Never forget what?
We're importing tons of them into the U.S.... and then people just blather on "never forget" like it's a mindless chant.
They're flooding into Europe and destroying it and also coming into the US by the thousands.
You've already forgotten and have not even begun to understand.
thank u! They have one agenda and don't hide it. Yet we act like nothing is happening. These UN meetings coming up with pressure on Israel will tell a lot. And don't think for one minute who Obama truly sides with
I still insist to just absolutely destroy the entire middle east; Israel included. The world would be a better place. If it isn't Saddam, then its the Taliban, if it isn't the Taliban, then it is Al quada, if it isnt al queda, then it is Isis. There should be a law made at targeting Muslims. Rip their towells off their head, tell them in todays world, there are no virgins, shave their beard, then drop them in acid water from 100 feet.
Or just nuke the entire region
If they had the capability of nuking us, they would in a second.
Now WTF did Israel ever do to be included ?? or is the Nazi coming out of you again ??
I wish our government had Half the Balls that Israel's does