4th "Biggest Bet of Year" Play(San Jose st +12.5)


New member
Sep 20, 2004
0-2-1 (-11 u)

***** San Jose st +12.5 (over Hawaii) *****

This spread is off!! This time I'm not expecting much from Hawaii, especially now on the road. They didn't do a whole lot last week with QB Timmy Chang being sick. One can only hope he'll be sick this week, now that I'm picking against them. No, I kid, it won't matter this week, because the road often makes them sick enough. With my luck, San jose st's qb will be sick this time, but you can never predict that kind of stuff, so lets move on to the analysis.....

Hawaii is only 1-3 on the road. Lost to usc by 29, lost to unlv by 11, lost to Tulsa by 11. Only win was against Louis tech and they had to come back and win that game. And after the usc game, they have never outscored their opponents in the second half on the road, which tells me, they will have a hard time holding their opponents down in the second half, obviously. Does this call for a second half play? Heck no, I'm not going to get burned like last week. No more half or halves plays again.

For San Jose st, they are 2-1 at home. Only wins was against Grambling and smu. They lost to Nevada by 12. They lost all of their away games. Seems pretty pathetic, but they have been improving as the season goes along, and that's a good sign. If you look at their first 3 games, at home easy win vs grambling, then they got blown out by Florida and Stanford on the road, but then their next 4 games, they show some character staying within 12 pts vs nevada at home, staying within 4 pts vs Rice on the road, beating smu at home, and getting blown by boise st on the road. Okay, the boise st game, they look pathetic, but as you seen Thursday night, Boise st can make any average to poor team look very pathetic. And since san jose st was on the road in boise st, that's understandable. Even Hawaii would get beat by atleast 20 pts if they had to go to Boise st.

What it basically comes down to, is that, yes, San jose st is a bad team, however, they are improving and showing more character. And Hawaii turns sour on the road.

The spread is off because san jose st got blitz by boise st last week, and with the combination of Hawaii proving they could win on the road against louis tech last week also.

Hawaii may pull out the win, but they have no business being double digit favs on the road. Just like how when teams have to travel all the way to hawaii, hawaii has the huge advantage because of staying at home, but on the other hand, when hawaii has to travel all the way to the other 49 states, now they become a huge dis-advantage. Any wonder why opponents look bad playing against Hawaii on the island and suddenly hawaii looks bad against opponents when the game is in the other 49 states.

Hawaii merely becomes an average team, and now that San jose st is at home, they turn from a bad team to an average team. So I look at this as 2 average teams playing each other and looks pretty even to me, but ofcourse Hawaii has more talent so they will be favorite, but again, 12.5 point favs?? I don't think so.

Check these two trends out:

In exception against Boise st, the class of the wac, san jose st has never lost by more than 12 pts at home last season and this season. And.....

Last season and this season, with Timmy Chang at qb, in exception against Utep early last season, Hawaii never won by more than 10 pts on the road.


Hawaii has qb chang and San jose st has qb Rislov again this season. These two dueled it out in hawaii last season with san jose st losing by single digits. This is a revenge game for san jose st. This time, the game is in San jose st, and I see another duel to the end.

[This message was edited by glennlovecolleen3 on October 31, 2003 at 06:30 AM.]

Sep 20, 2004
Aloha Glenn,

You make some very strong and good points. For me, when it comes to Hawaii, I don't rely so much on past stats, trends, except if they ever make Hawaii a double digit home dog. Thats an automatic play, as it was one of the best cover percentage play in football betting , something in the range of high 70% cover, the other being the MNF home dog system which also in 70%. But hey, those two is a thing of the past.

I agree with you about the double digits especially on the road. I feel the numbers going to drop alittle, as many will agree with you about the double digits. The only worries is, and I stated this many times when it comes to Hawaii games, the wild card, and that being June Jones and his Offensive System of pass pass and pass somemore. Up or down, doesn't matter, stick to airing it out, is his philosophy. Not to shabby when you got the number 2 rated QB in the NCAA at the controls. Still, its a toss up for me at this point, going to wait and watch the number awhile. One thing I can say though, is that this short road trip should not be a factor for the Warriors.

Anyways, Glenn, always a solid writeup , good luck on Saturday.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I LOVE it. Finally you have a WAC play with some style. This write-up reminds me of the old Glen(last year). I think you turn your season around this week with this play. I totally agree that Hawaii is a different team away from the islands. I also think Hawaii is a different team this year as opposed to the last few. Something isn't right about this team. I think San Jose St. could pull the straight-up upset. Good Luck this weekend buddy, and welcome back....

For those of you that followed Glan last year, he's BACK, and for those of you that are new to this forum...forget his erase his current record, and jump aboard, this guy is about to make you some $$$$$$$

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Good Luck,

The fact that Hawaii is double digit Road fav against anyone is worth a look. It is no secret that they do not travel well. However, I do not beleive that San Jose State has the running game to take advantage of the soft Hawaii D. I will pass.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

Playing the dumb halftime play and not waiting for the wash st line to move cost me bigtime. Could be 1-1-0 and down -$50, instead down - $1100. Huge swing in the bank account.

Lesson: Never play halftime plays no matter how good the trend is(unless maybe if the trend is so overwhelming), and if the line is moving my way, then I can afford to wait a bit longer. Not listening to these lesson cost me big.

I'm very confident on this San jose st play. Even stronger than all my other plays this season. Was thinking of putting double the amount on this game, but got to remember to stay discipline. Who knows, maybe San jose st qb twists an ankle running out of the pocket in the first quarter, God forbid, or something crazy like that happens.

Sep 20, 2004
Are you from or live around the Bay Area?? I remember you had another strong play on stanford a while back. Just curious. I live in San Jose, and might consider going to the game. Gl, not sure if I will paly SJ State yet. Once again GL to you.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Glenn,

You are right about the double digit line , but with Chang you never know what you're getting. If he's HOT, he can beat a lot of teams. Hawaii's defense may be tough this week since they played awful against UTEP last week. Will pass. Good Luck!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
san jose st sucks!!!! no way they keep up with hawaii! sjsu can not stop anyone on defense. hawaii's "D" is suspect as well but at least they have some sort of "D". Hawaii has been holding their own against good teams.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Not from san fran or anywhere near there, i follow the wac pretty closely though. Chang is okay, but I believe it's the system that is letting him have tons of opportunity to get overblown stats. He is no Heisman candidate, it should be dwindiddie that should be running for it.

San jose st's defense does suck, but Hawaii is just as bad on the road.

This is how pathetic Hawaii's defense is on the road this season..........

*USC scored more points(65) against Hawaii than any other team they played this season. Even pathetic byu held usc to less pts (35).
(Chang threw 2 interceptions)

*UNLV also scored more points (33) against Hawaii than any other team they played this season. Some of the teams that held UNLV to less points were Toledo, Kansas, nevada, and byu. If these teams are doing better than you holding teams from scoring points, than you got a huge concern.
(Chang threw 3 interceptions)

*Tulsa scored 27 pts against Hawaii. Tulsa ran the ball 49 times and racked up a whopping 285. That's over 5+ yards per carry, and we're talking about Tulsa.
(Chang threw 1 interception)

*Louis tech scored 41 pts against Hawaii. It's second highest total of all the teams they played. Even Louisiana Lafayette and Utep held Louis tech to less points.
(Chang threw 4 interceptions)

As you can see, Hawaii's defense on the road is absolutely atrocious, and Timmy Chang is inconsistent on the road (interception prone). Chang has thrown 10 interceptions in the four road games this season, that's an avg of 2.5 int's per game, which spells disaster for Hawaii most of the time on the road. Chang is like an owl, he is more comfortable at home during the night, rather than on the road during the daytime.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I am all over Hawaii

Hawaii has been on roll their last 3
and San Jose has fallen apart

Haaii is same type of team as boise state

Sep 20, 2004
Those are interesting stats you listed , and your somewhat right that its not Chang, but the system hes in. Well, just for the record, Chang before he got in this system, was one of the most highly recruited QB's coming out of H.S. nationwide.

This system hes is in is June Jones system and it has proven to make QB's either the hightlight or low. Past Qb's have shown this with Rollovich last year and Wheldon this year. Hawaii is not short on a quality Qb stepping in to replace Chang if he gets in trouble.

This coach and system is the one that will determine whether his adjustments to turnovers, etc will become a thing of the pass especially on the road. Well, for now, I agree with you that it might not happen so quickly, as Jones system demands alot of passes so odds are that interception will happen. But this game is getting scarier for San Jose ST. backers because of the situation Hawaii is in and their past performance of last week. Stay tuned.

Sep 20, 2004
Glenn, you have a prediction on the score. Just curious, may the better team cover today.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Co-Captain:
Glenn, you have a prediction on the score. Just curious, may the better team cover today.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I have enough to worry about for the cover, I don't want to worry about the total score, too.

25 minutes till game time!

New member
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by the hog:
Gl Glennlove. I took a stab at the 1st 1/2 (+6.5)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't trust halftimes, but goodluck. Game about to start

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