Has The Internet Age Effected Bookies Profit Margins?


New member
Apr 23, 2005
Believe me I have known Ironlock for quite some time and he speaks from experiece and wisdom...

I believe him!

What someone else ponted out so astutely is is HOW DO the LOCALS deal with the dreaded 2.5's in Foots that move to 3 and sometimes 3 minus .25 before ever getting to 3 1/2 ??

I remember one local reading me a PLUS 3 1/2 last year, when game was at 3 minus 20 and that game landed on 3.

I took the 3 1/2...

That was the last bet he took from me...

They don't go to 3 minus 20, so it has to drive them nuts...

I guess they try and read their players?


Shrink you are hardly the average player. :lolBIG:

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Worked in the business 15 years, so I believe I know a thing or two. Thanks for the compliments.

I haven't read anything you have posted that would indicate how/why the business of local bookmakers has not been reduced.

15 years and you don't know what a credit account is?:monsters- :lolBIG:

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Did you have anything to add to the thread topic?

I have only been playing offshore for a few years. I was not aware of credit accounts offshore, nor do I personally need one. I was simply making a point that large players using locals (5+dimes per game) use locals because they don't want to park alot of money offshore.

Sorry, I don't recall claiming to be an expert on offshore gaming. However, I believe working in local business 15 years qualifies me as knowing a thing or two about local bookmaking.

I love all the flys on the wall at rx. I learn something about people and especially gamblers daily from this site.

Enjoy your day Pancho.

New member
Mar 30, 2005

That is my point with the topic that many guys I consider locals are now agents so their handle has increased with the internet. Most 5 dime+ bettors you are talking about are betting on credit so they don't have to park 50-100K off shore somewhere and just see someone locally for a square up or as groups do in Vegas.

New member
Oct 20, 1999
Pancho Sanza said:
15 years and you don't know what a credit account is?:monsters- :lolBIG:

I think when he says "in the business", he means distributing parlay cards on the weekend, after the paper route, in order to earn a free $20 10 teamer.

Or maybe he was working in a local "post up" operation for 15 years...LMFAO!!!

Carry on...:lolBIG:

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
None of that ridiculous post is true. Since you are knocking down others you are probably not the god you proclaim yourself.

I have read nothing from your posts that provides anything to have anyone other than yourself believe the business of the local books has not decreased.

I refuse to chickenfight about your false claims any further until you provide a quality post. I have given plenty of reasons why the business has decreased and you have given nothing other self proclaimed "expert" opinions.

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
He may, but it doesn't qualify him to bash someone that also knows a thing or two about local bookmaking.

Pancho, it is nice to see how much information you add to this thread. Hopefully you have provided something of value since September 2004.

New member
Apr 23, 2005
Did you have anything to add to the thread topic?

I have only been playing offshore for a few years. I was not aware of credit accounts offshore, nor do I personally need one. I was simply making a point that large players using locals (5+dimes per game) use locals because they don't want to park alot of money offshore.

Sorry, I don't recall claiming to be an expert on offshore gaming. However, I believe working in local business 15 years qualifies me as knowing a thing or two about local bookmaking.

I love all the flys on the wall at rx. I learn something about people and especially gamblers daily from this site.

Enjoy your day Pancho.

Many of the locals, especially ones that have large players, are just agents of offshore books. You might be dealing with "Rich" your local agent. But when you call the wagering number it goes to central america. You are betting on your credit account under Rich's package. Rich only has to deal with paying and collecting and he gets a percentage. He doesn't have to worry about the lines, the phones, the clerks. The players don't have to worry about moving money offshore.

No book, that is in their right mind, sets up credit accounts on a player by player basis. Maybe if you are a good friend that goes way back they might. But other wise all the credit accounts are through agents. That way the agent is responsible for collecting the money personally.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
He may, but it doesn't qualify him to bash someone that also knows a thing or two about local bookmaking.

Pancho, it is nice to see how much information you add to this thread. Hopefully you have provided something of value since September 2004.

My best guess is that margins are not what they once were but for the reasons Iron mentioned, the books are still thriving.

Lots of other options these days to seperate the players from their money, halftimes, quarters, props etc that were not around back in the phone only days.:digit:

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Thanks for the information. These offshore credit accounts are something folks in this area are not aware.

One guy handles all the whales action. He dumps nothing, doesn't jiggle lines, puts the players a makeup percentage or 10% of net losses, so they stay content playing locally.

A good piece of moderate players have been lost to offshore. The business is not what it was 5-10 years ago and prior.

It's nice to learn from this site, but it could be done without the bashing many are quick to provide.

New member
Oct 20, 1999
I have read nothing from your posts that provides anything to have anyone other than yourself believe the business of the local books has not decreased.


That is because the you are confused about the goal of my posts.

It was not to take you on. It was not to 'disprove' you. It was not to say "margins" are better than ever. It was none of the above.

And had you read my post, with a clear and objective mind, rather than with one scewed by your self importance and need for self justification, you would have seen that.

Yes, I think your silly. And no, I don't argue with sillyness.

BTW, Mr. Sanchez here, is easily in the top 3 on this board in terms of being personally responsible for any reduction in any book's profitablility, and it has less to do with the internet, than it does with intelligence and work ethic. But of course, you should throw him to the curb as well.
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Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Thanks for your blessings. I hope in the future you find yourself eating catfood.

The only thing that I'm a bit confused about is why you must bash someone that asks for further explanation to something you have posted.

You are not the only handicapper on this site that has some knowledge.

I'm finished responding to your nonsense.

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
Aquatic said:
Coach LT -Swamper was out of Louisiana. His name was Eugene Nolan.

Aquatic, thanks for the info and reply. I played with him thru Frank M in the early 80s I believe. Memory is not as it once was. Is Mr. Nolan still alive? A couple of things that the internet has helped me personally is that when you post up, you are less apt to go overboard and bet money that you don't have. The other is you can play on sunday nights and all during the week on football with the internet. With a local, most of them might open up on thrusday night for a few hours. The rest of the weekend was the same. If you only had 1 or 2 locals, you had to take it or leave it. Your limits were greatly reduced. For me, who likes to get down EARLY, the internet has become THE NUTTS! Usually by thursday night I am done. LT

New member
Oct 20, 1999
Hey Coach-
YOu gonna make the party again this year? Looking forward to it.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Coach LT said:
Rainbow, did you ever know or work for a guy known as The Swamper in the early 80's? I think he might have been from Oklahoma? LT

I know the Swamper well, he is from Louisiana.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Aquatic said:
Coach LT -Swamper was out of Louisiana. His name was Eugene Nolan.

Rainbow- What office are you talking about in the early 90s in the DR? Mickey Wheelchairs or Ron S. with TonyB charting before the '93 feds raid?

I know many clerks who Gary Austin used to run that drag on that they were the best he has talked with while he waited for the move. Davy K and Stevie Z also would go for those. Many times during a rundown syndicate guys would just scream out the game number , with the line in the rundown, they wanted and weren't going to a specific game that anyone could just click fingers or yell out that the game is on hold. I don't know of one guy that never had a line come out of their mouth and as he said it someone else yelled out that game for the limit. So unless you then just said now the line has changed that I just quoted you as the guy was betting or just hung up there is no way around it. This created more than one hit with multiple people doing rundowns and making changes that the charter was yelling out.

Mickey Wheelchairs, Davey K was the best to give a line to, because it didnt matter how fast you were, and I think I was the fastest.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
wilheim said:
Z was an originator most of the time and never had to play games with clerks. Same with the Koshers, BW and Chuck Sharp. The rest like David, Artie, Gary, the Philly crew and maybe half a dozen more were always trying to beat the number but were usually 5 seconds late. By 1993 Ron's office was off the DR and eventually by a circuitous route headed for Costa Rica (got there May of 94 I think). Mickey wasn't far behind. I will say it again a group of sharp clerks with an on the ball charter could handle these guys. You just could'nt take any crap off them and had to be able to take control of the call, let em yell.


Wil, I promise you the office I worked for Mickey Wheels was a great office. I worked there for 3.5 years, reason for leaving I got food poisoning eating escargot.

New member
Dec 29, 2004
Aquatic said:
Coach LT -Swamper was out of Louisiana. His name was Eugene Nolan.

Rainbow- What office are you talking about in the early 90s in the DR? Mickey Wheelchairs or Ron S. with TonyB charting before the '93 feds raid?

I know many clerks who Gary Austin used to run that drag on that they were the best he has talked with while he waited for the move. Davy K and Stevie Z also would go for those. Many times during a rundown syndicate guys would just scream out the game number , with the line in the rundown, they wanted and weren't going to a specific game that anyone could just click fingers or yell out that the game is on hold. I don't know of one guy that never had a line come out of their mouth and as he said it someone else yelled out that game for the limit. So unless you then just said now the line has changed that I just quoted you as the guy was betting or just hung up there is no way around it. This created more than one hit with multiple people doing rundowns and making changes that the charter was yelling out.

Nope, it was real simple in our office, and we had no SQUARES, for example whenever you called for a rundown 99% had the favorites so it was easy giving rundowns, the wiseguys knew they were dealing with great clerks too, they still tried though, once I gave you a rundown and in the middle of a rundown you wanted to bet a game that I had already quoted, you had to ask for the game # once you passed that game and get a knew line, and I would hold that game. 7-days a week that office was a ZOO. I still think about those good old days...

"It's great to be alive and ahead by seven" Mort o
Feb 2, 2002
ironlock said:
Hey Coach-
YOu gonna make the party again this year? Looking forward to it.

Ironlock, the ONLY way that I will not be there is if I am DEAD! I will arrive thursday morning and leave monday morning. I look forward to seeing you also. Iron, this will be like a SORE D-ICK, you can't beat it! Yahooooooooo! LT

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