Tucker opening up a can of worms regarding 9/11. He knows the truth but also knows he cant just come out and say it.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Lucky Larry's" luck was written in the stars long before 9/11...


Easy to be "lucky" every step of the way when you're a sock puppet for the Cabal.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
“Now, if you think that building fell into its own footprint because a plane hit another building, I’ve got a vaccine to sell you”


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
“Now, if you think that building fell into its own footprint because a plane hit another building, I’ve got a vaccine to sell you”

The deniers and MAGOOS think experts from the Govt and Media who are literally paid for and controlled by people who they
KNOW are evil

are somehow MORE honest and correct than experts who risk their OWN time, money and reputation to get the TRUTH out.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
So far in this thread we have...

👉 No forensic evidence of airplanes. No black boxes, not even a single serial number from an airplane part.

👉All videos of the Pentagon attack immediately confiscated by the FBI and remain classified.

👉Military autonomy to shootdown hijacked civilian aircraft stripped away months before the 9/11 attacks.

👉Fox News Report 2001: Mosad agents posing as "Israeli art students" infiltrating multiple bureaucracies.

👉 "Israeli art students" (Gelatin/"E-Team") with full construction ID in the WTC occupying office space in the exact pinpoint locations of BOTH exploding towers.

👉 "Lucky Larry" Silverstein's (owner of WTC) 4 billion dollar "dermatologist" alibi, which no rational person believes.

👉Endless FDNY and NYPD witnesses: "Explosions in the towers!"

👉WTC1, WTC2 and WTC7 "dustified"; vehicles blocks away "toasted" = forensic evidence of DEWs

👉 Approaching 25 years and still no court trials or convictions up the "Al-Qaeda" chain of command.

👉 Bin Laden groomed and trained by the CIA for decades.

👉 "Uniparty" 9/11 Commission, spawned by the growing 9/11 "truther" movement, severely underfunded AND blocked from interviewing any intelligence agents. Bush-Cheney testified in secret and NOT under oath.

👉Multiple "botched investigations" and "lost evidence" from govt agencies following the attacks.

:an_laugh:Popular Mechanics (infiltrated FAKE "news" and their fact-chokers) "debunks" all of this! 🤡

For the Sheep in the back row..

Do you honestly believe camel-herding Mooooslims with "boxcutters" living in caves would ever have the means and know-how to pull off an attack like this? Or for that matter, ANY large scale bombing...from Oklahoma City to the USS Cole. Laughable.

Just like with "Covid" when they unleashed their plandemic on the entire world (the WHO, Birks, Fauci, CDC, DoD, Big Pharma etc.), rogue criminals within our government conspired with other rogue foreign criminals on 911 👉 infiltration from within Even more eye-opening, they did it WITH Trump in office. AND then, STOLE the election! Again, WITH Trump in office...right under his nose.

Think about it..

It doesn't matter who is "president". It hasn't mattered in a very, VERY long time.

Trump knows.

By now, everyone knows....except Libtard Inc/Contard Inc Sheep.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Grandma, take off your shoes!" 👉 "Grandma, wear a mask!"

FAKE TV color-coded "terrorist threat levels" 👉 FAKE TV "Covid tickers"

"Terrorism Experts" brainwashing the Sheep 👉 "Covid Experts" brainwashing the Sheep

Pattern Recognition 👉 Same script, same playbook, same players.

The Deep State purposely creates problems, then promises their ready-made "solutions" in exchange for more of your freedoms and $$$ (their money laundering war machine).

Just like their "vaccine" was patented long before "Covid", the "Patriot Act" was written long before 9/11, they just needed to create the right "event" to roll it out. The CIA's "shoe bomber" ensured the last remaining stubborn holdouts signed on.

And exactly how did their 9/11 "War on Terror" end? It ended with bin Laden "buried at sea" with no witnesses. Who believes that?

As for their "Patriot Act", the Deep State weaponized it to SPY on President Trump and MANY others.

Are you AWAKE yet?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who wore the PATSY label better AND faster? Lee Harvey Oswald or bin Laden's Boxcutter Brigade?

And how many "magic bullets" did the Deep State need to bring down the Twin Towers? Too many to mention....at least one in each chapter of this sordid story.

The FBI wants you to believe they were sooooo incompetent that they couldn't stop (or even "imagine") 9/11, yet had the entire plot solved and wrapped up within 24 hours after it happened? 😂

Wait...you mean the same FBI hiding Seth Rich's laptop? The same FBI who SPIED on President Trump, then tried to frame him and his associates for "Russian Collusion"? The same FBI who raided Mar-a-Lago and arrested Jan 6th Patriots and RIGGED election protestors? The same FBI terrorizing parents protecting their kids from the woke demonic tranny mob?

The same Intelligence Clowns who told you there were WMDs in Iraq and Hunter Biden's laptop was a "Russian disinformation"?

THAT FBI??? THOSE Intelligence Clowns?

Yes, THAT FBI and THOSE Intelligence Clowns!

Absolute criminal dirt bags NOW, yet Truth-telling Saints during 9/11?


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Once upon a time, people naively believed whatever nonsense the FBI and FAKE "news" puppets spoon-fed them..

Ahhhh, the good ol' days for the Deep State.


On this day in 1993, the North Tower of the World Trade Center was bombed. Most the whole basement was blown out but the tower withstood the blast.

It's a good thing that the "Blind sheikh" didn't know that all that was needed to turn the towers to powder and aerosol was some frickin' jet fuel. 😂


In 1993, the North Tower of the WTC was attacked and badly damaged when a van-bomb detonated deep in the basement. The massive bomb was said to have been intended to send the North Tower crashing into the South Tower -- but, by design, it failed to do so. Six people were killed a thousand injured. The following year, four Arab patsies were convicted of carrying out the bombing. The attack is said to have been primarily masterminded by an Egyptian Terror Group led by the infamous and oh-so-scary "blind sheikh ™ from Egypt."

Emad Salem, an FBI informant and a key witness in the trial, stated that the bomb itself was built under supervision from the FBI. During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers. After the event, he claimed that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have substituted a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives.

Salem’s assertion of the “negligent” complicity of certain FBI supervisors is a matter of public record which would later be reported by even some “mainstream media” sources – but never followed up on. It is clear that the attack, in hindsight, was a “false flag attack” planned and executed by Deep State operatives -- not for the purpose of knocking down the tower, but rather, to psychologically prep humanity for the big show that was to come more than 8 years later.


The dirty deed was pinned on a made-for-TV Egyptian character dubbed "The Blind Sheikh."

8 Months Later 👇 👇 👇


“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.

In another point in the transcripts, Mr. Salem recounts a conversation he said he had with (agents), saying, "I said, 'Guys, now you saw this bomb went off and you both know that we could (have) avoided that.' " At another point, Mr. Salem says, "You get paid, guys, to prevent problems like this from happening."

Mr. Salem talks of the plan to substitute harmless powder for explosives during another conversation with agent Floyd.”


Two years later, future Israeli Prime Minister, Bibi Satanyahoo, in his new book, Fighting Terrorism – which features an image of a suitcase nuclear bomb on its cover – the 9-11 co-perp wrote, on p 52:

“What road should the United States and other democracies pursue if they are to overcome the insidious international terror which produced the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and which may very well produce other such tragedies?”

On p. 125, Netanyahu again mentions the WTC:

“In the worst of such scenarios, the consequences could be not a car bomb but a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.”

The 1993 attack and Bibi's 1995 "prophecy" were clearly connected -- as were the twin bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in 1998. Those Mossad false attacks were pinned on a new comic book villain that was just being introduced to Normiedom -- Osama Bin Laden. If the study of conspiratorial history -- be it recent or even centuries past -- teaches us anything, it is this: The "predictive programming" propaganda build-ups to major events can take as long as 10 years. When the epic thing finally happens, the psychologically prepped subjects of Normiedom have no idea of who just really hit them. Their Cognitive Bias is so strong by that time that they will follow along with whatever fairy tale the long-term planners then feed them -- while ridiculing Truthers as "conspiracy theorists."

For that reason, the precedents and the lessons of WTC 93, and Africa 98, are very important to understand.



1. Commander Trump recently changed his Truth Social image to a war-painted face -- 9 stars, configurated in a blue and red "9" next to an "11 "(Twin Towers) //

2. There are numerous images of "Netanyahu" showing a mask line. We believe that he, and many others, were executed some time ago -- and that the current "Wag the Dog" Fake War in Gaza show is being put on to embarrass an already defeated and domesticated Israel.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Once upon a time, people naively believed whatever nonsense the FBI and FAKE "news" puppets spoon-fed them..

Ahhhh, the good ol' days for the Deep State.


On this day in 1993, the North Tower of the World Trade Center was bombed. Most the whole basement was blown out but the tower withstood the blast.

It's a good thing that the "Blind sheikh" didn't know that all that was needed to turn the towers to powder and aerosol was some frickin' jet fuel. 😂


In 1993, the North Tower of the WTC was attacked and badly damaged when a van-bomb detonated deep in the basement. The massive bomb was said to have been intended to send the North Tower crashing into the South Tower -- but, by design, it failed to do so. Six people were killed a thousand injured. The following year, four Arab patsies were convicted of carrying out the bombing. The attack is said to have been primarily masterminded by an Egyptian Terror Group led by the infamous and oh-so-scary "blind sheikh ™ from Egypt."

Emad Salem, an FBI informant and a key witness in the trial, stated that the bomb itself was built under supervision from the FBI. During his time as an FBI informant, Salem recorded hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers. After the event, he claimed that an unnamed FBI supervisor declined to move forward on a plan that would have substituted a "phony powder" to fool the conspirators into believing that they were working with genuine explosives.

Salem’s assertion of the “negligent” complicity of certain FBI supervisors is a matter of public record which would later be reported by even some “mainstream media” sources – but never followed up on. It is clear that the attack, in hindsight, was a “false flag attack” planned and executed by Deep State operatives -- not for the purpose of knocking down the tower, but rather, to psychologically prep humanity for the big show that was to come more than 8 years later.


The dirty deed was pinned on a made-for-TV Egyptian character dubbed "The Blind Sheikh."

8 Months Later 👇 👇 👇


“Law-enforcement officials were told that terrorists were building a bomb that was eventually used to blow up the World Trade Center, and they planned to thwart the plotters by secretly substituting harmless powder for the explosives, an informer said after the blast.

The informer was to have helped the plotters build the bomb and supply the fake powder, but the plan was called off by an F.B.I. supervisor who had other ideas about how the informer, Emad A. Salem, should be used, the informer said.

In another point in the transcripts, Mr. Salem recounts a conversation he said he had with (agents), saying, "I said, 'Guys, now you saw this bomb went off and you both know that we could (have) avoided that.' " At another point, Mr. Salem says, "You get paid, guys, to prevent problems like this from happening."

Mr. Salem talks of the plan to substitute harmless powder for explosives during another conversation with agent Floyd.”


Two years later, future Israeli Prime Minister, Bibi Satanyahoo, in his new book, Fighting Terrorism – which features an image of a suitcase nuclear bomb on its cover – the 9-11 co-perp wrote, on p 52:

“What road should the United States and other democracies pursue if they are to overcome the insidious international terror which produced the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and which may very well produce other such tragedies?”

On p. 125, Netanyahu again mentions the WTC:

“In the worst of such scenarios, the consequences could be not a car bomb but a nuclear bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center.”

The 1993 attack and Bibi's 1995 "prophecy" were clearly connected -- as were the twin bombings of the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, in 1998. Those Mossad false attacks were pinned on a new comic book villain that was just being introduced to Normiedom -- Osama Bin Laden. If the study of conspiratorial history -- be it recent or even centuries past -- teaches us anything, it is this: The "predictive programming" propaganda build-ups to major events can take as long as 10 years. When the epic thing finally happens, the psychologically prepped subjects of Normiedom have no idea of who just really hit them. Their Cognitive Bias is so strong by that time that they will follow along with whatever fairy tale the long-term planners then feed them -- while ridiculing Truthers as "conspiracy theorists."

For that reason, the precedents and the lessons of WTC 93, and Africa 98, are very important to understand.

View attachment 84628

View attachment 84629
1. Commander Trump recently changed his Truth Social image to a war-painted face -- 9 stars, configurated in a blue and red "9" next to an "11 "(Twin Towers) //

2. There are numerous images of "Netanyahu" showing a mask line. We believe that he, and many others, were executed some time ago -- and that the current "Wag the Dog" Fake War in Gaza show is being put on to embarrass an already defeated and domesticated Israel.

That guys does some serious research
Yet gets MOCKED by Magoos going by FakeNews and HostileGovernment sources

I get that its too painful for some to even consider, even guys who SHOULD KNOW better........

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Yes, they SHOULD know better.

Cognitive Dissonance. The Deep State employs illegal psychological warfare against the people.

At this point, who ISN'T surprised the FBI was intimately involved in the 1993 WTC bombing? Shocking, right? (Not!) Just as they ALWAYS seem to be knee-deep in every "terror" attack and false flag shooting. The fake Gretchin Whitmore kidnapping (already GITMO'd, thank God!), Jan 6th and the mystery "Capitol pipe bomber"; the Seth Rich laptop coverup; the Mandalay hotel false flag... the FBI is ALWAYS involved, and not in a good way.

Just as the FBI knew everything there was to know about the "9/11 hijackers" not even 24 hours after it happened. How is this possible? Followed by nonstop media propaganda and "leaks" against said "hijackers" for endless weeks and months, a la "Russian Collusion", brainwashing normies into believing in a boogyman that never existed.

You mean the Intelligence Clowns couldn't find Bin Laden (before or after 9/11) but a CNN reporter somehow tracked him down for an interview in a cave? Yes! 🤡

"Buried at sea, with no witnesses" - for those late to the party. Remember that one?

The nonsense the Deep State forces people to believe in....mind boggling!

👉 June, 2019, President Trump ABC Interview with Globalist George Stephanopolus:

“Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center. It was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also."

Though the full multi-hour interview was posted online, that particular comment was never aired on TV.

👉August, 2022, Trump Interview with ESPN:

"Nobody has ever gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately."

Well, except Anons, Digital Soldiers and Citizen Journalists...aka "conspiracy theorists".

If and when normies ever learn 9/11 Truth -- and realize what was parlayed out of this horrifying staged false flag attack (wars, foreign genocide, airport abuse, Patriot Act, trillions of dollars wasted, liberties curtailed etc) -- the anger at the doomed Deep State will be overwhelming and revolutionary.

As it should.

Admittedly, 9/11 Truth is a bitter pill to swallow...maybe the toughest of all. But at this point, with an unprecedented winning streak, who would be stupid enough to bet against "conspiracy theorists"?


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Yes, they SHOULD know better.

Cognitive Dissonance. The Deep State employs illegal psychological warfare against the people.

At this point, who ISN'T surprised the FBI was intimately involved in the 1993 WTC bombing? Shocking, right? (Not!) Just as they ALWAYS seem to be knee-deep in every "terror" attack and false flag shooting. The fake Gretchin Whitmore kidnapping (already GITMO'd, thank God!), Jan 6th and the mystery "Capitol pipe bomber"; the Seth Rich laptop coverup; the Mandalay hotel false flag... the FBI is ALWAYS involved, and not in a good way.

Just as the FBI knew everything there was to know about the "9/11 hijackers" not even 24 hours after it happened. How is this possible? Followed by nonstop media propaganda and "leaks" against said "hijackers" for endless weeks and months, a la "Russian Collusion", brainwashing normies into believing in a boogyman that never existed.

You mean the Intelligence Clowns couldn't find Bin Laden (before or after 9/11) but a CNN reporter somehow tracked him down for an interview in a cave? Yes! 🤡

"Buried at sea, with no witnesses" - for those late to the party. Remember that one?

The nonsense the Deep State forces people to believe in....mind boggling!

👉 June, 2019, President Trump ABC Interview with Globalist George Stephanopolus:

“Iraq did not knock down the World Trade Center. It was not Iraq. It was other people. And I think I know who the other people were. And you might also."

Though the full multi-hour interview was posted online, that particular comment was never aired on TV.

👉August, 2022, Trump Interview with ESPN:

"Nobody has ever gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately."

Well, except Anons, Digital Soldiers and Citizen Journalists...aka "conspiracy theorists".

If and when normies ever learn 9/11 Truth -- and realize what was parlayed out of this horrifying staged false flag attack (wars, foreign genocide, airport abuse, Patriot Act, trillions of dollars wasted, liberties curtailed etc) -- the anger at the doomed Deep State will be overwhelming and revolutionary.

As it should.

Admittedly, 9/11 Truth is a bitter pill to swallow...maybe the toughest of all. But at this point, with an unprecedented winning streak, who would be stupid enough to bet against "conspiracy theorists"?

hoodie conspiracy.jpg

I just ordered the Tshirt version of this ....Gonna wear it proudly

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Now that you've learned evil rogue elements of the FBI were intimately involved in the 1993 WTC bombing (just like every other false flag), it's time for the main course - serious detailed TRUTH BOMBING about 9/11.

Kudos to our fellow Patriot 'doctorsuccess' who introduced me to Mike King.

Most of the facts gathered in the following articles are verified and old hat to me, but few people "connect the dots" and explain exactly what happened step-by-step the way Mike does in such meticulous detail.

If you're new to this, you better be sitting down. This isn't light reading or for the faint of heart.

The evil bastards were BRAZEN, I'll give them that!

Who gave them unfettered access to the WTC? If you've been following this thread, you know WHO and you know WHY.

Bombs away Mike! (pun intended)


The Inside Bombers of 9/11 Revealed

After about 2 years of intensive post-9/11 research --and two decades of continuously picking up still more interesting bits and pieces --everyone's favorite investigative historian here just stumbled across some data not known to him before. Just to be clear, Real News & History is not the original discoverer of some of the facts about to be reviewed. The thinking here is that if even Sugar the Crazed Conspiracy Cat had failed to sniff out some of these details, then many of you may be hearing this for the first time as well --so it's definitely worth sharing. The reality of Israeli explosives experts using the cover of "art groups" to infiltrate and set up shop in the World Trade Center in advance of the big day is really not new to most 9/11 researchers. What is not as widely known however is the demonically mocking brazenness of their "art" --something which could only be appreciated post 9/11.*

Editor's Note: We are of the opinion that a cocktail of explosive forces were used to take out the Twin Towers:

1. Floor by floor explosives (to mimic and accelerate the "pancake" collapse which was then used as an explanation)

2. Micro nukes (to take out the deep immovable base and solid inner core of the towers)

3. Directed Energy Weapons (to pulverize and aerosolize everything for effect and easy cleanup)

Two of the "artist” fronts--which served as Trojan Horses for the Zionist blasting operatives --were given unfettered, off hours access to the the 90s floors of the North Tower. The groups (among others still unknown to us) went by thename Gelatin (from Austria) and E-Team (Three Jews from New York). Both groups were chosen to be part of the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council World Views projects which enabled them to actually live in the towers during the months leading up to 9/11. We kid you not!



From terrorism to child sex trafficking to money laundering, the arch-villains
of the CIA-Mossad Deep State often use "art" or "artists" as a front. And so it

was regarding the 9/11 false flag.


The Gelatin project produced a book called "The B Thing." Just 3 weeks before
the fateful day, a New York Times story about the project reported:

"Called ''The B-Thing'' and produced by four Vienna-based artists known
collectively as Gelatin, the book is demure to the point of being oblique. What
little explanation it contains appears to have been scribbled in ballpoint. Among
the photos and schematic drawings, there are doodles of tarantulas with human

In short, the book belies the extravagance of the feat it seems to document: the
covert installation, and brief use, of a balcony on the 91st floor of the World
Trade Center, 1,100 feet above the earth." (emphasis added) *

The photos, drawings and notes which Gelatin published in B-Thing -- a book
which now only sells used at Amazon for $1300 -- would have been deemed
weird by anyone seeing the book when it first came out in January of 2001. But
for anyone --- even a normie --- seeing the contents after 9/11; it is a real
shocker, or at least a curiosity simulator for a normie.

We'll let some of the images from B Thing posted below do most of the talking.
But first, an observation about the group's name, "Gelatin." Gelignite is an
enormously powerful blasting material, invented by Alfred Nobel -- who also
invented dynamite. The explosive is also commonly referred to as gelatin. And
the B-Thing? ---- Bomb Thing!

Bombers of 911.jpg

The pre-9/11 NY Times full page article on Gelatin and their B-Thing
project (which included the removal of a window, the construction of a
balcony, and grappling equipment) included a photo of one of the
"artists" working in front of a box labelled BB 18 -- the model number for

FUSES manufactured by a company called Littelefuse Inc.

911 bombers 2.jpg

1. The book cover of B-Thing

2. Members of the "art group" named after a blasting compound, Gelatin

3. Images from B Thing show a room packed with boxes labeled BB 18. Who was protecting these shady


From B-Thing --- etchings with creepy notes, such as: "Amazing outside depressing
inside" -- "Depression inside (image of tiny people jumping) amazement outside" --
"Fill with wonder, astound" -- "Last chance for a parachute" -- "Chambers for S.M.
(Sado Masochism) Lust" --"Airplane food" -- "Hole to Escape Shame" --"Satellite
phone talk with mama" -- "suicide height"


Other Gelatin projects (featured in the New York Slimes) include
excrement sculptures and a giant pink rabbit (pedo symbolism) placed on

a mountain in Italy.


Another cast of shady characters fronting as "artists" working inside the Towers
was a Jewish New York trio Eteam: consisting of members Ranziska
Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, and Daniel Seiple. E-Team = Explosives team?
Yeah --- I think so.

Not as much is known about E-team as we now know about the Gelatin crew.
But we do know that they were also active in the 90s floors of the North Tower
(the exact spot which exploded first on 9/11).

What's notable about E-team is an outrageous in-your-face mockery stunt
essentially telling New York that they were going to blow up the towers, and
the precise location of the original great fireball. The following write up and
images are straight from E-team member Daniel Sieple:


"127 Illuminated Windows

E-Team (Franziska Lamprecht, Hajoe Moderegger, Daniel Seiple)

Light sculpture / LMCC World Views Short Term Project, North Face of 1
World Trade (Floors 89-95)March 29, 2001

“The name of our collaboration, E-TEAM, is generic. To illuminate it on the
North face of Tower 1, World Trade Center, we would use the windows
between the 89th and 95th floors like elements in an LCD.

It would require 279 darkened and 127 lit windows, and the help of those
respective offices. We contacted 14 businesses and provided them with floor
plans detailing which blinds to open and close. The support we received from
the offices and their employees was integral to illuminating our name."
(emphasis added)


It wasn't enough to kill thousands of people for the overlapping causes of
Globalism and Zionism. No. These devils had to revel in perverse mockery over
the grand event, both before and after it happened. These people are sick.


1. Seiple charms the businesses into letting the E-Team set up their lighted
windows mockery stunt. // 2. Closing and opening blinds on the evening
of illumination -- 6 months before 9/11. // 3. Perfect placement, and
Satanic mockery.


1. World Trade Center lease owner Larry Silverstein could be found eating breakfast at Windows on the World restaurant on the top floor of the North Tower which got "ETeamed" on 9/11. But on that fateful day, he just happened to have a "doctor's appointment" and both of his children (who also worked in the WTC) were late for work.

2. Israeli children dressed up as burning Twin Towers for biblical murder
festival known as "Purim."

3. CD cover from "Coup" came out BEFORE 9/11 and was pulled after the event. The placing of the blast was perfect.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Fake "Science" of the 911 Story

By Mike King

In the immediate aftermath of the terror attack of 9/11/2001 -- a "dream team" of engineers was summoned to the scene of the astonishing collapse of the Twin Towers in Manhattan. Little did the distinguished professionals know at the time that they were invited only for the purpose of window dressing -- to provide the illusion of a forensic investigation into the cause of the collapsed, pulverized and aerosolized man-made mountains of steel and concrete.

One investigator complained to the New York Times:

"'This is almost the dream team of engineers in the country working on this, and
our hands are tied,' said one team member who asked not to be identified.
'Members have been threatened with dismissal for speaking to the press. FEMA is
controlling everything,' the team member said. 'Just give us the money and let us
do it, and get the politics out of it.'''

The article continued:

"In calling for a new investigation, some structural engineers have said that one
serious mistake has already been made in the chaotic aftermath of the collapses:
the decision to rapidly recycle the steel columns, beams and trusses that held up
the buildings."

The fix was in, and the "explanation" for the collapse had already been cooked-up by the Deep State illusion makers. The boys from Langley even designed a
"computer model" for us -- a children's cartoon video, in essence -- demonstrating how "jet fuel fires" from the penetrating passenger jets caused the steel of the uppermost floors to "buckle" and trigger a "pancake" collapse all the way down to the street, a quarter mile below. A handful of science whores then "peer reviewed" the fairy tale for Normiedom and the rest is Fake History.




The Official Fairy Tale: The hollow aluminum planes penetrated steel
exoskeletons as if they were flying through sheet-rock -- or even cardboard!
The oxygen-starved fires then melted steel – and voila! Instant “pancake” powder and dust.

The amusing thing about "experts" -- and this observation also includes the
honest ones -- is that they always go right away for the technical data while
completely neglecting to utilize their intuitive intelligence. Personally, I've always believed that this mental deficiency is the product of an educational system which -- even at its highest levels -- is designed to produce specialized idiots who can calculate the heck out of something, yet not see what is right under their noses.

Lots of math and science training --- not enough study of literature, philosophy,
logic, art etc. -- and clearly not enough life "street smarts" or country "horse

With all due deference to and respect for the brilliant engineers and architects
who have calculated the physical impossibility of "the official story," let us keep
our analysis here at a simple level understandable to even the most scientifically challenged among us -- and therefore far more effective at opening eyes to the hidden truth of this monstrous 22-year old LIE.

Though we appreciate and applaud the intrepid efforts and "prestigious"
proclamations of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, their calculations are
redundant. Any thinking man (or child!) should be able to see this WITHOUT

using math or science.


1. How can a hollow aluminum tube and its thin wings so easily penetrate a
solid steel exoskeleton made up of beams as thick as oak trees?

Donald Trump himself -- who knows a thing or two about building skyscrapers --
stated on 9-12-2001:

"This was an unbelievably powerful building(s). When I first looked at it, I couldn't
believe it because there was a hole in the steel!. ... How could a plane, even a 767,
possibly go through the steel? .... I happen to think that they had not only a
plane, but had bombs that exploded almost simultaneously.... I just can't imagine
anything going through that wall."

Of course, they "had bombs" -- and now appear to have used TV computer
graphics to simulate a plane flying through the steel as if it was a paper bag --
when it should have crumpled up like an empty beer can. Think about it rationally.


1. Trump sensed right away that we were being lied too.

2. The entire hollow aluminum plane, including the flimsy thin wings, penetrated the steel outside walls as if it were flying through paper. If a solid lead bullet cannot penetrate a bullet-proof vest - then how did a much slower hollow

aluminum tube penetrate a wall of thick steel?



1. A solid cannonball (about 500 mph) couldn't even fully penetrate a
small point on a simple brick wall, but hollow aluminum tubes at 300
mph so easily passed through walls of thick commercial grade steel?

2. A plane strikes a flock of birds and sustains so much damage -- yet
the steel walls of the twin towers were so easily and completely

3. The flimsy wings of an airplane are nearly severed by
a hollow pole, yet cleanly penetrated a steel wall on 9/11?

2. How can the top 10% and 20% of the respective towers completely grind down -- at free fall speed -- the remaining 90% and 80% of the buildings?

The top floors of the towers may have been very heavy -- but the more numerous lower floors were much heavier. The top 10/20% crushing the bottom 80/90% would be analogous to dropping a single cinder block on top of a cemented and anchored stack of nine other blocks -- and expecting a mass of instant powder and dust. Try that experiment in your backyard and let us know if you can duplicate the "pancake" collapse of 9/11.

Come to think of it, why didn't FEMA "investigators" recreate a small-scale tower, like say, 50-feet tall, and fly an equally proportional fuel-laden drone into it --- just to see what would happen? Hmmm?

Adding insanity to idiocy, imagine if were to drop a large stone off of the top of
the World Trade Center -- at the precise moment which the "pancake collapse"
initiated. Then try to imagine the stone (encountering only air resistance) and the
top of the collapsing building (encountering the resistance of the entire steel
reinforced building) reaching the street at about the same time. Nuts!



1. A few top cans of tuna won't grind down the stack below -- even if you
were to stand on top of them and jump up and down!

2. Nor will a stack of blocks if you drop blocks on top of them.

*to be continued*

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Ready .. Set .. Go! --- A race between the collapsing upper floors of the
Twin Towers and a jumper would be a close one. How can that be?

3. How did a 3rd skyscraper -- the 610 feet-tall World Trade Center #7 -- which
was not even struck by an airplane -- also collapsed into its own footprint at ffree-fall speed?

Unlike the previously mentioned physical impossibilities, we may excuse normies
for not thinking this one through. You see, the vast majority of people in America
(and the world) STILL DON'T EVEN KNOW that a 3rd massive skyscraper -- located 300 feet away from the towers and not even struck by any alleged planes -- collapsed into its own footprint at free fall speed that day. With the exception of a single CBS News clip which Anchorman Dan Rather must have slipped up in
allowing to be aired, the event was never seen again -- except on the Internet.

This one is the kicker, and only a madman (of which plenty walk among us) or a
supine coward of the lowest rank (plenty of them too) would even attempt to
explain this away with "science." The Deep State (CIA-Mossad) did 9/11, and their
affiliated Fake News, politicians and academics covered it up.

"The science is settled!" -- as they say. Deal with it!



The collapse of WTC Building 7 was a clean controlled demolition. It is the
weakest of all the weak links of the 9/11 fairy tale.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
As the world watched in disbelief and asked the question...


Mossad agents were seen celebrating!

The Dancing Israelis of 9/11

By Mike King

Footnote Links from my old files are mostly dead by now. To verify the quotes / footnotes contained in this article, copy & paste some of the text into a search engine. The discerning reader will find that all quotes and events are accurately described.

From the New York Times // October 8, 2001
5 Young Israelis, Caught in Net of Suspicion

"As their lawyer tells it, when the five young men were picked up by F.B.I. agents in midday on Sept. 11, they had a box cutter with them. One man carried $4,000 in cash, another had two passports. In short, there probably were good reasons to be suspicious of the men who became the subjects of widespread news coverage.

What those early news accounts missed, however, was that all five of the men were Israeli Jews, and that if they had box cutters, it was because at least four of them and possibly all five worked for Urban Moving Systems, a household moving company in New York and New Jersey."

"Movers," eh? Nice cover-up there by "the paper of record."

Yes indeed, that Mossad team made quite a public spectacle of themselves on 9-11 -- so much so that the story of their actions initially penetrated the media screening, before disappearing down the Orwellian "memory hole." Some quotes from various "mainstream media" sources.

"The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards." (1)

"Police received several calls from angry New Jersey residents claiming "middle-eastern" men with a
white van were videotaping the disaster with shouts of joy and mockery." (2)

"They were like happy, you know … They didn't look shocked to me" said a witness." (3)

"They were seen by New Jersey residents on Sept. 11 making fun of the World Trade Center ruins and going to extreme lengths to photograph themselves in front of the wreckage." (4)

Witnesses saw them jumping for joy in Liberty State Park after the initial impact. Later on, other witnesses saw them celebrating on a roof in Weehawken, and still more witnesses later saw them celebrating with high fives in a Jersey City parking lot.

"It looked like they're hooked in with this. It looked like they knew what was going to happen when they were at Liberty State Park." (5)

One anonymous phone call to the authorities actually led them to close down all of New York's bridges and tunnels. The mystery caller told the 9-1-1 dispatcher that a group of Palestinians were mixing a bomb inside of a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel. Here's the transcript from NBC News:

Dispatcher: Jersey City police.
Caller: Yes, we have a white van, 2 or 3 guys in there, they look like Palestinians and going around a building.
Caller: There's a minivan heading toward the Holland tunnel, I see the guy by Newark Airport mixing some junk and he has those sheikh uniform.
Dispatcher: He has what?
Caller: He's dressed like an Arab. (6)

* Writer's note: Why would this mystery caller specifically say that these "Arabs" were Palestinians? How would he know that? Palestinians usually dress in western style clothes, not "sheikh uniforms"


1. The story of the 5 arrested Israelis made it to the front page of a New Jersey newspaper on 9/12, but was never followed up on.

2. Bibi Satanyahu was happy about 9/11!

3. Israeli children dress up in 9/11 costumes for Purim, 2013

Based on that phone call, police then issued a "Be-on-the-Lookout" alert for a white mini-van heading for the city's bridges and tunnels from New Jersey.

"White, 2000 Chevrolet van with 'Urban Moving Systems' sign on back seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into World Trade Center Three individuals with van were seen celebrating after initial impact and subsequent explosion. FBI Newark Field Office requests that, if the van is located, hold for prints and detain individuals." (7)

When a van fitting that exact description was stopped just before crossing into New York, the suspicious "middle-easterners" were apprehended. Imagine the surprise of the police officers when these terror suspects turned out to be Israelis!

According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the driver of the van, Sivan Kurzberg, told the officers:

"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." (8)

Why did he feel Palestinians were a problem for the NYPD?

The police and FBI field agents became very suspicious when they found maps of the city with certain places highlighted, box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. (9)

The FBI seized and developed their photos, one of which shows Sivan Kurzberg flicking a cigarette lighter in front of the smoldering ruins in an apparently celebratory gesture. (10)

The Jerusalem Post later reported that a white van with a bomb was stopped as it approached the George Washington Bridge, but the ethnicity of the suspects was not revealed. Here's what the Jerusalem Post reported on September 12, 2001:

"American security services overnight stopped a car bomb on the George Washington Bridge. The van, packed with explosives, was stopped on an approach ramp to the bridge. Authorities suspect the terrorists intended to blow up the main crossing between New Jersey and New York, Army Radio reported." (11)

"...two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington Bridge ... The FBI ... says enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge. It was reported the van contained tonnes of explosives." (12)

What's really intriguing is that ABC's 20/20 (13), the New York Post (14), and the New Jersey Bergen Record (15) all clearly and unambiguously reported that a white van with Israelis was intercepted on a ramp near Route 3, which leads directly to the Lincoln Tunnel.

But the Jerusalem Post, Israeli National News (Arutz Sheva) (16), and Yediot America (17) all reported, just as clearly and unambiguously, that a white van with Israelis was stopped on a ramp leading to the George Washington Bridge, which is several miles north of the Lincoln Tunnel.

It appears as if there may actually have been two white vans involved, one stopped on each crossing. This would not only explain the conflicting reports as to the actual location of the arrests, but would also explain how so many credible eye-witnesses all saw celebrating "middle-easterners" in a white van in so many different locations. It also explains why the New York Post and Steve Gordon (lawyer for the 5 Israelis) originally described how three Israelis were arrested but later increased the total to five.

Perhaps one van was meant to drop off a bomb while the other was meant to pick up the first set of drivers while re-crossing back into New Jersey? If a van was to be used as a parked time-bomb on the GW Bridge, then certainly the drivers would need to have a "get-away van" to pick them up and escape. And notice how the van (or vans) stayed away from the third major crossing -the Holland Tunnel- which was where the police had originally been directed to by that anti-Palestinian 9-1-1 "mystery caller." A classic misdirection play.

From there, the story becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems Incorporated (Mossad). An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the The Record of New Jersey that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were joking about the attacks.

The employee, who declined to give his name said: "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me." These guys were like, "Now America knows what we go through." (18)

A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country for Israel. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stranded in storage facilities (19).

Suter's departure was abrupt, leaving behind coffee cups, sandwiches, cell phones and computers strewn on office tables and thousands of dollars of goods in storage. Suter was later placed on the same FBI suspect list as 9/11 lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and other hijackers and suspected al-Qaeda sympathizers, suggesting that U.S. authorities felt Suter may have known something about the attacks. (20)


1 & 2. As bad as 9/11 was, it could have been worse had the Israeli "movers" bombed the tunnels and bridges leading into New York from New Jersey.

2. The mysterious "mover" Dominick Suter fled to Israel after the attacks.

The Jewish weekly, The Forward, reported that the FBI finally concluded that at least two of the detained Israelis were agents working for the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, and that Urban Moving Systems, the ostensible employer of the five Israelis, was a front operation. This was confirmed by two former CIA officers, and they noted that movers' vans are a common intelligence cover. (21). The Israelis were held in custody for 71 days before being quietly released. (22)

"There was no question but that [the order to close down the investigation] came from the White House. It was immediately assumed at CIA headquarters that this basically was going to be a cover-up so that the Israelis would not be implicated in any way in 9/11." (23)

Several of the detainees discussed their experience in America on an Israeli talk show after their return home. Said one of the men, denying that they were laughing or happy on the morning of Sept. 11:

"The fact of the matter is we are coming from a country that experiences terror daily. Our purpose was to document the event." (24)

How did they know there would be an event to document on 9/11? It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to connect the dots of the dancing Israeli Mossad agents - here's the most logical scenario:

1. The Israeli "movers" cheered the 9-11 attacks to celebrate the successful accomplishment of the greatest spy operation ever pulled off in history.

2. One of them, or an accomplice, then calls a 9-1-1 police dispatcher to report Palestinian bomb-makers in a white van headed for the Holland Tunnel.

3. Having thus pre-framed the Palestinians with this phone call, the Israeli bombers then head for the George Washington Bridge instead, where they will drop off their time-bomb van and escape with Urban Moving accomplices.

4. But the police react very wisely and proactively by closing off ALL bridges and tunnels instead of just the Holland Tunnel. This move inadvertently foils the Israelis' misdirection play and leads to their own capture and even slight torture.

5. To cover up this story, the U.S. Justice Department rounds up over 1000 Arabs for minor immigration violations and places them in New York area jails. The Israelis therefore become less conspicuous as the government and media can now claim that the Israelis were just immigration violators caught in the same dragnet as many other Arabs.

6. After several months, FBI and Justice Department "higher-ups" are able to gradually push aside the local FBI agents and free the Israelis quietly.


1. A day of horror which kicked off the "War on Terror" -- celebrated by "The Dancing Israelis."

2. Consistent with the use of exotic weapon technologies (Nukes & DEWs), many of those covered in dust died of cancer in later years.

3. Building 7 -- a THIRD skyscraper -- which was clearly demolished by pre-planted explosives, later in the afternoon of 9/11/2001.

Osama bin Laden was immediately blamed for the 9/11 attacks even though he had no previous record of doing anything on this scale. Immediately after the Flight 11 hit World Trade Center 1, CIA Director George Tenet said:

"You know, this has bin Laden's fingerprints all over it." (25)

The compliant mainstream media completely ignored the Israeli connection. Immediately following the 9-11 attacks the media was filled with stories linking the attacks to bin Laden. TV talking-heads, "experts", and scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable.

We were told that the reason bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates our "freedom" and "democracy". The Muslims were "medieval" and they wanted to destroy us because they envied our wealth, were still bitter about the Crusades, and were offended by Britney Spears shaking her tits and ass all over the place!

But bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that Zionists orchestrated the 9-11 attacks. The BBC published bin Laden's statement of denial in which he said:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks. ... The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." (26)

You never heard that quote on your nightly newscast, did you? Or this one from renowned investigative journalist, Sy Hersh:

"A number of intelligence officials have raised questions about Osama bin Laden's capabilities. "This guy sits in a cave in Afghanistan and he's running this operation?" one C.I.A. official asked. "It's so huge. He couldn't have done it alone." A senior military officer told me that because of the visas and other documentation needed to infiltrate team members into the United States a major foreign intelligence service might also have been involved." (27)

By the way, Bin Laden was never named as the perpetrator of 9/11 by the FBI. When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on Bin Laden’s Most Wanted web page (28), Rex Tomb, Chief of Investigative Publicity for the FBI said:

“The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Osama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” (29)

Dickhead Cheney actually said:

"So we've never made the case, or argued the case that somehow Osama bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11. That evidence has never been forthcoming." (30)

To date, the only shred of “evidence” to be uncovered against bin Laden is a barely audible fuzzy amateur video that the Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. How very convenient, and how very fake. (31)

There is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda "terrorist network" to these acts of terror, but there is a mountain of evidence, both hard and circumstantial, which suggests that Zionists have been very busy framing Arabs for terror plots against America. Senator Bob Graham of Florida said this:

"I think there is very compelling evidence that at least some of the terrorists were assisted not just in financing -- although that was part of it -- by a sovereign foreign government ... It will become public at some point when it's turned over to the archives, but that's 20 or 30 years from now" - (32)

If the sovereign foreign government mentioned by Senator Graham was an enemy of the United States the "compelling evidence" would not be kept secret for 20+ years.

One final point; at 09:40 on 9-11 it was reported that the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine claimed responsibility for the attacks (33). This claim was immediately denied by the DFLP leader Qais abu Leila who said it had always opposed "terror attacks on civilian targets, especially outside the occupied territories." (34)

Why would a Palestinian organization comprising of less than 500 people (35) make the suicidal move of immediately claiming responsibility for the attacks?

Sharon and the other Israeli leaders aspire to fulfill what the goals of the political Zionist movement have been since its origin a century ago: to turn all of historic Palestine into an exclusively Jewish state. A central tenet of the Zionist ideology is expressed in the racist slogan, "A land without people for a people without a land." (36) The implication of Palestinians in the 9/11 attacks would have handed Zionists a golden opportunity to achieve the above because all Palestinians would have been labelled terrorists.

In closing, a US official quoted in Carl Cameron's Fox News report on the Israeli spy ring said:

"Evidence linking these Israelis to 9/11 is classified. I cannot tell you about evidence that has been gathered. It's classified information." (37)

Hmmm. In order for such evidence "linking Israelis to 9/11" to have been classified, it must therefore have existed in the first place. No doubt about it. With the blessing of, and in collaboration with the Globalist CIA / "Deep State" and its Fake News arm, Mossad's fingerprints were all over 9/11.

1. Dan Rather of CBS went off script and spoke about the mystery bombers who were arrested near the George Washington Bridge:

"Two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives was discovered around the George Washington Bridge. The FBI ... says enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge."

2. Carl Cameron of FOX also reported on the Israelis, but was stopped from following up. // 3. The Bogeyman.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump: “Who blew up the World Trade Center?” It wasn’t the Iraqis, -- take a look at Saudi Arabia, open the documents.”

At a campaign event in South Carolina later that day:

“It wasn’t the Iraqis that knocked down the World Trade Center … because they have papers in there that are very secret, you may find it’s the Saudis, OK?”

Of course, then-candidate Trump knew it wasn't the Saudis that did 9/11. That was just part of the code game. The "secret papers" revealing the true conspiracy is what he was after.



It was celebrating Israelis seen (and later arrested) on 9/11. Trump was not in position to reveal this, so he spoke in "code" about "cheering Muslims."


March & April, 2018: Q posts Truth Bombs About a Dead 9/11 Activist

-- proven to be connected to and endorsed by Trump -- not only makes obvious reference to 9/11 truth, but insinuates that Secretary of State Killary Clinton had Beverly Eckert -- a very outspoken 9/11 widow who refused to accept "hush money" -- killed by bringing down the commercial plane which she and 49 other lost souls were passengers on (02-12-09).

Q had previously made other references to 9/11 Truth, but this one was by far the most explosive.

If Q is a 911 Truther, then so is Trump.

"We are saving Israel for last. Very specific reason not mentioned a single time" -- Q


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