xxxxx would be thrown in jail if he lived in Texas


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I thought the U.S. was all about freedom and this is why you fight so many wars. What the **** is this then and in Bush's home state. look at this from a sane persons point of veiw. Your free to do or say what you like as long as I okay it first.

High court hears Texas sodomy case
Court appeared deeply divided Wednesday
Wednesday, March 26, 2003 Posted: 5:34 PM EST (2234 GMT)

John Lawrence, left, and Tryon Garner


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WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court should reverse course and strike down a ban on homosexual sex as outdated, discriminatory and harmful, a lawyer for two men arrested in their bedroom argued Wednesday.

The court appeared deeply divided over a Texas law that makes it a crime for gay couples to engage in sex acts that are legal for heterosexual couples. The court was widely criticized for a ruling 17 years ago that upheld a similar sodomy ban.

States should not be able to single out one group and make their conduct illegal solely because the state dislikes that conduct, lawyer Paul Smith argued for the Texas men.

"There is a long history of the state making moral judgments," retorted Justice Antonin Scalia. "You can make it sound very puritanical," but the state may have good reasons, Scalia added.

"Almost all laws are based on disapproval of some people or conduct. That's why people regulate," Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist added dryly.

Justice Stephen Breyer challenged Houston prosecutor Charles Rosenthal to justify why the state has any interest in peeping into the bedrooms of gay people.

"Why isn't that something the state has no business in, because it isn't hurting anybody?" Breyer asked.

The state has an interest in protecting marriage and family and promoting the birth of children, Rosenthal replied. "Texas can set bright line moral standards for its people."

A large crowd stood in line outside the court before the oral arguments in hopes of getting a scarce seat for one of the court's biggest cases this year. A knot of protesters stood apart, holding signs that read "AIDS is God's revenge," "God sent the sniper" and other messages.

State anti-sodomy laws, once universal, now are rare. Those on the books are infrequently enforced but underpin other kinds of discrimination, lawyers and gay rights supporters said.

"We truly hope the Supreme Court in its wisdom will remove this mechanism that has been used for so long to obstruct basic civility to gay and lesbian people," said Elizabeth Birch, executive director of the gay rights organization Human Rights Campaign.

Georgia's sodomy law upheld
In 1986, a narrow majority of the court upheld Georgia's sodomy law in a ruling that became a touchstone for the growing gay rights movement. Even then the court's decision seemed out of step and was publicly unpopular, said Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe, who argued on the losing side of the case.

"We're now dealing with a very small handful of statutes in a circumstance where the country, whatever its attitudes toward discrimination based on sexual orientation, (has reached) a broad consensus that what happens in the privacy of the bedroom between consenting adults is simply none of the state's business."

As recently as 1960, every state had a sodomy law. In 37 states, the statutes have been repealed by lawmakers or blocked by state courts.

Of the 13 states with sodomy laws, four -- Texas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri -- prohibit "deviate sexual intercourse," or oral and anal sex, between same-sex couples. The other nine ban consensual sodomy for everyone: Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Utah and Virginia.

An unusual array of organizations is backing the two Texas men. In addition to a long list of gay rights, human rights and medical groups, a group of conservative Republicans and the libertarian Cato Institute and Institute for Justice argued in friend of the court filings that government should stay out of the bedroom.

"This case is an opportunity to confirm that the constitutional command of equal protection requires that gays be treated as equal to all other citizens under the law, subject to neither special preferences nor special disabilities," the brief for the Republican Unity Coalition said.

On the other side, the Texas government and its allies say the case is about the right of states to enforce the moral standards of their communities.

"The states of the union have historically prohibited a wide variety of extramarital sexual conduct," Texas authorities argued in legal papers. Nothing in that legal tradition recognizes "a constitutionally protected liberty interest in engaging in any form of sexual conduct with whomever one chooses," the state argued.

edited posters name from title.

please keep posts like this in the rubber room in the future.


[This message was edited by RPM on 03-27-03 at 01:43 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Reposting from another topic: I am tired of you ignoring my questions and substituting yours. I see you've responded online elsewhere and on the chance you simply didn't see them, I'm posting them here.


Grantt: you are incredibly predictable, not quite as a precision munition, but close.

You will never admit anything you may hear from the coalition is true, and when you suspect it might be, you trot out some other BS.

I'm going to ask you a few questions, just so I understand your bias:

1 - I was born in America, have lived here all of my life - where were you born, raised, and where do you live now?

2 - I am conservative, with some 'liberal' opinions - I believe in democracy and republic forms of government, and thoroughly approve of capitalism - how about you?

3 - My primary reaction is not to distrust everything my government says and place instead my trust in what foreign media sources report - do you?

This is not to indict but to reveal your source of bias, as I have shown my source of bias.
You call that "Landof the free" I don't think so !


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
Sep 21, 2004
2 - I am conservative, with some 'liberal' opinions - I believe in democracy and republic forms of government, and thoroughly approve of capitalism - how about you?

The truth of the matter is, like it or not, that capitalism has failed, rather horribly in most of the world. It has benefited the United States and has created gaps in the class system and holes in the environment.
Jazz, you need not mention that you have lived in the states for your entire life. After statements like this it becomes overwhelmingly obvious.

[This message was edited by radiofreecostarica on 03-27-03 at 02:02 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
radio: name 3 examples of capitalism having failed 'horribly' and give sources and dates. Also convince me that those forms of capitalism were run by a government who had real democratic functioning.

Also, this is you: "Democracy is dangerous because it ignores the natural distinctions among individuals/groups. Without free trade in a democratic society, said society runs the risk of having its more competitive elements (an artificial distinction, competition) rebel against the leveling that takes place. Free trade also eradicates some of the drive for intellectual superiority by the intelligentsia in society by allotting the greatest monetary reward to those who write that which appeals to the "masses" (this term in a laissez faire economy is indeed of pseudo-democratic allure).

Please, explain at length this mish-mash of anti-democratic thoughts in a way I can debate, especially that rambling final 'free trade' comment.
Sep 21, 2004
Argentina (2002)
Brazil (2002)
Russia (1989--)

With the exception of the last country, all were democratic countries with "real democratic functioning".

As far as the "mish-mash" you refer to, that was taken from Radio's Handobook on Current Socio-Political Problems.
Why do you think Socrates was killed? In theory, because he threatened the equality in a society that placed democracy above all. The opposite occurs with slavery, there is a general leveling-down of certain sub-groups in society....

New member
Sep 21, 2004
We'll save your stew for later ... in the meantime, you cannot honestly be looking to use those countries as examples, are you??? You've named 4 South American countries rife with ingrained corruption and problems stemming from their perversion of democracy, not because they ever HAD a true democracy! And you can't seriously be trying to sell Mexico, are you, with PEMEX and the Institutional Revolutionary Party or PRI having run this country with an iron fist for decades??? And yet these countries are the best you can give me that supposedly had true (or true enough) capitalism and true democracy???

Well, I can see we're not going to agree on that - and at least you admit Russia is not.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I didn't know that during the 80 years of the Soviet Union that they were known for their strict environmental protection laws. Now I know better.
Stalin, that lovable old tree-hugger, was just saving the environment from over-population by starving millions to death with collectivisation and his purges.
Capitalism is only system harmful to the ozone? North Koreans are also known as ecologists!
Sep 21, 2004
you cannot say that capitalism is good for the world. period. there is nothing that you can say to make this economic system look any better/worse than it already is. The point being, the only thing it represents is man's ability to settle and ignore the common good.

bulldog, you act as if we're only comparing capitalism/communism...
never even mentioned the latter.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
radio: lol! Man, and you call us brainwashed?

Okay, time for you to tell me what your ideal system is, and give me an example of the country that best embodies it.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
My point was that not only Capitalist-leaning nations are harmful to environment.
In fact, the solutions to many environmental problems will probably be developed in free enterprise system where individual ingenuity and the market system are not stifled or , at least discouraged, as in a heavily socialist or bureaucratic-laden system.

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