We'd like to first reiterate that these are not our picks or opinions that are posted, but Odds that we find to be undervalued relative to the Market Odds. The fundamental of Value Betting is simple: consistently make bets where you find lines with value to give you a higher than average chance of winning. This is a betting strategy that materializes as the volume increases, where the 3 - 5 games that you would win instead of push, or push instead of lose over the course of 100 games will make a dramatic difference in your winrate.
Like a poker player who can lose money for making the right decisions, and win money for making the wrong decisions, we do not want to be result oriented when it comes to posting Value Lines. We believe in the fundamentals, and know that this is a winning betting strategy. Therefore, we have no desire to track or publish our results as it is insignificant to the process.
We wish anyone following the posted picks good luck!
Like a poker player who can lose money for making the right decisions, and win money for making the wrong decisions, we do not want to be result oriented when it comes to posting Value Lines. We believe in the fundamentals, and know that this is a winning betting strategy. Therefore, we have no desire to track or publish our results as it is insignificant to the process.
We wish anyone following the posted picks good luck!