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By Chad Pradelli
ATLANTIC CITY - May 24, 2009 (WPVI) -- Pat DeMauro broke the previous record by more than an hour, which is an eternity playing the game of craps.
The North Jersey grandmother of three was visiting the Borgata when she made her historic roll last night.
"The whole four hours was thrilling, exciting, overwhelming," Pat DeMauro said.
Pat DeMauro rolled the dice for 4 hours and 18 minutes playing craps, a game where players wager on a roll or series of rolls with dice.
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To put in terms of other sports: it's like bowling a 300 over and over again, like draining 500 straight free throws, or striking out 21 straight batters in a game.
Nearly impossible.
"All of sudden the table started filling up. They were chanting my name. I was jumping as we won; it was exciting, it was really exciting," DeMauro said.
Senior Vice President of Operations at the Borgata, Joe Lupo, says he and his staff started to became suspicious.
The longest he'd ever seen someone roll was a little over an hour and the longest roll on record was a little over 3 hours.
They soon, however, realized she was simply on an historic run.
"The energy was great. I've never seen anything like it and couldn't be happier that it happened at Borgata," Lupo said.
Pat says her secret was positive thinking and a little rub of the dice.
She won't say how much money she made, but she sure made a lot of people at the table richer.
When it all ended, the Borgata provided champagne which she and her boyfriend enjoyed and the crowd gave her a rousing ovation.
"I just joked around at one point and I said this is my stimulus package for everybody," DeMauro said.
"It's great to see good things happen to good people; she was just so nice and I don't think she really realized the impact she had and yet the crowd of people that was around the table cheering for her, that was, as she said, one of the nicest things about it," Lupo said.
DeMauro is going to spend her winnings on her family.
She's taking her daughter and three grandchildren to Disney World.