
Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Yet they're all reading 😂😂😂

JAG Sentences Deep State Judge to Hang

By Michael Baxter -May 4, 2024

A three-officer panel at Camp Blaz, Guam, found Fulton County, Georgia, Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee guilty of treason and sentenced him to death by hanging, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

As reported on April 5, JAG investigators enforcing a military arrest warrant apprehended McAffee on April 3 outside the Fulton County courthouse, after which they brought him to JAG’s Pensacola processing center and, later, Camp Blaz. McAfee was at first charged with defrauding the United States of America and election interference, but JAG upgraded the charges to treason after the vitriolic judge admitted during an interrogation that he had preordained President Trump’s guilt.

“I hate Trump. I’ve hated him all my life,” the 34-year-old jurist, who had served just one year on the bench, told JAG investigators. “I dreamed about hurting Trump, and when my chance came, I took it.”

Though inexperienced, the novice judge, an Emory Law School Graduate, should have stayed silent. But his animosity for Trump eclipsed his judgment. It was as though he had a compulsive urge to unburden himself of pent-up rage for the president.

“So, Mr. McAfee, when you were ‘randomly’ assigned the fake racketeering case against President Trump, he was already guilty in your eyes?” the investigator asked.

“He was born guilty,” McAfee said. “And it wasn’t random—I begged for that case.”

“That’s very helpful. Thank you, Mr. McAfee,” said the investigator.

McAfee was returned to his cell, where he remained until Wednesday morning’s tribunal, overseen by Lead Special Trial Counsel Rear Adm. Johnathon T. Stephens.

Representing himself, McAfee in opening remarks talked himself into an early verdict. He said no one and nothing, not even imprisonment, would prevent him from destroying the Trump family. Handcuffed at the defense table, he glared at the panel and said he would topple the Trump empire, building by building, brick by brick, and wouldn’t rest until every Trump supporter was behind bars or dead.

“Then I’ll take care of the people here and this place,” McAfee said.

“Mr. McAfee, I’m told you are of sound mind and know where you are, right?” Admiral Stephens asked.

“I’m in a Kangaroo court in the Banana Republic of Trump, staring at a guy who couldn’t hack it in the real world, couldn’t run a private practice, get a partnership, or sit on a real bench, so he went into the military,” McAfee said.

“Have you ever heard of Trump Derangement Syndrome, Mr. McAfee?” the Admiral asked. “Because you have the worst case I’ve seen, and I’ve seen several.”

“Trump is finished. He’ll be in jail soon, and when he is, your house of cards collapses,” McAfee said.

“It might seem that way, but it only seems that way,” the Admiral said.

“You might as well find me guilty. I’ll never stop hating Trump and I’ll never stop working to demolish everything he stole. He was born guilty, and he’ll be guilty until the day he dies. That’ll be the only word on his gravestone: GUILTY!” McAfee shouted.

The lead panelist, a Marine Corps major, politely interrupted: “Admiral, sir, we don’t have to hear any more. McAfee mocks this court, and we find him guilty of the treason charge. Additionally, we are in agreement he should hang for his crimes.”

Admiral Stephens nodded contemplatively. “I side with these fine officers. Mr. McAfee, you are hereby sentenced to hang for treason against the United States of America.”

His execution is scheduled for May 15.

I don't feel sorry one little bit for traitors like this.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Another good example how FAKE "news" actually lowers your IQ



None beclown themselves like "Never Trumpers"

🤡 🤡 🤡

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"One of the factors of the ‘Pause’ is that we’ll be able to do things properly…and it’ll be much easier as everyone will agree with us…everyone sees what a bad job they’ve done…so everyone will see what will have to be done…”

-President Trump

👇 👇 👇


Aug 17, 2019
"One of the factors of the ‘Pause’ is that we’ll be able to do things properly…and it’ll be much easier as everyone will agree with us…everyone sees what a bad job they’ve done…so everyone will see what will have to be done…”

-President Trump

👇 👇 👇

View attachment 88890


Sometimes you have to show The People.

Only then can REAL change happen!
Aug 17, 2019
👉 Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, The "Chosen Ones"

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - "Begin and the Beasts," (June 25, 1982)


Perhaps it's becoming more clear why savage1 thinks he's a "chosen one"?

Oct 30, 2006
👉 Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, The "Chosen Ones"

"Our race is the Master Race. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves." - "Begin and the Beasts," (June 25, 1982)

View attachment 88906

Perhaps it's becoming more clear why savage1 thinks he's a "chosen one"?

He should apologize for that statement but as far as I know he hasn’t yet ....

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
He should apologize for that statement but as far as I know he hasn’t yet ....

Hard to apologize for speaking what one believes to be the truth.......

The powers that be will tell you that the Protocols of the Leaned Elders a just another "antisemite conspriacy theory"
Even though

1. It is confirmed to be a legit piece of work from 1919 US Intelligence Declassified Documents
2 They have basically followed the guide in their eternal quest for World it really doesnt matter if its forged or not , if they believe it then it becomes "fact"

This is a great graphic tying in various Q drops with the Synogague of Satan


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
This is a great slide show for your viewing pleasure!

Special Counsel Jack Smith Demands Trump-Appointed Judge Cannon Recuse Herself​

What a great month this has been.

And it just seems to be getting better.






Soon,real soon.


I‘m sure he does Witless . Like this case , she isn‘t going anywhere .
I bet you and Salty actually thought this is the way the FBI found those docs .



Sep 21, 2004

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

JAG Arrests Former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman​

By Michael Baxter

May 6, 2024


U.S. Navy JAG investigators last week apprehended former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman for illicitly promising Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba “unlimited resources” to fight Russian encroachment and potentially force Vladimir Putin to abdicate office, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

Sherman’s political career was rife with ties to the Deep State. Her journey toward the dark side began in 1993 when President Clinton appointed her counselor to the State Department, ordinarily an honorary position bestowed upon friends of political elitists. Sherman and her boss, the despicable, hideous Madeleine Albright, had Clinton’s ear, and they had persuaded him to bomb Yugoslavian civilians into oblivion during the 1999 Kosovo War.

Sherman resurfaced in the political state in 2011 after the criminal Barack Hussein Obama named her undersecretary of state for political affairs, a job in which she answered to the murderous secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and her successor, the cowardly John Kerry.

In 2020, illegitimate pResident Joseph R. Biden nominated Sherman to serve as deputy director of state under the deepest of Deep State traitors, Antony Blinken, a position she held until July 28, 2023.

In April 2024, White Hats obtained a recording of a telephone conversation between Sherman and Ukrainian diplomat Dmytro Kuleba, Zelenskyy’s righthand man. On the call, Sherman is heard telling Kuleba that Biden is wholly vested in Ukraine’s security and overthrowing Vladimir Putin, and that the United States would fund those objectives to fruition, irrespective of cost.

“How can you promise this?” Kuleba said on the March 22, 2023, call. “Many in your government do not like to give us money.”

“You and President Zelenskyy have my personal promise,” Sherman replied. “However much it takes, you’ll have it. This I swear.”

White Hats got the recording from a surprising informant.

In August 2023, RRN exclusively scooped a story about General Smith and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu forming a cautious détente; they created a joint U.S. Special Forces-Russian Spetsnaz strike team to eradicate child traffickers in Ukraine.

It is our understanding that this team still operates under a blanket of secrecy. Shoigu also proved helpful in January: He supplied White Hats with DNA evidence proving war criminal and mass murderer Lloyd Austin died to a Russian attack on a Kyiv command bunker.

And last month Shoigu sent Gen. Smith an .mp3 of the Sherman-Kuleba telephone call.

“Sergei Shoigu didn’t say how he got it or if his people dealt with Kuleba, but he wanted us to know about Sherman’s involvement. Shoigu has shown himself trustworthy, but we’re in an environment where anything and everything can be Deep Faked. We had to authenticate it, regardless of Shoigu’s assurances,” our source said.

He added that experts in audio forensics at Marine Corps Cyberspace Command performed spectrographic and digital integrity analyses on the file to look for signs of editing or manipulation.

“They said it had a 97% probability of authenticity. That percentage was high enough to hand it off to Adm. Crandall, and he decided that clandestinely promising Kuleba cash was criminal. We’ve convicted several Deep Staters who secretly sent U.S. Treasury Department money to Ukraine, but she was the first for just promising it,” our source said.

JAG investigators arrested Sherman without incident at her Reston, Virginia, home Saturday morning.

“This one surprised me. But the admiral isn’t known for signing off on a warrant unless he believes he can secure a conviction,” our source said.


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Shameless Judge Cannon May Have Killed Trump’s Classified Docs Case​

Shameless :lmao:

Wouldn't have anything to do with possible evidence tampering , would it ?

What a great read Witless .

Legal analysts have worried that a strategy of continual delays could be the Trump-appointed judge’s way of surreptitiously dismissing the trial altogether.

“This case was set for trial on May 20, which obviously won’t happen,” wrote MSNBC legal analyst and former U.S. attorney Joyce Vance. “It should have been ready to try by the end of last year. Extending the 5(a) deadlines indefinitely is the same thing as giving Trump an indefinite trial delay.”

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sep 12, 2022

JAG Arrests Former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman​

By Michael Baxter

May 6, 2024

View attachment 88953

U.S. Navy JAG investigators last week apprehended former Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman for illicitly promising Ukraine’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Dmytro Kuleba “unlimited resources” to fight Russian encroachment and potentially force Vladimir Putin to abdicate office, JAG sources told Real Raw News.

Sherman’s political career was rife with ties to the Deep State. Her journey toward the dark side began in 1993 when President Clinton appointed her counselor to the State Department, ordinarily an honorary position bestowed upon friends of political elitists. Sherman and her boss, the despicable, hideous Madeleine Albright, had Clinton’s ear, and they had persuaded him to bomb Yugoslavian civilians into oblivion during the 1999 Kosovo War.

Sherman resurfaced in the political state in 2011 after the criminal Barack Hussein Obama named her undersecretary of state for political affairs, a job in which she answered to the murderous secretary of state, Hillary Clinton, and her successor, the cowardly John Kerry.

In 2020, illegitimate pResident Joseph R. Biden nominated Sherman to serve as deputy director of state under the deepest of Deep State traitors, Antony Blinken, a position she held until July 28, 2023.

In April 2024, White Hats obtained a recording of a telephone conversation between Sherman and Ukrainian diplomat Dmytro Kuleba, Zelenskyy’s righthand man. On the call, Sherman is heard telling Kuleba that Biden is wholly vested in Ukraine’s security and overthrowing Vladimir Putin, and that the United States would fund those objectives to fruition, irrespective of cost.

“How can you promise this?” Kuleba said on the March 22, 2023, call. “Many in your government do not like to give us money.”

“You and President Zelenskyy have my personal promise,” Sherman replied. “However much it takes, you’ll have it. This I swear.”

White Hats got the recording from a surprising informant.

In August 2023, RRN exclusively scooped a story about General Smith and Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu forming a cautious détente; they created a joint U.S. Special Forces-Russian Spetsnaz strike team to eradicate child traffickers in Ukraine.

It is our understanding that this team still operates under a blanket of secrecy. Shoigu also proved helpful in January: He supplied White Hats with DNA evidence proving war criminal and mass murderer Lloyd Austin died to a Russian attack on a Kyiv command bunker.

And last month Shoigu sent Gen. Smith an .mp3 of the Sherman-Kuleba telephone call.

“Sergei Shoigu didn’t say how he got it or if his people dealt with Kuleba, but he wanted us to know about Sherman’s involvement. Shoigu has shown himself trustworthy, but we’re in an environment where anything and everything can be Deep Faked. We had to authenticate it, regardless of Shoigu’s assurances,” our source said.

He added that experts in audio forensics at Marine Corps Cyberspace Command performed spectrographic and digital integrity analyses on the file to look for signs of editing or manipulation.

“They said it had a 97% probability of authenticity. That percentage was high enough to hand it off to Adm. Crandall, and he decided that clandestinely promising Kuleba cash was criminal. We’ve convicted several Deep Staters who secretly sent U.S. Treasury Department money to Ukraine, but she was the first for just promising it,” our source said.

JAG investigators arrested Sherman without incident at her Reston, Virginia, home Saturday morning.

“This one surprised me. But the admiral isn’t known for signing off on a warrant unless he believes he can secure a conviction,” our source said.

What a horrible old hag!

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