I'm very pleased to report that this past weekend's long-awaited face2face encounter between PoliticoPubsters WILLIE99 and yours truly was from my perspective a huge hit.
In town for a getaway weekend centered on seeing the UCONN Huskies battle the USF Bulls Sunday night, W99 proved to be a great visitor and a generous ambassador for the traveling Husky fan base.
First meeting was on Saturday evening at my favorite local sports bar which on weekends doubles as a rock n roll bar.
W rolled up accompanied by fellow Connecticut pal RICHIE99 and a friend from their ongoing Fantasy Sports clique who lives here in Clearwater. Dubbed "TheOtherSteve" on accounta his sharing same name as your humble reporter, he had a pretty lady on his arm and it was they who had the nice condo on Clearwater Beach where HuskyCo set up weekend shop.
SheBar made a very quick in & out appearance and then repaired back to the Bar n Grill since she was coming off a 12 hour work day.
Barman Jr did hang with us and proved good company even as he was blasting down nine beers. Seems that Willie and I share common bond with having two kids age 23 and 21 and both WillieJr and BarmanJr share common bond with their having man love for Randy Moss and the New England Patriots.
In town for a getaway weekend centered on seeing the UCONN Huskies battle the USF Bulls Sunday night, W99 proved to be a great visitor and a generous ambassador for the traveling Husky fan base.
First meeting was on Saturday evening at my favorite local sports bar which on weekends doubles as a rock n roll bar.
W rolled up accompanied by fellow Connecticut pal RICHIE99 and a friend from their ongoing Fantasy Sports clique who lives here in Clearwater. Dubbed "TheOtherSteve" on accounta his sharing same name as your humble reporter, he had a pretty lady on his arm and it was they who had the nice condo on Clearwater Beach where HuskyCo set up weekend shop.
SheBar made a very quick in & out appearance and then repaired back to the Bar n Grill since she was coming off a 12 hour work day.
Barman Jr did hang with us and proved good company even as he was blasting down nine beers. Seems that Willie and I share common bond with having two kids age 23 and 21 and both WillieJr and BarmanJr share common bond with their having man love for Randy Moss and the New England Patriots.