My rules for turning 'pro gambler', you need 100 Grand and never bet more than 1%-2%


"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
Greenhead and Insiders, I will surmise that you can tell if some one has "IT" as a handicapper after reading a few of their selections. We ALL have PhDs in "Sports Investing" and I would like to think that we payed more for ours than a college graduate did for theirs. The depth chart of guys that have "IT" is very deep at the RX and that is what makes this place "The Nutts":money8: LT

Sep 20, 2004
I'm not saying you cannot step out and bet more, it really depends on the individual situation, for me personally I prefer to stay within limits, and bet 1%-2%...for me personally that is plenty to have on one game.

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
One thing that has not been mentioned is to concentrate on the sport or sports you are the strongest. The ONLY sport I play aggressively is college football. I may make a small play on NFL or college basketball but that is it. Great topic and responses. LT

Self appointed RX World Champion Handicapper
Nov 20, 2001
Coach LT said:
One thing that has not been mentioned is to concentrate on the sport or sports you are the strongest. The ONLY sport I play aggressively is college football. I may make a small play on NFL or college basketball but that is it. Great topic and responses. LT

excellent point.. i went back over the past 2 months of all my plays recently to see where i was good and bad.

since then i have only made plays where i have done the best and trashed all the other crap i throw in .

much better results ..

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Coach LT said:
One thing that has not been mentioned is to concentrate on the sport or sports you are the strongest. The ONLY sport I play aggressively is college football. I may make a small play on NFL or college basketball but that is it. Great topic and responses. LT

Coach i coudnt agree more about people haveing better luck in some sports. As you well know i think it even comes down to certain conferences like the Big 12 for me for an example.
Then again in ALL sports if comes down to INFORMATION on that specific sport.
People in the know have people ALL over the USA looking at different things about the teams that they have information with or too.

Used to have a weather guy in Chicago that was the Greatest at being able to actually predict the wind in or out of Wrigley. NO i dont mean the National Weather Service i mean a sports guys that could head off things that were going to happen dureing the course of the game. Such as wind chageing directions or picky up or dieing down, those things.
He WAS the BEST at that for sure.
He predicted once that the wind was going to Switch directions from blowing out to blowing in when front passed through around the 5th inning. ALL the wiseguys were Over the HUGE number of 11.5 that the makers FINALLY hung up that morning. Pictchers kept the score to 3-2 going to the 5th and wind changed to blowing in at about 20-30 and nothing went out and the score ended 4-3 i will Never forget that HUGE bet ! So Its ALL about Information, correct Information i might add.
He was the baseball TOTAL guy! And thats ALL.

New member
May 20, 2002
DougJ said:
It's the money management that kills the regular Joe picking 53-54 % pretty reliably in his sport

I don't think there are many "regular Joes" that pick 53-54%. I fully agree that money management does in most of the VERY FEW that do.

Rx God
Nov 1, 2002
Bill : I think quite a few can pick at 53% in one sport, say CFB, but blow winnings by overbetting. You can't bet $200 with a $1000 bank at 53%, you'll hit a bad streak, that's really what kills most reasonably good new guys.

Are you going to Roberto's get together in Bahamas ? Did you enjoy EOG bash ?

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
Insiders said:
Coach i coudnt agree more about people haveing better luck in some sports. As you well know i think it even comes down to certain conferences like the Big 12 for me for an example.
Then again in ALL sports if comes down to INFORMATION on that specific sport.
People in the know have people ALL over the USA looking at different things about the teams that they have information with or too.

Used to have a weather guy in Chicago that was the Greatest at being able to actually predict the wind in or out of Wrigley. NO i dont mean the National Weather Service i mean a sports guys that could head off things that were going to happen dureing the course of the game. Such as wind chageing directions or picky up or dieing down, those things.
He WAS the BEST at that for sure.
He predicted once that the wind was going to Switch directions from blowing out to blowing in when front passed through around the 5th inning. ALL the wiseguys were Over the HUGE number of 11.5 that the makers FINALLY hung up that morning. Pictchers kept the score to 3-2 going to the 5th and wind changed to blowing in at about 20-30 and nothing went out and the score ended 4-3 i will Never forget that HUGE bet ! So Its ALL about Information, correct Information i might add.
He was the baseball TOTAL guy! And thats ALL.

Insiders, great story about the "baseball Total guy" The ABSOLUTE best part I LOVE about the RX is having guys from all sections of the country share their local knowledge. It does not take long to see who is right on. Example when ALL of the Mac boys were on C & W Michigan and late in the season when ALL the Pac 10 guys were on Oregon against Oregon State. Pac 10 guys were ALL on Arizona when they beat UCLA as a dog. You cannot buy info like that. I love to hone in on situational angles that have been proven for decades. It is amazing that these angles validate themselves EVERY year. Phil Steele has a small book entitled"Ten Keys to a Winning Season 3rd edition" Chapter 7 is on Situational Handicapping. That chapter is worth it weight in gold many times over. I am giving a copy tonight to Cedar Creeker as a wedding gift. A Chinese proverb says "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and he will be able to eat for a lifetime" Hopefully some others will be able to take something from this discussion to make them a more informed handicapper. :money8: :103631605 LT

"it's a secret to everyone"
Sep 16, 2005
wantitall4moi said:
Greenhead, that might be true for guys with disposeable incomes or guys building a bankroll, anyone that has a static bankroll that doesn't have to get any larger, betting that much is foolish. When you start doing that, thatis when what little dicipline thatcan be learned is lost. If a guy is grinding and grinding to make a leap forward, it only take a single 10% bet loss to put him below where he started.

I used to claim pretty much everything when I did it for a living. But I had a Las Vegas address, and shoe boxes full of losing tickets also. Like I said, if youmake money and want to claim it, get a good accountant, it isn't that big a deal actually. Especially the past few years with the Poker craze. You don't even have to specify what type of gambling it is. Obviously losing sports and horse tickets give it away, but they don't really care as long as they get theri money.

The legaility issue here is also a non factor. The nest BETTOR that gets prosecuted for making a bet will be the first, be it internet or with an illegal bookie.

The issue with legality is when these foriegn places decide not to pay you. There is no recourse for you to recoup your monies.

at what amount would you consider getting an accountant or counting gambling winnings in your taxes each year?

+$5,000, +$10,000, +$20,000, +$50,000 ?????

i heard once that $20,000 is about the amount:icon_conf

in your heart, you know i'm right
Mar 21, 2002
WildBill said:
There is no point into getting into it with people here, but I spot some pretty big myths and fallacies in this thread. I will just say everyone is different and that is how professional gambling works. Those who are around 10-15 years from now found a way to first survive, then thrive and they do it in different ways. Far more have good intentions and talent, but something catches them and they aren't around. Some are like me, just realize at some point there is a better way to live and it isn't the pro gambler's life. No matter what just remember no matter what approach you take and what you hope to accomplish, chances are very good you won't make it. That is just the way it is. And if you do make it you may not be all that happy with what you have become, but if you do it long enough there may not be your old life to go back to.

Just some generalized advice from someone that has "been there, done that".

bill, i have heard grizzled veterans say the exact same thing...more than once.

New member
Aug 19, 2005
Coach LT said:
Insiders, great story about the "baseball Total guy" The ABSOLUTE best part I LOVE about the RX is having guys from all sections of the country share their local knowledge. It does not take long to see who is right on. Example when ALL of the Mac boys were on C & W Michigan and late in the season when ALL the Pac 10 guys were on Oregon against Oregon State. Pac 10 guys were ALL on Arizona when they beat UCLA as a dog. You cannot buy info like that. I love to hone in on situational angles that have been proven for decades. It is amazing that these angles validate themselves EVERY year. Phil Steele has a small book entitled"Ten Keys to a Winning Season 3rd edition" Chapter 7 is on Situational Handicapping. That chapter is worth it weight in gold many times over. I am giving a copy tonight to Cedar Creeker as a wedding gift. A Chinese proverb says "Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day, Teach a man to fish and he will be able to eat for a lifetime" Hopefully some others will be able to take something from this discussion to make them a more informed handicapper. :money8: :103631605 LT
Situational Angles!

Now theres a Great wording for when it comes time to step up to the plate and bet something much more than standard size wager.
This is prime example what i am trying to say about that flatbetting system. Thee comes a time, probably not very often, maybe once a week in the college sports that a player can move a BIGGER bet than that 1=2% of the forementioned bank roll.

Sep 20, 2004
the_snowman said:
at what amount would you consider getting an accountant or counting gambling winnings in your taxes each year?

+$5,000, +$10,000, +$20,000, +$50,000 ?????

i heard once that $20,000 is about the amount:icon_conf

I guess that depends on many factors, the biggest being how you're being paid.


Sep 21, 2004
Insiders said:
Its ALL about Information, Infomration, Information. As i find it rather difficult to believe that Any pro, even starting out could limit themselves to a 1k bet EVERY bet. Besides ONE good season of baseball dogs could double the BR easy. But not at 1k per bet, no way!

what he said!

"it's a secret to everyone"
Sep 16, 2005
Journeyman said:
I guess that depends on many factors, the biggest being how you're being paid.


lets just say neteller for example.

New member
Jun 20, 2001
Everybody keeps talking about bankroll size, a # that is just as important if not more important, is how many advantagous(odds in our favor) bets you can make a year.$100000 bankroll, bet 1% but 10 bets a day, at 54% is $340 a day x 365=$124100 a year.Tough part having confidence you will hit 54%, and finding 3650 bets a year that have a 54%+ chance of winning.

W-R-X Champion
Dec 21, 2004
the_snowman said:
lets just say neteller for example.

thoes amounts you should mix it up and take some free fedex checks too and get a second checking account.

New member
Jan 5, 2006
I am a 1% guy, always comfortable with that amount. Whatever you play, it must be low enough so that you are comfortable, but high enough so that you aren't tempted to fire away on games where your opinion is marginal. As for 5% or 10% plays, I suppose that could work for some, but I'd hate to drop 30% of my roll because I lost 3 straight!

Many factors to determine success. Size of BR, % of BR/play, number of plays per day/week/year, win%, ROI, juice, bonus. Many ways to skin the cat, not one size fits all. Unfortunately many, many more ways to fail. Steepness of the learning curve and ability to survive it also dependent on several choices/factors. I wasn't the fastest learner, but I was determined to win long term. I wish I would have made some different choices along the way, but I'm thankful that I was hard headed enough to persevere through the losing times.

Keep an open mind towards anything that may improve your bottom line and think long term. In the end, that's all that matters.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
One of the first and most important aspects of playing games of chance is that one has to be willing to be flexible.

I read about so many people having many "RULES", that are supposedely etched in stone.

One must be prepared to change as conditions change.

What works for one, some, or most, in no way whatsoever is always best for all.


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