▼ Standings ▼ For MLB Matchup Challenge Thru 6/13



He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 2: Round of 64[/size]
[size=+2]Minimum 10 Plays by June 17[/size]
Low man from each matchup is eliminated.
[indent][indent][/indent][/indent][b][font=Franklin Gothic Demi][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Seed[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Low[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Up By[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Wed13[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	mlfp           	4	3	0	124		55	131
64	Ganasa         	4	3	0	69	<--	x	-20
2	Addict101      	3	4	1	-108		435	6
63	goodcall       	1	7	0	-543	<--	x	-43
3	Intrinzik      	2	1	0	106		234	0
62	IBETHUGE       	3	5	0	-128	<--	x	-100
4	james369       	3	5	0	-387	<--	x	-42
61	FairWarning    	5	2	0	315		702	312
5	clarkd32       	3	1	0	206	<--	x	206
60	chriscol       	5	1	0	407		201	301
6	Jibba          	4	4	0	-23		30	307
59	METFAN         	3	3	0	-53	<--	x	-138
7	Poker Ninja    	5	3	0	162	<--	x	-113
58	viccas         	4	2	0	188		26	300
8	schlep66       	3	4	0	-96	<--	x	7
57	jdigae01       	4	3	0	68		164	312
9	jpitten        	6	3	0	296		373	100
56	dedge          	3	4	0	-77	<--	x	334
10	Dsethi         	3	2	0	107		646	234
55	AROBTTHC       	1	6	0	-539	<--	x	-318
11	williemcgee    	3	5	0	-240	<--	x	-115
54	HEAVYCHALK     	7	2	0	491		731	307
12	gtc08          	5	1	0	380		426	80
53	gabbana        	3	3	0	-46	<--	x	100
13	4putt          	2	4	0	-246	<--	x	-130
52	Shifty Mac     	3	3	0	-16		230	-15
14	SkinsRaj28     	4	5	0	-90	<--	x	107
51	bigplay        	0	0	0	0		90	0
15	PoppinFresh    	2	2	0	-59	<--	x	0
50	roach23        	3	4	0	-5		54	124
16	CalvinTy       	3	3	0	-55		444	-143
49	soswalter      	1	6	0	-499	<--	x	-81
17	wouldbe        	5	4	0	78	<--	x	-384
48	McCabe         	5	1	0	426		348	-13
18	5 star bomb    	5	4	0	13	<--	x	301
47	Tapa rosca     	5	4	0	151		138	141
19	Donnybasbl     	3	4	0	-128		14	134
46	teazeman       	2	4	0	-142	<--	x	-43
20	lazzonya       	1	4	0	-414	<--	x	-65
45	bznofx19       	1	2	0	-139		275	0
21	Mr. Leisure    	2	6	0	-422	<--	x	-92
44	Grand Master B 	4	4	0	-42		380	-120
22	BadAngel       	3	6	0	-274	<--	x	-100
43	jak2403        	5	3	0	201		475	106
23	Don Melchor    	3	4	0	-218	<--	x	-20
42	stump          	6	3	0	169		387	300
24	ILMW           	5	3	0	119	<--	x	300
41	Gravy          	6	3	0	556		437	380
25	sds23          	4	5	0	-368	<--	x	-42
40	juice          	5	2	0	364		732	391
26	shale          	0	0	0	0		1163	0
39	Uncle Steve    	0	8	0	-1163	<--	x	-277
27	Betallsports   	3	2	0	105		530	-120
38	THW            	3	5	0	-425	<--	x	-42
28	Boss Hog       	3	4	0	-221		132	100
37	NickFantana    	2	5	0	-353	<--	x	107
29	PublicsMoney   	1	4	0	-309	<--	x	-200
36	bailey         	3	4	0	-200		109	100
30	CapNWatch      	4	2	0	376		358	458
35	cjv_11         	3	3	0	18	<--	x	334
31	wannabe whale  	5	4	0	53		346	101
34	letgetiton     	3	6	0	-293	<--	x	-93
32	MIKEY.1TIME    	4	5	0	-230	<--	x	-180
33	HiPockets      	4	3	0	77		307	88


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 2: Round of 64[/size]
[size=+2]YTD / Weekly / Daily Compiled[/size]
For Seeding Purposes Only
[font=Franklin Gothic Demi][b][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Rank[/u]	[u]Poster[/u]   	[u]W[/u]	[u]L[/u]	[u]P[/u]	[u]YTD[/u]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Trails[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Wed13[/u][/color][/i][/size]
1	mlfp           	26	14	2	1394		124	131
2	clarkd32       	20	8	2	1299	-95	206	206
3	Intrinzik      	27	14	0	1292	-102	106	0
4	Addict101      	30	17	3	1153	-241	-108	6
5	jpitten        	28	17	0	993	-401	296	100
6	Poker Ninja    	28	20	1	976	-418	162	-113
7	gtc08          	22	11	0	972	-422	380	80
8	Jibba          	28	18	0	813	-581	-23	307
9	Dsethi         	23	12	0	748	-646	107	234
10	james369       	30	15	0	725	-669	-387	-42
11	schlep66       	24	17	1	708	-686	-96	7
12	wouldbe        	26	21	0	519	-875	78	-384
13	SkinsRaj28     	27	24	0	454	-940	-90	107
14	5 star bomb    	27	21	0	452	-942	13	301
15	PoppinFresh    	26	17	0	451	-943	-59	0
16	ILMW           	28	19	0	413	-981	119	300
17	CalvinTy       	19	13	0	403	-991	-55	-143
18	williemcgee    	18	16	0	374	-1020	-240	-115
19	CapNWatch      	22	22	1	366	-1028	376	458
20	4putt          	24	19	0	315	-1079	-246	-130
21	Gravy          	22	29	0	277	-1117	556	380
22	Donnybasbl     	21	19	0	235	-1159	-128	134
23	Betallsports   	19	16	0	198	-1196	105	-120
24	shale          	13	12	1	137	-1257	0	0
25	juice          	17	16	0	115	-1279	364	391
26	Don Melchor    	24	18	0	111	-1283	-218	-20
27	BadAngel       	24	22	0	64	-1330	-274	-100
28	wannabe whale  	21	17	1	35	-1359	53	101
29	HiPockets      	19	15	0	34	-1360	77	88
30	McCabe         	16	18	0	-23	-1417	426	-13
31	lazzonya       	17	15	0	-51	-1445	-414	-65
32	Mr. Leisure    	16	17	0	-62	-1456	-422	-92
33	jak2403        	23	20	1	-101	-1495	201	106
34	stump          	22	18	1	-117	-1511	169	300
35	cjv_11         	20	22	0	-133	-1527	18	334
36	Boss Hog       	22	16	0	-136	-1530	-221	100
37	sds23          	21	16	0	-164	-1558	-368	-42
38	HEAVYCHALK     	25	20	1	-213	-1607	491	307
39	PublicsMoney   	18	21	0	-245	-1639	-309	-200
40	MIKEY.1TIME    	25	22	0	-258	-1652	-230	-180
41	Tapa rosca     	21	27	0	-282	-1676	151	141
42	bailey         	20	23	0	-361	-1755	-200	100
43	Grand Master B 	19	21	1	-364	-1758	-42	-120
44	letgetiton     	17	21	0	-441	-1835	-293	-93
45	bznofx19       	14	18	1	-492	-1886	-139	0
46	NickFantana    	21	27	0	-532	-1926	-353	107
47	teazeman       	12	19	0	-547	-1941	-142	-43
48	roach23        	17	23	0	-553	-1947	-5	124
49	THW            	16	20	0	-635	-2029	-425	-42
50	bigplay        	13	19	0	-656	-2050	0	0
51	chriscol       	16	22	0	-683	-2077	407	301
52	Shifty Mac     	17	22	2	-693	-2087	-16	-15
53	gabbana        	17	22	0	-724	-2118	-46	100
54	viccas         	17	22	0	-742	-2136	188	300
55	jdigae01       	23	26	0	-821	-2215	68	312
56	dedge          	16	22	0	-880	-2274	-77	334
57	FairWarning    	14	22	1	-963	-2357	315	312
58	soswalter      	12	24	0	-967	-2361	-499	-81
59	METFAN         	20	27	0	-986	-2380	-53	-138
60	AROBTTHC       	10	23	1	-1315	-2709	-539	-318
61	Uncle Steve    	26	23	0	-1378	-2772	-1163	-277
62	Ganasa         	19	24	0	-1405	-2799	69	-20
63	IBETHUGE       	15	29	0	-1430	-2824	-128	-100
64	goodcall       	8	29	0	-1957	-3351	-543	-43


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Past Results
[size=+2]2007 MLB Head-to-Head Challenge[/size]
[size=+2]Round 2: Round of 64[/size]
[size=+2]Breakdown Of Yesterday's Plays[/size]<BR>
Post=Post #   R=Result   P=Rot Play   m=Moneyline   r=Runline   o=Over   u=Under
[font=Franklin Gothic Demi][b][size=+1][i][color=blue][u]Poster[/u]   	[u]Week[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=red][u]Post[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=green][u]R1[/u]	[u]R2[/u]	[u]R3[/u][/color][/i][/size]	[size=+1][i][color=blue][u]P1[/u]	[u]P2[/u]	[u]P3[/u][/color][/i][/size]
mlfp           	124	37	100	-116	147	[COLOR="Blue"]962u[/COLOR]	966u	973r
Ganasa         	69	22	-120	100		968m	962u	
Addict101      	-108	5	-100	106	push	954u	965o	970u
goodcall       	-543	34	157	-100	-100	963m	970m	972m
Intrinzik      	106							
IBETHUGE       	-128	19	-100	100	-100	953m	959m	957m
james369       	-387	39	-242	100	100	966m	971m	962m
FairWarning    	315	10	100	112	100	954m	967m	978m
clarkd32       	206	51	100	106		959o	965o	
chriscol       	407	57	100	101	100	973m	969r	971r
Jibba          	-23	54	100	100	107	969m	971m	975m
METFAN         	-53	14	-123	100	-115	952u	962r	966r
Poker Ninja    	162	9	-100	107	-120	951m	975m	968m
viccas         	188	8	100	100	100	959m	959o	973m
schlep66       	-96	2	-100	107		951m	975m	
jdigae01       	68	28	100	112	100	959m	967m	973m
jpitten        	296	26	100	100	-100	978m	969m	956r
dedge          	-77	33	100	134	100	952m	955m	959m
Dsethi         	107	11	134	100		955m	973m	
AROBTTHC       	-539	42	-103	-115	-100	961o	966r	977m
williemcgee    	-240	12	-115	-100	100	966r	964u	973m
HEAVYCHALK     	491	20	100	100	107	954m	962r	975m
gtc08          	380	21	100	100	-120	952m	963r	968m
gabbana        	-46	29	-100	100	100	961m	971r	969m
4putt          	-246	46	100	-119	-111	959o	967o	958u
Shifty Mac     	-16	23	100	-115		973m	966r	
SkinsRaj28     	-90	35	100	107	-100	973m	975m	977m
bigplay        	0							
PoppinFresh    	-59							
roach23        	-5	38	-100	NP	224	951m	late	965m
CalvinTy       	-55	16	-123	100	-120	952u	973m	968m
soswalter      	-499	27	134	-115	-100	955m	966r	977m
wouldbe        	78	31	-100	-184	-100	953m	953r	954u
McCabe         	426	45	-120	107		968m	975m	
5 star bomb    	13	7	101	100	100	969r	969m	959m
Tapa rosca     	151	24	134	-100	107	955m	957m	975m
Donnybasbl     	-128	18	134	100	-100	955m	973m	979m
teazeman       	-142	52	157	-100	-100	963m	970m	972m
lazzonya       	-414	30	-165	100		964m	973m	
bznofx19       	-139							
Mr. Leisure    	-422	60	113	-100	-105	951o	979m	979o
Grand Master B 	-42	48	-100	-120	100	951m	968m	973m
BadAngel       	-274	50	-100	100	-100	957m	959m	979m
jak2403        	201	4	100	109	-103	958m	968u	961r
Don Melchor    	-218	40	-120	100		968m	973m	
stump          	169	6	100	100	100	958m	959m	978m
ILMW           	119	25	100	100	100	953o	959o	971o
Gravy          	556	53	133	100	147	958r	969m	973r
sds23          	-368	43	-242	100	100	966m	969m	971m
juice          	364	17	157	134	100	963m	955m	973m
shale          	0							
Uncle Steve    	-1163	61	-177	-100	NP	951r	951m	late
Betallsports   	105	56	-120			968m		
THW            	-425	49	100	-242	100	962m	966m	971m
Boss Hog       	-221	44	100			969m		
NickFantana    	-353	58	100	107	-100	973m	975m	977m
PublicsMoney   	-309	3	-100	-100		979m	970m	
bailey         	-200	13	100	100	-100	969m	978m	951m
CapNWatch      	376	36	134	100	224	[COLOR="Blue"]955m	959m[/COLOR]	965m
cjv_11         	18	32	134	100	100	955m	959m	973m
wannabe whale  	53	41	101	-100	100	957o	961m	978m
letgetiton     	-293	59	-100	107	-100	951m	975m	979m
MIKEY.1TIME    	-230	15	-165	-115	100	964m	966r	969m
HiPockets      	77	55	107	100	-119	975m	973m	967o


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002
Talk about luck of the draw...
[B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Demi]26	shale          	0	0	0	0[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Demi]39	Uncle Steve    	0	8	0	-1163[/FONT][/B]
shale's been offline all week.

bigplay still a no-show also. Skins lovin' it.

New member
Sep 15, 2006
Talk about luck of the draw...
[B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Demi]26    shale              0    0    0    0[/FONT][/B]
[B][FONT=Franklin Gothic Demi]39    Uncle Steve        0    8    0    -1163[/FONT][/B]
shale's been offline all week.

bigplay still a no-show also. Skins lovin' it.


What seems fair here = yes, my plays have sucked, easy to see, but I least I'm playing. So, my opp can make ONE play and win?

That seems, well, a bit like a 'no-show' for a Softball game.

Winner by default, but hey, I'm just having some fun = no biggie, really.

I'm just hoping to hang and have my luck turn a bit.

you decide, Jack. It's all fun anyway.

Uncle Steve


He Scores!
Feb 20, 2002

What seems fair here = yes, my plays have sucked, easy to see, but I least I'm playing. So, my opp can make ONE play and win?

That seems, well, a bit like a 'no-show' for a Softball game.

Winner by default, but hey, I'm just having some fun = no biggie, really.

I'm just hoping to hang and have my luck turn a bit.

you decide, Jack. It's all fun anyway.

Uncle Steve
10 play minimum dude. don't get all worked up. :ohno:

New member
Sep 15, 2006
10 play minimum dude. don't get all worked up. :ohno:

jeez, the way things have been going since this Inter-League started, it ain't my cup of tea. Something changes the dynamic of play. Can't figure it yet, might be best to jump in a fox hole for a bit.

Not complaining, not at all. Thanks for your hard work = props to you.


Uncle Steve

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