Kari Lake


Sep 22, 2007
(Alan DERSHOWITZ???? Lead attorney on the case, but NOW you're trying to say that you were barely involved???? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead:highfive::highfive::highfive::3dfesses::3dfesses::3dfesses::an_burn_m:an_burn_m:an_burn_m

Lawyer Begs Judge Not To Sanction Him With Rest Of Kari Lake's Legal Team​

34,086 views Jun 1, 2023
One of the lawyers who "worked" on Kari Lake's election challenge lawsuits is begging a judge to remove him from the list of Lake's lawyers that are being sanctioned because, as the lawyer claims, he only worked on the case for like "three or four hours." The lawyer happens to be famous attorney Alan Dershowitz, who says that he was mistakenly listed as "of counsel" on the legal filings, and that he only advised Lake's lawyers about Constitutional issues about the case. But there could be parts that Dershowitz is leaving out, as Farron Cousins explains.

*This transcript was auto-generated. Please excuse any typos. As we all know, the lawyers who filed Kari Lake's ridiculous election challenge lawsuits following her lawsuit this past November, uh, to be Arizona's next governor, that instead went to Katie Hobbs, who actually won the election. But Lake's lawyers were sanctioned by a judge a few months ago. And now one of those lawyers that was listed as the lawyers that will be sanctioned, they haven't figured out the amount yet, but it could be upwards of $141,000 split between the lawyers. One of them is now arguing to the judge that, Hey, you can't sanction me because I technically wasn't even a lawyer there. I only worked with them for like three or four hours. This lawyer says, and I gotta be honest, the lawyer actually makes a compelling case if and only if you ignore all the other evidence. So who is that lawyer? You may be asking yourself? Well, it is none other than famed trial lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Now, we all remember back when Carrie Lake first announced her legal challenges. Dershowitz was out there in the media talking about the lawsuit, admitting he was, you know, a part of this now, but now, now that of course the lawyers have been smacked down for filing frivolous lawsuits and making claims that are completely not based in reality, Dershowitz is like, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That wasn't me. I didn't, I I didn't even meet Kari Lake. He said, never met her. Said I wouldn't vote for her. I don't support her or her policies. Alan Dershowitz says, so let me read this. This is what Dershowitz told us. District Judge John Tushi. He said, I do not like Ms. Lake. I would never have voted for her. I would never in a million years be part of any campaign to influence or affect the election. I did this because I believe the Constitution requires that people who perform government functions be as transparent as the actual government. Yeah, sounds about right. And of course he did mention that he was only a part of it for like three or four hours. And in that capacity, he says he wasn't even talking to Kerry Lake, he was actually providing legal advice for one of her lawyers on the constitutionality of filing a challenge to an election. Now, if those were the cases, like if that was just all that there is, I would say that Dershowitz is correct. You know, you weren't advising Kari Lake, you didn't handle the motions, you weren't, you know, making the arguments. The lawyers reached out to you and said, Hey, we know you're a renowned legal mind. Is it legal for us to even file these lawsuits? Not, didn't get into the merits of it, didn't make the claims. Just said, do we have the ability to file lawsuits? If that is what Dershowitz advised on, then he should be in the clearance, should not be sanctioned. But that's not all that happened, is it? And that's kind of from this article here, what Dershowitz wants it to seem like. But that's not what happened at all. You see, there was a little bit of a filing error with the lawsuit and Dershowitz was actually listed as the lead attorney on the case and he signed it. His signature's on that that says, I'm the lead attorney, according to the lawyers for the other side, for the state. They say, we got your signature right here on this piece of paper that says you are the lead lawyer. And Dershowitz says, well actually see that was an accident cuz I was supposed to be listed as counsel, not of counsel. So, you know, oops, I probably should have read it a little better, but that's what, that's, it was just a mistake. Okay, now that's a little bit iffy, right? And it gets worse for Dershowitz because according to one of the lawyers for the state, let me read this from courthouse news service. Uh, one of the lawyers cited a phone call between counsel on both sides that Dershowitz was present for as well as a hearing in which he participated telephonically to argue he had a larger role than he admits.

Oct 29, 2021
I've been saying it forever...

California is MAGA RED!

Have pretty much known this for years that these supposed Blue strongholds really are not
as there has been rampant cheating for decades now.

Dems are a huge minority in this country they just don't know it as they have been brainwashed.
Here in MA, where I live the same. Rampant cheating for decades now, also the Dems have infiltrated the Republican State Party with Dems to thwart them and make them Dem light party.

People know this and are trying to change things, not sure if it can ever happen in this shithole of a state. There are a lot of Communists due to all the schools, Central and Western MA despise Eastern MA for this very reason. They never have any say in what goes on as the majority live inside the 128 belt.

Sep 22, 2007
Have pretty much known this for years that these supposed Blue strongholds really are not
as there has been rampant cheating for decades now.

Dems are a huge minority in this country they just don't know it as they have been brainwashed.
Here in MA, where I live the same. Rampant cheating for decades now, also the Dems have infiltrated the Republican State Party with Dems to thwart them and make them Dem light party.

People know this and are trying to change things, not sure if it can ever happen in this shithole of a state. There are a lot of Communists due to all the schools, Central and Western MA despise Eastern MA for this very reason. They never have any say in what goes on as the majority live inside the 128 belt.
Your second sentence is DRIPPING with irony, since, if you changed "Dems" to "Republicans" it would be 100% accurate. How, exactly, do YOU "know" all that horseshit that you'e claiming. Republi-KUNTS are very good at talkin' outta their asses with zero proof, must be "genetics" to quote a chief practioner of the practice.

This dumb bitch just WON'T give up:

Kari Lake Announces Plan To Lose Arizona Governor's Race For The Millionth Time​

98,497 views Jun 2, 2023
Republican sore loser Kari Lake has lost nearly half a dozen court cases trying to overturn her 2022 election loss in Arizona, and apparently she isn't done yet. Lake announced this week that she will be appealing her most recent loss, claiming that she somehow has "new evidence" to back up her claims. She didn't even have any evidence to begin with, something that multiple judges have already told her. Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains what's happening.

*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Republican Soar Loser. Carrie Lake announced this week that she is prepared once again to lose the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial race because she is apparently just a glutton for punishment. Now, as we all know, last week, Kerry Lake lost her lawsuit, and this was the lawsuit that had been tossed out by the lower court, eventually tossed out by the app appeal appellate court, and then mostly tossed out by the State Supreme Court except for one particular issue about the ballot signature verification in Maricopa County that the Arizona Supreme Court sent back down to the lower court. Now that's the case she lost last week. And actually that doesn't even include, I'm sorry, the court cases that she lost before the election when she had already filed a lawsuit alleging the election had been stolen from her before the election even took place. And that one of course was thrown out because the court said you can't file a lawsuit against something that didn't happen, that couldn't even have happened yet. So she has lost half a dozen lawsuits trying to overturn the results of the Arizona election even before the election happened. And of course, she lost the actual election, but this week Carrie Lake came out right before she was set to do a rally, of course, because it's all about fame and publicity for her came out and announced that God dog it, she is ready to lose again. And she has had her attorneys file a notice of appeal of the suit that they lost last week. But, but she says this time it's totally gonna be different because this time she says they actually have evidence now worth pointing out that all of the other times this case has been thrown out, even when it's been allowed to proceed, the judges have literally told Carrie Lake and her legal team, you guys don't have any evidence to back up any of your claims. In fact, the judge said that before last week's trial took place, and then again after when he tossed her claims, because he started it by saying, you have no evidence. And ended it by saying You still have no evidence. Get the hell outta my courtroom. But Carrie Lakes says, well, guess what? Now? Now we've got evidence. She says it's video. She claims of, uh, malfeasance in Maricopa County. Cool. It's already been determined by the courts that no shenanigans took place in Maricopa County. So I don't know what you have video of, but it's definitely not what you're saying it is. But you know what, at this point, I can't fault Carrie Lake, she's just exploiting the court system. This is the court allows for these appeals. So that's what she's doing. And the reason I say the court allows for these appeals is because the Arizona State Supreme Court that already said Kerry Lake had no evidence whatsoever and that she made

Sep 22, 2007
"Enlighten" me, Dipshit, how bad IS it? You're sooooooooooooooo fucking STUPID, Glazed Piggy, the following has your name (and Road SCUM) written ALL over it: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead:an_burn_m:an_burn_m:an_burn_m:escape::escape::escape::moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

Kari Lake’s NEW GRIFT EXPOSED and it’s beyond HUMILIATING​

37K views 55 minutes ago

Kari Lake is keeping her grift going by introducing dangling new 'claims' of 'fraud' in front of her marks, um, I mean, supporters. MeidasTouch Contributor Coach D exposes it all.

Sep 22, 2007
Yeah, you're a 'lil LATE, Road SCUM, her "reasoning" for this move was detailed in # 590: she knows if she doesn't stay in the news, morons like YOU will get bored, so as long as she keeps saying that she remains "relevant" by continuing to grift, uh, I mean, to fight, then schmucks like you will continue to send in those checks, each and EVERY month, lol. You're probably QUIVERING with anticipation over that "new evidence," and beating your meat over HER is a lot more understandable than doing so over your soon-to-be-indicted, "biblical" pal, Succubus Sydney Powell. She gonna GET that job in the Governor's mansion, 'cause, Hope springs ETERNAL, right, Dipshit? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :arrowhead:arrowhead:arrowhead:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::an_burn_m:an_burn_m:an_burn_m:dancefool:dancefool:dancefool:moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Have pretty much known this for years that these supposed Blue strongholds really are not
as there has been rampant cheating for decades now.

Dems are a huge minority in this country they just don't know it as they have been brainwashed.
Here in MA, where I live the same. Rampant cheating for decades now, also the Dems have infiltrated the Republican State Party with Dems to thwart them and make them Dem light party.

People know this and are trying to change things, not sure if it can ever happen in this shithole of a state. There are a lot of Communists due to all the schools, Central and Western MA despise Eastern MA for this very reason. They never have any say in what goes on as the majority live inside the 128 belt.
Don't worry.

White Hats like Kari will bring down their entire RIGGED system, restore your vote and return power back to the people.

Including CA and MA...


Active member
Nov 23, 2011
Don't worry.

White Hats like Kari will bring down their entire RIGGED system, restore your vote and return power back to the people.

Including CA and MA...

She has brought the truth bombs and facts from day one. Corruption everywhere in Az from top to bottom

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