Fresno State +11.5 -220 (4 pt buy)
Fresno State +295
Fresno State +180 1st H
Fresno State scores first +158
First score not a td +215
No team scores 3 times straight +200
S. Jackson under 138.5 rushing yards +120
Bernard Berrian Over 4.5 receptions -120
Fresno State +5 1st H -105
Fresno St to win 1-5 +800
Fresno St to win 6-10 +1100
Fresno St to win 11-15 +1600
Fresno State +295
Fresno State +180 1st H
Fresno State scores first +158
First score not a td +215
No team scores 3 times straight +200
S. Jackson under 138.5 rushing yards +120
Bernard Berrian Over 4.5 receptions -120
Fresno State +5 1st H -105
Fresno St to win 1-5 +800
Fresno St to win 6-10 +1100
Fresno St to win 11-15 +1600