
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Since the drone attack fizzled yesterday, imo Biden should advise Israel not to retaliate, but at the same time issue a warning to Iran,

that if they try it again, the US will aid Israel and destroy all of their missile sites and of course carry through on it if they do!!

To be clear, if Iran does try an attack, before the US destroys their missile sites, to cut down on the casualties, they

will give Iran from 12-24 hours to move out all military personnel stationed at these sites!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Tomorrow should be the start of a great run for our nation!

Time to drain the swamp.






Shoe/bible salesman

Leader of a cult of morons.


A misdemeanor case as dead as your brain due to statute of limitations that the previous DA passed on prosecuting , the FEC didn’t pursue campaign violations and even felony sympathizing Fat Alvin originally passed on is suddenly bumped up to a felony and no one seems to know what it is .

Not that a borderline retard could even comprehend what that means .


Sep 21, 2004
Today is the start of another attempt for America to see how the corrupt are allowed to be more corrupt! Hunter should be on trial?

What happened to the plea deal? It fell apart in court. Back in June, Hunter Biden agreed to a plea deal in which he would have avoided all jail time; admitted guilt to two tax misdemeanors, for which his lawyers argued he already paid back taxes; and agreed to a diversion program on the gun charge.Dec 8, 2023

Nov 11, 2007
Today is the start of another attempt for America to see how the corrupt are allowed to be more corrupt! Hunter should be on trial?

What happened to the plea deal? It fell apart in court. Back in June, Hunter Biden agreed to a plea deal in which he would have avoided all jail time; admitted guilt to two tax misdemeanors, for which his lawyers argued he already paid back taxes; and agreed to a diversion program on the gun charge.Dec 8, 2023
I will gladly "trade"/accept a Trump imprisonment for a Hunter Biden imprisonment and for someone to be later convicted

to also be imprisoned!!

Sep 21, 2004
I will gladly "trade"/accept a Trump imprisonment for a Hunter Biden imprisonment and for someone to be later convicted

to also be imprisoned!!
Is the Trump Mess on National TV? We interrupt Good Morning America with Wake up America!

Nov 11, 2007
Unlike sbd's predictions, mine come true including this one from last Monday that sbd would run away and hide when none of his

dire predictions came true as to which "patriots/white hats" came to save the day and how.

Here you go:

"Be prepared everyone when nothing in the way of sbd's dire predictions of mass destruction wreaked by the eclipse and sbd

proclaims at the end of the day that nothing occurred because the unnamed/undefined/NOJ-EXISTENT "patriots" worked

behind the scenes to prevent it from occurring!!

But then again to be fair, as I have shown before, sbd doesn't believe any of this utter nonsense himself but posts it on;y to taunt and

get a rise out of his people and most importantly to garner the attention he needs and craves whether it be positive or negative because

his life is and has always been a failure, he has a terrible opinion of himself, and he needs and will grasp at anything that in his conscious

mind at least will bring some positivity to himself,f but sadly and most importantly, not finding and addressing the issues that

him to be reduced to this state in the first place!!

Nov 11, 2007
Is the Trump Mess on National TV? We interrupt Good Morning America with Wake up America!
Personally, I am going to watch the Sox game which starts at 11 today(Patriots Day tradition) and the stock market

rather than wants amounts for me as boring batting practice on who the jurors are going to be.

When the cry of "play ball" is issued in the Hush Money Trial and it begins, I will pay attention-until then I will be interested only in the news

media summary of the proceedings!!

Sep 21, 2004
Donald Trump is in a Manhattan courtroom to begin the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president. A jury will be picked to determine whether Trump broke state law by falsifying business records connected to a hush money payment in 2016 to keep an adult-film actress quiet about an alleged sexual tryst.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan is on the bench. We’re getting started now.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has taken his seat in the second row of the gallery surrounded by district attorney staff and security.

Former president Donald Trump is sitting at the defense table as all his lawyers mill around. News photographers are now crowding around the table to get pictures of him.

The trial is not being televised…

It may take 2 weeks for a jury to be seated and 4-8 weeks for the trial to end.

Nov 11, 2007
Donald Trump is in a Manhattan courtroom to begin the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president. A jury will be picked to determine whether Trump broke state law by falsifying business records connected to a hush money payment in 2016 to keep an adult-film actress quiet about an alleged sexual tryst.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan is on the bench. We’re getting started now.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has taken his seat in the second row of the gallery surrounded by district attorney staff and security.

Former president Donald Trump is sitting at the defense table as all his lawyers mill around. News photographers are now crowding around the table to get pictures of him.

The trial is not being televised…

It may take 2 weeks for a jury to be seated and 4-8 weeks for the trial to end.
Thanks for the info as to when the actual trial begins!!

Unless there is some possible trial changing information revealed by the media, I will regard the minute by minute coverage of the daily

proceedings the same as I do with the all-day coverage and analysis of SuperBowl coverage until the game begins, namely no

interest other than as stated above, something that could impact the trial itself!!

ps Another way to look it from my point of view is that I have no interest in the Boston Marathon which is also today until they come

down the stretch to determine the winner!!
Oct 30, 2006
Donald Trump is in a Manhattan courtroom to begin the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president. A jury will be picked to determine whether Trump broke state law by falsifying business records connected to a hush money payment in 2016 to keep an adult-film actress quiet about an alleged sexual tryst.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan is on the bench. We’re getting started now.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has taken his seat in the second row of the gallery surrounded by district attorney staff and security.

Former president Donald Trump is sitting at the defense table as all his lawyers mill around. News photographers are now crowding around the table to get pictures of him.

The trial is not being televised…

It may take 2 weeks for a jury to be seated and 4-8 weeks for the trial to end.
All for show...How can this even be allowed to happen?
Sep 12, 2022
Commenter posted this:

MB Posted The Following on RRN’s TG Feed at 5:22pm:
”We are hearing klaus Schwab was arrested this weekend and that the hospital story is a cover. Much to report on this week.”
If Klaus Schwab was arrested, it's going to set off massive celebrations.

The biggest defeat ever for the Tards, in a long line of continued defeats.

For Salvage it will only mean more pain, more humiliation, and more suppositories.
Sep 12, 2022

Sep 21, 2004
All for show...How can this even be allowed to happen?
Hush money is the name of the game, wrong person on trial…. Biden gave, we gives

Caitlyn Jenner Blames Biden for Iran Attack, Says It ‘Never Would Have Happened Under Trump’​


Sep 21, 2004
All for show...How can this even be allowed to happen?

Fallout from Trump's bid to overturn election loss heads to Supreme Court​

The trial is the first of its kind.

No former American president has ever been criminally indicted, although former President Richard Nixon may have faced that prospect if his former vice president, Gerald Ford, hadn't pardoned him

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab

By Michael Baxter -April 15, 2024

A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified gate at his 7,770-square-foot, six-acre compound in Switzerland and ended in his bed-chamber, where the death-bringing geezer lay in bed hooked up to a self-dispensing Adrenochrome infusion machine, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The overdue arrest came after White Hats formally labeled Schwab an international war criminal based on undisclosed evidence showing that he helped orchestrate the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset—the dismantlement of capitalism, the dissolution of private property rights, and the enslavement or eradication of all resistance, globally.

According to our source, White Hats also had a grudge against Schwab. After the WEF spent 32 hours discussing Disease X—a deadly, emerging, manufactured contagion for which COVID-19 was a practice run—at January’s “rebuilding trust” (the irony) conference in Davos, White Hats obtained credible intelligence suggesting that a shipment of a Disease X “component” would arrive at the Port of San Francisco, aboard an Iberian-flagged freighter, on February 6. When the vessel arrived, White Hats were waiting. They raided the ship and found in the hold coolers of a glassy, viscous liquid stored in beakers and flasks. Suspended in the liquid were shimmering silver flecks no larger than a piece of dandruff. The ship’s crew claimed ignorance, saying they were merely transporting “engine lubricant,” per the ship’s manifest. A White Hat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) team seized the shipment, rushing it to Fort Leonard Wood for chemical analysis. The liquid turned out to be soapy water, and the flecks were micro-fine cosmetic glitter used by women to accentuate their eyes. One cooler held a typewritten note: “Fooled you.”

The duping, our source admitted, enraged General Smith, for it consumed time and resources, but was only a tertiary reason for pursuing “one of the most prolific criminals in human history.”

“On April 5 the general and his allies at Army Special Operations Command planned Schwab’s capture. Intelligence, and we hoped it was more solid than the boat intel, said Schwab was pretty much bedridden but protected by a massive security force. There was no sneaking in—the general had blueprints to his home-fortress—and a gunfight seemed certain, and reaching Schwab before his people hustled him into his panic room,” our source said.

He wouldn’t say how or when Delta arrived in Switzerland or whether Swiss authorities participated in the operation, as fusillades of gunfire would certainly alert local authorities and, perhaps, the federal police.

“We knew it would be a run-and-gun op. And the decision was to do it this weekend,” he said. “I’m not going to bullet point our tech, but we can, from a distance, temporarily disable pretty much any alarm system on the planet, and his was no exception.”

The operation commenced in the predawn hours, the window of circadian low, defined as the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., when physiological sleepiness is greatest and performance capabilities—such as reacting to an armed incursion–are lowest. Delta hoped to find some guards asleep or drowsily unvigilant.

Delta snipers with suppressor-equipped rifles shot three gate and five perimeter guards in the head. Eight shots, eight confirmed kills. Meanwhile, more Delta scaled the stone wall surrounding Schwab’s fortress and engaged a gaggle of armed goons, killing seven and grievously wounding five more. One Delta was shot in the arm and leg but kept fighting. Another got zipped by a ribbon of submachine gun fire and died.

The phalanx of gunfire continued as Delta fought their way to the front door; two soldiers set charges while six others covered them, rippling off lethal controlled bursts that dropped four more approaching guards. The door splintered into countless shards of hardwood and twisted metal—the explosion disemboweled three interior guards who were standing behind it. Delta stepped over their guts and pressed forward, clearing the house room by room and shooting dead all opposition. Four guards came wheeling around a spiral staircase face-first into a Delta barrage of bullets.

Delta’s precisely placed shots eviscerated a pair of sentries guarding the master bedroom and perforated two more standing at the foot of Schwab’s bed.

Schwab had fear in his watery eyes and an IV line running from his wrist to what looked like a morphine pump. When a soldier tore the line from his wrist, Schwab murmured, “No, I need it. Help me.”

“If it were up to me, I’d help put you out of your misery right now,” the Delta operator told him, per a debriefing report.

Delta heaved Schwab from his bed and hurriedly ushered him downstairs and outside. As Delta Force was exfiltrating the property, four guards wielding AR-15-style rifles met them at the gate, lowering their weapons at seeing Schwab in Delta’s clutches.

“Don’t shoot, we might hit the boss,” one had said.

Delta hosed them down. No survivors.

“We have four wounded and one KIA. They retrieved their fallen brother’s body. He died a hero. I won’t say where we have Schwab right now, but I will say where he’s going—GITMO. Unfortunately, ending Schwab doesn’t end WEF. We still have a lot of work to do. And we confirmed he was taking Adrenochrome—that’s what was in the machine next to his bed,” our source said.

He added that President Trump was informed about the operation and that the hospitalization trope is a Deep State cover story.


Nov 11, 2007
Delta Force Arrests Klaus Schwab

By Michael Baxter -April 15, 2024

A Delta Force strike team arrested 86-year-old World Economic Forum (WEF) founder Klaus Schwab Friday following a deadly firefight that started at the fortified gate at his 7,770-square-foot, six-acre compound in Switzerland and ended in his bed-chamber, where the death-bringing geezer lay in bed hooked up to a self-dispensing Adrenochrome infusion machine, a source in General Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News.

The overdue arrest came after White Hats formally labeled Schwab an international war criminal based on undisclosed evidence showing that he helped orchestrate the Covid plandemic and the Great Reset—the dismantlement of capitalism, the dissolution of private property rights, and the enslavement or eradication of all resistance, globally.

According to our source, White Hats also had a grudge against Schwab. After the WEF spent 32 hours discussing Disease X—a deadly, emerging, manufactured contagion for which COVID-19 was a practice run—at January’s “rebuilding trust” (the irony) conference in Davos, White Hats obtained credible intelligence suggesting that a shipment of a Disease X “component” would arrive at the Port of San Francisco, aboard an Iberian-flagged freighter, on February 6. When the vessel arrived, White Hats were waiting. They raided the ship and found in the hold coolers of a glassy, viscous liquid stored in beakers and flasks. Suspended in the liquid were shimmering silver flecks no larger than a piece of dandruff. The ship’s crew claimed ignorance, saying they were merely transporting “engine lubricant,” per the ship’s manifest. A White Hat Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) team seized the shipment, rushing it to Fort Leonard Wood for chemical analysis. The liquid turned out to be soapy water, and the flecks were micro-fine cosmetic glitter used by women to accentuate their eyes. One cooler held a typewritten note: “Fooled you.”

The duping, our source admitted, enraged General Smith, for it consumed time and resources, but was only a tertiary reason for pursuing “one of the most prolific criminals in human history.”

“On April 5 the general and his allies at Army Special Operations Command planned Schwab’s capture. Intelligence, and we hoped it was more solid than the boat intel, said Schwab was pretty much bedridden but protected by a massive security force. There was no sneaking in—the general had blueprints to his home-fortress—and a gunfight seemed certain, and reaching Schwab before his people hustled him into his panic room,” our source said.

He wouldn’t say how or when Delta arrived in Switzerland or whether Swiss authorities participated in the operation, as fusillades of gunfire would certainly alert local authorities and, perhaps, the federal police.

“We knew it would be a run-and-gun op. And the decision was to do it this weekend,” he said. “I’m not going to bullet point our tech, but we can, from a distance, temporarily disable pretty much any alarm system on the planet, and his was no exception.”

The operation commenced in the predawn hours, the window of circadian low, defined as the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m., when physiological sleepiness is greatest and performance capabilities—such as reacting to an armed incursion–are lowest. Delta hoped to find some guards asleep or drowsily unvigilant.

Delta snipers with suppressor-equipped rifles shot three gate and five perimeter guards in the head. Eight shots, eight confirmed kills. Meanwhile, more Delta scaled the stone wall surrounding Schwab’s fortress and engaged a gaggle of armed goons, killing seven and grievously wounding five more. One Delta was shot in the arm and leg but kept fighting. Another got zipped by a ribbon of submachine gun fire and died.

The phalanx of gunfire continued as Delta fought their way to the front door; two soldiers set charges while six others covered them, rippling off lethal controlled bursts that dropped four more approaching guards. The door splintered into countless shards of hardwood and twisted metal—the explosion disemboweled three interior guards who were standing behind it. Delta stepped over their guts and pressed forward, clearing the house room by room and shooting dead all opposition. Four guards came wheeling around a spiral staircase face-first into a Delta barrage of bullets.

Delta’s precisely placed shots eviscerated a pair of sentries guarding the master bedroom and perforated two more standing at the foot of Schwab’s bed.

Schwab had fear in his watery eyes and an IV line running from his wrist to what looked like a morphine pump. When a soldier tore the line from his wrist, Schwab murmured, “No, I need it. Help me.”

“If it were up to me, I’d help put you out of your misery right now,” the Delta operator told him, per a debriefing report.

Delta heaved Schwab from his bed and hurriedly ushered him downstairs and outside. As Delta Force was exfiltrating the property, four guards wielding AR-15-style rifles met them at the gate, lowering their weapons at seeing Schwab in Delta’s clutches.

“Don’t shoot, we might hit the boss,” one had said.

Delta hosed them down. No survivors.

“We have four wounded and one KIA. They retrieved their fallen brother’s body. He died a hero. I won’t say where we have Schwab right now, but I will say where he’s going—GITMO. Unfortunately, ending Schwab doesn’t end WEF. We still have a lot of work to do. And we confirmed he was taking Adrenochrome—that’s what was in the machine next to his bed,” our source said.

He added that President Trump was informed about the operation and that the hospitalization trope is a Deep State cover story.

When things get to be desperate as is the case with Trump fellators everywhere including this thread, the latter

wheels out Real Raw News to try to reassure themselves and others that everything is great.




Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the

Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
And for you ignorant blackpillers who swear "nothing is happening" 🤡, just a friendly reminder that Klaus Schwab and many other Satan minions (Clintons, Gates, Obama, Soros etc.) we're all featured in Commander Trump's epic "DREAM ON!" video he released back in January.

Dream on NWO Pedos!

White Hats are cleaning house!




Nov 11, 2007
And for you ignorant blackpillers who swear "nothing is happening" 🤡, just a friendly reminder that Klaus Schwab and many other Satan minions (Clintons, Gates, Obama, Soros etc.) we're all featured in Commander Trump's epic "DREAM ON!" video he released back in January.

Dream on NWO Pedos!

White Hats are cleaning house!



The same lies, delusions and FAILED predictions that we have heard for over four years now and we are still waiting for just one of the

to come true, CRACKPOT Joe, aka doctorsuccess including Trump is and has always been the "acting CIC" or that his devolution is

"imminent" depending on what fits the narrative for the day!!

Nov 11, 2007
When things get to be desperate as is the case with Trump fellators everywhere including this thread, the latter

wheels out Real Raw News to try to reassure themselves and others that everything is great.




Real Raw News - Bias and Credibility

SATIRE These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the

Real Raw News – Bias and Credibility​

Real Raw News - Satire - Right Bias


These sources exclusively use humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people’s stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues. Primarily these sources are clear that they are satire and do not attempt to deceive. See all Satire sources.
  • Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles.

Detailed Report​

Bias Rating: SATIRE
Factual Reporting: N/A
Country: USA
Press Freedom Rating: MOSTLY FREE
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: Medium Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: N/A


Launched in 2020, Real Raw News is an anonymously run satire website. According to their about page, “Real Raw News ( is an award-winning independent publisher dedicated to exposing political and scientific corruption.” They also disclaim, “Segments of this website may contain humor, parody, or satire. We have included this disclaimer for our protection, on the advice of legal counsel.”
The primary author appears to be Michael Baxter.
On 9/24/2021, Politifact published a lengthy investigation into Real Raw News Hangings, guillotines, and Gitmo: Going behind Real Raw News’ sensational (and fabricated) headlines. According to Politifact, who has fact-checked Real Raw News a dozen times, the satire disclaimer is misleading because it only appears on the About Page. In other words, when their fake stories are shared on social media, the person reading them does not see the disclaimer and may believe the story to be true.
Our policy states that if a site disclaims they are satire, we rate them as satire.

Funded by / Ownership

Real Raw News does not disclose ownership. Donations generate revenue.

Analysis / Bias

In review, Real Raw News publishes satirical articles for the purpose of either duping conservatives into sharing them on social media or to entertain. We previously listed this source as an extremely right-biased questionable source; however, they now correctly indicate they are satire. Although they disclaim, they are a satire website, many fact-checkers have reviewed their claims (see below). The headlines alone provide ample evidence such as this Hillary Clinton Hanged at GITMO. This update moves Real Raw News from Questionable to Satire based on proper disclosure that the content is satirical.
It is incredible to us that fact-checkers continue to waste time fact-checking an apparent fake satire website. These fact checks serve as a promotion for the website and expand their reach to a larger audience.

Failed Fact Checks

Overall, we rate Real Raw News a satire website based on properly disclosing their intent to publish satire articles. (D. Van Zandt 1/6/2021) Updated (03/22/2022)
Last Updated on June 30, 2023 by Media Bias Fact Check
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