you do what you gotta do to make ends meet. like i said, i dont care as long as it doesn't affect me. that line of business is a little dangerous to me, but like i said it's not my life, so i don't care.
Ladies and gentlemen, there's your classic hypocritical liberal mindset in clear print. Just like Ted Kennedy's fat ass opposing solar power because it would impede his grand ocean view, or Rosie O'Donut telling other people that it's bad to own guns while she has her own armed security personnel. Liberals talk a good game, but the rules they spout never seem to apply to themselves.
You do realize innocent people get killed because of the illegal drug trade, don't you? That is, people who have zero to do with either selling or consuming illegal drugs (see Escobar, Pablo and some of the atrocities he committed against innocent bystanders to keep his empire going). You do realize that taxpayer monies go towards paying for junkies and their rehab, don't you? Illegal drugs DO have an effect on you, but I guess you don't give a shit about any of that as long as you get your own fix.
Now, we can look at your own inane list you posted:
If you support keeping drugs illegal
You support robberies and assaults on innocent people.
No, I actually support getting drug dealers off the streets (and preferably straight to the electric chair upon their first conviction). Not to mention, would the roughhousing from the illegal drug trade just magically disappear if the substances were made legal?
You support clogging our prisons and jails with nonviolent people.
Does something have to be violent in order to be considered a crime? Grand theft auto, insurance fraud, bank fraud, embezzlement, check bouncing, money laundering, and identity theft are all examples of nonviolent crimes. Should those be legalized as well?
You support organized crime and drug cartels.
No, I support an aggressive elimination campaign against them. This is a ridiculous assertation anyway. It'd be like saying that if I don't personally advocate racketeering, then I must by default support the activities of the Gambino crime family. Preposterous and absurd.
You support environmental destruction.
Huh? How?
You support drug dealers and street gangs.
See my first answer.
You lure thousands of young people into quitting school.
Are you seriously suggesging that by offering kids easier access to drugs, that will somehow encourage them to stay in school and get an education?
You advocate punishing millions of harmless drug users at an enormous cost to society.
Right...totally harmless. I mean it's not like even one person has gotten stoned, jumped in their car, and killed someone else in an accident...have they? Oh, wait...