Some times "the wife" can control and talk some sense into the heads of some coaches.....I'm not the least bit familiar with Muschamps personal life (married, single, divorced or otherwise); I wonder if he was the "Bully of the Playground" during his childhood days ? It would be a foot-note of interest to know when
he got his first (real) piece-of-ass. This may seem unimportant but some renowned Psychiatrists suggest this "experience" can dictate how one handles anger management/control years down the road......They suggest, the younger you "probe" with a women "South of the Mason/Dixon Line", the better you are able to cope in the years ahead with anger & frustration.
On the lighter-side, just for the fun-of-it: It would be interesting to know at what age some of the "heavy-weights" here in the Rx crossed the threshold of manhood? I'll be the first to confess; I was a young 19 (that was a very long time ago) and she was an "older woman"......21. To this day, I'm not sure if any lingering "scare-tissue" resulted from the encounter. I think most of you would agree that the sooner you take the "edge-off", life does become somewhat more manageable. Could it effect how one sports-bets......?