9/11 DEW / TV-Fakery Suppression Timeline


Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off"> here's another one of willie's conclusions from a few months back....keep
because some engineer or something from purdue proved that the world trade centers could't have come down in a traditional controlled demolition manner then that also proves that it couldn't have came down in ANY type of controlled demolition. As if the goverment/ media, they are one if your paying attention, doesn't have technology that is beyond what is presented to us... he really did't get that last I checked. Willie do you understand that the goverment, if they wanted to, could take down a structure using things/techniques with advanced technology so that we sheep wouldn't get it....especially if a handpicked dude showed how nothing that "we" know of could do it. (stealth bomber was being used before you or I knew what it was)
People in power have been feeding off us sheep since power came into this world. What makes you think that it would be diffrent now? Take the Aztec's for example. They were some of the smartest people on this planet at that time as far as astromny goes. Yet they keeped their heiarchy intact by claiming that an upcoming eclipse was the work of an angry god. If the sheep didn't pay their taxes (harvests) to the king that god would surely punish them. I can't speak for willie but I know damn well that the ruling class knew exactly what an eclipse was. They have some of the most accurate tables for time and understanding of our solar system....same type elite doing us the same way to further their agenda.
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Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">Mr. controlled oppisition makes an appearance.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">here's another one of willie's conclusions from a few months back....keep
because some engineer or something from purdue proved that the world trade centers could't have come down in a traditional controlled demolition manner then that also proves that it couldn't have came down in ANY type of controlled demolition. As if the goverment/ media, they are one if your paying attention, doesn't have technology that is beyond what is presented to us... he really did't get that last I checked. Willie do you understand that the goverment, if they wanted to, could take down a structure using things/techniques with advanced technology so that we sheep wouldn't get it....especially if a handpicked dude showed how nothing that "we" know of could do it. (stealth bomber was being used before you or I knew what it was)
People in power have been feeding off us sheep since power came into this world. What makes you think that it would be diffrent now? Take the Aztec's for example. They were some of the smartest people on this planet at that time as far as astromny goes. Yet they keeped their heiarchy intact by claiming that an upcoming eclipse was the work of an angry god. If the sheep didn't pay their taxes (harvests) to the king that god would surely punish them. I can't speak for willie but I know damn well that the ruling class knew exactly what an eclipse was. They have some of the most accurate tables for time and understanding of our solar system....same type elite doing us the same way to further their agenda.

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Can anyone esplane tis two me?

It was something none of us know about because the ruling class owns some farm animals? Is that it?

You know, I almost went to an Aztec Temple when I was in Cancun, but I decided to stay at the ocean side bar and be a pervert. Does that help?

New member
Sep 9, 2005
LMAO the kooks are still at it.

I find it real sad that people believe this crap. LOL @ all of you.

If there was any and I mean any chance that the Gov had any hand in this and not 1 media outlet has took this and ran.

And I mean a real media outfit not the loon lefty freaks. LOL

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
No need to call the original poster names and throw insults..because if it is all "foolishness" than you can just ignore it and not respond...the response thus far proves that obviously there is something to it....or else it wouldn't have struck a nerve...the way it has....

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Respond to what? a wild ass unsubstantiated undocumented fairly tale?

Judy Woods is a whore, prove me wrong!

Feb 13, 2007
LMAO the kooks are still at it.

I find it real sad that people believe this crap. LOL @ all of you.

If there was any and I mean any chance that the Gov had any hand in this and not 1 media outlet has took this and ran.

And I mean a real media outfit not the loon lefty freaks. LOL

TRS and Willie--We shouldn't waste our time. These morons should be in mental hospitals. As I stated yesterday to these freaks, I was in Tower 2 and saw firsthand, the plane hit Tower 1. My office faced uptown, heard the jet coming and not stopping and saw/heard the impact. There were no separate explosions like these nimrods are suggesting. There was huge chunks of the plane & bldg falling from the sky.

Honestly, to think these people walk the streets...and we wonder why we were attacked on 9/11...b/c of lunatics like this just from a different part of the world.

Feb 13, 2007
No need to call the original poster names and throw insults..because if it is all "foolishness" than you can just ignore it and not respond...the response thus far proves that obviously there is something to it....or else it wouldn't have struck a nerve...the way it has....

Loren--It struck my nerve b/c I knew a couple of dozen people that died that day. It struck my nerve b/c it was the worst day of my life and these fu(king idiots are making a mockery of the reality.

This is "foolishness" and some of us are deeply offended by this bullsh!t.

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Respond to what? a wild ass unsubstantiated undocumented fairly tale?

Judy Woods is a whore, prove me wrong!

"unsubstantiated" is a word I would use to describe the 19 hijackers faces who showed up on tel-a-lie-vision....a day after the most UN-EXEPECTED attack in American History.....

Not something that Physics as well common sense would prove....that clearly the TV images were rigged...Ive seen Cris Angel levitate.....so enough with what you saw on tel-a-lie-vision....The programming thats blurred your vision of reality....

I dont really have a problem with the notion of Energy Based Weapons...because even the demolition experts have claimed it was not a conventional demolition....then you also have to take into consideration the purple bowl movements WTC workers are still having several years after the fact....not to mention the melted car engines 2 and 3 blocks from trade center....Ive seen quite a few Demo's in my lifetime....and this was simply unparalleled in its efficiency...it was too perfect and symmetrical for Conventional explosives...

I do have issues with what eyewitnesses saw...yes there were quite a few plants who were interviewed...who were in on the fiasco...

That is standard Psy-Ops...and this did happen on that day...

but there were quite a few people that even I have met who claim they saw a greyish plane looking object with no windows....Quite a few people said they saw a missle...and missiles from a close distance can appear to be planes...had a friend of my mothers who actually made it out of the 2nd Tower claimed she saw a very thinnish looking object that did not look like a commercial plane...now when you take into consideration there where no black boxes...that there was no plane at the Pentagon, nor shanksville....you start to get the picture...

You also have to consider the fact that Rumsfeld on several occasions accidentally let it slip that Missles were used at the Pentagon as well as the Trade Center...

The Truth movement is a faux movement....CIA controls most of it....if people figure out there were no planes...all hells breaks loose...as long as there are planes....the lie continues to hold peoples imaginations....Flight 93, box cutters, hijackers, etc... etc...

Rx. Junior
Nov 3, 2006
Loren--It struck my nerve b/c I knew a couple of dozen people that died that day. It struck my nerve b/c it was the worst day of my life and these fu(king idiots are making a mockery of the reality.

This is "foolishness" and some of us are deeply offended by this bullsh!t.

You know what..this line of crap is used in conversations like this all the time...you think your the only one affected by what happened that day? ive got friends connected to that day...I got friends in New York that day....You know how many families were medicated and told to shut up about their complaints about the whole tragedy and how it went down? There are plenty of families out there who know the official story is bullshyt...so cut the crap....I didnt't start this nonsense....The State has run amuck and we are calling their shyt...for what it is plain and simple...A crime has been committed....and the public has been told a lie....I find it offensive you would dare step in the way of finding out who was responsible

Feb 13, 2007
You know what..this line of crap is used in conversations like this all the time...you think your the only one affected by what happened that day? ive got friends connected to that day...I got friends in New York that day....You know how many families were medicated and told to shut up about their complaints about the whole tragedy and how it went down? There are plenty of families out there who know the official story is bullshyt...so cut the crap....I didnt't start this nonsense....The State has run amuck and we are calling their shyt...for what it is plain and simple...A crime has been committed....and the public has been told a lie....I find it offensive you would dare step in the way of finding out who was responsible

No, I know I'm not the only one affected by what happened, and not even to the extent the families of the victims have to suffer through. But I do know for sure that I got out of Tower 2 safely after WITNESSING a passenger jet hit Tower 1. Not as a CIA plant or gov't stooge, but as someone that was trying to eat his breakfast when a plane hit the bldg next to mine.

Perhaps you kooks are the ones with the CIA...then that would explain how you got the crack you are smoking. Put down the pipe Loren.

Legal Scams All Around You
Feb 20, 2006
TRS and Willie--We shouldn't waste our time. These morons should be in mental hospitals. As I stated yesterday to these freaks, I was in Tower 2 and saw firsthand, the plane hit Tower 1. My office faced uptown, heard the jet coming and not stopping and saw/heard the impact. There were no separate explosions like these nimrods are suggesting. There was huge chunks of the plane & bldg falling from the sky.

Honestly, to think these people walk the streets...and we wonder why we were attacked on 9/11...b/c of lunatics like this just from a different part of the world.
thats odd

cause they had a recording going in a buisness meeting across the street

and I didnt hear any screaming plane engines

unlike the CNN video....that they aired a few hrs after :103631605

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
thats odd

cause they had a recording going in a buisness meeting across the street

and I didnt hear any screaming plane engines

unlike the CNN video....that they aired a few hrs after :103631605

you're either deaf or a liar or.......................

there are 50,000 to 1,000,000 eyewitnesses. maybe 39 agree with you

eyewitnesses = live, unobstructed views of the 2nd plane

Legal Scams All Around You
Feb 20, 2006
you're either deaf or a liar or.......................

there are 50,000 to 1,000,000 eyewitnesses. maybe 39 agree with you

eyewitnesses = live, unobstructed views of the 2nd plane
to be honest with you I dont know what to believe....

but I will tell you the official version seems like bullshit

and thats the best way I can put it

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"unsubstantiated" is a word I would use to describe the 19 hijackers faces who showed up on tel-a-lie-vision....a day after the most UN-EXEPECTED attack in American History.....

Not something that Physics as well common sense would prove....that clearly the TV images were rigged...Ive seen Cris Angel levitate.....so enough with what you saw on tel-a-lie-vision....The programming thats blurred your vision of reality....

I dont really have a problem with the notion of Energy Based Weapons...because even the demolition experts have claimed it was not a conventional demolition....then you also have to take into consideration the purple bowl movements WTC workers are still having several years after the fact....not to mention the melted car engines 2 and 3 blocks from trade center....Ive seen quite a few Demo's in my lifetime....and this was simply unparalleled in its efficiency...it was too perfect and symmetrical for Conventional explosives...

I do have issues with what eyewitnesses saw...yes there were quite a few plants who were interviewed...who were in on the fiasco...

That is standard Psy-Ops...and this did happen on that day...

but there were quite a few people that even I have met who claim they saw a greyish plane looking object with no windows....Quite a few people said they saw a missle...and missiles from a close distance can appear to be planes...had a friend of my mothers who actually made it out of the 2nd Tower claimed she saw a very thinnish looking object that did not look like a commercial plane...now when you take into consideration there where no black boxes...that there was no plane at the Pentagon, nor shanksville....you start to get the picture...

You also have to consider the fact that Rumsfeld on several occasions accidentally let it slip that Missles were used at the Pentagon as well as the Trade Center...

The Truth movement is a faux movement....CIA controls most of it....if people figure out there were no planes...all hells breaks loose...as long as there are planes....the lie continues to hold peoples imaginations....Flight 93, box cutters, hijackers, etc... etc...

"quite a few people"


initiate a legal action

do something

win something

prove something

after all, you know "quite a few people"

after 6 years, we're still waiting for something more than poke & run

6 years, NOTHING :nopityA:

if we learn anything new from stuff like families suing the airlines or release of the black boxes, it's that the 9/11 Commission's report appears to be substantially accurate, and the "truthers" are wrong (yet again)

what's incredibly naive to me is how anybody thinks anybody can actually plan, execute and cover-up the events of 9/11, a plan that would involve 20,000 to 500,000 people and that nobody would come forward. :lol:

And everybody that was approached about 9/11 must have accepted their task, because nobody even came forward to say they opted out.

They can't even get one family member or friend of the airline passengers that never died to step forward and expose the hoax, the planes never crashed and their loved ones are really still alive. :ohno:

Just stop embarrassing yourselves.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
to be honest with you I dont know what to believe....

but I will tell you the official version seems like bullshit

and thats the best way I can put it

I can respect that opinion.

I believe the report is probably not 100% accurate, as people were trying to avoid the post 9/11 blame game.

Maybe some bad decisions or mistakes in judgement were covered up. That's highly probable.

But that's not the same as saying our government planned, executed and covered up the events of 9/11.

Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">so why not join us in demanding a new investigation willie?...you can still believe the terrowist's did it and challenge the official story....seems willie and the boyz are severely underestimating top secret technology and the corruption that comes with power.</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
I can respect that opinion.

I believe the report is probably not 100% accurate, as people were trying to avoid the post 9/11 blame game.

Maybe some bad decisions or mistakes in judgement were covered up. That's highly probable.

But that's not the same as saying our government planned, executed and covered up the events of 9/11.


I'm still here Mo-fo's
Sep 20, 2001
TRS and Willie--We shouldn't waste our time. These morons should be in mental hospitals. As I stated yesterday to these freaks, I was in Tower 2 and saw firsthand, the plane hit Tower 1. My office faced uptown, heard the jet coming and not stopping and saw/heard the impact. There were no separate explosions like these nimrods are suggesting. There was huge chunks of the plane & bldg falling from the sky.

Honestly, to think these people walk the streets...and we wonder why we were attacked on 9/11...b/c of lunatics like this just from a different part of the world.

Now are you sure that wasn't a missle disguised as a plane?

I don't have firsthand knowledge as you, but one of my best friends was a flight attendant for American based out of Logan at the time. She knew the crew and had friends on AA 11 that morning. They are gone. She went to funerals, she shared the grief of many.

Where did these people go if not into the WTC, troofers?


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