1-0, +1.0 units
This is the overall record for my personal system plays in this thread, not a overall record for the entire season. I have posted about 10 other plays this season (mostly over/under plays) which are not a part of my personal system plays that I am posting in this thread. If you decide to wager these plays good luck and if you would rather base that decision on a larger sample size please feel free just to track my results and make the decision to at a later time. [ QUOTE ]
Hate that every now and then I have to help remind you to Stop posting New Records
The above is your First 20 or so at the beginning of the Season ( through May 9th 2014 )
Then you started again on 8/5/14.....
there's another 20+ posted games... I'm not going to add up the Records... and I am not going to ask you again to Stop posting New Records ! Just don't understand why you keep doing it ????
If you Can't keep track of them, just don't bother with ANY record.
and I gave you a second chance back on 1/13 after we had this same problem. What don't you get ?
Hope we don't have this problem moving forward. and I won't allow it come Football season.
BAS: I was pretty clear in post #5 that the record in this thread was NOT my overall record for the season. I even stated for others not to tail until they felt comfortable and until I had established a sample size of plays. I sent you a email last week and never got a response but you spend several minutes posting something that I had already told everyone who reads this thread. Here it is again.
"This is the overall record for my personal system plays in this thread, not a overall record for the entire season. I have posted about 10 other plays this season (mostly over/under plays) which are not a part of my personal system plays that I am posting in this thread. If you decide to wager these plays good luck and if you would rather base that decision on a larger sample size please feel free just to track my results and make the decision to at a later time."