Moon Landing Deniers are some of the Dumbest People on Earth


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Homework assigned for those with too much time on their hands

Show us how the Space Shuttle Challenger never exploded in 1986. That was an awesome Hollywood production. I've seen better animation in 1940's cartoons

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Homework assigned for those with too much time on their hands

Show us how the Space Shuttle Challenger never exploded in 1986. That was an awesome Hollywood production. I've seen better animation in 1940's cartoons
It exploded


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Anyone can go watch the doomed Challenger themselves, which NASA purposely launched in cold temperatures those rocket boosters weren't designed for.

You can even see the o-ring seals already failing on the launching pad...yet corrupt NASA still launched the doomed shuttle on purpose anyway knowing it would blow up.

Are they stupid? No.

Waning national interest in their corrupt "space" program (funding money laundering and $$$ for contractors) meant they needed to create an "event" to once again rally public support around their highly-compartmentalized non-transparent "space" agency. (The guys in the control room looking at numbers on a screen pushing buttons can't tell a simulated mission from a real one.)

Don't worry, none of the astroNOTS on board actually died, most ended up tenured professors living their lives out peacefully.

Who do you think would tell you this? ABC News Nightline? Who would investigate? Congress? LOL

It's not complicated or a "conspiracy theory"... just more good ol' fashioned Swamp corruption.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Homework assigned for those with too much time on their hands

Show us how the Space Shuttle Challenger never exploded in 1986. That was an awesome Hollywood production. I've seen better animation in 1940's cartoons

TaxMan Magoo didnt seem to have a problem with those horrible NASAwood fake videos....


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Not the Flintstones also!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Mainstream Magoos are being prepped for a narrative shift in NASA's FAKE, PHONY and FALSE Apollo "Moon Landings"

Coming this summer 👇 👇 👇

Why would NASA license out it's name to a film like this???

To shift the narrative..

"Okay, so we didn't go...but we MEANT to go! We were only gonna fake it until we made it! Honest!"

People don't understand...

Government fakes more events than women fake orgasms, and not always for nefarious reasons.

After Ronald Reagan announced Star Wars, all kinds of exercises involving that project were faked and staged in order to make the Soviets believe the technology was more advanced than it was. In order to fool the Soviets, they had to fool EVERYONE, even 99% of researchers/scientists working on the project. That's how these secret highly compartmentalized government agencies work 👉 "National Security"

Which is exactly what happened with the Apollo project - they had to fool EVERYONE.

Was it justified? That's a discussion for another day.

Were the Soviets actually fooled?


‘No Proof’ Exists That the United States Landed on the Moon in 1969, Says Former Head of Russia’s Space Agency


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Another update on the Challenger hoax involving this scandulous Fake Space Agency.

All astronauts involved in the Challenger "disaster" were tracked down and alive. Well, except one.

Even their teeth are the same.

What are the odds, huh?

Do you know where the rest of this is? I had never seen the part where the parents of Christa McCauliffe are laughing after the Challenger about a dead giveaway.

I was somewhat dubious/on the fence about this one 6 months ago, even when you KNOW Nasa is full of shit they can still put enough disinfo out there to make you doubt your own eyes and logic...that is why even though I give Magoos like FesteringPutz and others a hard time for being such a dope, I do understand the intense level of propaganda and brainwashing that ALL of us have been subjected to for so long....its meant to make you doubt EVERYTHING but THEIR "truth"

This short doc has some of the same info as above BUT also shows the funeral where Ellison Onizuka and Ron McNairs supposed brothers are no where to be seen, not to mention that Ellison's "brother" Claude was not in the older family photo that was presented to the public.

It is sooooo fkn absurd to think that these people just happen to be dopplegangers with the same name and same voice and mannerisms

I mean FFS what are the odds of an uncommon name like Judy or Judith Resnick having a look a like to begin with AND that they have the SAME EXACT MATCHING TEETH about being a conspiracy theorist....lolololol

Screenshot 2024-04-19 at 07-02-43 Challenger The Ultimate Deception (Full Version) Documentary.png
Sep 21, 2004
Do you know where the rest of this is? I had never seen the part where the parents of Christa McCauliffe are laughing after the Challenger about a dead giveaway.

I was somewhat dubious/on the fence about this one 6 months ago, even when you KNOW Nasa is full of shit they can still put enough disinfo out there to make you doubt your own eyes and logic...that is why even though I give Magoos like FesteringPutz and others a hard time for being such a dope, I do understand the intense level of propaganda and brainwashing that ALL of us have been subjected to for so long....its meant to make you doubt EVERYTHING but THEIR "truth"

This short doc has some of the same info as above BUT also shows the funeral where Ellison Onizuka and Ron McNairs supposed brothers are no where to be seen, not to mention that Ellison's "brother" Claude was not in the older family photo that was presented to the public.

It is sooooo fkn absurd to think that these people just happen to be dopplegangers with the same name and same voice and mannerisms

I mean FFS what are the odds of an uncommon name like Judy or Judith Resnick having a look a like to begin with AND that they have the SAME EXACT MATCHING TEETH about being a conspiracy theorist....lolololol

View attachment 87507

You kooks are so fucking gullible.

Astronaut’s Kin Settles With Maker of Rocket in Space Shuttle Death​

The father of Challenger astronaut Judith Resnik said Wednesday that the family has reached a settlement with the manufacturer of the shuttle’s booster rocket rather than relive the Challenger tragedy during a trial.

“I’m very angry at the way they (Morton Thiokol Inc.) treated us and the other families,” Dr. Marvin Resnik said from his Encinitas home. “But I’m not angry enough to put the family through the agony of a long trial.”


I guess the rocket parts manufacturers were in on it too, and willing to shell out millions to keep the secret. NASA paid them
off right?

Dumb fucks.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Same names.
Same ages.
Same faces.
Same voices.
Same mannerisms.

There are probably less than ten "Judith Resnik"s in the entire country. LoL

What are the odds?

Don't worry, I'm sure the "debunkers" and fact-chokers have the Challenger scam covered as always. 😂 :an_laugh:🤡

This was almost 40 years ago but looking back it all makes sense.

NASA kept delaying the launch until that chilly Jan morning, then felt the need to "rush it under pressure" (their narrative at the time).

Here's where the story completely falls apart. What they want you to believe is NASA and the rocket booster manufacturer had no idea whatsover those o-ring seals would fail in those cold temps, even though any idiot can cleary see the fuel already spewing everywhere on the launch pad. No mission abort??? NASA launched the damn thing anyway! (Without any astroNOTS - all pre-planned).

73 seconds later.. Kaboom!

Fresh off the "Challenger disaster" with a groundswell of public support and lots of new govt funding, the same rocket manufacturer made out like a bandit with a brand new lucrative contract providing the "new and improved" version. How conveeeenient!

It’s not a "conspiracy", it's just good ol' fashioned corruption!

Yet another disgraceful chapter in the history of NASA and their FAKE, PHONY and FALSE "space" program scamming taxpayers out of billions!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
You kooks are so fucking gullible.

Astronaut’s Kin Settles With Maker of Rocket in Space Shuttle Death​

The father of Challenger astronaut Judith Resnik said Wednesday that the family has reached a settlement with the manufacturer of the shuttle’s booster rocket rather than relive the Challenger tragedy during a trial.

“I’m very angry at the way they (Morton Thiokol Inc.) treated us and the other families,” Dr. Marvin Resnik said from his Encinitas home. “But I’m not angry enough to put the family through the agony of a long trial.”


I guess the rocket parts manufacturers were in on it too, and willing to shell out millions to keep the secret. NASA paid them
off right?

Dumb fucks.
Of course the rocket manufacturer was in on it - the biggest profiteers of the entire scam.

The millions they shelled out to the families was peanuts compared to their new financial windfall of their new rocket contract - the cost of doing business, which btw was YOUR money.

Everyone made out like bandit scamming taxpayers out of billions.

Follow the money.

Gullible loon.
Sep 12, 2022
Just like those who have studied the 2020 election are in 100% agreement that it was stolen, and those who haven't studied it are in 100% agreement that it wasn't.

Those who have studied the "moon landing" are in 100% agreement that it all a hoax, and those who haven't studied it are in 100% agreement that it was real.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
“I’m very angry at the way they (Morton Thiokol Inc.) treated us and the other families,” Dr. Marvin Resnik said from his Encinitas home. “But I’m not angry enough to put the family through the agony of a long trial."

Of course not since the" agony of a long trial" would have brought on DISCOVERY.

None of the parties could have that!

"Settlement" = Money laundering. That's what it is.

Just like when Fox News" settled" with Dominion and the gullible Sheep believed everything was on the up and up. LOL

Emotionally-manipulated people are so stupid. And "Google" makes them even dumber!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Just like those who have studied the 2020 election are in 100% agreement that it was stolen, and those who haven't studied it are in 100% agreement that it wasn't.

Those who have studied the "moon landing" are in 100% agreement that it all a hoax, and those who haven't studied it are in 100% agreement that it was real.
You might be "vaccinated" if you believe NASA went the moon, harnesses and hairspray prove astroNOTS are living in space and the Challenger disaster was an "accident"

Remember, the rocket manufacturer was so immoral and "mean" to the "Challenger victims" that NASA awarded them a massive new contract to build more rockets. 😂

It just gets more unbelievable and laughable the deeper down this rabbit hole you go.

The "victims" (alive and well) were paid off through their fake lawsuit 👉money laundering

Morton Thiokol Inc got millions more through NASA.

And the gullible brainwashed taxpayer got skullfucked yet again.

Meanwhile, corrupt FAKE "news" did nothing - no investigations and deep digging .. pretty much carried whatever narrative the Deep State wanted... Just like "the Magic Bullet Theory", "One Small Step For Man...", "Born in Kenya", "Russian Collision" "Safe and Effective", "81 Million Votes" and all the other endless crimes and scams going back decades.

Even more hilarious - closeted Big Gubbermint libtards pretending to be "conservative" :an_laugh:🤡

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Icicles on the Space Shuttle Challenger's launch pad and service tower on January 28, 1986



"Uhh guys, ya know those rocket seals won't hold in this weather. Maybe we should...??"

Really?? Nobody knew this or cared??? Nobody made a phone call??

Of course they knew!

The proof?

1) Fuel spewing everywhere during countdown - NASA still sent the damn shuttle into orbit!

2) AstroNOTS alive and well hiding in plain sight. Hilarious if it weren't so sad!

3) Fake lawsuits ARE the bribe 👉the payoff to the "victims". Nice legal transfer of millions with no red flags. (Ask me how many times I've seen THAT movie, with the usual TARDS somehow believing this proves the OPPOSITE of fraud :an_laugh: 🤡)


Courtesy of brainwashed gullible taxpayers.

No need to let your fake fact-chokers do your thinking for you on this one... It's THAT obvious.

Active member
Jun 18, 2007
Icicles on the Space Shuttle Challenger's launch pad and service tower on January 28, 1986


View attachment 87543

"Uhh guys, ya know those rocket seals won't hold in this weather. Maybe we should...??"

Really?? Nobody knew this or cared??? Nobody made a phone call??

Of course they knew!

The proof?

1) Fuel spewing everywhere during countdown - NASA still sent the damn shuttle into orbit!

2) AstroNOTS alive and well hiding in plain sight. Hilarious if it weren't so sad!

3) Fake lawsuits ARE the bribe 👉the payoff to the "victims". Nice legal transfer of millions with no red flags. (Ask me how many times I've seen THAT movie, with the usual TARDS somehow believing this proves the OPPOSITE of fraud :an_laugh: 🤡)

View attachment 87550

Courtesy of brainwashed gullible taxpayers.

No need to let your fake fact-chokers do your thinking for you on this one... It's THAT obvious.
You have pictures.
You go Joe
Sep 21, 2004
Of course the rocket manufacturer was in on it - the biggest profiteers of the entire scam.

The millions they shelled out to the families was peanuts compared to their new financial windfall of their new rocket contract - the cost of doing business, which btw was YOUR money.

Everyone made out like bandit scamming taxpayers out of billions.

Follow the money.

Gullible loon.
I'm the loon? BWAHAHAHAAAA.

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