....but the astros is your biggest play of the year so far is that right chop? good luck!
thanks for the good luck everyone.
Yes this is the biggest play but its only 8 plays for the whole season.
I am taking the extreme tight approach this season.
Cutting out all the small plays this year, what use to be my 1 and 2 units bets are gone this season.
Now my 2 unit plays are at least 3 unit strength from the past 10 years, and my 3 unit plays are at least mid range to higher plays then my 3 unit plays in the past.
I dont see myself ever having more then 3 plays in a day anymore even with a strong card.
Looking back at the past, I could have eliminated all my 2 unit and less selections and still come out just as well or better.Why keep making 2 unit and less plays when all your going to do is lose a little or break even.
Moral of the story is I bet too many games in the past even though I am up by a good sum with only 1 real losing season on this forum and that was in 2006.
I ended up down 1 unit for last season but I had a play that I was betting listed pitchers on but did not say it was listed in the thread so I went ahead and called it a loser when it was really a no action play.
That one play was enough to turn last seasons losing year to a winning season. But I called it a losing year to avoid all controversy. I can live with that.