25 years of PASPA — the history of sports betting in America


Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
25 years of PASPA — the history of sports in America
By Tony Batt, Gambling Compliance
October 26, 2017

Betting has played a significant albeit overlooked role in American history, and an upcoming ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court could signal a new era of influence for an industry eager to expand its footprint.

Americans are a “people of chance,” according to John Findlay, a history professor at the University of Washington.

“From the seventeenth century through the twentieth, both gambling and [the westward movement] thrived on high expectations, risk taking, opportunism, and movement, and both activities helped to shape a distinctive culture,” Findlay wrote in his 1986 book, "People of Chance: Gambling in American Society from Jamestown to Las Vegas."

In the few decades since Findlay published his book, the regulation of casinos has spread beyond Nevada and New Jersey to more than two-dozen states and several hundred Native American reservations, while all but a handful of states have authorized state-run lotteries.

But betting on sports has been constrained by a federal law, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), which was enacted almost exactly a quarter-century ago on October 28, 1992.

Findlay does not expect American attitudes to betting to change dramatically if the Supreme Court overturns PASPA when it reviews the law later this year.

The Supreme Court is scheduled to hear oral arguments on New Jersey’s appeal to legalize and regulate sports betting within its borders on December 4.

There is a possibility that PASPA could be repealed in full, although some legal analysts do not expect the court to go that far.

Criticism of sports-betting expansion “is like suggesting that legalizing marijuana would increase consumption,” Findlay told GamblingCompliance. “No, it would legalize an activity that already is pretty widespread.

“The main difference is that states play a larger role in organizing and operating the activity, and in taxing it.”

Borrowing From Britain

To better understand the history of sports betting in America, consider a quote by Otto von Bismarck, the prominent Prussian statesman who dominated German and European affairs in the late 1800s.

Asked to name the greatest political fact of his time, Bismarck replied: “The inherited and permanent fact that North America speaks English.”

Given Great Britain’s status as America’s mother country, it should come as no surprise that the United Kingdom — today home to probably the world’s most advanced sports-betting market — provided the template for betting in the colonies.

“In general the English colonists, with the notable exception of the Puritans, attempted to replicate the life they had known in Merry England,” wrote University of Nevada at Reno instructors Richard O. Davies and Richard G. Abram in their 2001 book, “Betting The Line.”

Working class people in England were encouraged to play physically demanding games such as hurling to take their minds off their often dreary lives.

Betting on the games became almost a custom for the players and spectators alike.

When many of these people immigrated to America, they brought their recreational and sports wagering habits with them.

The Puritan ethic did not extend far beyond New England, and betting on horse races flourished, particularly in Virginia, as far back as the late 1600s.

A century later, new oval tracks in Virginia, Maryland and the Carolinas replaced the country roads that had served as the sites of quarter-mile dashes by thoroughbreds.

Horseracing probably would not have survived without betting, and by the late 1800s, bookmakers began posting odds at tracks. In a model familiar today, state governments encouraged trackside betting to raise more tax revenue.

To accommodate members of the working class who could not afford the time or money to go to the track, illegal off-track betting halls known as poolrooms also began to proliferate.

The Point Spread & The Minneapolis Line

The sad state of horseracing today, with its ever dwindling revenue, makes it difficult to comprehend that tracks continued to dominate the betting landscape in America well into the mid-1900s.

It was only a matter of time before the increasing popularity of baseball, basketball and football threatened horseracing as the sport of choice for bettors.

The popularity of sports betting in America endured baseball’s infamous Chicago Black Sox scandal that even today is evoked by opponents of wagering who claim the availability of betting undermines the integrity of sporting competitions.

The dawning of a new age for sports betting arrived in the 1940s with the invention of the point spread, dubbed by one bookie as “the greatest invention since the zipper.”

The point spread was created by Charles K. McNeil, a mathematics teacher in Connecticut whose students included future U.S. President John F. Kennedy.

McNeil eventually moved to Chicago to become a bookmaker, and the point spread became the dominant wagering format for basketball and football.

It was a godsend for bookies who used the point spread to make even an apparently lopsided contest attractive to bettors by giving the underdog a large number of points.

Surprisingly, the hub for sports betting information from the mid-1930s up to the early 1960s was in Minneapolis, not Las Vegas.

Bookmakers across the country depended on Leo Hirschfield, the president of Athletic Publications, to set the “Minneapolis line” every week.

The three-decade reign of the “Minneapolis line” came to a screeching halt in 1961 when Congress passed the Wire Act at the behest of U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.

The Wire Act, which prohibits the transmission of bets across state lines, could continue to haunt sports wagering even if the Supreme Court ruling allows expansion.

Nevada’s Monopoly

The void left by Hirschfield and the “Minneapolis line” was filled in the late 1960s by a succession of high-profile handicappers in Las Vegas, including Jimmy “The Greek” Snyder, Bob Martin and Michael “Roxy” Roxborough.

Nevada’s new status as the Mecca of sports betting got a huge boost on October 15, 1974 when Congress passed legislation by Democratic Senator Howard Cannon to lower the federal excise tax on sports bets from 10 percent to just 2 percent. The rate applied to state-licensed bookmakers in Nevada was later reduced further to 0.25 percent.

You may have guessed already that Cannon represented Nevada.

A Cannon successor — Richard Bryan — and Harry Reid, both Nevada Democrats, were only too happy to vote for PASPA when it sailed through Congress on an 88-5 vote on June 2, 1992.

Democratic Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, the author of PASPA, agreed to exempt Nevada from the betting ban to pass the bill. The carve-out ensured the de facto sports-betting monopoly for Nevada, which continues 25 years later.

“My research led me to conclude that legalized sports betting, as conducted in Nevada, was the correct path,” Davies, the co-author of “Betting the Line” told GamblingCompliance.

“It has been carefully regulated and supervised for more than a half-century, and no serious crime or scandal has ever been associated with the Nevada regulated system of sports wagering,” Davies said. “In fact, it is widely believed and I am convinced, that legal sports wagering in Nevada has been a major defense against fixed games.”

Davies said he does not wager on games, but he hopes the Supreme Court rules in favor of New Jersey’s appeal to permit sports betting in spite of the federal ban.

“The reasons are simple,” he said. “Each state should be permitted to determine whether or not to offer legal sports wagering. But more important, legalized sports wagering in New Jersey — and other states if they are so inclined — will produce a major new source of tax revenue and destroy the illegal sports betting syndicates associated with organized crime.”

Editor’s Note: The History of Sports Betting in America interview is the first part of a series of articles commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, which was enacted on October 28, 1992.

Staff member
Jan 2, 2002
25 Years Of PASPA — Senate Debate On Sports Betting Still Resonates Today

Only one current U.S. senator voted against the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA), and his arguments during the Senate debate seem remarkably relevant 25 years later as the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to consider New Jersey’s appeal against PASPA on December 4.

In its 201-year history, the Senate Judiciary Committee has had only one chairman who was not a lawyer.

His name is Charles Grassley, who is now finishing his third year as chairman.

An 84-year-old Republican who likes to call himself “a pig farmer from Iowa,” Grassley has quietly thrived while being underestimated throughout much of his 36-year career in the Senate.

Grassley is the lone senator still serving who voted against PASPA, the federal law which prohibits sports betting in all but four states, when it was passed by the Senate by an overwhelming vote of 88-5 on Tuesday, June 2, 1992.

The Senate was where the action was when it came to moving PASPA through Congress. There is no record of a debate in the House, which approved PASPA by voice vote on October 6, 1992, four months after the bill passed the Senate.

PASPA was signed into law by President George H. W. Bush on October 28, a date which makes tomorrow PASPA’s silver anniversary.

During the 90-minute debate on the Senate floor, Grassley led the opposition to PASPA as he compared the bill to “a piece of Swiss cheese” because of its exemptions for Nevada and three other states.

Grassley put up a spirited fight even though PASPA’s passage was never in doubt. The bill had 62 Senate co-sponsors, as well as the endorsement of the nation’s major sports league and many high-profile athletes.

“Everybody who’s anybody in professional sports supports this bill,” said Republican Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah, a key co-sponsor of PASPA who also still serves in the Senate.

Hatch cited testimony from Paul Tagliabue, who as commissioner of the National Football League (NFL) testified before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee on June 26, 1991.

"We do not want our games used as bait for gambling,” Tagliabue said.

Grassley did not seem impressed by the comments of Hatch or Tagliabue as he unleashed scathing criticism of the leagues and his Senate colleagues.

“I cannot recall where we have legislated pre-emption on a piecemeal or patchwork basis, and that is what we are about to do here,” Grassley said. “There is no reason that four states should have more power to get themselves exempt from this bill’s provisions.”

Unequal treatment of states would set a dangerous precedent and “take us down a perilous path,” Grassley warned.

“After all, why does Congress have the right to restrict the source of revenues for 46 states, but not for four states?” he said. “This has the potential to undermine our federal system, and this is something we should not take lightly.”

Among the four states Grassley referenced, Nevada still has the broadest exemption from PASPA and has enjoyed a virtual monopoly on legalized sports betting for the last 25 years.

PASPA’s exemptions for the other three states — Delaware, Montana and Oregon — are more restrictive, limiting betting to parlay games on certain sports or fantasy-style contests.

Grassley accused his fellow senators of bowing to gambling interests in Nevada, which are “very strong and in a position to dictate these exemptions.”

By sheer coincidence, former Nevada Gaming Commission chairman and future Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid served as the presiding officer of the Senate when the vote on PASPA was recorded.

Hatch acknowledged the casino industry could have killed PASPA.

“We decided to act prospectively, which is all we can do,” Hatch said.

As for the leagues, Grassley argued PASPA was not so much about banning wagers on games as it was about “the power of organized sports.”

If the leagues truly wanted to ban sports betting, Grassley said, they would have applied the PASPA ban to all 50 states.

“If the dangers my Senate colleagues and these groups outside the Senate are trying to eradicate pose such a threat, then why can we allow sports gambling in Las Vegas?” Iowa Republican Charles Grassley asked rhetorically during the U.S. Senate’s debate on the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act (PASPA).
Grassley offered an amendment, which was rejected by voice vote, to allow other states two years, or until January 1, 1995, to decide if they wanted to opt out of PASPA.

His amendment would also have given Indian tribes the opportunity to negotiate sports-betting compacts with states, Grassley said.

Democratic Senator Dennis DeConcini of Arizona, the author of PASPA and leader of the bill’s supporters during the Senate debate, told GamblingCompliance earlier this year that he drafted the bill primarily because of his concern about the potential of organized crime infiltrating Indian gaming operations in Arizona.

“Since the law we are proposing today is a clear federal prohibition on sports gambling, it should apply to Indian gaming,” DeConcini said during the Senate debate. “The [Indian Gaming Regulatory Act] requires this to occur specifically.”

Echoing Hatch, DeConcini said that PASPA would not have passed without the exemptions for four states.

“It is the cumulative effect that state-sponsored sports betting could have on sports that is the real fear that motivates this bill,” DeConcini said.

“The senator from Iowa [Grassley] makes an argument that this bill is not fair. Well, the world is not fair.”

In a veiled dig at Grassley, DeConcini pointed out that gambling is the leading industry in Nevada just as agriculture is an important industry in Iowa.

“So instead of trying to have the [federal] government run roughshod over a state that has built its economy around that, we exempted them,” DeConcini said.

“It seems to me that is what good legislation is all about, being understanding of the economic gains in each state.”

In response to Grassley’s charge that PASPA would establish a dangerous precedent regarding federal authority over states, DeConcini said: “This is not a states’ rights issue; sports is a national pastime.”

DeConcini said he understood the pressure on states to raise more money to balance their budgets, but “sports gambling is not a benign revenue source.”

Although DeConcini, Hatch and Republican Senator Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania did most of the work, they did not resent the fact that even to this day, PASPA is frequently called “the Bradley Bill.”

Democratic Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey was arguably the most famous member of the Senate in 1992. A Rhodes scholar, Bradley came to the Senate after a storied basketball career with the New York Knicks and Princeton University.

It may have been Bradley’s celebrity more than his political influence that helped PASPA advance.

“Where sports gambling occurs, I think fans cannot help but wonder if a missed free throw or a dropped fly ball or a missed extra point was part of a player’s scheme to fix the game,” Bradley, a future presidential candidate, said during the debate.

Democratic Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts, another future presidential candidate and secretary of state who also voted for PASPA, cited comments by Howard Shaffer of the Center for Addiction Studies at Harvard University.

Kerry quoted Shaffer as saying legalized sports betting will “increase the prevalence of problem gambling” among adults and “many young people will be introduced to this activity specifically because it is lawful.”

Shaffer also said “the gambling-produced problems that result may eventually cost millions of treatment dollars,’” according to Kerry.

When GamblingCompliance recently asked Shaffer if he still believed sports betting would increase the prevalence of problem gambling, he said: “I don’t recall these quotes or the context within which these might have occurred.”

“The first quote has merit but could have been misapplied,” Shaffer said. “I don’t believe that I ever uttered the second and final quote.”

The American Gaming Association later hired Shaffer to do research in which he concluded 1.29 percent of the U.S. adult population could be classified as having serious pathological problems related to gambling.

Editor’s Note: "Senate Debate On Sports Betting Still Resonates Today" is the second part of a series of articles commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act, which was enacted on October 28, 1992.

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