get real, guys: Bush has plans to invade Iraq before 9-11 went down ...
Richard Clarke: 'Bush planned the Iraq war before 9/11.
Comment by Larry Ross - June15, 2004
This authoritative article by Bush insider Richard Clarke reveals a lot of truths that Bush and Co would prefer to be hidden from the US public. For example: Clarke said Bush came into office with a hidden plan to make war on Iraq. He never revealed that to the US public beforehand. Clarke said the smoke was still coming out of the 9/11 attack when one would think Bush would focus on bin-Laden and al-Qaeda. That's what people thought. According to Clarke, Bush was plotting the new Iraq war as a top priority. Because of the many doubts and questions about the 9/11 attack, people are now wondering if the 9/11 attack was part of the plot. Bush and cabal could not have initiated the phoney Iraq war and got those billions of US dollars allocated, unless they had a 9/11 attack. So whether it was planned, or was allowed to happen, or just happened out-of-the blue, the Bush administration was very quick to exploit it. As the neo-cons said in one of their pre-war planning documents. We need a new Pearl Harbour. One way or another, they got it.
There's lots in Clarke's article that provides more proofs for our War Crimes Indictment. I think it's important for people to realise that Bush's and his neo-com cabal plotted to begin their war crimes agenda and plotted how to set up the whole state apparatus that would allow them to get away with it, some time before Bush became President in 2000. I think what we are seeing is a very well thought out and orchestrated plan to make the US engage in a number of wars, of which Afghanistan and Iraq were the first two. As well as violating a number of international laws and agreements, Bush and cabal have deeply violated the US Constution and Bush should be impeached. What do criminals do when their deceits and murderous illegal acts are exposed?. I dont think they will capitulate or admit any crimes. They are apt to increase their crimes to new extremes, as a way of justifying themselves and carry on with their war plans. They could cause so much more war and violence, including the use of nuclear weapons, and more severe terrorist attacks as warned. Doing it that way, and with continuing mass media support for Bush crimes, the US public would be even more frightened, confused and ready to support whatever is asked of them, as they did after 9/11.