▼ Standings ▼ Seedings & Matchups For Skybook's MLB Matchup Challenge Thru 6/24



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+1] 18 Days Error Free[/size]
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 3: Crew of 32[/size]
[size=+2]Final Standings![/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
[indent][indent][/indent][/indent][b][font=Franklin Gothic Demi][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Low[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Up By[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Sun24[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	Intrinzik      	10	7	0	310	<--out	x	300
32	Uncle Steve    	14	6	0	537		227	300
2	Poker Ninja    	10	9	2	100	<--out	x	-102
31	jdigae01       	12	5	0	669		569	313
3	jpitten        	11	10	0	100		84	231
30	Ganasa         	7	6	1	16	<--out	x	-100
4	Addict101      	7	14	0	-563	<--out	x	-33
29	FairWarning    	4	6	0	-249		314	0
5	ILMW           	9	7	1	38		381	-100
28	gabbana        	4	7	0	-343	<--out	x	0
6	Dsethi         	11	7	0	169		1474	-75
27	METFAN         	4	17	0	-1305	<--out	x	-33
7	CalvinTy       	5	16	0	-1221	<--out	x	-300
26	Shifty Mac     	4	8	0	-430		791	-200
8	PoppinFresh    	7	10	0	-760	<--out	x	-134
25	chriscol       	8	10	0	-165		595	0
9	cjv_11         	5	6	0	-95		805	0
24	NickFantana    	4	13	0	-900	<--out	x	67
10	HiPockets      	7	11	0	-536	<--out	x	25
23	Grand Master B 	5	6	0	-100		436	0
11	Betallsports   	10	10	0	-121	<--out	x	-113
22	Tapa rosca     	10	6	0	539		660	-200
12	juice          	7	10	0	-339	<--out	x	-51
21	PublicsMoney   	6	4	0	281		620	0
13	McCabe         	4	10	0	-726	<--out	x	0
20	bznofx19       	8	3	0	522		1248	0
14	Donnybasbl     	7	8	1	-84		630	-206
19	jak2403        	7	14	0	-714	<--out	x	-32
15	stump          	8	3	0	467		910	0
18	HEAVYCHALK     	11	10	0	-443	<--out	x	-232
16	SkinsRaj28     	10	7	1	340		1049	-100
17	letgetiton     	3	8	0	-709	<--out	x	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 3: Crew of 32[/size]
[size=+2]YTD / Weekly / Daily Compiled[/size]
For Seeding Purposes Only
[font=Franklin Gothic Demi][b][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]YTD[/u]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Trails[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Sun24[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]L5[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	jpitten        	46	32	0	1287	-459	100	231	270
2	ILMW           	44	28	1	1052	-694	38	-100	200
3	Dsethi         	39	22	0	1031	-715	169	-75	225
4	stump          	34	23	1	545	-1201	467	0	67
5	bznofx19       	28	23	1	454	-1292	522	0	314
6	SkinsRaj28     	41	39	1	361	-1385	340	-100	-300
7	cjv_11         	31	29	0	305	-1441	-95	0	-549
8	Tapa rosca     	37	39	0	242	-1504	539	-200	-48
9	Donnybasbl     	31	31	1	82	-1664	-84	-206	-106
10	PublicsMoney   	28	29	0	23	-1723	281	0	-63
11	jdigae01       	38	35	0	-303	-2049	669	313	313
12	Grand Master B 	27	30	1	-499	-2245	-100	0	100
13	chriscol       	30	37	0	-710	-2456	-165	0	113
14	Shifty Mac     	24	32	2	-1006	-2752	-430	-200	-133
15	FairWarning    	20	29	1	-1117	-2863	-249	0	-127
16	Uncle Steve    	45	36	0	-1202	-2948	537	300	238
17	Intrinzik      	42	24	0	1746		310	300	500
18	Poker Ninja    	46	33	3	1448	-298	100	-102	98
19	Addict101      	42	37	3	560	-1186	-563	-33	-233
20	Betallsports   	34	30	0	171	-1575	-121	-113	92
21	juice          	26	27	0	-118	-1864	-339	-51	-51
22	PoppinFresh    	41	31	0	-148	-1894	-760	-134	-200
23	HiPockets      	29	26	0	-200	-1946	-536	25	-175
24	HEAVYCHALK     	40	32	1	-453	-2199	-443	-232	-27
25	McCabe         	24	30	0	-531	-2277	-726	0	-533
26	CalvinTy       	28	31	0	-564	-2310	-1221	-300	-513
27	letgetiton     	26	31	0	-698	-2444	-709	0	-378
28	jak2403        	35	38	1	-744	-2490	-714	-32	-232
29	Ganasa         	34	32	1	-866	-2612	16	-100	-17
30	gabbana        	23	31	0	-1198	-2944	-343	0	-116
31	NickFantana    	31	45	0	-1429	-3175	-900	67	67
32	METFAN         	31	47	0	-1889	-3635	-1305	-33	-233


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 3: Crew of 32[/size]
[size=+2]Breakdown Of Yesterday's Plays[/size]<BR>
Post=Post #   R=Result   P=Rot Play   m=Moneyline   r=Runline   o=Over   u=Under
[font=Franklin Gothic Demi][b][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Poster[/u]   	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=green][u]R1[/u]	[u]R2[/u]	[u]R3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]P1[/u]	[u]P2[/u]	[u]P3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
Intrinzik      	310	17	100	100	100	905m	910m	925o
Uncle Steve    	537	19	100	100	100	903m	919r	901m
Poker Ninja    	100	24	104	-100	-106	929o	906m	930m
jdigae01       	669	16	100	113	100	901m	919m	926m
jpitten        	100	3	-100	163	168	928r	926r	908r
Ganasa         	16	14	-100			901o		
Addict101      	-563	6	167	-100	-100	915m	917m	928r
FairWarning    	-249							
ILMW           	38	13	-100			911o		
gabbana        	-343							
Dsethi         	169	7	100	-175		910m	916m	
METFAN         	-1305	10	-100	167	-100	909m	915m	920r
CalvinTy       	-1221	21	-100	-100	-100	920r	918r	928r
Shifty Mac     	-430	8	-100	-100		906m	921m	
PoppinFresh    	-760	4	141	-100	-175	905r	918r	916m
chriscol       	-165							
cjv_11         	-95							
NickFantana    	-900	20	-100	late	167	902m	late	915m
HiPockets      	-536	15	100	-175	100	910m	916m	918m
Grand Master B 	-100							
Betallsports   	-121	18	-100	100	-113	902m	910m	928m
Tapa rosca     	539	23	-100	-100		925m	922r	
juice          	-339	9	149	-100	-100	910r	916r	904r
PublicsMoney   	281							
McCabe         	-726							
bznofx19       	522							
Donnybasbl     	-84	12	-106	-100		921o	925m	
jak2403        	-714	11	-100	-100	168	920r	904m	908r
stump          	467							
HEAVYCHALK     	-443	2	-175	-157	100	916m	923m	901m
SkinsRaj28     	340	5	100	-100	-100	905m	907m	926u
letgetiton     	-709							


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 3: Crew of 32[/size]
[size=+2]Weekly Records[/size]​
[INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][font=Franklin Gothic Demi][b][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	jdigae01       	12	5	0	669
2	Tapa rosca     	10	6	0	539
3	Uncle Steve    	14	6	0	537
4	bznofx19       	8	3	0	522
5	stump          	8	3	0	467
6	SkinsRaj28     	10	7	1	340
7	Intrinzik      	10	7	0	310
8	PublicsMoney   	6	4	0	281
9	Dsethi         	11	7	0	169
10	Poker Ninja    	10	9	2	100
11	jpitten        	11	10	0	100
12	ILMW           	9	7	1	38
13	Ganasa         	7	6	1	16
14	Donnybasbl     	7	8	1	-84
15	cjv_11         	5	6	0	-95
16	Grand Master B 	5	6	0	-100
17	Betallsports   	10	10	0	-121
18	chriscol       	8	10	0	-165
19	FairWarning    	4	6	0	-249
20	juice          	7	10	0	-339
21	gabbana        	4	7	0	-343
22	Shifty Mac     	4	8	0	-430
23	HEAVYCHALK     	11	10	0	-443
24	HiPockets      	7	11	0	-536
25	Addict101      	7	14	0	-563
26	letgetiton     	3	8	0	-709
27	jak2403        	7	14	0	-714
28	McCabe         	4	10	0	-726
29	PoppinFresh    	7	10	0	-760
30	NickFantana    	4	13	0	-900
31	CalvinTy       	5	16	0	-1221
32	METFAN         	4	17	0	-1305


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 4: The Supreme 16[/size]
[size=+2]New Seedings & Matchups[/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
[indent][indent][INDENT][INDENT][INDENT][/indent][/indent][b][font=Franklin Gothic Demi][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	jpitten        	0	0	0	0
16	Uncle Steve    	0	0	0	0
2	ILMW           	0	0	0	0
15	FairWarning    	0	0	0	0
3	Dsethi         	0	0	0	0
14	Shifty Mac     	0	0	0	0
4	stump          	0	0	0	0
13	chriscol       	0	0	0	0
5	bznofx19       	0	0	0	0
12	Grand Master B 	0	0	0	0
6	SkinsRaj28     	0	0	0	0
11	jdigae01       	0	0	0	0
7	cjv_11         	0	0	0	0
10	PublicsMoney   	0	0	0	0
8	Tapa rosca     	0	0	0	0
9	Donnybasbl     	0	0	0	0


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Congratulations to the 16 moving on and many thanks to those going down to defeat for participating. Hope everyone enjoyed the contest and plans on coming back to play in our next one.

The top 2 seeds were amongst 9 high seeds who were eliminated this week as we narrow down the field getting ever closer to crowning the Head to Head Champion.

Good luck to those remaining!
Jan 28, 2007
Good job Uncle Steve, you had me all week long and I NEARLY came back on Day 7. I stepped my game up and so did you.

Good luck with the rest of the tournament! :thumbsup:

Raising 4 girls!
Sep 13, 2006
Good luck in the 3rd round, Shifty Mac!

I liked your "shits and giggles" comment, haha, but good thing your Sunday plays didn't mess you up. You did go 0-2, but of course, I sucked even worse, going 0-3 instead of required 3-0 to have that teensy chance at all.

Everyone knows how it goes... we now root for the person who eliminated us so that when the person goes all the way to the championship round, we can say, "Well, I lost to the eventual champion." LOL.

Guess it was not a birthday gift today to be able to play in this new round, crap. :)


* CalvinTy

New member
Sep 15, 2006
Good job Uncle Steve, you had me all week long and I NEARLY came back on Day 7. I stepped my game up and so did you.

Good luck with the rest of the tournament! :thumbsup:

Thank you, Intrinszik.

I consider myself very lucky to have had the 'luck' when I needed it.

You are a worthy and informed player and I keep track of your picks - you are knowledgeable with baseball and make smart decisions.

Thank you and congrats to you, as well. After all, we truly are "all in this together". A mind-set that I think we should ALL adhere to.

Thanks for the class, it IS noticed here.


Uncle Steve

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