will be adding during the year and posting specific week 1 and 2 fits as the season draws nearer. This can get you started.....I will break them down (ATS or O/U history) and answer questions on another night
1-star week 4+ play UNDER elite defense either dog or small favorite after b2b2b allowing <=17 points (best if WP>=o:WP)
A and po
oints<=17 and ppo
oints<=17 and tA(o
oints)<=17 and otA(o
oints)>6.8 and line>-3.5
1-star PLAY ON good rushing teams off great rushing defense game vs bad rush defense opponent that allowed rushing TD last game
opo:rushing touchdowns > 0 and season > 2007 and C and p:margin > -4 and tS(rushing yards) / tS(rushes) < 4.46 and oS(o:rushing yards) / oS(o:rushes) >= 4.10 and po:rushing yards < 89
1-star PLAY ON small dog, home or away, with decent defense not in big blowout game last week
-34<p:margin<34 and D and 3<line<10 and tA(o:rushing yards)<117.25 and tA(o
assing yards)<349 and game type=RS and site!=neutral
2-star game 7+ play on unbeaten conference home favs off TD+ win scoring >30 and not playing another unbeaten team
wins>=7 and losses = 0 and FH and p
oints > 30 and game type = RS and o:losses>0 and p:margin>7
2-star PLAY ON >=19 home fav off a loss by >=19
p:margin<=-19 and HF and line<=-19 and 13>rest>5
2-star OPPOSE big dogs after OT loss
vertime>0 and p:L and line>=16
...................4-star same as above but non-conference
vertime>0 and p:L and line>=16 and not C
2-star OPPOSE favs off 7+ fav OT game vs opponent that played well last game
vertime > 0 and F and p:line < -7 and op:ats margin>-3
2-star PLAY ON high scoring away teams within 3.5 of pk vs non-elite defensive home team
tA(points)>=30.75 and -4 < line < 4 and A and season>2011 and otA(o
2-star OPPOSE unbeaten away fav in non-Sat game
game number > 2 and losses = 0 and AF and day != Saturday and line > -34.5
2-star UNDER opponent off dominant yards differential game and team off great defensive game
(po:rushing yards+po
assing yards)<186 and (op:rushing yards+op
assing yards)-(opo:rushing yards+opo
assing yards)>221
2-star week 10+ UNDER non-conf game with at least one team 9+ wins and at least one went over last game(wins >= 9 or o:wins >= 9) and (p:O or op:O) and conference!= o:conference and (game type = RS or game type = BG)
2-star PLAY ON rested home conference dog or tiny fav with revenge
P:L and p:W and HC and rest>11 and line>-4
2-star PLAY ON big home fav after huge offense and opponent off a loss of <3 TD's
H and line<-15 and p
oints>38 and op:L and op:margin>-24
3-star PLAY ON away fav after terrible offensive loss (best and -29<op:margin<15)
A and line<-2.5 and wins>0 and p:L and p
oints<7 and season>1995
3-star OPPOSE 20+ dogs that were just 20+ favorites
p:line<-19.5 and line>19.5 and p:W and division=1A
3-star OPPOSE away fav or small dog in 2nd half of season coming off 1st loss
game number>6 and losses = 1 and p:L and A and line<3 and o:WP <70
3-star UNDER high total with home team off b2b good defense vs opponent off good offense
oints + ppo
oints<22 and H and op
oints>26 and total>=52
3-star PLAY ON beaten home dog avenging home loss (best and P:margin>-8)
HD and line<14 and P:HL and P:game number>2 and P:season=season-1 and 100>WP>=25
3-star PLAY ON any home dog or tiny fav off b2b wins scoring 39+ in each (best and WP>o:WP)
H and line>-2 and p:W and pp:W and p
oints>=39 and pp
3-star game 4+ play on home fav of 3+ off conf away win vs opponent off 3+ straight conf wins
HF and p:ACW and op:CW and opp:CW and oppp:CW and season>1995 and line<-2.5
3-star PLAY ON low line away teams off b2b conference wins (avoid P12)
A and -7.5<line<4.5 and p:CW and pp:CW and (conference!=P12 and conference!=P10) and season>2009
3-star PLAY ON conference teams on 3+ streak with 56+ ats margin and opponent not unbeaten
pp:ats margin + pp:ats margin + ppp:ats margin>56 and streak>=3 and 59>op
oints>25 and C and 8>o:losses>0
3-star PLAY ON 3+ TD favs with extra rest
HF and line<-21 and rest>6 and o:division!=1AA and season>2003 and o:rest!=None
3-star OPPOSE conference dogs 3.5+ off b2b conference wins vs opponent off away win (best and 8>o:streak>3)
op:AW and D and line > 3 and p:CW and pp:CW and season>2004
3-star PLAY ON 3+ TD conference fav off b2b conference wins, the last by TD+ (best and po
oints>6 and op
oints<37) - check conference as well
CF and p:margin>6 and p:C and pp:CW and line<-20.5 and season>2005
3-star UNDER after terrible defense vs opponent off dominant yards differential game,
538 < (po:rushing yards + po
assing yards) and (op:rushing yards + op
assing yards)-(opo:rushing yards + opo
assing yards) > 201 and total<=62
3-star OPPOSE rested conference home teams off a conf home loss as a small fav
rest>6 and p:CHL and 2>p:line>-9.5 and CH
3-star PLAY ON and UNDER TD+ dog off b2b non-covers and regular rest
D and line>=6 and p:ats margin<0 and pp:ats margin<0 and total<46 and rest<7
3-star OPPOSE conference teams that can't run vs opponent with good run defense
3.51>tS(rushing yards)/tS(rushes)>2.87 and C and 2.91<otS(o:rushing yards)/oS(o:rushes)<3.55 and season>2009
..................5-star same as above + opponent did not allow rushing TD last game
3.51>tS(rushing yards)/tS(rushes)>2.87 and C and 2.91<otS(o:rushing yards)/oS(o:rushes)<3.55 and season>2009 and opo:rushing touchdowns=0
3-star OVER dog that is >6 point bigger dog than last week where they had a rushing TD
D and p
and line > p:line + 6 and rest < 8 and season > 2012 and p:rushing touchdowns > 0
4-star PLAY ON great running conference away team vs home team that can't run or stop the run
AC and op:rushing yards <= 100 and opp:rushing yards <= 100 and pp:rushing yards > 204 and pp:rushing yards > 204 and o:WP > 0 and otA(o:rushing yards)>=114
4-star week 10 OVER away team with 4-5 record vs opponent still bowl eligible
A and losses = 5 and wins = 4 and o:losses < 7
4-star OPPOSE home fav of 3+ after close home loss as dog or small fav
HF and p:HL and p:line>-3 and p:margin>-11 and 18>p
oints>7 and line<-2.5
4-star PLAY ON home conference dog or tiny fav off b2b home losses
HC and line>-3.5 and p:HL and pp:HL and season>2005
4-star PLAY ON beaten home team off b2b great defense with at least double revenge
oints + ppo
oints < 26 and H and op
oints > 20 and P:L and PP:L and P:margin + PP:margin<-9 and WP < 100
4-star UNDER non power 5 conference (or P12) off away dog win as DD dog
p:ADW and C and p:line>9.5 and season>2005 and (conference=AAC or conference=MWC or conference= WAC or conference= MAC or conference= SBC or conference= P12 or conference=P10 or conference= BE or conference= USA)
4-star OPPOSE away fav that won previous meeting allowing >30 (best if line<3)
A and P:W and P:line<7 and P
oints>29 and Po
oints>32 and P:season = season -1
4-star UNDER dogs <=10 or favs that were 3 TD+ dogs last season and did not lose by 45+
P:L and P:season=season-1 and P:line>21.5 and line<10.5 and date>20091101 and P:margin>-45
4-star OPPOSE big home fav (1-4 TD) off dog loss with dog game on deck
L and F and n
and -28<line<-7.5 and op
oints<20 and week<12
4-star OVER home favs of 19+ coming off a bye week
week - p:week = 2 and H and line<-15 and season >2009
4-star OPPOSE rested home dog off a non-covering lost vs opponent with regular rest
HD and rest>9 and p:L and p:ats margin < 0 and o:rest = 6 and season >= 2003
4-star OVER midweek big unrested dogs
D and rest<5 and line>15 and season>2005
4-star PLAY ON 3-5 TD conf HF off blowout conference fav win
CHF and -35.5<line<-20.5 and p:CFW and p:margin>19 and season>=1999 rest!=5
4-star OPPOSE oppose big road favs after scoring 60 and allowing u16
oints>=60 and AF and po
oints<16 and line<=-11
4-star PLAY ON home fav after 4TD+ home fav win scoring 52+ vs opponent beaten by 15+
oints>=52 and HF and p:HF and line>-35 and p:margin>=28 and op:margin<=-15
4-star OPPOSE non bowl teams allowed 36+ vs opponent that won b2b games by 4+ TD
oints > 36 and op:margin >= 28 and opp:margin >= 28 and game type = RS
4-star OPPOSE conference fav after home dog win vs opponent with revenge
CF and P:W and P:ats margin > -7 and p:HDW and line < -9
4-star week 4+ play away conference dog or small fav after fav game and div1AA game before that & opponent not off game as conference home dog
game number>3 and pp:division!=ppo:division and p:F and (op:CHD)=False and AC and line>-3.5 and month<12
4-star OPPOSE team that allowed <3 yards per carry in heavy opponent rush game but still gave up 20+ points as long as they aren't coming off blowout loss
po:rushes>41 and po:rushing yards<124 and po
oints>19 and game type=RS and p:margin>-25
4-star OPPOSE favs that needed OT to win as big fav last game
vertime > 0 and p:FW and -27.5<p:line<-8.5 and F and line<-3
4-star PLAY ON home fav <45 with normal rest after huge covering win vs opponent that just allowed a lot of points in high scoring game
HF and p:margin>30 and 29<opo
oints<59 and op
oints + opo
oints>56 and p:ats margin>3 and line>-44.5 and 5<rest<9
4-star week 3+ BET ON neutral team off b2b comfortable wins, including blowout 2 games ago, vs opponent off a shootout last game. (great and p:ats margin<0)
p:margin>4 and pp:margin>21 and op
oints>71 and site=neutral
5-star OPPOSE favs that needed OT to win conference game + double revenge (best and p
vertime > 0 and p:CFW and -27.5<p:line<-3.5 and C and P:W and PP:W and rest<13 and season>1998
5-star OPPOSE home dog (or tiny fav) off solid home fav loss vs opponent off away win
H and line>-2.5 and p:LHF and p:line<-1 and op:AW and season>1988
5-star PLAY ON Big 12 home dogs off win vs avg opponent
conference=B12 and HD and o:WP < 66 and p:W and date > 20001001
5-star OPPOSE Saturday away team off b2b games allowing >30 vs home team off win
oints>30 and ppo
oints>30 and p:W and A and op:W and day=Saturday
5-star OPPOSE previously unbeaten team (3-0 or better) off blowout loss
p:L and p:losses = 0 and wins >= 3 and p:margin<-14 and rest < 26 and date>20081020
5-star OPPOSE previously unbeaten team (very similar to above)
p:L and p:losses = 0 and wins>2 and p:turnovers-po:turnovers<4 and p:margin<-13 and rest<29
5-star OPPOSE unbeaten away fay at least 4-0 off a big spread win and playing good team
AF and wins>3 and losses = 0 and o:WP>75 and p:ats margin>6.5
5-star OPPOSE road small fav or dog with extra rest on short week
A and -11.5<line<3 and rest>7 and n:rest<6
5-star OPPOSE away dogs off big dog conference win vs opponent off DD win (best if op:C)
AD and p:CDW and p:line>4 and op:margin>9 and season>2005
5-star OPPOSE <TD FCS favs or tiny dog vs FBS
division = 1A and o:division = 1AA and -7<line<2 and season>2009 and week<14