
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Hey a little humor on this fine FRIDAY!



Shoe/bible salesman

Leader of a cult of morons.

Soon to be convicted felon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Does Wilbur here believe in 3,4,5,6, ever how many genders?

Well Wilbur, can you clarify this reality of the belief of more than two genders?

Explain this shit.
Aug 17, 2019
Daily Reminder 👇 👇 👇

👉Beautiful Executive Order 13818
👉Beautiful Executive Order 13848

👉Executions under 50 U.S.C. § 1550 - U.S. Code

Watch the Final Approach of a Military Landing on Runway 10 US Naval Base GITMO


Over the last 4+ years we provided tards with irrefutable evidence including receipts, official documents and communications, GITMO flights and so much more.

But they STILL think "we got him this time".

A special kind of stupid, indeed.

Sep 5, 2010

Delusional disorder is a type of mental health condition characterized by unshakable beliefs in something that isn’t true or based on reality. People with delusional disorder can’t distinguish between what’s real and what’s imagined.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
As many of you know, we are currently under a Military Occupation and Continuity of Government, aka Devolution.

Public trust in religion; the political system; corporations; the legal system; the medical establishment; the financial system; the media etc. are at all time lows.

The entire "old system" was beyond infiltrated, corrupt, unimaginably evil and totally irredeemable...and People are starting to see it.

What's left? The Military. The Military was our only salvation - Mankind's only hope to be delivered from this Evil and restore God's Plan. The only institution which had not been completely infiltrated by the cabal, although some portions had been.

As reported here only, most of the evil faces we know are long gone replaced by actors with masks. The Royals, the Vatican, the Old Guard political class, CEOs, pedo celebs etc. Gone.

What we're seeing with these Gitmo flights, other proofs and clandestine missions are Cleanup Operations.

The war has already been won, and almost everyone didn't even know it was being fought.

Eventually, not only will the public see all these executions, i.e., hangings, their heads blown out (the good), but also the bad (all the horrible things these demons were doing to us, children etc.)

Question: How many of you would choose to completely dissolve all the above I mentioned (financial, political, corporate, legal system, media etc.) in favor of an open PERMANENT Military Occupation operating under the Constitution? Not just in the US, but around the world with all participating nations.

If you want some idea of what this all would look like, think the US Marshall Plan after WW 2. Europe was under total Military Occupation and Western Europeans rebuilt everything quickly.

No more corrupt elections or "democracy" - Constitutional Government run by the Military.

How many of you would be in favor of this? How many of you are ready?

The Old Guard is Gone. A New World Order (Constitutional Govt by We The People) is upon us.

It's not a matter of if but WHEN... WHEN everything is ready and White Hats flip the switch.

100K++ showed up for Trump last night in New Jersey. Unprecented! The People are truly waking up, which means we are getting closer to the "Big Reveal"...


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Imagine what they did to us..

JFK, endless assassinations, endless fake wars, 9/11, moon landing hoax, lab-grown "viruses" and "pandemics", poisoning our food...

Brainwashing the masses with FAKE "science" like Darwin's evolution & "dinosaurs", "67 genders" ,"climate change", "peak oil" hoax, "overpopulation" etc.

8 million children go missing every single year - do people honestly believe these are rogue pedos wandering the streets abducting these children?

Now think about you much property they stole from you during your entire life through unconstitutional confiscatory taxes, when in reality there was always more than enough money to feed and prosper the entire world 10x over. Cabal Central Banksters blackmailed and controlled governments while hoarding trillions for nothing more than their unmitigated greed and demonic cults... to what end? ?

"Left vs Right"?? They were LAUGHING at you!

Most people still can't fathom the depth of evil...yet they will see enough to WANT to make "the switch"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Btw, The Shitty Little State is not part of this historic CIV-MIL Alliance.

Savage should be very thankful he left this thread when he did.

"Chosen People" 👉 The Church of Satan

All eyes on God, Commander Trump and the Military 👉 Saviors of Mankind.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
One of the cabal's biggest LIES and tricks was making people believe they lived in a "democracy" - that we actually "controlled" our own governments and destiny.

That the party system represented "We The People"

Nothing could have been further from the truth.

In reality, America, and indeed most of the west, DIED the moment Central Banksters hijacked the financial and political system infiltrating and controlling EVERYTHING with dark MONEY while brainwashing the People with FAKE "news".

"Votes"? Laughable!

If you rose through their political ranks in any party, you were blackmailed and completely controlled, mostly likely because you had some sick sexual closeted fetish. Think of all the pedos and trannies now being exposed. Think of Anthony Weiner's laptop, the Clinton Foundation's child sex trafficking, Pedo House Speaker Dennis Hastert etc. And of course, Pedo Joe and the Obamas (First Tranny) etc.

"Democracy" - yet another cabal trick and illusion :an_laugh: as real as "81 million votes" 🤡

It's no wonder the Badass Boss and the Militaries around the world completely took over everything, while slowly coaxing and waiting for the People to wake up!

Welcome to the Jungle 👇👇👇



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Art Deals" and President Trump's Executive Order 13818

👇 👇 👇


You might ask yourself, why stupid "Art" work like this one here, Onement VI is a painting which sold for a price of $43.84 million?

WTF, right?

Answer: the multi-billion dollar pseudo art market is just one of many massive money laundering SCAMS. The dirty money that comes from corruption, tax evasion etc is called "layering" in law enforcement code books.

Not surprisingly, dirty art money like this is also linked to child trafficking.

The entire corrupt "art dealing market" is being dismantled by President Trump's Beautiful Executive Order 13818 👉Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
One of my favorite Trump quotes 👇👇👇

"America's enemies must never know our plans or believe they can wait us out. I will not say when we are going to attack, BUT ATTACK WE WILL."

And just WHO are these enemies he spoke of? He already sounded like a WARTIME PRESIDENT.

Who was he talking about?

"The Plan" 👉 "Timing is everything"


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Kash Patel, Senior Advisor to the acting Director of National Intelligence, and Chief of Staff to Secretary of Defense under President Trump.


"Our most valuable national defense assets are under water and in space"

Also Kash 👇

"History will remember their names..."

Amazing new breakthrough technologies are coming people can't possibly imagine...

Too bad Glenn Beck just couldn't STFU. :rolleyes:

"The Best Is Yet To Come" - CIC Trump :cool:


Sep 5, 2010
Funny how this thread dried up when Savage left.

It's just 5 or 6 posts a day by the ultra low iqanons.

Pretty pathetic.

Can't wait for it to dry up more when the orange encrusted buffoon is a convicted felon.






Shoe/bible salesman

Soon,real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Aug 17, 2019
Btw, The Shitty Little State is not part of this historic CIV-MIL Alliance.

Savage should be very thankful he left this thread when he did.

"Chosen People" 👉 The Church of Satan

All eyes on God, Commander Trump and the Military 👉 Saviors of Mankind.


Easy to understand why savage spent the last 4+ years here defending Satanists.

We told him the TRUTH of the "chosen ones" imminent.

He can never say we didn't warn him.
Aug 17, 2019
"Art Deals" and President Trump's Executive Order 13818

👇 👇 👇

View attachment 89258

You might ask yourself, why stupid "Art" work like this one here, Onement VI is a painting which sold for a price of $43.84 million?

WTF, right?

Answer: the multi-billion dollar pseudo art market is just one of many massive money laundering SCAMS. The dirty money that comes from corruption, tax evasion etc is called "layering" in law enforcement code books.

Not surprisingly, dirty art money like this is also linked to child trafficking.

The entire corrupt "art dealing market" is being dismantled by President Trump's Beautiful Executive Order 13818 👉Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption


"Art deals" and "book deals"
Aug 17, 2019
Kash Patel, Senior Advisor to the acting Director of National Intelligence, and Chief of Staff to Secretary of Defense under President Trump.


"Our most valuable national defense assets are under water and in space"

Also Kash 👇

"History will remember their names..."

Amazing new breakthrough technologies are coming people can't possibly imagine...

Too bad Glenn Beck just couldn't STFU. :rolleyes:

"The Best Is Yet To Come" - CIC Trump :cool:


The op stated at the outset of the original RR thread, and maintained throughout, that the "silent war" involved an evil off-planet race/species.

Most will never comprehend what is really going on "out there" in space.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Nice short article to keep folks grounded in "reality"

Too Massive to Comprehend​

I remember a time not too long ago when you could sort of see what was happening in the world, even in your own backyard, with some degree of certainty.

If you looked hard enough, got past the politics, and the greedy capitalists, and the ideological socialists, you could make some sense of it. Even then it took some work. You had to read a lot and find journalists, historians, and authors you could somewhat trust.

Throw in a bit of common sense here and there, and you could pretty much lock on to a rather trustworthy sense of what was true and what probably was not. At least it seemed that way.

There were still always mysteries. People were saying one thing and doing another. But there were stakes in the ground—pillars of truth, certain things you could trust, still with a grain of salt, but for the most part trustworthy. Take the American press for example.

Yes, weird things are discovered here and there with the press during the best of times, but I remember trusting the press. Remember the great Washington Post revelations during the Watergate scandals in the 1970s? A great book and movie came out of it, All the President’s Men. It was journalism at its best (was it?). The controlled manner in which it was presented to the public, to be assured of accuracy and relevance. I was very proud of that paper. But was even that the truth?

Yes, there were problems with journalistic suppressions, particularly during the Vietnam conflict. But truth always seemed to prevail. Was it all as it seemed? Unfortunately, I don’t think so. Not even then. But it sure seemed like there were various bastions of truth you could depend on.

I remember even with the JFK assassination I thought the corruption revealed in that fiasco was limited. At the very beginning of my investigations into the event, I had no understanding that the entire government of the US was in on it. I thought the unscrupulousness was limited. I believed that with the Watergate scandal as well.

Even when 9-11 hit us, I didn’t realize how deep the cancer penetrated our government (the US) and even the world. Little did I know back then what a mess everything was in. And to tell you the truth, I still don’t know the extent of it. For a shrew with a pretty long nose, I am certain I don’t know the half of it. It is pretty daunting.

When did all these lies and corruption start?

There may not be a “start date” —meaning it has always been present in some form. Going back to caveman times we would probably find the first effort by a ruling class to imprison the masses and create a world of illusion that was entirely under their control. Loosely within my lifetime, since the early ‘50s, the CIA and its counterpart in the Soviet Union, the KGB, made a great effort to manipulate the media with planted news stories with the media giants of both countries (The New York Times, and Washington Post in the US, and Pravda in the USSR).

Claims state that these two ruling governments had each other hoodwinked as well as the masses. For example, during Nikita Khrushchev’s time as the Big Kahuna of the Soviet Union, he continuously shook his nuclear big stick claiming the USSR could make nuclear missiles like making sausages. They couldn’t.

Most historians say the US was tricked by the USSR’s nuclear posturing during the early years of the Cold War. I doubt seriously if they were tricked, because if they were aware of Moscow’s true number of nukes, the Soviet ruse gave them a great excuse to increase the US defence budget year after year and convince the American people, and the people of the world, that there was good reason to be terrified. Fear always is a good thing to have in your back pocket when you are trying to control people.

The Soviet Union was a paper tiger. At least in the ‘50s and early ‘60s. After the Cuban missile crisis, and after Khrushchev’s reign, the Soviet Union actually did start making missiles like sausages. Or did they? It is difficult to tell how many of the pesky nuclear warheads were out there, born from either side. The information and misinformation and propaganda and lies and corruption are just too massive to comprehend and cut through to reach the truth.

The Soviet bomb scare of the Cold War is only a teeny-weeny example of the “false reality” that we have been fed for decades. And, needless to say, it has only gotten worse. Much worse. Now, with advanced technology and Artificial Intelligence, it is easier than ever to manipulate information and thus manipulate reality.

We can’t even tell now if the President of the United States making a speech is the real flesh and blood Biden, a hologram, a biological clone, or a robot. The right hand most definitely does not know what the left hand is doing, but I can guarantee you there is a clear, conscious, agenda, and that agenda is not confusing to those executing it, nor is it difficult to define. But it is very difficult to comprehend—at least for the blind masses.

The simple things, however, are still believable. The love you feel for your partner, for your children and your family. The peace you experience taking a walk along the beach or in the stillness of a forest. The joy you feel dancing and listening to music. And the awe you experience when looking at a piece of art. The laugh of a baby will always be true, the slobbering lick of a dog and the look in his or her eye when expressing their unconditional love for their master. These truths are also massive, but they are easy to comprehend. We were born with an acute understanding of their essence, meaning, and purpose.

I have seen many memes commenting that to understand what is happening in the world, we have to forget everything we have learned and everything we have been taught to believe. Everything.

This demand is rather daunting, albeit truer than you would like to believe. If you think you have figured it out, and that figuring doesn’t include forgetting everything you thought you knew, then you can be sure you have not figured it out. Remember that this confusing world is a chess game played by the elite and powerful—we are not players but are pawns. It is not real from a spiritual and meaningful perspective, although we are told it is.

So, if this world’s unreal reality is indeed too massive to comprehend, it stands to reason it is also too big to do anything about.

So, what do we do? We continue to fight, regardless of whether we think we will win. We continue to throw sand into the machinery. We continue to expose the lies and subterfuge. We continue to write and read articles, to create a free press, to communicate through social media and the internet (as long as it lasts, then we go through other means of communication), and we continue to speak out, and never comply.

To quote one of those world leaders who was not what he appeared to be himself, Winston Churchill,

. . . never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty — never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”

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