2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie: CONTEST RESULTS FOR MONDAY 28 APRIL 2003- AMENDED


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Sep 21, 2004
2003 NHL Playoff Contest- Sponsored by Beverly Hills Bookie

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_hunter_PL: Unregistered contestant; your selections have been disregarded.

Contest Results for Sunday 27 April 2003- Alphabetical:
anjac.........................(2-0-0) +4.70
Benjo.........................(2-0-0) +4.20
Big10.........................(2-0-0) +4.20
blkjk.........................(1-1-1) +0.10
Bron..........................(0-2-0) -2.00
CardFather....................(0-1-0) -2.00
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............(1-1-0) +0.20
CrazyCanadian.................(1-2-0) -1.00
Dinero[PL]....................(1-0-1) +2.00
don marco.....................(1-0-0) +1.00
droc..........................(1-2-0) -2.00
EveryGamblersDream............(2-3-1) +1.10
Gabriel.......................(0-1-0) -2.60
gambl0r.......................(1-1-0) +0.20
giorg0s.......................(0-2-0) -2.00
GottaWinToday.................(0-1-1) -2.00
grover........................(2-0-0) +4.20
guysmiley.....................(1-2-1) -4.20
manly.........................(3-0-0) +6.00
mgk222........................(2-2-0) -0.70
Miklos........................(1-1-0) +0.20
MT_Pockets....................(2-2-0) -0.70
nanuk.........................(0-2-0) -4.60
NorthernIce...................(0-2-0) -4.00
patlives......................(1-3-0) -4.60
Peebs.........................(0-2-0) -2.00
qs185.........................(1-2-0) -3.20
Rosemary......................(0-2-0) -6.00
Rude..........................(2-2-0) +1.00
ScoobySnacks..................(0-2-0) -2.00
scripter......................(2-2-0) +0.40
sidingman.....................(0-2-0) -4.00
Silver Pegasus................(2-1-0) +2.00
SSI...........................(0-1-0) -2.60
ThreeUnits....................(2-2-0) -0.60
vegasguy39....................(1-0-0) +2.20
winkyduck.....................(0-4-0) -6.70

Round 2 Standings- Alphabetical:
anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (6-4-0) +9.10 Units
Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-1) -4.40 Units
Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (7-5-0) +5.95 Units
Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (7-4-2) +2.00 Units
blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (6-2-1) +10.00 Units
BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-1) -2.00 Units
Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (5-6-3) +0.50 Units
cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (4-5-0) +2.90 Units
chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (0-4-1) -8.00 Units
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (5-3-0) +7.75 Units
CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (4-8-3) -8.30 Units
dani..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (4-3-1) +6.00 Units
don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (8-1-0) +13.00 Units
droc..........................Sides and Totals: (7-9-2) -2.80 Units
Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-1) +0.00 Units
Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) +1.10 Units
Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (2-3-0) -4.10 Units
gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +6.30 Units
giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (6-8-1) -8.30 Units
GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (2-3-3) +2.30 Units
grover........................Sides and Totals: (4-0-0) +11.10 Units
guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (4-3-2) -2.60 Units
hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -4.65 Units
IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
manly.........................Sides and Totals: (8-0-5) +15.00 Units
mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (14-4-0) +18.40 Units
Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +2.70 Units
MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (8-5-1) -1.95 Units
nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -2.60 Units
NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (1-4-1) -6.00 Units
parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
patlives......................Sides and Totals: (6-9-0) -0.80 Units
Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (2-4-2) -3.20 Units
playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (1-5-1) -7.30 Units
qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (2-3-0) -1.40 Units
raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (1-5-0) -11.70 Units
Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (8-7-1) +6.70 Units
ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (5-7-1) -3.50 Units
scripter......................Sides and Totals: (3-7-4) -6.00 Units
sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-4) +1.50 Units
Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (9-4-0) +8.10 Units
SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) -1.10 Units
the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -3.40 Units
ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (4-4-1) -5.70 Units
Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) -1.20 Units
turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (3-2-0) +1.70 Units
winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (4-9-3) -8.00 Units

Round 2 Standings- Sorted:
1. mgk222........................Sides and Totals: (14-4-0) +18.40 Units
2. manly.........................Sides and Totals: (8-0-5) +15.00 Units
3. don marco.....................Sides and Totals: (8-1-0) +13.00 Units
4. grover........................Sides and Totals: (4-0-0) +11.10 Units
5. blkjk.........................Sides and Totals: (6-2-1) +10.00 Units
6. anjac.........................Sides and Totals: (6-4-0) +9.10 Units
7. Silver Pegasus................Sides and Totals: (9-4-0) +8.10 Units
8. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (5-3-0) +7.75 Units
9. Rude..........................Sides and Totals: (8-7-1) +6.70 Units
10. gambl0r.......................Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +6.30 Units
11. Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (4-3-1) +6.00 Units
12. Benjo.........................Sides and Totals: (7-5-0) +5.95 Units
13. CardFather....................Sides and Totals: (4-5-0) +2.90 Units
14. Miklos........................Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +2.70 Units
15. GottaWinToday.................Sides and Totals: (2-3-3) +2.30 Units
16. Big10.........................Sides and Totals: (7-4-2) +2.00 Units
17. vegasguy39....................Sides and Totals: (3-2-0) +1.70 Units
18. sidingman.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-4) +1.50 Units
19. EveryGamblersDream............Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) +1.10 Units
20. Bron..........................Sides and Totals: (5-6-3) +0.50 Units
T-21. cam...........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. dani..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. Early Speed...................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. eejit.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-1) +0.00 Units
T-21. Egis..........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. IceKing.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. Long Live Sport...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. NITRO.........................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. parlayin......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. Patrick McIrish...............Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. raiders72001..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. turkoman1963..................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
T-21. Uncle B.......................Sides and Totals: (0-0-0) +0.00 Units
34. patlives......................Sides and Totals: (6-9-0) -0.80 Units
35. SSI...........................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) -1.10 Units
36. Tru Canadian Undadawg.........Sides and Totals: (2-3-1) -1.20 Units
37. qs185.........................Sides and Totals: (2-3-0) -1.40 Units
38. MT_Pockets....................Sides and Totals: (8-5-1) -1.95 Units
39. BoZZi.........................Sides and Totals: (0-1-1) -2.00 Units
T-40. nanuk.........................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -2.60 Units
T-40. guysmiley.....................Sides and Totals: (4-3-2) -2.60 Units
42. droc..........................Sides and Totals: (7-9-2) -2.80 Units
43. Peebs.........................Sides and Totals: (2-4-2) -3.20 Units
44. the gooch.....................Sides and Totals: (1-2-1) -3.40 Units
45. ScoobySnacks..................Sides and Totals: (5-7-1) -3.50 Units
46. Gabriel.......................Sides and Totals: (2-3-0) -4.10 Units
47. Augustus......................Sides and Totals: (5-6-1) -4.40 Units
48. hansen bros...................Sides and Totals: (1-3-0) -4.65 Units
49. ThreeUnits....................Sides and Totals: (4-4-1) -5.70 Units
T-50. NorthernIce...................Sides and Totals: (1-4-1) -6.00 Units
T-50. scripter......................Sides and Totals: (3-7-4) -6.00 Units
52. playersonly69.................Sides and Totals: (1-5-1) -7.30 Units
T-53. chriscol......................Sides and Totals: (0-4-1) -8.00 Units
T-53. winkyduck.....................Sides and Totals: (4-9-3) -8.00 Units
T-55. CrazyCanadian.................Sides and Totals: (4-8-3) -8.30 Units
T-55. giorg0s.......................Sides and Totals: (6-8-1) -8.30 Units
57. Rosemary......................Sides and Totals: (1-5-0) -11.70 Units

[This message was edited by JeffH on 04-29-03 at 11:43 AM.]

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Jeff H

On Sunday the RESULTS thread showed:

4. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.55 Units

And today MONDAYS RESULTS show:

9. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +4.80 Units

How is that possible??

MY plays were 2 Units on Lightning +110 and 2 Units on Ducks +140 and the result was Record 1-1 (+0.20)

Mondays results show:

cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............(1-1-0) +0.20

But the record of me is wrong.
Its suppose to SHOW CrazyJivinIvan +7.75 with a 5-3 Record


Yesterday (Mondays' thread) it stated:
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............+50.25

and on Tuesday's Thread it says:

cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............+47.50

Clearly it shows I lost UNITS when in theory I made +0.20 units with 1-1 record on Monday

I think I'm suppose to have 50.45 Units (to wager with) buddy!

Please fix the mistake and notify me in this thread I assume....
Sep 20, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CrAzY Jivin' IvaN:
_Jeff H_

On Sunday the RESULTS thread showed:

4. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-2-0) +7.55 Units

And today MONDAYS RESULTS show:

9. cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............Sides and Totals: (4-4-0) +4.80 Units

How is that possible??

MY plays were 2 Units on Lightning +110 and 2 Units on Ducks +140 and the result was _Record 1-1 (+0.20)_

Mondays results show:

cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............(1-1-0) +0.20

But the record of me is wrong.
Its suppose to SHOW _CrazyJivinIvan +7.75 with a 5-3 Record_


Yesterday (Mondays' thread) it stated:
cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............+50.25

and on Tuesday's Thread it says:

cRaZy Jivin' IvaN.............+47.50

_Clearly it shows I lost UNITS when in theory I made +0.20 units with 1-1 record on Monday

I think I'm suppose to have 50.45 Units (to wager with) buddy!_

Please fix the mistake and notify me in this thread I assume....<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Hi Jeffh

24 (1-1-0) +2.30 OK
NEW JERSEY -1.5 +165 / 2 units
Anaheim pick +190 & under 4.5 -110 (Pays +450)
Dinero[PL]....................+45.90 OK
25 (2-2-0) +2.90
Philadelphia at OTTAWA over 5.0 +130 / 2 units
VANCOUVER -1.5 +165 / 2 units
Dinero[PL]....................+46.50 OK
26 (3-2-0) +0.70 OK
Tampa Bay at NEW JERSEY under 4.5 -110 / 2 units
Dinero[PL]....................+44.30 OK
27 (4-2-0) +4.00 OK
Philadelphia pick +165 /2 units
28 (5-2-1) +6.00 !!!!
Dallas at ANAHEIM under 5.0 -135 / 2 units
TAMPA BAY -1.0 +250 / 1 units
Dinero[PL]....................+49.60 !!!!

Yesterday I've had in Round 2 Standings
Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (3-3-0) +4.00 Units ( wrong, it will be (4-2-0) +4.00 Units, but doesn't matter )

and today I have in Round 2 Standings
Dinero[PL]....................Sides and Totals: (3-4-1) +0.10 Units ( wrong, it will be (5-2-1) +6.00 Units )

Please fix the mistake...

New member
Sep 21, 2004

you have me at +73.10 while i should be at +70.10.

also, i keep track of those guys who are closest to me and i think no player other than me has over 60+ units avaiable.

so, i think you should check the bankroll of blkjk, bron and anjac.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Please check my 2nd round results. I was (-0.8) after Sundays action. After going (-2.00) yesterday, I believe I should be (-2.8) for the second round instead of the listed (-14.10). Thanks!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Sorry about this; I inadvertantly superimposed the lines and results for Monday's plays onto Sunday's results as well. I have corrected the Round 2 totals in this thread and the Avaialble Units in the selection thread.

Almost all of your comments check out and the correction of the error has resulted in the grading that you have noted. In response to don marco's comments, I have reviewed anjac's Round 2 grading and found that it is correct and that his available bankroll is greater than 60 units. (Remember that he also had a grading problem with a Minnesota - over parlay on Sunday evening.)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
sorry. you are right about anjac. i keep track of some 5-7 players and i missed the anjac's parlay on sunday.

it looks like you really like me. you tried to give me about 5 additional units in 2-3 occasions

just kidding. you are doing a hell of a job here. thanks.

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