I'm done playing there. They are pulling the type of stuff that shit books do. They only let me take out 5K, because the 10K limit is for "bitcoin only depositors." I called back and said look, I haven't deposited by any other method than bitcoin since you began offering bitcoin. They said not enough deposits, we need to see more deposits to label you "bitcoin only." So essentially 10K per week is for losers only. The rest it's 5K, and we need to see your ID again, even though you have played here for 12 years and done numerous deposits and withdrawals. And when I sent in my ID, it was "too blurry." It was fucking pristine. Just delay tactics, which means they are either in financial trouble or they want to piss off anyone that has a chance of beating them and just print money booking retards. That is a shit book.
Bookmaker and DSI, on the other hand.......take out 25K a week and receive same day or the next with no questions or bullshit.
Class vs Pieces of Shit......I'm done dealing with pieces of shit.