Is that you Ok State? Did you change your screen name?
Yea its me, I dont want to be soley tied to one team, Altho they are obv my favorite, they are also the team I know the most--just like we discussed before and like you with the longhorns.
and I have no idea about the total, I just do not know about this game. Several factors just make me gunshy here altho I am sure I will put a small action wager on the pokes. I have not looked at stats yet, but was going to see how the pokes did in the past the week before OU--But even then I am not sure that info would be helpful as this is sorta new territory for us.
And Im sitting here sipping coffee just freewheeling but just some points to consider
1. Letdown game--TT was a big win
2. Lookahead game--OU is a big game
3. The texas game JB mentioned with colorado has shown that CU has some talent, I was very surprised watching that game.
4. The backdoor cover--I can just see if Osu comes out and gets a big lead, they sit the starters and I get backdoored.
5. Midweek game--I know some of you guys have done really well on these widweek games, but they have really dragged my ROI down some--so now I look for reasons not to play them lol.
Like I said, Im sitting here BSing about the game , drinking coffee, and fixing to analyze some video for work, so take it fwiw.