No I don't smoke.
its a long one but for those<wbr> of you inter<wbr>ested<wbr> in the polit<wbr>ical side of hemp and not just the 'get high'<wbr> side of thing<wbr>s its worth<wbr> the read.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>spread<wbr> the word
The Marij<wbr>uana Consp<wbr>iracy
by Doug Yurch<wbr>ey
And I will raise<wbr> up for them a plant<wbr> of renow<wbr>n, and they shall<wbr> be no more consu<wbr>med with hunge<wbr>r in the land.
-- Ezeki<wbr>el 34/29
The real reaso<wbr>n Canna<wbr>bis has been outla<wbr>wed has nothi<wbr>ng to do with its effec<wbr>ts on the mind and body.
MARIJ<wbr>UANA is DANGE<wbr>ROUS.<wbr> Pot is NOT harmf<wbr>ul to the human<wbr> body or mind.<wbr> Marij<wbr>uana does NOT pose a threa<wbr>t to the gener<wbr>al publi<wbr>c. Marij<wbr>uana is very much a dange<wbr>r to the oil compa<wbr>nies,<wbr> alcoh<wbr>ol, tobac<wbr>co indus<wbr>tries<wbr> and a large<wbr> numbe<wbr>r of chemi<wbr>cal corpo<wbr>ratio<wbr>ns. Vario<wbr>us big busin<wbr>esses<wbr>, with plent<wbr>y of dolla<wbr>rs and influ<wbr>ence,<wbr> have suppr<wbr>essed<wbr> the truth<wbr> from the peopl<wbr>e.
The truth<wbr> is if marij<wbr>uana was utili<wbr>zed for its vast array<wbr> of comme<wbr>rcial<wbr> produ<wbr>cts, it would<wbr> creat<wbr>e an indus<wbr>trial<wbr> atomi<wbr>c bomb!<wbr> Entre<wbr>prene<wbr>urs have not been educa<wbr>ted on the produ<wbr>ct poten<wbr>tial of pot. The super<wbr> rich have consp<wbr>ired to sprea<wbr>d misin<wbr>forma<wbr>tion about<wbr> an extre<wbr>mely versa<wbr>tile plant<wbr> that,<wbr> if used prope<wbr>rly, would<wbr> ruin their<wbr> compa<wbr>nies.
Where<wbr> did the word '<wbr>marij<wbr>uana'<wbr> come from?<wbr> In the mid 1930s<wbr>, the M-<wbr>word was creat<wbr>ed to tarni<wbr>sh the good image<wbr> and pheno<wbr>menal<wbr> histo<wbr>ry of the hemp plant<wbr>.<wbr> you will read.
The facts<wbr> cited<wbr> here,<wbr> with refer<wbr>ences<wbr>, are gener<wbr>ally verif<wbr>iable<wbr> in the Encyc<wbr>loped<wbr>ia Brita<wbr>nnica<wbr> which<wbr> was print<wbr>ed on hemp paper<wbr> for 150 years<wbr>:
* All schoo<wbr>lbook<wbr>s were made from hemp or flax paper<wbr> until<wbr> the 1880s<wbr>; Hemp Paper<wbr> Recon<wbr>sider<wbr>ed, Jack Frazi<wbr>er, 1974.
* It was LEGAL<wbr> TO PAY TAXES<wbr> WITH HEMP in Ameri<wbr>ca from 1631 until<wbr> the early<wbr> 1800s<wbr>; LA Times<wbr>, Aug. 12, 1981.
* REFUS<wbr>ING TO GROW HEMP in Ameri<wbr>ca durin<wbr>g the 17th and 18th Centu<wbr>ries WAS AGAIN<wbr>ST THE LAW! You could<wbr> be jaile<wbr>d in Virgi<wbr>nia for refus<wbr>ing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769;<wbr> Hemp in Colon<wbr>ial Virgi<wbr>nia, G. M. Herdo<wbr>n.
* Georg<wbr>e Washi<wbr>ngton<wbr>, Thoma<wbr>s Jeffe<wbr>rson and other<wbr> found<wbr>ing fathe<wbr>rs GREW HEMP;<wbr> Washi<wbr>ngton<wbr> and Jeffe<wbr>rson Diari<wbr>es. Jeffe<wbr>rson smugg<wbr>led hemp seeds<wbr> from China<wbr> to Franc<wbr>e then to Ameri<wbr>ca.
* Benja<wbr>min Frank<wbr>lin owned<wbr> one of the first<wbr> paper<wbr> mills<wbr> in Ameri<wbr>ca and it proce<wbr>ssed hemp.<wbr> Also,<wbr> the War of 1812 was fough<wbr>t over hemp.<wbr> Napol<wbr>eon wante<wbr>d to cut off Mosco<wbr>w's expor<wbr>t to Engla<wbr>nd; Emper<wbr>or Wears<wbr> No Cloth<wbr>es, Jack Herer<wbr>.
* For thous<wbr>ands of years<wbr>, 90f all ships<wbr>' sails<wbr> and rope were made from hemp.<wbr> The word '<wbr>canva<wbr>s' is Dutch<wbr> for canna<wbr>bis; Webst<wbr>er's New World<wbr> Dicti<wbr>onary<wbr>.
* 80f all texti<wbr>les, fabri<wbr>cs, cloth<wbr>es, linen<wbr>, drape<wbr>s, bed sheet<wbr>s, etc. were made from hemp until<wbr> the 1820s<wbr> with the intro<wbr>ducti<wbr>on of the cotto<wbr>n gin.
* The first<wbr> Bible<wbr>s, maps,<wbr> chart<wbr>s, Betsy<wbr> Ross'<wbr>s flag,<wbr> the first<wbr> draft<wbr>s of the Decla<wbr>ratio<wbr>n of Indep<wbr>enden<wbr>ce and the Const<wbr>ituti<wbr>on were made from hemp;<wbr> U.S. Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> Archi<wbr>ves.
* The first<wbr> crop grown<wbr> in many state<wbr>s was hemp.<wbr> 1850 was a peak year for Kentu<wbr>cky produ<wbr>cing 40,<wbr>000 tons.<wbr> Hemp was the large<wbr>st cash crop until<wbr> the 20th Centu<wbr>ry; State<wbr> Archi<wbr>ves.
* Oldes<wbr>t known<wbr> recor<wbr>ds of hemp farmi<wbr>ng go back 5000 years<wbr> in China<wbr>, altho<wbr>ugh hemp indus<wbr>trial<wbr>izati<wbr>on proba<wbr>bly goes back to ancie<wbr>nt Egypt<wbr>.
* Rembr<wbr>ants,<wbr> Gains<wbr>borou<wbr>ghs, Van Goghs<wbr> as well as most early<wbr> canva<wbr>s paint<wbr>ings were princ<wbr>ipall<wbr>y paint<wbr>ed on hemp linen<wbr>.
* In 1916,<wbr> the U.S. Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> predi<wbr>cted that by the 1940s<wbr> all paper<wbr> would<wbr> come from hemp and that no more trees<wbr> need to be cut down.<wbr> Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> studi<wbr>es repor<wbr>t that 1 acre of hemp equal<wbr>s 4.1 acres<wbr> of trees<wbr>.
Plans<wbr> were in the works<wbr> to imple<wbr>ment such progr<wbr>ams; Depar<wbr>tment<wbr> of Agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e
* Quali<wbr>ty paint<wbr>s and varni<wbr>shes were made from hemp seed oil until<wbr> 1937.<wbr> 58,<wbr>000 tons of hemp seeds<wbr> were used in Ameri<wbr>ca for paint<wbr> produ<wbr>cts in 1935;<wbr> Sherm<wbr>an Willi<wbr>ams Paint<wbr> Co. testi<wbr>mony befor<wbr>e Congr<wbr>ess again<wbr>st the 1937 Marij<wbr>uana Tax Act.
* Henry<wbr> Ford'<wbr>s first<wbr> Model<wbr>-T was built<wbr> to run on hemp gasol<wbr>ine and the CAR ITSEL<wbr>F WAS CONTR<wbr>UCTED<wbr> FROM HEMP!<wbr> On his large<wbr> estat<wbr>e, Ford was photo<wbr>graph<wbr>ed among<wbr> his hemp field<wbr>s. The car, '<wbr>grown<wbr> from the soil,<wbr>' had hemp plast<wbr>ic panel<wbr>s whose<wbr> impac<wbr>t stren<wbr>gth was 10 times<wbr> stron<wbr>ger than steel<wbr>; Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> 1941.
* Hemp calle<wbr>d '<wbr>Billi<wbr>on Dolla<wbr>r Crop.<wbr>' It was the first<wbr> time a cash crop had a busin<wbr>ess poten<wbr>tial to excee<wbr>d a billi<wbr>on dolla<wbr>rs; Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> Feb.<wbr>, 1938.
* Mecha<wbr>nical<wbr> Engin<wbr>eerin<wbr>g Magaz<wbr>ine (<wbr>Feb. 1938)<wbr> publi<wbr>shed an artic<wbr>le entit<wbr>led 'The Most Profi<wbr>table<wbr> and Desir<wbr>able Crop that Can be Grown<wbr>.' It state<wbr>d that if hemp was culti<wbr>vated<wbr> using<wbr> 20th Centu<wbr>ry techn<wbr>ology<wbr>, it would<wbr> be the singl<wbr>e large<wbr>st agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>al crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world<wbr>.
The follo<wbr>wing infor<wbr>matio<wbr>n comes<wbr> direc<wbr>tly from the Unite<wbr>d State<wbr>s Depar<wbr>tment<wbr> of Agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e's 1942 14-<wbr>minut<wbr>e film encou<wbr>ragin<wbr>g and instr<wbr>uctin<wbr>g '<wbr>patri<wbr>otic Ameri<wbr>can farme<wbr>rs' to grow 350,<wbr>000 acres<wbr> of hemp each year for the war effor<wbr>t:
'<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>(<wbr>When)<wbr> Greci<wbr>an templ<wbr>es were new, hemp was alrea<wbr>dy old in the servi<wbr>ce of manki<wbr>nd. For thous<wbr>ands of years<wbr>, even then,<wbr> this plant<wbr> had been grown<wbr> for corda<wbr>ge and cloth<wbr> in China<wbr> and elsew<wbr>here in the East.<wbr> For centu<wbr>ries prior<wbr> to about<wbr> 1850,<wbr> all the ships<wbr> that saile<wbr>d the weste<wbr>rn seas were rigge<wbr>d with hempe<wbr>n rope and sails<wbr>. For the sailo<wbr>r, no less than the hangm<wbr>an, hemp was indis<wbr>pensa<wbr>ble.<wbr>..
.<wbr>.<wbr>.Now with Phili<wbr>ppine<wbr> and East India<wbr>n sourc<wbr>es of hemp in the hands<wbr> of the Japan<wbr>ese.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>Ameri<wbr>can hemp must meet the needs<wbr> of our Army and Navy as well as of our indus<wbr>tries<wbr>...
.<wbr>.<wbr>.the Navy'<wbr>s rapid<wbr>ly dwind<wbr>ling reser<wbr>ves. When that is gone,<wbr> Ameri<wbr>can hemp will go on duty again<wbr>; hemp for moori<wbr>ng ships<wbr>; hemp for tow lines<wbr>; hemp for tackl<wbr>e and gear;<wbr> hemp for count<wbr>less naval<wbr> uses both on ship and shore<wbr>. Just as in the days when Old Irons<wbr>ides saile<wbr>d the seas victo<wbr>rious<wbr> with her hempe<wbr>n shrou<wbr>ds and hempe<wbr>n sails<wbr>.
Hemp for victo<wbr>ry!'
Certi<wbr>fied proof<wbr> from the Libra<wbr>ry of Congr<wbr>ess; found<wbr> by the resea<wbr>rch of Jack Herer<wbr>, refut<wbr>ing claim<wbr>s of other<wbr> gover<wbr>nment<wbr> agenc<wbr>ies that the 1942 USDA film '<wbr>Hemp for Victo<wbr>ry' did not exist<wbr>.
Hemp culti<wbr>vatio<wbr>n and produ<wbr>ction<wbr> do not harm the envir<wbr>onmen<wbr>t. The USDA Bulle<wbr>tin .<wbr>.404 concl<wbr>uded that hemp produ<wbr>ces 4 times<wbr> as much pulp with at least<wbr> 4 to 7 times<wbr> less pollu<wbr>tion.<wbr> From Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> Feb.
'It has a short<wbr> growi<wbr>ng seaso<wbr>n.<wbr>..It can be grown<wbr> in any state<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.The long roots<wbr> penet<wbr>rate and break<wbr> the soil to leave<wbr> it in perfe<wbr>ct condi<wbr>tion for the next year'<wbr>s crop.<wbr> The dense<wbr> shock<wbr> of leave<wbr>s, 8 to 12 feet above<wbr> the groun<wbr>d, choke<wbr>s out weeds<wbr>.
.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>hemp,<wbr> this new crop can add immea<wbr>surab<wbr>ly to Ameri<wbr>can agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e and indus<wbr>try.
In the 1930s<wbr>, innov<wbr>ation<wbr>s in farm machi<wbr>nery would<wbr> have cause<wbr>d an indus<wbr>trial<wbr> revol<wbr>ution<wbr> when appli<wbr>ed to hemp.<wbr> This singl<wbr>e resou<wbr>rce could<wbr> have creat<wbr>ed milli<wbr>ons of new jobs gener<wbr>ating<wbr> thous<wbr>ands of quali<wbr>ty produ<wbr>cts. Hemp,<wbr> if not made illeg<wbr>al, would<wbr> have broug<wbr>ht Ameri<wbr>ca out of the Great<wbr> Depre<wbr>ssion<wbr>.
Willi<wbr>am Rando<wbr>lph Hears<wbr>t (<wbr>Citiz<wbr>en Kane)<wbr> and the Hears<wbr>t Paper<wbr> Manuf<wbr>actur<wbr>ing Divis<wbr>ion of Kimbe<wbr>rly Clark<wbr> owned<wbr> vast acrea<wbr>ge of timbe<wbr>rland<wbr>s. The Hears<wbr>t Compa<wbr>ny suppl<wbr>ied most paper<wbr> produ<wbr>cts. Patty<wbr> Hears<wbr>t's grand<wbr>fathe<wbr>r, a destr<wbr>oyer of natur<wbr>e for his own perso<wbr>nal profi<wbr>t, stood<wbr> to lose billi<wbr>ons becau<wbr>se of hemp.
In 1937,<wbr> Dupon<wbr>t paten<wbr>ted the proce<wbr>sses to make plast<wbr>ics from oil and coal.<wbr> Dupon<wbr>t's Annua<wbr>l Repor<wbr>t urged<wbr> stock<wbr>holde<wbr>rs to inves<wbr>t in its new petro<wbr>chemi<wbr>cal divis<wbr>ion. Synth<wbr>etics<wbr> such as plast<wbr>ics, cello<wbr>phane<wbr>, cellu<wbr>loid,<wbr> metha<wbr>nol, nylon<wbr>, rayon<wbr>, Dacro<wbr>n, etc.<wbr>, could<wbr> now be made from oil. Natur<wbr>al hemp indus<wbr>trial<wbr>izati<wbr>on would<wbr> have ruine<wbr>d over 80f Dupon<wbr>t's busin<wbr>ess.
Andre<wbr>w Mello<wbr>n becam<wbr>e Hoove<wbr>r's Secre<wbr>tary of the Treas<wbr>ury and Dupon<wbr>t's prima<wbr>ry inves<wbr>tor. He appoi<wbr>nted his futur<wbr>e nephe<wbr>w-<wbr>in-<wbr>law, Harry<wbr> J. Ansli<wbr>nger,<wbr> to head the Feder<wbr>al Burea<wbr>u of Narco<wbr>tics and Dange<wbr>rous Drugs<wbr>.
Secre<wbr>t meeti<wbr>ngs were held by these<wbr> finan<wbr>cial tycoo<wbr>ns. Hemp was decla<wbr>red dange<wbr>rous and a threa<wbr>t to their<wbr> billi<wbr>on dolla<wbr>r enter<wbr>prise<wbr>s. For their<wbr> dynas<wbr>ties to remai<wbr>n intac<wbr>t, hemp had to go. These<wbr> men took an obscu<wbr>re Mexic<wbr>an slang<wbr> word:<wbr> '<wbr>marih<wbr>uana'<wbr> and pushe<wbr>d it into the consc<wbr>iousn<wbr>ess of Ameri<wbr>ca.
A media<wbr> blitz<wbr> of '<wbr>yello<wbr>w journ<wbr>alism<wbr>' raged<wbr> in the late 1920s<wbr> and 1930s<wbr>. Hears<wbr>t's newsp<wbr>apers<wbr> ran stori<wbr>es empha<wbr>sizin<wbr>g the horro<wbr>rs of marih<wbr>uana.<wbr> The menac<wbr>e of marih<wbr>uana made headl<wbr>ines.<wbr> Reade<wbr>rs learn<wbr>ed that it was respo<wbr>nsibl<wbr>e for every<wbr>thing<wbr> from car accid<wbr>ents to loose<wbr> moral<wbr>ity.
Films<wbr> like '<wbr>Reefe<wbr>r Madne<wbr>ss' (<wbr>1936)<wbr>, '<wbr>Marih<wbr>uana:<wbr> Assas<wbr>sin of Youth<wbr>' (<wbr>1935)<wbr> and '<wbr>Marih<wbr>uana:<wbr> The Devil<wbr>'s Weed'<wbr> (<wbr>1936)<wbr> were propa<wbr>ganda<wbr> desig<wbr>ned by these<wbr> indus<wbr>trial<wbr>ists to creat<wbr>e an enemy<wbr>. Their<wbr> purpo<wbr>se was to gain publi<wbr>c suppo<wbr>rt so that anti-<wbr>marih<wbr>uana laws could<wbr> be passe<wbr>d.
Exami<wbr>ne the follo<wbr>wing quote<wbr>s from 'The Burni<wbr>ng Quest<wbr>ion' aka REEFE<wbr>R MADNE<wbr>SS:
a viole<wbr>nt narco<wbr>tic.
acts of shock<wbr>ing viole<wbr>nce.
incur<wbr>able insan<wbr>ity.
soul-<wbr>destr<wbr>oying<wbr> effec<wbr>ts.
under<wbr> the influ<wbr>ence of the drug he kille<wbr>d his entir<wbr>e famil<wbr>y with an ax.
more vicio<wbr>us, more deadl<wbr>y even than these<wbr> soul-<wbr>destr<wbr>oying<wbr> drugs<wbr> (<wbr>heroi<wbr>n, cocai<wbr>ne) is the menac<wbr>e of marih<wbr>uana!
Reefe<wbr>r Madne<wbr>ss did not end with the usual<wbr> 'the end.<wbr>' The film concl<wbr>uded with these<wbr> words<wbr> plast<wbr>ered on the scree<wbr>n: TELL YOUR CHILD<wbr>REN.
In the 1930s<wbr>, peopl<wbr>e were very naive<wbr>; even to the point<wbr> of ignor<wbr>ance.<wbr> The masse<wbr>s were like sheep<wbr> waiti<wbr>ng to be led by the few in power<wbr>. They did not chall<wbr>enge autho<wbr>rity.<wbr> If the news was in print<wbr> or on the radio<wbr>, they belie<wbr>ved it had to be true.<wbr> They told their<wbr> child<wbr>ren and their<wbr> child<wbr>ren grew up to be the paren<wbr>ts of the baby-<wbr>boome<wbr>rs.
On April<wbr> 14, 1937,<wbr> the Prohi<wbr>bitiv<wbr>e Marih<wbr>uana Tax Law or the bill that outla<wbr>wed hemp was direc<wbr>tly broug<wbr>ht to the House<wbr> Ways and Means<wbr> Commi<wbr>ttee.<wbr> This commi<wbr>ttee is the only one that can intro<wbr>duce a bill to the House<wbr> floor<wbr> witho<wbr>ut it being<wbr> debat<wbr>ed by other<wbr> commi<wbr>ttees<wbr>. The Chair<wbr>man of the Ways and Means<wbr>, Rober<wbr>t Dough<wbr>ton, was a Dupon<wbr>t suppo<wbr>rter.<wbr> He insur<wbr>ed that the bill would<wbr> pass Congr<wbr>ess.
Dr. James<wbr> Woodw<wbr>ard, a physi<wbr>cian and attor<wbr>ney, testi<wbr>fied too late on behal<wbr>f of the Ameri<wbr>can Medic<wbr>al Assoc<wbr>iatio<wbr>n. He told the commi<wbr>ttee that the reaso<wbr>n the AMA had not denou<wbr>nced the Marih<wbr>uana Tax Law soone<wbr>r was that the Assoc<wbr>iatio<wbr>n had just disco<wbr>vered<wbr> that marih<wbr>uana was hemp.
Few peopl<wbr>e, at the time,<wbr> reali<wbr>zed that the deadl<wbr>y menac<wbr>e they had been readi<wbr>ng about<wbr> on Hears<wbr>t's front<wbr> pages<wbr> was in fact passi<wbr>ve hemp.<wbr> The AMA under<wbr>stood<wbr> canna<wbr>bis to be a MEDIC<wbr>INE found<wbr> in numer<wbr>ous heali<wbr>ng produ<wbr>cts sold over the last hundr<wbr>ed years<wbr>.
In Septe<wbr>mber of 1937,<wbr> hemp becam<wbr>e illeg<wbr>al. The most usefu<wbr>l crop known<wbr> becam<wbr>e a drug and our plane<wbr>t has been suffe<wbr>ring ever since<wbr>.
Congr<wbr>ess banne<wbr>d hemp becau<wbr>se it was said to be the most viole<wbr>nce-<wbr>causi<wbr>ng drug known<wbr>. Ansli<wbr>nger,<wbr> head of the Drug Commi<wbr>ssion<wbr> for 31 years<wbr>, promo<wbr>ted the idea that marih<wbr>uana made users<wbr> act extre<wbr>mely viole<wbr>nt. In the 1950s<wbr>, under<wbr> the Commu<wbr>nist threa<wbr>t of McCar<wbr>thyis<wbr>m, Ansli<wbr>nger now said the exact<wbr> oppos<wbr>ite. Marij<wbr>uana will pacif<wbr>y you so much that soldi<wbr>ers would<wbr> not want to fight<wbr>.
Today<wbr>, our plane<wbr>t is in despe<wbr>rate troub<wbr>le. Earth<wbr> is suffo<wbr>catin<wbr>g as large<wbr> tract<wbr>s of rain fores<wbr>ts disap<wbr>pear.<wbr> Pollu<wbr>tion,<wbr> poiso<wbr>ns and chemi<wbr>cals are killi<wbr>ng peopl<wbr>e. These<wbr> great<wbr> probl<wbr>ems could<wbr> be rever<wbr>sed if we indus<wbr>trial<wbr>ized hemp.<wbr> Natur<wbr>al bioma<wbr>ss could<wbr> provi<wbr>de all of the plane<wbr>t's energ<wbr>y needs<wbr> that are curre<wbr>ntly suppl<wbr>ied by fossi<wbr>l fuels<wbr>. We have consu<wbr>med 80f our oil and gas reser<wbr>ves. We need a renew<wbr>able resou<wbr>rce. Hemp could<wbr> be the solut<wbr>ion to soari<wbr>ng gas price<wbr>s.
Hemp has a highe<wbr>r quali<wbr>ty fiber<wbr> than wood fiber<wbr>. Far fewer<wbr> caust<wbr>ic chemi<wbr>cals are requi<wbr>red to make paper<wbr> from hemp than from trees<wbr>. Hemp paper<wbr> does not turn yello<wbr>w and is very durab<wbr>le. The plant<wbr> grows<wbr> quick<wbr>ly to matur<wbr>ity in a seaso<wbr>n where<wbr> trees<wbr> take a lifet<wbr>ime.
ALL PLAST<wbr>IC PRODU<wbr>CTS SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP SEED OIL. Hempe<wbr>n plast<wbr>ics are biode<wbr>grada<wbr>ble! Over time,<wbr> they would<wbr> break<wbr> down and not harm the envir<wbr>onmen<wbr>t. Oil-<wbr>based<wbr> plast<wbr>ics, the ones we are very famil<wbr>iar with,<wbr> help ruin natur<wbr>e; they do not break<wbr> down and will do great<wbr> harm in the futur<wbr>e. The proce<wbr>ss to produ<wbr>ce the vast array<wbr> of natur<wbr>al (<wbr>hempe<wbr>n) plast<wbr>ics will not ruin the river<wbr>s as Dupon<wbr>t and other<wbr> petro<wbr>chemi<wbr>cal compa<wbr>nies have done.<wbr> Ecolo<wbr>gy does not fit in with the plans<wbr> of the Oil Indus<wbr>try and the polit<wbr>ical machi<wbr>ne. Hemp produ<wbr>cts are safe and natur<wbr>al.
MEDIC<wbr>INES SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP.<wbr> We shoul<wbr>d go back to the days when the AMA suppo<wbr>rted canna<wbr>bis cures<wbr>. '<wbr>Medic<wbr>al Marij<wbr>uana'<wbr> is given<wbr> out legal<wbr>ly to only a handf<wbr>ul of peopl<wbr>e while<wbr> the rest of us are force<wbr>d into a syste<wbr>m that relie<wbr>s on chemi<wbr>cals.<wbr> Pot is only healt<wbr>hy for the human<wbr> body.
WORLD<wbr> HUNGE<wbr>R COULD<wbr> END. A large<wbr> varie<wbr>ty of food produ<wbr>cts can be gener<wbr>ated from hemp.<wbr> The seeds<wbr> conta<wbr>in one of the highe<wbr>st sourc<wbr>es of prote<wbr>in in natur<wbr>e. ALSO:<wbr> They have two essen<wbr>tial fatty<wbr> acids<wbr> that clean<wbr> your body of chole<wbr>stero<wbr>l. These<wbr> essen<wbr>tial fatty<wbr> acids<wbr> are not found<wbr> anywh<wbr>ere else in natur<wbr>e! Consu<wbr>ming pot seeds<wbr> is the best thing<wbr> you could<wbr> do for your body.<wbr> Eat uncoo<wbr>ked hemp seeds<wbr>.
CLOTH<wbr>ES SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP.<wbr> Hemp cloth<wbr>ing is extre<wbr>mely stron<wbr>g and durab<wbr>le over time.<wbr> You could<wbr> hand cloth<wbr>ing, made from pot, down to your grand<wbr>child<wbr>ren. Today<wbr>, there<wbr> are Ameri<wbr>can compa<wbr>nies that make hemp cloth<wbr>ing; usual<wbr>ly 50emp<wbr>. Hemp fabri<wbr>cs shoul<wbr>d be every<wbr>where<wbr>. Inste<wbr>ad, they are almos<wbr>t under<wbr>groun<wbr>d. Super<wbr>ior hemp produ<wbr>cts are not allow<wbr>ed to adver<wbr>tise on fasci<wbr>st telev<wbr>ision<wbr>.
Kentu<wbr>cky, once the top hemp produ<wbr>cing state<wbr>, made it ILLEG<wbr>AL TO WEAR hemp cloth<wbr>ing! Can you imagi<wbr>ne being<wbr> throw<wbr>n into jail for weari<wbr>ng quali<wbr>ty jeans<wbr>?
The world<wbr> is crazy<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.but that does not mean you have to join the insan<wbr>ity. Get toget<wbr>her. Sprea<wbr>d the news.<wbr> Tell peopl<wbr>e, and that inclu<wbr>des your child<wbr>ren, the truth<wbr>. Use hemp produ<wbr>cts. Elimi<wbr>nate the word '<wbr>marij<wbr>uana.<wbr>' Reali<wbr>ze the histo<wbr>ry that creat<wbr>ed it. Make it polit<wbr>icall<wbr>y incor<wbr>rect to say or print<wbr> the M-<wbr>word.<wbr> Fight<wbr> again<wbr>st the propa<wbr>ganda<wbr> (<wbr>desig<wbr>ned to favor<wbr> the agend<wbr>a of the super<wbr> rich)<wbr> and the bulls<wbr>hit. Hemp must be utili<wbr>zed in the futur<wbr>e. We need a clean<wbr> energ<wbr>y sourc<wbr>e to save our plane<wbr>t.
The liquo<wbr>r, tobac<wbr>co and oil compa<wbr>nies fund more than a milli<wbr>on dolla<wbr>rs a day to Partn<wbr>ershi<wbr>p for a Drug-<wbr>Free Ameri<wbr>ca and other<wbr> simil<wbr>ar agenc<wbr>ies. We have all seen their<wbr> comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s. Now, their<wbr> motto<wbr> is: It's more dange<wbr>rous than we thoug<wbr>ht. Lies from the power<wbr>ful corpo<wbr>ratio<wbr>ns, that began<wbr> with Hears<wbr>t, are still<wbr> alive<wbr> and well today<wbr>.
The brain<wbr>washi<wbr>ng conti<wbr>nues.<wbr> Now, the comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s say: If you buy a joint<wbr>, you contr<wbr>ibute<wbr> to murde<wbr>rs and gang wars.<wbr> The lates<wbr>t anti-<wbr>pot comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s say: If you buy a joint<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.you are promo<wbr>ting TERRO<wbr>RISM!<wbr> The new enemy<wbr> (<wbr>terro<wbr>rism)<wbr> has paved<wbr> the road to brain<wbr>wash you any way THEY see fit.
There<wbr> is only one enemy<wbr>; the frien<wbr>dly peopl<wbr>e you pay your taxes<wbr> to; the war-<wbr>maker<wbr>s and natur<wbr>e destr<wbr>oyers<wbr>. With your fundi<wbr>ng, they are killi<wbr>ng the world<wbr> right<wbr> in front<wbr> of your eyes.<wbr> HALF A MILLI<wbr>ON DEATH<wbr>S EACH YEAR ARE CAUSE<wbr>D BY TOBAC<wbr>CO. HALF A MILLI<wbr>ON DEATH<wbr>S EACH YEAR ARE CAUSE<wbr>D BY ALCOH<wbr>OL. NO ONE HAS EVER,<wbr> EVER DIED FROM SMOKI<wbr>NG POT!<wbr>! In the entir<wbr>e histo<wbr>ry of the human<wbr> race,<wbr> not one death<wbr> can be attri<wbr>buted<wbr> to canna<wbr>bis. Our socie<wbr>ty has outla<wbr>wed grass<wbr> but condo<wbr>nes the use of the KILLE<wbr>RS: TOBAC<wbr>CO and ALCOH<wbr>OL. Hemp shoul<wbr>d be decla<wbr>ssifi<wbr>ed and place<wbr>d in DRUG store<wbr>s to relie<wbr>ve stres<wbr>s. Harde<wbr>ning and const<wbr>ricti<wbr>on of the arter<wbr>ies are bad; but hemp usage<wbr> actua<wbr>lly enlar<wbr>ges the arter<wbr>ies.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>which<wbr> is a healt<wbr>hy condi<wbr>tion.<wbr> We have been so condi<wbr>tione<wbr>d to think<wbr> that:<wbr> Smoki<wbr>ng is harmf<wbr>ul. That is NOT the case for passi<wbr>ve pot.
Inges<wbr>ting THC, hemp'<wbr>s activ<wbr>e agent<wbr>, has a posit<wbr>ive effec<wbr>t; relie<wbr>ving asthm<wbr>a and glauc<wbr>oma. A joint<wbr> tends<wbr> to allev<wbr>iate the nause<wbr>a cause<wbr>d by chemo<wbr>thera<wbr>py. You are able to eat on hemp.<wbr> This is a healt<wbr>hy state<wbr> of being<wbr>.
The stere<wbr>otype<wbr> for a pothe<wbr>ad is simil<wbr>ar to a drunk<wbr>, bubbl<wbr>e-<wbr>brain<wbr>. Yet, the truth<wbr> is ones creat<wbr>ive abili<wbr>ties can be enhan<wbr>ced under<wbr> its influ<wbr>ence.<wbr> The perce<wbr>ption<wbr> of time sligh<wbr>tly slows<wbr> and one can becom<wbr>e more sensi<wbr>tive.<wbr> You can more appre<wbr>ciate<wbr> all arts;<wbr> be close<wbr>r to natur<wbr>e and gener<wbr>ally FEEL more under<wbr> the influ<wbr>ence of canna<wbr>bis. It is, in fact,<wbr> the exact<wbr> oppos<wbr>ite state<wbr> of mind and body as the drunk<wbr>en state<wbr>. You can be more aware<wbr> with pot.
The pot plant<wbr> is an ALIEN<wbr> plant<wbr>. There<wbr> is physi<wbr>cal evide<wbr>nce that canna<wbr>bis is not like any other<wbr> plant<wbr> on this plane<wbr>t. One could<wbr> concl<wbr>ude that it was broug<wbr>ht here for the benef<wbr>it of human<wbr>ity. Hemp is the ONLY plant<wbr> where<wbr> the males<wbr> appea<wbr>r one way and the femal<wbr>es appea<wbr>r very diffe<wbr>rent,<wbr> physi<wbr>cally<wbr>! No one ever speak<wbr>s of males<wbr> and femal<wbr>es in regar<wbr>d to the plant<wbr> kingd<wbr>om becau<wbr>se plant<wbr>s do not show their<wbr> sexes<wbr>; excep<wbr>t for canna<wbr>bis. To deter<wbr>mine what sex a certa<wbr>in, norma<wbr>l, Earth<wbr>ly plant<wbr> is: You have to look inter<wbr>nally<wbr>, at its DNA. A male blade<wbr> of grass<wbr> (<wbr>physi<wbr>cally<wbr>) looks<wbr> exact<wbr>ly like a femal<wbr>e blade<wbr> of grass<wbr>. The hemp plant<wbr> has an inten<wbr>se sexua<wbr>llity<wbr>. Growe<wbr>rs know to kill the males<wbr> befor<wbr>e they ferti<wbr>lize the femal<wbr>es. Yes, folks<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.the most poten<wbr>t pot comes<wbr> from '<wbr>horny<wbr> femal<wbr>es.
The reaso<wbr>n this amazi<wbr>ng, very sophi<wbr>stica<wbr>ted, ET plant<wbr> from the futur<wbr>e is illeg<wbr>al has nothi<wbr>ng to do with how it physi<wbr>cally<wbr> affec<wbr>ts us..
its a long one but for those<wbr> of you inter<wbr>ested<wbr> in the polit<wbr>ical side of hemp and not just the 'get high'<wbr> side of thing<wbr>s its worth<wbr> the read.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>spread<wbr> the word
The Marij<wbr>uana Consp<wbr>iracy
by Doug Yurch<wbr>ey
And I will raise<wbr> up for them a plant<wbr> of renow<wbr>n, and they shall<wbr> be no more consu<wbr>med with hunge<wbr>r in the land.
-- Ezeki<wbr>el 34/29
The real reaso<wbr>n Canna<wbr>bis has been outla<wbr>wed has nothi<wbr>ng to do with its effec<wbr>ts on the mind and body.
MARIJ<wbr>UANA is DANGE<wbr>ROUS.<wbr> Pot is NOT harmf<wbr>ul to the human<wbr> body or mind.<wbr> Marij<wbr>uana does NOT pose a threa<wbr>t to the gener<wbr>al publi<wbr>c. Marij<wbr>uana is very much a dange<wbr>r to the oil compa<wbr>nies,<wbr> alcoh<wbr>ol, tobac<wbr>co indus<wbr>tries<wbr> and a large<wbr> numbe<wbr>r of chemi<wbr>cal corpo<wbr>ratio<wbr>ns. Vario<wbr>us big busin<wbr>esses<wbr>, with plent<wbr>y of dolla<wbr>rs and influ<wbr>ence,<wbr> have suppr<wbr>essed<wbr> the truth<wbr> from the peopl<wbr>e.
The truth<wbr> is if marij<wbr>uana was utili<wbr>zed for its vast array<wbr> of comme<wbr>rcial<wbr> produ<wbr>cts, it would<wbr> creat<wbr>e an indus<wbr>trial<wbr> atomi<wbr>c bomb!<wbr> Entre<wbr>prene<wbr>urs have not been educa<wbr>ted on the produ<wbr>ct poten<wbr>tial of pot. The super<wbr> rich have consp<wbr>ired to sprea<wbr>d misin<wbr>forma<wbr>tion about<wbr> an extre<wbr>mely versa<wbr>tile plant<wbr> that,<wbr> if used prope<wbr>rly, would<wbr> ruin their<wbr> compa<wbr>nies.
Where<wbr> did the word '<wbr>marij<wbr>uana'<wbr> come from?<wbr> In the mid 1930s<wbr>, the M-<wbr>word was creat<wbr>ed to tarni<wbr>sh the good image<wbr> and pheno<wbr>menal<wbr> histo<wbr>ry of the hemp plant<wbr>.<wbr> you will read.
The facts<wbr> cited<wbr> here,<wbr> with refer<wbr>ences<wbr>, are gener<wbr>ally verif<wbr>iable<wbr> in the Encyc<wbr>loped<wbr>ia Brita<wbr>nnica<wbr> which<wbr> was print<wbr>ed on hemp paper<wbr> for 150 years<wbr>:
* All schoo<wbr>lbook<wbr>s were made from hemp or flax paper<wbr> until<wbr> the 1880s<wbr>; Hemp Paper<wbr> Recon<wbr>sider<wbr>ed, Jack Frazi<wbr>er, 1974.
* It was LEGAL<wbr> TO PAY TAXES<wbr> WITH HEMP in Ameri<wbr>ca from 1631 until<wbr> the early<wbr> 1800s<wbr>; LA Times<wbr>, Aug. 12, 1981.
* REFUS<wbr>ING TO GROW HEMP in Ameri<wbr>ca durin<wbr>g the 17th and 18th Centu<wbr>ries WAS AGAIN<wbr>ST THE LAW! You could<wbr> be jaile<wbr>d in Virgi<wbr>nia for refus<wbr>ing to grow hemp from 1763 to 1769;<wbr> Hemp in Colon<wbr>ial Virgi<wbr>nia, G. M. Herdo<wbr>n.
* Georg<wbr>e Washi<wbr>ngton<wbr>, Thoma<wbr>s Jeffe<wbr>rson and other<wbr> found<wbr>ing fathe<wbr>rs GREW HEMP;<wbr> Washi<wbr>ngton<wbr> and Jeffe<wbr>rson Diari<wbr>es. Jeffe<wbr>rson smugg<wbr>led hemp seeds<wbr> from China<wbr> to Franc<wbr>e then to Ameri<wbr>ca.
* Benja<wbr>min Frank<wbr>lin owned<wbr> one of the first<wbr> paper<wbr> mills<wbr> in Ameri<wbr>ca and it proce<wbr>ssed hemp.<wbr> Also,<wbr> the War of 1812 was fough<wbr>t over hemp.<wbr> Napol<wbr>eon wante<wbr>d to cut off Mosco<wbr>w's expor<wbr>t to Engla<wbr>nd; Emper<wbr>or Wears<wbr> No Cloth<wbr>es, Jack Herer<wbr>.
* For thous<wbr>ands of years<wbr>, 90f all ships<wbr>' sails<wbr> and rope were made from hemp.<wbr> The word '<wbr>canva<wbr>s' is Dutch<wbr> for canna<wbr>bis; Webst<wbr>er's New World<wbr> Dicti<wbr>onary<wbr>.
* 80f all texti<wbr>les, fabri<wbr>cs, cloth<wbr>es, linen<wbr>, drape<wbr>s, bed sheet<wbr>s, etc. were made from hemp until<wbr> the 1820s<wbr> with the intro<wbr>ducti<wbr>on of the cotto<wbr>n gin.
* The first<wbr> Bible<wbr>s, maps,<wbr> chart<wbr>s, Betsy<wbr> Ross'<wbr>s flag,<wbr> the first<wbr> draft<wbr>s of the Decla<wbr>ratio<wbr>n of Indep<wbr>enden<wbr>ce and the Const<wbr>ituti<wbr>on were made from hemp;<wbr> U.S. Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> Archi<wbr>ves.
* The first<wbr> crop grown<wbr> in many state<wbr>s was hemp.<wbr> 1850 was a peak year for Kentu<wbr>cky produ<wbr>cing 40,<wbr>000 tons.<wbr> Hemp was the large<wbr>st cash crop until<wbr> the 20th Centu<wbr>ry; State<wbr> Archi<wbr>ves.
* Oldes<wbr>t known<wbr> recor<wbr>ds of hemp farmi<wbr>ng go back 5000 years<wbr> in China<wbr>, altho<wbr>ugh hemp indus<wbr>trial<wbr>izati<wbr>on proba<wbr>bly goes back to ancie<wbr>nt Egypt<wbr>.
* Rembr<wbr>ants,<wbr> Gains<wbr>borou<wbr>ghs, Van Goghs<wbr> as well as most early<wbr> canva<wbr>s paint<wbr>ings were princ<wbr>ipall<wbr>y paint<wbr>ed on hemp linen<wbr>.
* In 1916,<wbr> the U.S. Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> predi<wbr>cted that by the 1940s<wbr> all paper<wbr> would<wbr> come from hemp and that no more trees<wbr> need to be cut down.<wbr> Gover<wbr>nment<wbr> studi<wbr>es repor<wbr>t that 1 acre of hemp equal<wbr>s 4.1 acres<wbr> of trees<wbr>.
Plans<wbr> were in the works<wbr> to imple<wbr>ment such progr<wbr>ams; Depar<wbr>tment<wbr> of Agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e
* Quali<wbr>ty paint<wbr>s and varni<wbr>shes were made from hemp seed oil until<wbr> 1937.<wbr> 58,<wbr>000 tons of hemp seeds<wbr> were used in Ameri<wbr>ca for paint<wbr> produ<wbr>cts in 1935;<wbr> Sherm<wbr>an Willi<wbr>ams Paint<wbr> Co. testi<wbr>mony befor<wbr>e Congr<wbr>ess again<wbr>st the 1937 Marij<wbr>uana Tax Act.
* Henry<wbr> Ford'<wbr>s first<wbr> Model<wbr>-T was built<wbr> to run on hemp gasol<wbr>ine and the CAR ITSEL<wbr>F WAS CONTR<wbr>UCTED<wbr> FROM HEMP!<wbr> On his large<wbr> estat<wbr>e, Ford was photo<wbr>graph<wbr>ed among<wbr> his hemp field<wbr>s. The car, '<wbr>grown<wbr> from the soil,<wbr>' had hemp plast<wbr>ic panel<wbr>s whose<wbr> impac<wbr>t stren<wbr>gth was 10 times<wbr> stron<wbr>ger than steel<wbr>; Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> 1941.
* Hemp calle<wbr>d '<wbr>Billi<wbr>on Dolla<wbr>r Crop.<wbr>' It was the first<wbr> time a cash crop had a busin<wbr>ess poten<wbr>tial to excee<wbr>d a billi<wbr>on dolla<wbr>rs; Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> Feb.<wbr>, 1938.
* Mecha<wbr>nical<wbr> Engin<wbr>eerin<wbr>g Magaz<wbr>ine (<wbr>Feb. 1938)<wbr> publi<wbr>shed an artic<wbr>le entit<wbr>led 'The Most Profi<wbr>table<wbr> and Desir<wbr>able Crop that Can be Grown<wbr>.' It state<wbr>d that if hemp was culti<wbr>vated<wbr> using<wbr> 20th Centu<wbr>ry techn<wbr>ology<wbr>, it would<wbr> be the singl<wbr>e large<wbr>st agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>al crop in the U.S. and the rest of the world<wbr>.
The follo<wbr>wing infor<wbr>matio<wbr>n comes<wbr> direc<wbr>tly from the Unite<wbr>d State<wbr>s Depar<wbr>tment<wbr> of Agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e's 1942 14-<wbr>minut<wbr>e film encou<wbr>ragin<wbr>g and instr<wbr>uctin<wbr>g '<wbr>patri<wbr>otic Ameri<wbr>can farme<wbr>rs' to grow 350,<wbr>000 acres<wbr> of hemp each year for the war effor<wbr>t:
'<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>(<wbr>When)<wbr> Greci<wbr>an templ<wbr>es were new, hemp was alrea<wbr>dy old in the servi<wbr>ce of manki<wbr>nd. For thous<wbr>ands of years<wbr>, even then,<wbr> this plant<wbr> had been grown<wbr> for corda<wbr>ge and cloth<wbr> in China<wbr> and elsew<wbr>here in the East.<wbr> For centu<wbr>ries prior<wbr> to about<wbr> 1850,<wbr> all the ships<wbr> that saile<wbr>d the weste<wbr>rn seas were rigge<wbr>d with hempe<wbr>n rope and sails<wbr>. For the sailo<wbr>r, no less than the hangm<wbr>an, hemp was indis<wbr>pensa<wbr>ble.<wbr>..
.<wbr>.<wbr>.Now with Phili<wbr>ppine<wbr> and East India<wbr>n sourc<wbr>es of hemp in the hands<wbr> of the Japan<wbr>ese.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>Ameri<wbr>can hemp must meet the needs<wbr> of our Army and Navy as well as of our indus<wbr>tries<wbr>...
.<wbr>.<wbr>.the Navy'<wbr>s rapid<wbr>ly dwind<wbr>ling reser<wbr>ves. When that is gone,<wbr> Ameri<wbr>can hemp will go on duty again<wbr>; hemp for moori<wbr>ng ships<wbr>; hemp for tow lines<wbr>; hemp for tackl<wbr>e and gear;<wbr> hemp for count<wbr>less naval<wbr> uses both on ship and shore<wbr>. Just as in the days when Old Irons<wbr>ides saile<wbr>d the seas victo<wbr>rious<wbr> with her hempe<wbr>n shrou<wbr>ds and hempe<wbr>n sails<wbr>.
Hemp for victo<wbr>ry!'
Certi<wbr>fied proof<wbr> from the Libra<wbr>ry of Congr<wbr>ess; found<wbr> by the resea<wbr>rch of Jack Herer<wbr>, refut<wbr>ing claim<wbr>s of other<wbr> gover<wbr>nment<wbr> agenc<wbr>ies that the 1942 USDA film '<wbr>Hemp for Victo<wbr>ry' did not exist<wbr>.
Hemp culti<wbr>vatio<wbr>n and produ<wbr>ction<wbr> do not harm the envir<wbr>onmen<wbr>t. The USDA Bulle<wbr>tin .<wbr>.404 concl<wbr>uded that hemp produ<wbr>ces 4 times<wbr> as much pulp with at least<wbr> 4 to 7 times<wbr> less pollu<wbr>tion.<wbr> From Popul<wbr>ar Mecha<wbr>nics,<wbr> Feb.
'It has a short<wbr> growi<wbr>ng seaso<wbr>n.<wbr>..It can be grown<wbr> in any state<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.The long roots<wbr> penet<wbr>rate and break<wbr> the soil to leave<wbr> it in perfe<wbr>ct condi<wbr>tion for the next year'<wbr>s crop.<wbr> The dense<wbr> shock<wbr> of leave<wbr>s, 8 to 12 feet above<wbr> the groun<wbr>d, choke<wbr>s out weeds<wbr>.
.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>hemp,<wbr> this new crop can add immea<wbr>surab<wbr>ly to Ameri<wbr>can agric<wbr>ultur<wbr>e and indus<wbr>try.
In the 1930s<wbr>, innov<wbr>ation<wbr>s in farm machi<wbr>nery would<wbr> have cause<wbr>d an indus<wbr>trial<wbr> revol<wbr>ution<wbr> when appli<wbr>ed to hemp.<wbr> This singl<wbr>e resou<wbr>rce could<wbr> have creat<wbr>ed milli<wbr>ons of new jobs gener<wbr>ating<wbr> thous<wbr>ands of quali<wbr>ty produ<wbr>cts. Hemp,<wbr> if not made illeg<wbr>al, would<wbr> have broug<wbr>ht Ameri<wbr>ca out of the Great<wbr> Depre<wbr>ssion<wbr>.
Willi<wbr>am Rando<wbr>lph Hears<wbr>t (<wbr>Citiz<wbr>en Kane)<wbr> and the Hears<wbr>t Paper<wbr> Manuf<wbr>actur<wbr>ing Divis<wbr>ion of Kimbe<wbr>rly Clark<wbr> owned<wbr> vast acrea<wbr>ge of timbe<wbr>rland<wbr>s. The Hears<wbr>t Compa<wbr>ny suppl<wbr>ied most paper<wbr> produ<wbr>cts. Patty<wbr> Hears<wbr>t's grand<wbr>fathe<wbr>r, a destr<wbr>oyer of natur<wbr>e for his own perso<wbr>nal profi<wbr>t, stood<wbr> to lose billi<wbr>ons becau<wbr>se of hemp.
In 1937,<wbr> Dupon<wbr>t paten<wbr>ted the proce<wbr>sses to make plast<wbr>ics from oil and coal.<wbr> Dupon<wbr>t's Annua<wbr>l Repor<wbr>t urged<wbr> stock<wbr>holde<wbr>rs to inves<wbr>t in its new petro<wbr>chemi<wbr>cal divis<wbr>ion. Synth<wbr>etics<wbr> such as plast<wbr>ics, cello<wbr>phane<wbr>, cellu<wbr>loid,<wbr> metha<wbr>nol, nylon<wbr>, rayon<wbr>, Dacro<wbr>n, etc.<wbr>, could<wbr> now be made from oil. Natur<wbr>al hemp indus<wbr>trial<wbr>izati<wbr>on would<wbr> have ruine<wbr>d over 80f Dupon<wbr>t's busin<wbr>ess.
Andre<wbr>w Mello<wbr>n becam<wbr>e Hoove<wbr>r's Secre<wbr>tary of the Treas<wbr>ury and Dupon<wbr>t's prima<wbr>ry inves<wbr>tor. He appoi<wbr>nted his futur<wbr>e nephe<wbr>w-<wbr>in-<wbr>law, Harry<wbr> J. Ansli<wbr>nger,<wbr> to head the Feder<wbr>al Burea<wbr>u of Narco<wbr>tics and Dange<wbr>rous Drugs<wbr>.
Secre<wbr>t meeti<wbr>ngs were held by these<wbr> finan<wbr>cial tycoo<wbr>ns. Hemp was decla<wbr>red dange<wbr>rous and a threa<wbr>t to their<wbr> billi<wbr>on dolla<wbr>r enter<wbr>prise<wbr>s. For their<wbr> dynas<wbr>ties to remai<wbr>n intac<wbr>t, hemp had to go. These<wbr> men took an obscu<wbr>re Mexic<wbr>an slang<wbr> word:<wbr> '<wbr>marih<wbr>uana'<wbr> and pushe<wbr>d it into the consc<wbr>iousn<wbr>ess of Ameri<wbr>ca.
A media<wbr> blitz<wbr> of '<wbr>yello<wbr>w journ<wbr>alism<wbr>' raged<wbr> in the late 1920s<wbr> and 1930s<wbr>. Hears<wbr>t's newsp<wbr>apers<wbr> ran stori<wbr>es empha<wbr>sizin<wbr>g the horro<wbr>rs of marih<wbr>uana.<wbr> The menac<wbr>e of marih<wbr>uana made headl<wbr>ines.<wbr> Reade<wbr>rs learn<wbr>ed that it was respo<wbr>nsibl<wbr>e for every<wbr>thing<wbr> from car accid<wbr>ents to loose<wbr> moral<wbr>ity.
Films<wbr> like '<wbr>Reefe<wbr>r Madne<wbr>ss' (<wbr>1936)<wbr>, '<wbr>Marih<wbr>uana:<wbr> Assas<wbr>sin of Youth<wbr>' (<wbr>1935)<wbr> and '<wbr>Marih<wbr>uana:<wbr> The Devil<wbr>'s Weed'<wbr> (<wbr>1936)<wbr> were propa<wbr>ganda<wbr> desig<wbr>ned by these<wbr> indus<wbr>trial<wbr>ists to creat<wbr>e an enemy<wbr>. Their<wbr> purpo<wbr>se was to gain publi<wbr>c suppo<wbr>rt so that anti-<wbr>marih<wbr>uana laws could<wbr> be passe<wbr>d.
Exami<wbr>ne the follo<wbr>wing quote<wbr>s from 'The Burni<wbr>ng Quest<wbr>ion' aka REEFE<wbr>R MADNE<wbr>SS:
a viole<wbr>nt narco<wbr>tic.
acts of shock<wbr>ing viole<wbr>nce.
incur<wbr>able insan<wbr>ity.
soul-<wbr>destr<wbr>oying<wbr> effec<wbr>ts.
under<wbr> the influ<wbr>ence of the drug he kille<wbr>d his entir<wbr>e famil<wbr>y with an ax.
more vicio<wbr>us, more deadl<wbr>y even than these<wbr> soul-<wbr>destr<wbr>oying<wbr> drugs<wbr> (<wbr>heroi<wbr>n, cocai<wbr>ne) is the menac<wbr>e of marih<wbr>uana!
Reefe<wbr>r Madne<wbr>ss did not end with the usual<wbr> 'the end.<wbr>' The film concl<wbr>uded with these<wbr> words<wbr> plast<wbr>ered on the scree<wbr>n: TELL YOUR CHILD<wbr>REN.
In the 1930s<wbr>, peopl<wbr>e were very naive<wbr>; even to the point<wbr> of ignor<wbr>ance.<wbr> The masse<wbr>s were like sheep<wbr> waiti<wbr>ng to be led by the few in power<wbr>. They did not chall<wbr>enge autho<wbr>rity.<wbr> If the news was in print<wbr> or on the radio<wbr>, they belie<wbr>ved it had to be true.<wbr> They told their<wbr> child<wbr>ren and their<wbr> child<wbr>ren grew up to be the paren<wbr>ts of the baby-<wbr>boome<wbr>rs.
On April<wbr> 14, 1937,<wbr> the Prohi<wbr>bitiv<wbr>e Marih<wbr>uana Tax Law or the bill that outla<wbr>wed hemp was direc<wbr>tly broug<wbr>ht to the House<wbr> Ways and Means<wbr> Commi<wbr>ttee.<wbr> This commi<wbr>ttee is the only one that can intro<wbr>duce a bill to the House<wbr> floor<wbr> witho<wbr>ut it being<wbr> debat<wbr>ed by other<wbr> commi<wbr>ttees<wbr>. The Chair<wbr>man of the Ways and Means<wbr>, Rober<wbr>t Dough<wbr>ton, was a Dupon<wbr>t suppo<wbr>rter.<wbr> He insur<wbr>ed that the bill would<wbr> pass Congr<wbr>ess.
Dr. James<wbr> Woodw<wbr>ard, a physi<wbr>cian and attor<wbr>ney, testi<wbr>fied too late on behal<wbr>f of the Ameri<wbr>can Medic<wbr>al Assoc<wbr>iatio<wbr>n. He told the commi<wbr>ttee that the reaso<wbr>n the AMA had not denou<wbr>nced the Marih<wbr>uana Tax Law soone<wbr>r was that the Assoc<wbr>iatio<wbr>n had just disco<wbr>vered<wbr> that marih<wbr>uana was hemp.
Few peopl<wbr>e, at the time,<wbr> reali<wbr>zed that the deadl<wbr>y menac<wbr>e they had been readi<wbr>ng about<wbr> on Hears<wbr>t's front<wbr> pages<wbr> was in fact passi<wbr>ve hemp.<wbr> The AMA under<wbr>stood<wbr> canna<wbr>bis to be a MEDIC<wbr>INE found<wbr> in numer<wbr>ous heali<wbr>ng produ<wbr>cts sold over the last hundr<wbr>ed years<wbr>.
In Septe<wbr>mber of 1937,<wbr> hemp becam<wbr>e illeg<wbr>al. The most usefu<wbr>l crop known<wbr> becam<wbr>e a drug and our plane<wbr>t has been suffe<wbr>ring ever since<wbr>.
Congr<wbr>ess banne<wbr>d hemp becau<wbr>se it was said to be the most viole<wbr>nce-<wbr>causi<wbr>ng drug known<wbr>. Ansli<wbr>nger,<wbr> head of the Drug Commi<wbr>ssion<wbr> for 31 years<wbr>, promo<wbr>ted the idea that marih<wbr>uana made users<wbr> act extre<wbr>mely viole<wbr>nt. In the 1950s<wbr>, under<wbr> the Commu<wbr>nist threa<wbr>t of McCar<wbr>thyis<wbr>m, Ansli<wbr>nger now said the exact<wbr> oppos<wbr>ite. Marij<wbr>uana will pacif<wbr>y you so much that soldi<wbr>ers would<wbr> not want to fight<wbr>.
Today<wbr>, our plane<wbr>t is in despe<wbr>rate troub<wbr>le. Earth<wbr> is suffo<wbr>catin<wbr>g as large<wbr> tract<wbr>s of rain fores<wbr>ts disap<wbr>pear.<wbr> Pollu<wbr>tion,<wbr> poiso<wbr>ns and chemi<wbr>cals are killi<wbr>ng peopl<wbr>e. These<wbr> great<wbr> probl<wbr>ems could<wbr> be rever<wbr>sed if we indus<wbr>trial<wbr>ized hemp.<wbr> Natur<wbr>al bioma<wbr>ss could<wbr> provi<wbr>de all of the plane<wbr>t's energ<wbr>y needs<wbr> that are curre<wbr>ntly suppl<wbr>ied by fossi<wbr>l fuels<wbr>. We have consu<wbr>med 80f our oil and gas reser<wbr>ves. We need a renew<wbr>able resou<wbr>rce. Hemp could<wbr> be the solut<wbr>ion to soari<wbr>ng gas price<wbr>s.
Hemp has a highe<wbr>r quali<wbr>ty fiber<wbr> than wood fiber<wbr>. Far fewer<wbr> caust<wbr>ic chemi<wbr>cals are requi<wbr>red to make paper<wbr> from hemp than from trees<wbr>. Hemp paper<wbr> does not turn yello<wbr>w and is very durab<wbr>le. The plant<wbr> grows<wbr> quick<wbr>ly to matur<wbr>ity in a seaso<wbr>n where<wbr> trees<wbr> take a lifet<wbr>ime.
ALL PLAST<wbr>IC PRODU<wbr>CTS SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP SEED OIL. Hempe<wbr>n plast<wbr>ics are biode<wbr>grada<wbr>ble! Over time,<wbr> they would<wbr> break<wbr> down and not harm the envir<wbr>onmen<wbr>t. Oil-<wbr>based<wbr> plast<wbr>ics, the ones we are very famil<wbr>iar with,<wbr> help ruin natur<wbr>e; they do not break<wbr> down and will do great<wbr> harm in the futur<wbr>e. The proce<wbr>ss to produ<wbr>ce the vast array<wbr> of natur<wbr>al (<wbr>hempe<wbr>n) plast<wbr>ics will not ruin the river<wbr>s as Dupon<wbr>t and other<wbr> petro<wbr>chemi<wbr>cal compa<wbr>nies have done.<wbr> Ecolo<wbr>gy does not fit in with the plans<wbr> of the Oil Indus<wbr>try and the polit<wbr>ical machi<wbr>ne. Hemp produ<wbr>cts are safe and natur<wbr>al.
MEDIC<wbr>INES SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP.<wbr> We shoul<wbr>d go back to the days when the AMA suppo<wbr>rted canna<wbr>bis cures<wbr>. '<wbr>Medic<wbr>al Marij<wbr>uana'<wbr> is given<wbr> out legal<wbr>ly to only a handf<wbr>ul of peopl<wbr>e while<wbr> the rest of us are force<wbr>d into a syste<wbr>m that relie<wbr>s on chemi<wbr>cals.<wbr> Pot is only healt<wbr>hy for the human<wbr> body.
WORLD<wbr> HUNGE<wbr>R COULD<wbr> END. A large<wbr> varie<wbr>ty of food produ<wbr>cts can be gener<wbr>ated from hemp.<wbr> The seeds<wbr> conta<wbr>in one of the highe<wbr>st sourc<wbr>es of prote<wbr>in in natur<wbr>e. ALSO:<wbr> They have two essen<wbr>tial fatty<wbr> acids<wbr> that clean<wbr> your body of chole<wbr>stero<wbr>l. These<wbr> essen<wbr>tial fatty<wbr> acids<wbr> are not found<wbr> anywh<wbr>ere else in natur<wbr>e! Consu<wbr>ming pot seeds<wbr> is the best thing<wbr> you could<wbr> do for your body.<wbr> Eat uncoo<wbr>ked hemp seeds<wbr>.
CLOTH<wbr>ES SHOUL<wbr>D BE MADE FROM HEMP.<wbr> Hemp cloth<wbr>ing is extre<wbr>mely stron<wbr>g and durab<wbr>le over time.<wbr> You could<wbr> hand cloth<wbr>ing, made from pot, down to your grand<wbr>child<wbr>ren. Today<wbr>, there<wbr> are Ameri<wbr>can compa<wbr>nies that make hemp cloth<wbr>ing; usual<wbr>ly 50emp<wbr>. Hemp fabri<wbr>cs shoul<wbr>d be every<wbr>where<wbr>. Inste<wbr>ad, they are almos<wbr>t under<wbr>groun<wbr>d. Super<wbr>ior hemp produ<wbr>cts are not allow<wbr>ed to adver<wbr>tise on fasci<wbr>st telev<wbr>ision<wbr>.
Kentu<wbr>cky, once the top hemp produ<wbr>cing state<wbr>, made it ILLEG<wbr>AL TO WEAR hemp cloth<wbr>ing! Can you imagi<wbr>ne being<wbr> throw<wbr>n into jail for weari<wbr>ng quali<wbr>ty jeans<wbr>?
The world<wbr> is crazy<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.but that does not mean you have to join the insan<wbr>ity. Get toget<wbr>her. Sprea<wbr>d the news.<wbr> Tell peopl<wbr>e, and that inclu<wbr>des your child<wbr>ren, the truth<wbr>. Use hemp produ<wbr>cts. Elimi<wbr>nate the word '<wbr>marij<wbr>uana.<wbr>' Reali<wbr>ze the histo<wbr>ry that creat<wbr>ed it. Make it polit<wbr>icall<wbr>y incor<wbr>rect to say or print<wbr> the M-<wbr>word.<wbr> Fight<wbr> again<wbr>st the propa<wbr>ganda<wbr> (<wbr>desig<wbr>ned to favor<wbr> the agend<wbr>a of the super<wbr> rich)<wbr> and the bulls<wbr>hit. Hemp must be utili<wbr>zed in the futur<wbr>e. We need a clean<wbr> energ<wbr>y sourc<wbr>e to save our plane<wbr>t.
The liquo<wbr>r, tobac<wbr>co and oil compa<wbr>nies fund more than a milli<wbr>on dolla<wbr>rs a day to Partn<wbr>ershi<wbr>p for a Drug-<wbr>Free Ameri<wbr>ca and other<wbr> simil<wbr>ar agenc<wbr>ies. We have all seen their<wbr> comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s. Now, their<wbr> motto<wbr> is: It's more dange<wbr>rous than we thoug<wbr>ht. Lies from the power<wbr>ful corpo<wbr>ratio<wbr>ns, that began<wbr> with Hears<wbr>t, are still<wbr> alive<wbr> and well today<wbr>.
The brain<wbr>washi<wbr>ng conti<wbr>nues.<wbr> Now, the comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s say: If you buy a joint<wbr>, you contr<wbr>ibute<wbr> to murde<wbr>rs and gang wars.<wbr> The lates<wbr>t anti-<wbr>pot comme<wbr>rcial<wbr>s say: If you buy a joint<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.you are promo<wbr>ting TERRO<wbr>RISM!<wbr> The new enemy<wbr> (<wbr>terro<wbr>rism)<wbr> has paved<wbr> the road to brain<wbr>wash you any way THEY see fit.
There<wbr> is only one enemy<wbr>; the frien<wbr>dly peopl<wbr>e you pay your taxes<wbr> to; the war-<wbr>maker<wbr>s and natur<wbr>e destr<wbr>oyers<wbr>. With your fundi<wbr>ng, they are killi<wbr>ng the world<wbr> right<wbr> in front<wbr> of your eyes.<wbr> HALF A MILLI<wbr>ON DEATH<wbr>S EACH YEAR ARE CAUSE<wbr>D BY TOBAC<wbr>CO. HALF A MILLI<wbr>ON DEATH<wbr>S EACH YEAR ARE CAUSE<wbr>D BY ALCOH<wbr>OL. NO ONE HAS EVER,<wbr> EVER DIED FROM SMOKI<wbr>NG POT!<wbr>! In the entir<wbr>e histo<wbr>ry of the human<wbr> race,<wbr> not one death<wbr> can be attri<wbr>buted<wbr> to canna<wbr>bis. Our socie<wbr>ty has outla<wbr>wed grass<wbr> but condo<wbr>nes the use of the KILLE<wbr>RS: TOBAC<wbr>CO and ALCOH<wbr>OL. Hemp shoul<wbr>d be decla<wbr>ssifi<wbr>ed and place<wbr>d in DRUG store<wbr>s to relie<wbr>ve stres<wbr>s. Harde<wbr>ning and const<wbr>ricti<wbr>on of the arter<wbr>ies are bad; but hemp usage<wbr> actua<wbr>lly enlar<wbr>ges the arter<wbr>ies.<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>which<wbr> is a healt<wbr>hy condi<wbr>tion.<wbr> We have been so condi<wbr>tione<wbr>d to think<wbr> that:<wbr> Smoki<wbr>ng is harmf<wbr>ul. That is NOT the case for passi<wbr>ve pot.
Inges<wbr>ting THC, hemp'<wbr>s activ<wbr>e agent<wbr>, has a posit<wbr>ive effec<wbr>t; relie<wbr>ving asthm<wbr>a and glauc<wbr>oma. A joint<wbr> tends<wbr> to allev<wbr>iate the nause<wbr>a cause<wbr>d by chemo<wbr>thera<wbr>py. You are able to eat on hemp.<wbr> This is a healt<wbr>hy state<wbr> of being<wbr>.
The stere<wbr>otype<wbr> for a pothe<wbr>ad is simil<wbr>ar to a drunk<wbr>, bubbl<wbr>e-<wbr>brain<wbr>. Yet, the truth<wbr> is ones creat<wbr>ive abili<wbr>ties can be enhan<wbr>ced under<wbr> its influ<wbr>ence.<wbr> The perce<wbr>ption<wbr> of time sligh<wbr>tly slows<wbr> and one can becom<wbr>e more sensi<wbr>tive.<wbr> You can more appre<wbr>ciate<wbr> all arts;<wbr> be close<wbr>r to natur<wbr>e and gener<wbr>ally FEEL more under<wbr> the influ<wbr>ence of canna<wbr>bis. It is, in fact,<wbr> the exact<wbr> oppos<wbr>ite state<wbr> of mind and body as the drunk<wbr>en state<wbr>. You can be more aware<wbr> with pot.
The pot plant<wbr> is an ALIEN<wbr> plant<wbr>. There<wbr> is physi<wbr>cal evide<wbr>nce that canna<wbr>bis is not like any other<wbr> plant<wbr> on this plane<wbr>t. One could<wbr> concl<wbr>ude that it was broug<wbr>ht here for the benef<wbr>it of human<wbr>ity. Hemp is the ONLY plant<wbr> where<wbr> the males<wbr> appea<wbr>r one way and the femal<wbr>es appea<wbr>r very diffe<wbr>rent,<wbr> physi<wbr>cally<wbr>! No one ever speak<wbr>s of males<wbr> and femal<wbr>es in regar<wbr>d to the plant<wbr> kingd<wbr>om becau<wbr>se plant<wbr>s do not show their<wbr> sexes<wbr>; excep<wbr>t for canna<wbr>bis. To deter<wbr>mine what sex a certa<wbr>in, norma<wbr>l, Earth<wbr>ly plant<wbr> is: You have to look inter<wbr>nally<wbr>, at its DNA. A male blade<wbr> of grass<wbr> (<wbr>physi<wbr>cally<wbr>) looks<wbr> exact<wbr>ly like a femal<wbr>e blade<wbr> of grass<wbr>. The hemp plant<wbr> has an inten<wbr>se sexua<wbr>llity<wbr>. Growe<wbr>rs know to kill the males<wbr> befor<wbr>e they ferti<wbr>lize the femal<wbr>es. Yes, folks<wbr>.<wbr>.<wbr>.the most poten<wbr>t pot comes<wbr> from '<wbr>horny<wbr> femal<wbr>es.
The reaso<wbr>n this amazi<wbr>ng, very sophi<wbr>stica<wbr>ted, ET plant<wbr> from the futur<wbr>e is illeg<wbr>al has nothi<wbr>ng to do with how it physi<wbr>cally<wbr> affec<wbr>ts us..
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