Moon Landing Deniers are some of the Dumbest People on Earth


Dec 13, 2007
In maggies defence.
When you live in your parents basement space travel is understandingly unfathomable.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
My son was an intern at NASA you stupid fuck. I can assure you its not a movie studio as you ass clowns claim.
Do tell! They don't tell the kid fetching coffee for everyone what they're actually doing. :rolleyes:

Apparently you don't know how these top secret compartmentalized agencies work. Over 140,000 people developed the atomic bomb yet only 8 knew what they were actually building. Think about it..

Whistleblowers and deathbed confessions confirm there were less 15 people allowed on set at Cannon Airforce base in New Mexico where they shot the fake moon landings. President Lyndon Johnson was one of the few onsite and called it "Operation Slam Dunk", meaning a feel-good fail-proof hoax that was sure to stir patriotic unity during a very divisive period with an ongoing war which had wasted 60,000 American lives (another Deep State hoax for another day).

Of course, the ULTIMATE OBVIOUS LOGICAL SLAM DUNK PROOF nobody ever went to the moon is right in front of your nose: the technology hasn't improved in over 50 years! 😂

Look at your smartphone...imagine 1969 NASA moon landing technology compared to where they SHOULD be today. Bases on the moon and mars, travelling outside our solar system etc. Those are the kinds of technological leaps and progress we should be seeing in space.

Instead, we get ENDLESS BULLSHIT from NASA like.. fake moonrock scandals and..

"We lost the technology and telemetry data!!" 😂😂😂

Do you not see how laughably ridiculous and pathetic this whole thing this???

Elon Musk blew up his spacecraft 5 times before it actually worked on the 6th try. That's how technological progress works. Nothing ever succeeds on the first attempt, especially with so many unknown hostile variables in play...EXCEPT... the "moon landings"??? :an_laugh:🤡😂

Elon knows it's a hoax.

NASA insiders know it's a hoax.

The Russians know it's a hoax.

The Chinese know it's a hoax.

Google AI knows it's a hoax.

Everyone knows it's a hoax.

Everyone except Sheep who still blindly trust USA Today selling all kinds of absurd impossibilities like... "Mohamed Air" crashed into the twin towers and spilled a little jet fuel which caused 500,000 tons of solid concrete and gridded reinforced steel to "collapse" at freefall speed! 🤡😂

Trust me, if the Deep State killed the President of the United States (they did!), they would have no moral qualms staging these obviously fake amateur moon landings.

Sheep gonna sheep!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Fun Moon Fact of the Day:

The average temperature on the Moon (at the equator and mid latitudes) varies from -298 degrees Fahrenheit (-183 Celsius) at night, to 224 degrees Fahrenheit (106 degrees Celsius) during the day."


Just think it through logically. Take all the time you need.

Interesting, over 30% of the public at the time did NOT believe the moon landings were real, having witnessed all the shenanigans in real time. Very similar numbers on the JFK assassination as public trust in government overall had eroded considerably.

However, by the turn of the century, that number plummeted to less than 6%. That's right, 94% believed the moon landings were real. Proving once again, government education indoctrination really does work.

Those of us who lived through "Russian Collusion" and "Covid" know they were total hoaxes, however, what if they were later taught as "facts" in school? Future generations would accept them as truths even though those of who lived through them know better.

History is FAKE "news" in the rearview mirror.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
My son was an intern at NASA you stupid fuck. I can assure you its not a movie studio as you ass clowns claim.
How can you assure us of such?

Do you think interns are given any special access that a life long janitor doesnt get?

Does he also write fact checking articles for USA today?

Who is REALLY the STUPIUD FUCK? blahahahaha

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Do tell! They don't tell the kid fetching coffee for everyone what they're actually doing. :rolleyes:

Apparently you don't know how these top secret compartmentalized agencies work. Over 140,000 people developed the atomic bomb yet only 8 knew what they were actually building. Think about it..

Whistleblowers and deathbed confessions confirm there were less 15 people allowed on set at Cannon Airforce base in New Mexico where they shot the fake moon landings. President Lyndon Johnson was one of the few onsite and called it "Operation Slam Dunk", meaning a feel-good fail-proof hoax that was sure to stir patriotic unity during a very divisive period with an ongoing war which had wasted 60,000 American lives (another Deep State hoax for another day).

Of course, the ULTIMATE OBVIOUS LOGICAL SLAM DUNK PROOF nobody ever went to the moon is right in front of your nose: the technology hasn't improved in over 50 years! 😂

Look at your smartphone...imagine 1969 NASA moon landing technology compared to where they SHOULD be today. Bases on the moon and mars, travelling outside our solar system etc. Those are the kinds of technological leaps and progress we should be seeing in space.

Instead, we get ENDLESS BULLSHIT from NASA like.. fake moonrock scandals and..

"We lost the technology and telemetry data!!" 😂😂😂

Do you not see how laughably ridiculous and pathetic this whole thing this???

Elon Musk blew up his spacecraft 5 times before it actually worked on the 6th try. That's how technological progress works. Nothing ever succeeds on the first attempt, especially with so many unknown hostile variables in play...EXCEPT... the "moon landings"??? :an_laugh:🤡😂

Elon knows it's a hoax.

NASA insiders know it's a hoax.

The Russians know it's a hoax.

The Chinese know it's a hoax.

Google AI knows it's a hoax.

Everyone knows it's a hoax.

Everyone except Sheep who still blindly trust USA Today selling all kinds of absurd impossibilities like... "Mohamed Air" crashed into the twin towers and spilled a little jet fuel which caused 500,000 tons of solid concrete and gridded reinforced steel to "collapse" at freefall speed! 🤡😂

Trust me, if the Deep State killed the President of the United States (they did!), they would have no moral qualms staging these obviously fake amateur moon landings.

Sheep gonna sheep!
The small group of people who dont realize what a sham it is are PRIMARILY

Old williefully ignorant MOFOS like Devo, Zit, Willie, etc ....guys who are so brainwashed about certain events that NO amount of truth will get them seeing how badly they have been fooled.....and they will tell you to your face that they are willing to go to their graves believing whatever they believe now, regardless of evidence to the contrary

Luckily the youger generation , having access to a more censorship free platform like X and to some degree TikTok
have been very vocal about the Nasa Fraud for a while now and it will only increase in the future.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Now this is the reality and see if you can compare the foreground and background in 2001 opening by using this picture as a cue (hint look at rocks)


Okay now for part 3.

we see how Kubrick uses the front screen projection technology in his 2001SO and I will give you one more example from 2001 SpaceOdyssee before part 4 of this lesson.

I think you can easily see where the foreground set is and where the background(projection) portion is...however for the obtuse I made it obvious for you.....but see how easy it is to distinguish when you know what you are looking for?

In part 4 I put all this information together and apply it to NASA "moon footage"


Screenshot 2024-04-05 at 22-57-04 Moon Landing Deniers are some of the Dumbest People on Earth.png

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
At the end of the day even Kubrick would think your nuts.
nah, he would have been happy that people saw the clues that he later put into his movies.

Dude was an aritist and an autist of the highest level.

He had no idea how getting involved with the NASA Apollo scam would make his life so miserable.... but he left so much information for future people to see how the video and photographic portions of the scam were pulled off.

Maybe one day you will be tired of being parrot of the MSM and choose to do research on your own, until then
Keep reading and Keep learning pal!!!

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
In part 1/4 I showed you one of the greatest cinema opening EVAH , 2001 Space Odysse by Stanley Kubrick

In part 2/4 I showed you how he was able to create a realistic "ON Location" look from a stage set using the Front Projection System


IN part 3/4 I showed how easily it is to spot the foreground (set) and background (screen) once you know where to look

This is Part 4a/4
Putting all your knowledge together.

Can you spot the obvious change in topography between stage and screen? Its night and day

Screenshot 2024-04-06 at 15-32-03 Lunar surface of Earths moon Poster Print by Stoc...png

Here is a shot of the imfamous C labeled prop rock( a scam in itself), notice this scene done at the edge of the stage and how dramatically the topography changes.
It obvious when you know what to look for.

Will do a 4b later and wrap up this lesson.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
One would have to suffer from EXTREME cognitive dissonance to imagine these OFFICIAL NASA images are real

How did they get the LM to the new spot?


Sep 21, 2004
How come? We saw what they were doing behind the scenes and adapted...

Once upon a time, everything could be found on Google and YouTube. Now it's all heavily censored RIGGED "official narrative" nonsense. Anything contra to the narrative gets buried by algorithms or outright banned. So many great videos "no longer available" many Google searches loaded with MSM duhhhhbunking "fact-checking" crap by crooks and liars.

And so, Patriots saw how RIGGED Big Tech was and created their own social media.

During the George Floyd riots (another fake Deep State-engineered false flag which caused billions in damage), there was no Rumble, GAB, bitchute, Telegram Twitter 2.0....everything heavily censored and controlled.

During that brief period (beginning during the scamdemic) Anons/Digital Soldiers/citizen journalists were all banned/kicked off social media, myself included. Personally, I was spreading so much "misinformation" (ya know, like the virus came from a Wuhan LAB, NOT a BAT) that I got myself on an FBI watchlist. Here at the Rx, I was threatened by a mod for the same thing: posting "misinformation" 🤡

So? You think I care? Piss on them! They'll never control me - or the millions upon millions of Anons who think like me and spread TRUTHS like me.

You act like they're not trying to control and censor everything and everyone. Of course they are...

Of course they'll keep trying.. And?

We'll adapt...force the Globalists to build an even better mousetrap. Then what? Maybe we'll all have to disconnect from Comcast, AT&T, Verizon etc. entirely and migrate to Elon Musk's Starlink. Fine. We'll adapt. And then what? Throw us all in jail and camps? That will only vindicate our movement (like nothing in history) and make us even stronger.

I'll completely disconnect from the Internet and stand on a corner with a blowhorn before I'll ever blindly swallow the MSN garbage still consumed by the Sheep.

Psychological Warfare against the People!

That is incorrect! Plenty of info on the "NWO" on Google and other search engines. You mention the Scamdemic, well on the very first page of a google search the info is right there for everyone to see that the Covid Flu shot did fuck all to save lives!!!
Brazil despite the fact that they're vaccinated more than Germany, (88.1% to 77.8) has nearly 4 times more deaths than Germany and they virtually have the SAME NUMBER of total cases!!! No bullshit picking samples to fit a narrative. These are entire nations, world data that conclusively proves the Covid Flu shot does fuck all to save lives. The reason I chose these two nation is it's right there, in plan site, for all the see, number 4 and 5 in total cases, no digging required! Problem is everyone is a fucking sheep, believing all they're told without researching things for themselves!

Again if the NWO is so prevalent, powerful and controlling, this info would not be on the first page of Google that clearly proves the Covid Flu shot is garbage!!!

My point is try focusing on facts and not on theories. I'm a facts guy. I just look at facts. You are the polar opposite of a sheep, questioning everything, which is great. I mean look at all these theories, building 7, this thread, the list goes on and on, you have pages of responses because you're dealing in mostly unproven theories. If you focus on facts you will not get pages of responses because there is no reasonable argument to dispute facts. For example the party of slavery is against showing ID for voting. This is fact, not theory, which is creating a NWO by changing the very fabric of the greatest republic ever. Another fact is the party of slavery is for open illegal immigration, more so than the Republicans. These are facts, or issues you guys should focus on, because it is creating a New World order. Trying educating people on these facts and spend less time and energy on theories.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
* Joe Biden received 81 million votes, the most votes in history
* Lee Harvey Oswald and a magic bullet assassinated JFK
* Air Mohamed collapsed WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7 (LOL)
* "Russian Collusion"
* NASA went to the moon (with impossible 1960s technology)
* Covid came from a bat

Those are all "official facts"... made possible through..

1,500 newspapers
1,100 magazines
9,000 radio stations
1,500 TV stations, and 2,400 publishers

Not to mention, an army of circle-jerk "fact-checkers" reinforcing said "facts"

All basically owned by 6 corporations and 272 executives. And they control 90% of what people see, read and hear and believe 👉 The Matrix.


You stick with your "facts" The Matrix, and I'll keep posting TRUTHS backed by receipts, reality, logic, common sense, mathematical probability, wisdom and foresight.

Your source claims the "vaccine" was never "Safe and Effective"? Too little, too late! Where were those sources at the height of the scamdemic when we needed them?

Nowhere. Censored (like I was). Not on Google and certainly not within "The Matrix".

Only people like me (backed by the best doctors, grounded science and hard data) were posting what turned out to be the TRUTH about the "vaccines"


If NASA "officially" claims we went to the moon ("official fact") but the hard evidence (endless manipulated/edited videos and photos I've shared in this thread) suggests very suspicious foul play with outrageous claims that simply don't add up, coupled with the fact it's basically technologically impossible on multiple fronts...

Then guess what?

They didn't go to the moon.

"Conspiracy theorists" (those who refuse to swallow the "official narrative") are right again.

Like modern "news", SPACE is 👉 FAKE!

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