4/21 MLB Plays: Today will forever be known as: Redemption Monday! GAMES OF THE MONTH


Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
you act like thats even close to insulting. Anyone with a sliver of common sense knew I wasnt being literal about blackburn.

Will wait for the ***CO-CO GAME OF THE CENTURY*** chase play if these are losing. Then possibly the "tonight we wont be coworkers, but co-people" line from Anchorman right below. Because regurgitating lines from the latest comedies have been your most recent attempts at being remotely funny.

this coming from the guy who posted N-I-N-E plays on Sunday.

But you're right, my antics, quoting funny movies, regurgitating them as you put it, it's... it's childish. so I have found new material that had me on the floor, rolling around laughing...

[47-52] -15.17

How the fuck are you 5 games under .500 yet over 15 units down? I'm just under 4 units down at .500 because of 1 play (Indians yesterday). But you clearly have no idea what MONEY MANAGEMENT is. I'm not saying I'm a pro at it either but you won't find me -15 units when i'm just 5 games under .500.

I'd stop trying to look at other people's flaws, look in the mirror, and try to right your ship before you come inspecting mine.

good luck to you from here on out smartz. i mean it.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
Cubs won easily? That was a 2-1 game with 2 outs and 2 strikes in the bottom of the 8th. Funny.

You know the saying, 'less is more'? You may want to look into that. Less talking, may benefit you.

at what point did you feel like they were ever in danger of losing that game? zambrano was crrruuissingggg. the way they're playing at home, it was only about time before they exploded for a big inning. and sure enough they did.

i will admit that i thought that big inning was the 7th not the 8th, but i was at work and when im handling $25,000 kitchen appliance orders right before i have to close a $38,000 electronic sale, I kinda tend to neglect the game and focus on work. but hey, you're the lucky one. at home 24/7 watching all these great games.

keep on trucking big fella. the man is after you. always has been, always will be. POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

fuck outta here.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
I messed up with my updated record, here is the right one...

3-2, +0.25 on the day
21-21, -3.74 units overall

I previously put +0.05 without realizing the Dodgers runline was +120.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006

you're right, 1 run leads in the 8th inning are always easy winners.

Trust me, champ, I've got a great job - good work trying to make it personal, however, nice figures thrown out there, must be a big-tymer, huh. Big tymer enough to beg for attention online, nice.

No one's trying to right your capping ship. Trying to right your attitude ship. Probably a lost cause though - once a naive, brash 20-year old, always a naive, brash 20-year old I suppose. Only issue is, it's apparent you don't care to actually learn anything on here or become a better capper, because you already think you know it all. I wouldn't increase the size of each unit as you make more money in your actual career, if I were you - inevitably, with your attitude towards your own personal capping, you'll just lose more money, regardless of what you post here. Fairly confident its already happening.

Hope you wise up and grow up, not for our collective sake, but for your own.

check your own thread for the day.
i think i proved my point. take your boys, dutchy and smartz, and stay out.
thanks for your concern, unfortunately it's meaningless now. if you spoke like this from day one, i would've shown you respect. look at how i talk to people who don't act like snobby ass bitches. look at how i talk to 5star and choptalk (which is rare because i barely talk to anyone on here). look at how zeke taylor and i communicate, quality ass shit. i treat them with respect and wish them the best. THAT is the real me. this whole shit you wanabes get, an act.

this whole "savior" thing and the GAME OF THE YEAR and GAMES OF THE MONTH shit, its a fucking gimmick. this isnt me. i bet these plays and i put what i say im putting on them, but it doesn't mean a 3 unit play is a "game of the month". just means i like it a lot. so i put "game of the month" and little women like you come in my threads and start bitching and moaning and "wowing" and calling me a chaser. i love it. the fuck do i care? ill never meet any of you in my life. if i do, awesome, hopefully its on good terms. but i never plan on it, so who cares if you guys think im a punk? if youre a dickface in my eyes, i will treat you like one. im sorry but i feel like you, skins, and that whole clan are the bullies at a school that everyone used to try to ignore expect for the shallow morons who thought you guys were cool. i never found that crowd cool and i never wanted to be in that crowd.

thats the truth. and as for my "big tymer status", i make a very comfortable living, yes. but im 23 and still in school and won't be out until i have my masters and my MBA. this is all fun n games for me. something to keep me loose inbetween going out, work, school, and family. nothing more, nothing less. never will be. i wish i can say the same for you guys, but i cant. CLEARLY i cant.

Jan 19, 2006
this coming from the guy who posted N-I-N-E plays on Sunday.

But you're right, my antics, quoting funny movies, regurgitating them as you put it, it's... it's childish. so I have found new material that had me on the floor, rolling around laughing...

How the fuck are you 5 games under .500 yet over 15 units down? I'm just under 4 units down at .500 because of 1 play (Indians yesterday). But you clearly have no idea what MONEY MANAGEMENT is. I'm not saying I'm a pro at it either but you won't find me -15 units when i'm just 5 games under .500.

I'd stop trying to look at other people's flaws, look in the mirror, and try to right your ship before you come inspecting mine.

good luck to you from here on out smartz. i mean it.
Big difference. if im having a bad day, i dont try to add plays late to right the ship. According to my criteria there were 9 games worthy of playing. So I played 9 games. And im down 15u because Ive loss alot of the big ones, obviously.
Another big difference between me and you is I didnt claim I was the savior prior to the season. I didnt even hint at being in the positive by years end. Oh and btw my shitty money management most likely amounted alot more units than you have in the last 3 years. Think long term chaser.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
I've posted a collective.... 150 plays in all major sports over the past 3-4 years or however long I've been on here. I'm probably under .500, yes, but you think I'm down? Why? Because of the way I talk? Or the way I "seek attention"? Really? You're going to be that shallow?

I don't do this for attention. I do it to laugh. I do it to see people like you come into my threads and throw in your criticisms and your skewed opinions about me and my plays. Have you said one positive thing to me in your life? Seriously, before these gimmicks, before anything. Go back and look. If you have, I must've forgotten them because of insult after insult. That is all you do to people you don't know. And it is sad. Does it bother me? Fuck no. I've carried the same group of friends around me from the day I knew what a friend was. Why? Because trust is a very tough thing for me. Because of that I've become accustomed to morons and know how to treat them. If you worked with me you'd call me an "asshole" repeatedly. But as soon as you needed my help and knew how to approach me, you'd do a complete 180. I treat you the way you treat me. As simple as that.

You can judge me all you want. Pretend you know me and know my status. From just the last 2 posts you've made, you've proven how far off you are. I think it's best you take my advice and just stay out of my way. There is no reason for you to be in my threads commenting on my shit and I hadn't entered your threads until I went looking for your record today and saw you and your "boys" talking shit.

So let us leave it at that. Good luck to you.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
Big difference. if im having a bad day, i dont try to add plays late to right the ship. According to my criteria there were 9 games worthy of playing. So I played 9 games. And im down 15u because Ive loss alot of the big ones, obviously.
Another big difference between me and you is I didnt claim I was the savior prior to the season. I didnt even hint at being in the positive by years end. Oh and btw my shitty money management most likely amounted alot more units than you have in the last 3 years. Think long term chaser.

Dsethi, take this tool with you. Did you really just end your comment by calling me a "chaser". Oh Lord, I've never been insulted like that before. Gimme a break with these immature imbeciles.

Smartz, can we come to the same agreement as the one I offered dsethi? Seriously? This is getting old guys. Same people, same shit, just getting boring.

I now await updates from Dutchy, gator, mtx, and bkane (a ghost created by one of you clearly).

Jan 19, 2006
Just stop being a dumbass and I wont have anything to comment on.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
Just stop being a dumbass and I wont have anything to comment on.

So anyone thats being a dumbass you have to comment on? Or just me?
Thank you for proving your maturity level with that response.

Jan 19, 2006
You can judge me all you want. Pretend you know me and know my status. I dont care what you think about me. I do this for laughs, not for attention. Im never going to meet you in real life. So does it bother me? Fuck no.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
I don't get where this whole trust thing came into it - and I really think you need to re-learn the definition of shallow.

you act like we're some gang of online thugs that likes to bash people for no reason. 99% of us don't know each other, have good lives off this forum, and come here to learn some shit and fuck around. Part of that fucking around is bashing posters such as yourself that come on here for a different type of fun, the fun associated with trying to garner attention with your nonsense posts.

I don't think you're down based on the plays you've posted. I think you're down because of the attitude you have. I don't think I'm wrong.

Maybe if you did some growing up and tried to actually contribute in meaningful ways you wouldn't get people on here bashing you. But apparently you write what you write to see what we'll write in response, our 'criticisms and skewed opinions.'

So, one follow up question if I may - why are you requesting that we stop hassling you? After all, that's why you're posting, right? That's exactly what you just said, yet now you're asking that we do something else? I don't get it.

easy answer - you guys are annoying. not funny, not anything else. just annoying. id rather go a day without hearing any of you chirping sarcastically about dumb shit and have just 1 or 2 guys post a "good luck" or "nice play". i originally only wanted that. but after 2 years of seeing what some of you are about and how a bunch of you love to attack a guy when he has a bad day, its unreal. and i guess mocking your kind was what i was doing. now, its just.... not funny even for me anymore. if i had went 5-0 today, NONE of you that bashed me would've been in here saying "nice day". you'd either not post a single comment or come in here calling me lucky and pointing out how i should've lost some of my plays. in the end, thats not what im about. i dont want that attention, never really did.

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
You can judge me all you want. Pretend you know me and know my status. I dont care what you think about me. I do this for laughs, not for attention. Im never going to meet you in real life. So does it bother me? Fuck no.

so, in short, you turned down my offer, correct?

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
- I never bash anyone for a bad day unless they claim they're going to go 5-0 or some shit and hype themselves up; so there goes your point about attacking people when they have a bad day. Here's a crazy idea - don't act like a douchebag that thinks you know everything and you won't get people bashing you, pre or post-losing days. How do you not understand that by now?
- You're bullshitting. You want people to say 'good luck' and 'nice play' - no, you want them to suck your e-dick if/when you win which is why you dubbed yourself as Savior and try to draw attention to all of your plays threads.
- You don't know anything about what I'm about - no, I take that back, you must have discerned by now that I dislike attention whores and poster who are full of themselves and think they know everything instead of trying to share and learn. Hmm...wonder who fits the bill in this discussion? Oh, but I guess you never do anything like that and you're innocent. Right.

Again, 'less is more.' You really want people to say 'goodluck' and 'nice play'? Then shut the fuck up with all that fluff and bullshit you write, post your plays, your reasoning, and your record and you'll get the attention you claim you only want. Until you do that - continue being stupid and undoubtedly various people (I'm the least of your concerns) will bash you.

I really hope you understand this post as you have yet to understand the other ones.

dude, now you're just starting to sound like that guy who's gf breaks up with him and he keeps asking her "why??" and telling her "we can work this out! i swear! ill change". just stop it dude. i asked you to cut off all ties with my shit. you dont agree with them, ok, i have to change because YOU don't agree with them? honestly? way to impose your will on me.

its not about whether i get what you're saying or not, i hear you loud and clear. you've said the same things over and over and over for the past 2 hours. stop. enough. get the point, "move on" as your ex would say. and if i wanted my "e-dick sucked", it wouldnt be by any guys, let me clear that up right now. you and your crowd may look for that, but im into the vajayjay on and offline.

you know what, clearly you and smartzie just want the last word, so ill let you have it. i will restate what i want: do your best to stay out of my threads. that simple. i dont want 20 out of 25 posts being moronic comments back and forth.

ill be back to post some plays later and im done. night.

New member
Jan 2, 2008
wow.. seriously, dsethi and smartz.. give it a rest.. you guys are legit posters on this site and i respect you guys.. but your not mods.. ramonskee admitted his schtick (sp) is all an act. so why act so sensitive. to prove you are right? you guys who want serious analysis all the time.. then dont come into his threads, which are here for jovial, casual readers, like myself.. wtf? seriously... you do your fair share of jokes with your homo talk and sexual references.. which you have subsided from in recent memory.. maybe because you grew up.. whatever.. in either case.. humor is each of our owns opinion.. i personally dont find yours funny.. but , w.e. , its your opinion.. Ramonskee much like Mr. Newlywed, i think is funny.. and so would a lot of others on here, who dont post, but read.... im not a pro capper, or a capper at all, but i know the difference, between a serious post and a joke..we all do, were not morons, even if we arent cappers, so dont worry, he isn't fooling anyone., and we are not putting our life savings on his " goy, or gom's" so calm down.. and i think he is hella funny.. in fact.. ramonskee, i have to admit, i stole a line of yours, or maybe you stole it from somewhere.. the " i am kind of a big deal, i have many leatherbound books....." lol .. dsethi, i have yet to see you say something as funny.. without disrespecting another poster...

so really guys.. why are you in his thread?
you all seem to be the same age, and your bickering is what gives young cappers a bad image as you say dsethi, .... not the obviously sarcastic posts, made by ramonskee and the likes...

so maybe im in the minority, but i appreciate both his and smarts plays..
although both have different methods.. leave it be homie

its earth day today guys.. stop the hate says :pope:

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
wow.. seriously, dsethi and smartz.. give it a rest.. you guys are legit posters on this site and i respect you guys.. but your not mods.. ramonskee admitted his schtick (sp) is all an act. so why act so sensitive. to prove you are right? you guys who want serious analysis all the time.. then dont come into his threads, which are here for jovial, casual readers, like myself.. wtf? seriously... you do your fair share of jokes with your homo talk and sexual references.. which you have subsided from in recent memory.. maybe because you grew up.. whatever.. in either case.. humor is each of our owns opinion.. i personally dont find yours funny.. but , w.e. , its your opinion.. Ramonskee much like Mr. Newlywed, i think is funny.. and so would a lot of others on here, who dont post, but read.... im not a pro capper, or a capper at all, but i know the difference, between a serious post and a joke..we all do, were not morons, even if we arent cappers, so dont worry, he isn't fooling anyone., and we are not putting our life savings on his " goy, or gom's" so calm down.. and i think he is hella funny.. in fact.. ramonskee, i have to admit, i stole a line of yours, or maybe you stole it from somewhere.. the " i am kind of a big deal, i have many leatherbound books....." lol .. dsethi, i have yet to see you say something as funny.. without disrespecting another poster...

so really guys.. why are you in his thread?
you all seem to be the same age, and your bickering is what gives young cappers a bad image as you say dsethi, .... not the obviously sarcastic posts, made by ramonskee and the likes...

so maybe im in the minority, but i appreciate both his and smarts plays..
although both have different methods.. leave it be homie

its earth day today guys.. stop the hate says :pope:

give the motherfucker an oscar for that shit!

and as for that line, not mine, "anchorman", will ferrell is a genius lol

i hate to break it to ya but for being on my side, you will be called one, many ,or all of the following names: moron, immature, dumbass, attention whore, chaser (gayest one ever), douchebag (i use that one myself), a bullshitter, and many other well thought out nicknames. why? because you don't agree with what other people believe.

infact, i have a feeling tomorrow, i will be attacked for being a Christian. and the day after, I will be attacked for supporting Obama. and next Friday, is Hawaiian shirt day.

New member
Jan 2, 2008
i wont get shit from anyone, cause i only have 120 posts... so no one cares to even acknowledge me, lol, so i think im safe, haha.. maybe , since im from chicago, that might do the trick.. but shouldnt.. since im a cubs fan and your a sox fan... although, yes i'll admit, i like the sox also.. i like the food better at the cell..

more-so.. im indian, like dsethi.. but i call a spade a spade, and dsethi posts like a pretentious hypocrite, sometimes.. and he seems to have backtracked on his previous comments to you, so i think he would agree, that both of you have valid points.. and truce would be fine, but he has to much pride to do so... pride will always get the best of us...

so, i love my bretheren don't get me wrong, and thanks for the dodgers play btw dsethi .. i mean it wasn't just him, ramonskee among others on it convinced me to play it....... which we all cashed on, so thanks for that.. .... but i always take the fair side ... thats all

Dreamin' Big
Nov 11, 2006
damn dsethi... i was kidding earlier about how if anyone disagrees with you theyre automatically wrong... now im starting to believe it.... i thought i had an idea of who you were and what you stood for, now i know exactly who you are and what kind of person you are.

whats funny if you believe half the shit you've been saying to me for the past 3 hours, you would've stopped replying to me a hour ago. instead you keep going and going and going. someone REALLY likes hearing themselves talk ay? and its not just me.

"Ramonskee has no valid points.", all my plays are made after i gather up a lot of stats. they may not have been successful so far, but if those aren't "valid points", then again, no matter what i say it will be invalid because it goes against what you said. im sorry oh great one, i will back down and never rebel again. please do not whip me with your leather belt. for i have known my wrongs from the second they exited my mouth. i now ask you to have mercy on the soul of my people and i. do not punish them for what i have done. only i should be punished. only i should be help responsible.

oh and dsethi, one more thing, go fuck a goat.

funny how those we criticize the most are the ones we can relate to the most...

New member
Jun 2, 2006
damn dsethi... i was kidding earlier about how if anyone disagrees with you theyre automatically wrong... now im starting to believe it.... i thought i had an idea of who you were and what you stood for, now i know exactly who you are and what kind of person you are.

whats funny if you believe half the shit you've been saying to me for the past 3 hours, you would've stopped replying to me a hour ago. instead you keep going and going and going. someone REALLY likes hearing themselves talk ay? and its not just me.

funny how those we criticize the most are the ones we can relate to the most...

What's funny is the fact that u guys are bitchin back and forth on an internet forum at midnight PT and 2AM CST.

And it's also funny that i actually wasted 2 minutes of my night speed reading this hilarious yet pointless thread. Just a funny ass forum all around....Good night ladies and i hope all ya'll make that baseball money Tuesday!%^_:toast:

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