She was like 9 years?old when the show started lol..
Seriously, I think we could write better storylines...the story should be focused on the main group, T, Chissy, Paulie,Adrianna , and Tony`s inner circle...
I`m tired of the son, (he`s probably tired of his role, all the kid does is act like retard for the past 3 years)
I`m tired of Dr. Melfi, there`s nothing really happening there, it looked at one time like Tony would either bang her, or help her with her attacker, but nothing happened...
The show is too drawn out for the amount of episodes it offers per year....
All that being said I LOVE THE SHOW, I would watch Tony take a shit for an hour...
I would prefer two hours of Sopranos everyday, I need my Sopranos!
I wouldn`t complain if the show was just on more frequently than once every 18 months for about 13 episodes...