You just crushed him in the same challenge, what would be the point of doing the same shit again?
I want to teach his punk a lesson and a week long contest for nothing but air isn't going to cut it.
The point? You think you could crush Zack in a one week 21 play (3 each day) challenge? How do you know he wouldn't
win? Maybe Zack was off his game the week he went head to head with me. Maybe I got lucky. Who knows?
Look, I know Zack can get under your skin with his "style," but we're all vets here looking for the SAME thing. Brutalize the books.
At least I am. He and I have jousted numerous times and actually had fun doing it. He knows there's no hard feelings whatsoever
between he and I. He's OK in my book. I never want to hurt anyone, and I would hope I could expect the same treatment.
All I was suggesting was doing the same thing he and I did so you two could compete for bragging rights. That's all. Friendly
Apparently, you want a pound of Zack's flesh. Did he really piss you off that badly? I must have missed it.