma.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
people have gotten off and let back in the nfl doing way worse. Leonard little killed someone and we cheered him when he won the super bowl with st. louis. of course guys like steak tartar will just say it was a human that he killed and not a dog, throw the electric chair at him. either way yea i do agree this is media hype to the finest resulting in all of this swift action.
listen you fuckin cock i said vick should get prison time over this it is a serious crime...........where did i say little should get a pass? dont put words in my mouth unless you wanna go to war you fuckin punk

New member
Sep 28, 2005
He knew the crime was illegal. You do the crime, you do the time. Its that simple.

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
Before Vick even appeared in court to enter his original non-guilty plea he was already left for dead by everyone and everything associated in his life. He lost his sponsors, fans and the NFL turned their back on him. The card companies pulled his cards off the market, Nike stopped the releasing and sales of his shoes and clothing line and the NFL halted all of his jersey sales. All of this just for being ACCUSED of a crime. Whatever happened to being innocent until being found guilty?

I can't believe your dumping shit on these businesses and powerful organizations that made the right call on this Vick creep. "Innocent until proven guilty" is the best you can come up with? Nike pulled his line in 2 seconds. The heads of these companies and organizations didn't ascend to their positions by being stupid and sluggish. They got to where they are by being one step (or more) ahead of the game. No one is going to embarrass themselves by standing by this indefensible creep as his personal one-man self-piloted private jet slams into the proverbial mountain. This guy has been crucified in the press since this crime was discovered and you question sponsors decsion to drop him? Get a clue. It sounds like your majoring in 'Victimology".

Dec 17, 2006
Can he come stay at your house and care for youre pets when you go on vacation next time?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Vick has admitted funding both the costs of the business and also supplied the gambling funds for his associates to bet.

Yet he maintains he received neither profit from the enterprise, nor a share of the winnings from gambling on the dogs.

Expensive investment with no return wanted or expected.

Do you believe that?

Rx. Veteran
Apr 22, 2006
Yes, I can see that. He flips a little money around to his bustout friends and ass-kisser possie so they think he's a great guy and Vick the Benevolent. A lot of these athletes still have the same friends and family hanging with them as they did before they made it big, and often they're bustouts. The $15 million a year guy then flips them party money and maybe puts a couple of them on his payroll to lineup drugs and ass and forge his signiture on 8 x 10 glossies....in this case, to keep the dogfighting party going.

Jul 21, 2007
Hey HOnsnatcher or whatever.
Get a grip the guy is a thug you can just look at him and tell.
Dont forget his loser brother is a jailbird as well believe me those apples dont fall far from the tree.
Dont forget the Ron Mexico thing and the water bottle.
Actually if he wasnt Mike Vick he woulda got in more trouble and sooner.
Im glad reality finally hit and got this thug.
Nice attitude to the fans last year too with his finger.
Guy is a complet uneducated(V Tech) moron who got passed anyways in class.
P S He sucked at his position as well. He couldnt pass for shit!!
Best thing he could do was run the ball well of course hes good at that hes been running from the law since he was little.
Im glad he got busted hope we never hear of him again guy was robbing Atl blind with that contract what a waste!!

Sep 20, 2004
Vick has admitted funding both the costs of the business and also supplied the gambling funds for his associates to bet.

Yet he maintains he received neither profit from the enterprise, nor a share of the winnings from gambling on the dogs.

Expensive investment with no return wanted or expected.

Do you believe that?

yep...i believe that....Vick wasn't in it for the money..just to sponsor his buddies. Nobody there had the money he had and making.

" Thanks for tip Bricktop "
Jun 28, 2005
Did Mike Vick commit some crimes? Yes, but lets take a look at the whole ordeal at a different angle and see if his punishment is fitting the crime...

Before Vick even appeared in court to enter his original non-guilty plea he was already left for dead by everyone and everything associated in his life. He lost his sponsors, fans and the NFL turned their back on him. The card companies pulled his cards off the market, Nike stopped the releasing and sales of his shoes and clothing line and the NFL halted all of his jersey sales. All of this just for being ACCUSED of a crime. Whatever happened to being innocent until being found guilty? I am trying to think back to recent sports figures that have committed crimes and if any similar backlash happened to that player prior to a trial and I can't think of a single person. Not Ray Lewis, PacMan Jones, Jamal Lewis, Maurice Clarrett, Leonard Little, Rae Carruth or even OJ Simpson. Shit you can even still buy Rae Carruth and OJ Simpson throwback jerseys if you like.

I think this whole thing was a witch-hunt against Vick, I get the feeling tat the whole water bottle incident that happened last year was thrown out on purpose by the FBI because they wanted him on heavier drug charges and dog fighting charges that were linked to his home in Virgina. The FEDS didn't just build this case overnight it had to be at least 2-3 years in the works. The FBI could careless if Vick served a day in jail. They just want to bring him done and destroy this man publicly. Of course Vick would lie to Goddell when first asked if he had any involvement in all of this mess. That is the first thing your lawyer tells you when being investigated or charged with any crime "don't talk to anyone and don't say shit". So if Goddell is going to weigh the length of his suspension based on Vick lying that is totally unfair.

Me personally I could careless about dogfighting. I wasn't raised in an area that have dog fights but in Urban America that is a standard part of their upbringing. Just like in the deep south they drink and run moonshine, eat roadkill and sleep with relatives. And lets be honest guys Pit Bulls are raised to be fighting dogs. It is just in their nature so if those dogs are being breed to just participate in dog fights I would rather hear about that any day of the week then hearing about a little four year old girl being mauled to death in her front yard by the neighbors pit bull.

Some people will say that the dog has no choice when it comes to fighting. Well of course he has no choice it's a dog the owner is responsible for their pets and makes the choices for them. Just like a horse has no choice to horse race. I think horse racing can be just as cut-throat as dog fighting when you break it down. What happens when a horse breaks his league in a race? He gets put down. What happens if a horse is wild or cannot be trained to race? He gets SHOT!!! What happens when a horse has good racing genes? The owners force them to mate for profit. Because a horse holds a certain value to the owner that horse can be insured and if for any reason doesn't measure up to such standards those horses are killed off to make it look like an accident to collect the insurance and cut their loses before any more investment goes in. But all we as the public is the finished product of the horses in the starting gate waiting to collect your wager on the 20-1 odds and discuss year after year if a certain horse will win the triple crown. Some owners love their horses but a lot of owners consider it a business and for damn sure you know the breeders consider it a business.

So I say give Vick a chance to overcome his mistakes. The guy is just 27 years and he just like everybody else do make errors in life. Just because you wouldn't do or participate in something doesn't mean that it is not common among another gathering of people raised in a different environment.

Fuck you.

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