Moon Landing Deniers are some of the Dumbest People on Earth


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
One thing u have to question is the insurance taken out right before and the gold missing ? Or money or whatever it was removed to never be found before it happened. 🤔

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
They've been confusing and fooling people with "UFO sightings" for decades 👉 FAKE.

Hopefully the geniuses falling for everything "Space" who call us "crazy" never get duped by a high-tech "War of the Worlds" alien invasion, which so many panicked people fell for in the 1930s broadcasted on the radio.

FAKE pandemics
FAKE 9/11 cartoon physics
FAKE 9/11 planes doing impossible things at impossible speeds
FAKE Moon Landing (not enough fuel to get there or the fuel cell technology to stay there)
FAKE Challenger disaster
FAKE Space Station
FAKE "Fires" (DEW technology)
FAKE Weather and Earthquakes (HAARP weather modification technologies)
FAKE Ballots and FAKE Elections

FAKE, FAKE, FAKE... All made possible (believable) by corrupt FAKE "news"

Name something that ISN'T FAKE...chances are, it is.

As for 911 DEW... this is a parking lot filled with "toasted" vehicles blocks away from Ground Zero.



How is this possible? How???

This is probably the most convincing visual some type of directed energy was used on 9/11 to disintegrate/"dustify" the Towers. Watch this massive steel column multiple storeys high magically turn to DUST


If there's a silver lining to this nightmare, it's the fact that once these "classified" weapons are used, they're out of the bag, so-to-speak. Independent researchers rejecting the laughable "official story" using forensic analysis are beginning to slowly understand some of the "secret" technologies they are deploying against us.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
But then, WHAT DOES make sense as I have indeed considered many possibilities as I ALWAYS do when researching topics.
It is one aspect of 911 that has EVEN me legit wondering about....I have suffered cognitive dissonace on it for a while just like you and others cant get past the nonsense of Bldg7

What else should I consider besides this is NOT a plane? Is it some kind of missile? Is it some kind of Alien Technology?

Because to consider this is how a plane reacts when crashing into THICK GAUGE steel is even crazier as we have plenty of REAL WORLD evidence that this is NOT how how a plane reacts.
Still waiting for Ziti to give me some other ideas of what this COULD be
But Ill still take suggestions from ANYONE

I did leave out Hologram/Blue Beam technology from my list of potentials

Sep 21, 2004
Still waiting for Ziti to give me some other ideas of what this COULD be
But Ill still take suggestions from ANYONE

I did leave out Hologram/Blue Beam technology from my list of potentials


Question #1: where did you get the video, and has it been doctored?
Sep 21, 2004
Still waiting for Ziti to give me some other ideas of what this COULD be
But Ill still take suggestions from ANYONE

I did leave out Hologram/Blue Beam technology from my list of potentials

Question #2: Why can't we keep the 9-11 nuttery in one of the other 57,000 threads created to discuss it?

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Question #1: where did you get the video, and has it been doctored?
A. ANY 911 plane video will show the exact thing.....

The two in the Gif are from 2 most famous ones.....Evan Fairbanks ( from below the tower) and Michael Hezarkhani ( the most oft shown one when the played on tv or documentaries)

B. Not from the original ....HOWEVER the Hezarkhani video was doctored by CNN to add the voices screaming in the background

If you take ANY of the known videos and then slow them down and watch the impact frame by frame they will look EXACTLY the same way


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The most famous "plane" video was "obtained" by CNN later that 9/11 afternoon, meaning a direct pipeline into the CIA.

Anyone who lived through "Russian Collusion" now understands how this propaganda machine works, with the Intelligence Clowns constantly feeding CNN disinformation ("scoops") which never live up to the hype. But.. You had to SEE it to believe it.

CNN was created for this very purpose - nothing but a Deep State brainwashing tool disguised as "news".

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
A controlled crash for comparison...not that ANY logical person would expect an aluminum plane crashing into a steel structure at high speed to look like it did here.....Common sense doesnt require a Scientist Title or an "Expert" to tell you something aint right



Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Question #2: Why can't we keep the 9-11 nuttery in one of the other 57,000 threads created to discuss it?
And this is coming from the guy who felt the need to start ANOTHER Nasa thread when he could have posted/lashed out in one of the 57,000 other threads created to discuss it..... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

But Im glad you did as it has provided an opportunity for more eyes to view how silly Moon Landing belief nuttery least some portion of the nearly 10k views are from people lurking, some are probably not members but maybe found this thread when searching for NASA fraud information.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Question #1: where did you get the video, and has it been doctored?
Doctored. LOL

Pick any video (with FAKE cartoon physics that will make you look really, REALLY stupid if you still believe this hoax) YOU want. For starters, you won't find the airline logo on the tail in any of them.

You know why?

FAKE. What you THINK you saw (or were made to believe) is not what it was. Kinda like the "moon landing" hoax only with cooler more updated technology. 😂

Evil? Sure, but also a trick 👉 the ultimate Deep State mind fuck.

Holograms (using that term loosely) don't have Flight Recorders... Pretty logical reason why they never found any (or "allegedly" found them, but didn't release them).

UFOs come in all shapes and sizes but they all have one thing in common 👉 FAKE. "Air al Qaeda" was no exception.

Psychological Warfare against the People.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Just learned a NEW stupid thing about the Evan Fairbanks video...besides the aluminum plane melting into the HEAVY GUAGE STEEL bldg where nary a single piece breaks off :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: ....that is the real BS sundae, this is just a cherry on top.

on a sidenote Evan is a professional in the production trade, yet somehow doesnt record sound for around 2/3 of "his" video. (Seems like equipment malfuntion is pretty standard theme when fraud is involved , eh?)

if ANYONE can give me a logical explanation then please do and I will thank them for the knowledge.

Go to 6:44 and watch frame by frame using <> keys....then look at the reflection in the windshield and the plane appears as a reflection as if it were one of those "tree near the water paintings"

Tell me how in the world is the reflection in the windshield possible.... The airplane is crashing into the WTC and is therefore in the same optical plane as the tower. You cannot create a reflection in a mirror that is nearer to you, of an object that is farther away from you than the mirror.

Screenshot 2024-05-15 at 04-18-20 Screenshot.png

As to why , ask them ..... Maybe the creator thought it would add authenticity or maybe he missed the class on how reflections work.....doesnt change the bs either way.

How the public responds to false flag propaganda at first is MORE important than what they discover later.
Once people have been fooled and emotionally traumatized they will continue to hold those beliefs and resist ANY evidence to the contrary, even getting angry and lashing out at those who try to tell them the truth......Mark Twain anyone?

recent example: How many still think Biden got 81 milliion votes or that the vax is a good thing or even that Hunter's Laptop is fake?

OR maybe someone is leaving clues for future people to happened quite a bit with later Apollo NASA images where it seems quite obvious that someone on the inside(whistleblower with conscious?) left not so subtle clues to the forgeries....You naysayers and "yeah righters" have not seen the official NASA photos where GIANT rocks were literally moved, appeared/dissappeared between shots, like continuity errors in a movie
....... it was so over the top that it rates to be intentional vs accidental.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Amazing the many different questions about the whole situation , building 7 the biggest , insurance , trillion $$, the impossible angle of the pentagon “plane” , black boxes , etc that people except

and refuse to except and prob haven’t read or watched a video in this thread

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
and refuse to except and prob haven’t read or watched a video in this thread
Like granny says....she wont go to the doctor because they might find something....

Maybe covid or the bird flu.....blahahaha

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Remember the monkey bars?

Oh c'mon.. Admit it. We all watched CNN back then. Goofy masked Zoro-looking males in all black "training" coming to get you! Same cheesy videos over and over..

Then, once in a while, a new even cheesier "bin Laden* video with ever more ridiculous" demands". Forget the fact he was groomed by the CIA. Nobody mentioned that. Suddenly he was this super threatening comic book villain blowing stuff up. LOL

Just a constant drip, drip, drip of "Intel" fearmongering for anyone who watched CIA Scare TV.

Because whether it's "al Qeada", "ISIS," Russian Collusion", "Covid", "Jan 6th terrorists"... The script is always the same on "The Most Trusted Name In News"

Progaganda. That's all it was.

Once you see, you cannot unsee.

Once you're awake, you'll never go back to sleep.

Sometimes, you can't tell people the truth, you must SHOW them.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
FAKE "monkey bars" and FAKE "moon rocks" - fitting "proof" for a psychologically traumatized, brainwashed and controlled population that somehow never demands actual RECEIPTS and honest accountable government By The People, For The People.

How about 9/11 Flight Recorders and "moon landing" telemetry data? Can we see those?
Nah, they don't exist. Or maybe...they "somehow" got destroyed. Or maybe...they're "classified"...

Just like that lawless criminal "election" clown show when they boarded up windows and pretended to "Count Votes" spewing out mathematically-impossible results. It's official: "81 million votes for "Biden"! Stop spreading conspiracy theories!" 🤡

Just like when they demanded you hold out your arm so they could inject you with their bioweapon ("the virus came from a bat!" LOL) without actually showing you the official paperwork 👉real data, real science. They treat you like you're stupid and with utter contempt!

Remember, the same Criminal Syndicate will send swat teams to arrest you for not paying their (unconstitutional) confiscatory taxes, but then allow millions of illegals to invade your country. Then house them, feed them, clothe them, give them driver's licenses and allow them to vote. Just don't dare ask for voter ID and call this invasion what it is - that's "racist!"

How about all that FAKE fiat UNIPARTY SWAMP money being shipped overseas fighting more FAKE WARS in Ukraine and Israel? Don't even pretend you know where that's going, anymore than you pretend to have RECEIPTS for the "moon landing" hoax 👉 Money Laundering.

"You'll know where all the money went when you see those massive yachts pulling into the harbor" - President Trump

And isn't it funny, the criminals tried to frame the president for looking into the crimes they were/are committing in Ukraine 👉 Impeachment Hoax #1 & Impeachment Hoax #2.

Just like they kicked ME off social media and placed me on an FBI watchlist during their FAKE PLANDEMIC for spreading "misinformation" (very effectively, I may add) when they were the REAL spreaders of misinformation.

Oh look! Some Patriot took matters into his own hands (because FAKE "news" is beyond CORRUPT!) and found all the "dead" Challenger astroNOTS. No, no, no Joe.... it's all "debunked"! Really? They look the same, they talk the same, they're the right age and they even have the exact same names and teeth. What are the odds? Do you think maybe we should audit NASA for their endless hoaxes and scams?

Some people call this "democracy". I call it a Criminal Syndicate without hyperbole because that is exactly what it is 👉 "a loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activities"


PS - No, that guy is not "in prison" and you certainly haven't heard the last of him!



Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

When 911 commissioner Joe Lieberman was asked about Building 7 he said the following - "WTC 7 Did Not Happen, I Do Not Support A New 9/11 Investigation".

Why would he say that? Does he think you are stupid or does he know you just dont care?


The 9/11 Commission investigation and report did not even mention Building 7

There is also no mention of Bldg7 at the 911 museum.

The would prefer to memory hole this event as they know its one of the MOST absurd lies told and if people start to work backwards then the whole yarn unravels

Do you even know who the companies involved with the clean up, security and writing the scientifically fraudulent 10 000 page NIST Report?

Two main companies - ARA and SAIC (of 23 in total) - What do they specialize in?

Physiological operations, weather modification and more - read up on them if interested.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Didn’t some reporter overseas call the building falling before anything ever happened?
Yep and here it is at around 17 minutes and all the while the Damn Building is in the are the description notes

The Wacky MSM conspiracy believers will tell you it was a simple mistake would anyone make that mistake , it wasnt even hit by a plane, there would be ZERO reason to even imagine it would collapse......well unless of course you knew it was going to , wink wink.

FFS.....what do some of you need to see in order to AT LEAST start asking real questions?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Without even getting into the really ugly traumatizing classified stuff (they hide and bury documents from public view to cover up their endless unimaginable crimes), there's already more than enough original documentation and proof currently in the public domain to throw every single one of these corrupt bums in prison and permanently shut down all their agencies.

There's just one small teensy little problem.

If it really is a Criminal Syndicate...

Do criminal gangsters prosecute themselves?


👉 Crooked Hillary smashed her illegal server destroying subpoenaed evidence...but the FBI claimed she didn't really mean to do it. Honest mistake. 🤡

👉"Biden" is guilty of mishandling endless classified documents...but too old and senile to stand trial. Out of mercy, he won't be prosecuted....but still running for reelection. 🤡

👉 Judges demand the FBI produce evidence they are sitting on, i.e., Seth Rich laptop, which the rogue agency completely ignores.

👉 What about the Kenyan and his endless Treason? 🤡

So much for "Nobody Is Above The Law" 🤡

Meanwhile, law-abiding peaceful citizens demanding accountability (or even parents protecting their own kids from the demonic WOKE "trans" agenda) are harassed, threatened and prosecuted for standing up to The Regime. Not to mention, the ruthless clown LAWFARE campaign against President Trump never ends (albeit as a showcase for normies).

Conclusion: The Criminal Syndicate will not eat its own. Not even if it's REALLY bad? Nope, especially not then. One falls, they all fall.

Moreover, if elections are in fact RIGGED, you CANNOT vote them out.

Does everyone see the problem yet? Or do we need more PAIN before enough people wake up?


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