Wil....you're loasing respected posters......


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
its becoming more difficult to express an opinion on this site without being edited, deleted, or talked down upon. which is a fvcking joke.

wil, im not telling you how to do your job, but woof summarizes it pretty well. "Myself and others I know who own businesses or work in a management capacity, encourage and appreciate their regular customers informing them "how things" are going. "

Woof is a respected poster of great knowledge, he expresses a concern of his about the NBA forum, and you lash out at him, which i think is total bullshit. why not "respect" a well respected poster, with MUCH knowledge in many fields, instead of trying to "whore" new sign ups and kiss their ass? I mean come on, you have so many ass kissers on here it is a joke. so many people are afraid to say what they think or what not, in fear of being bumped to the RR or not seeking approval by the all mighty WILHEIM(or his ass kissing mods.).

im sure this is headed to the RR, but this place is becoming a joke, really. i use to think SHRINKS place(oh shit, tell marty i mentioned his name, straight to TO for me!) was a joke, but im begining to like his business model.

Wil, you need to lighen up. sooner or later you will lose most of your respected posters(not saying i am one, but have been around a while now) and then what will you have??? a room full of attention seekers trying to tout their next pick......cough, cough kodiak7


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Bigbet I am sorry you fel that way but I have to treat all posters equally. The thread was not about Kodiak if that is what you are trying to imply.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Kruser the actual thread that brougt about the discussion had nothing to do with Kodiak. The thread was about the NBA Forum being a litterbox and was started by SkinsRaj28. All the moderators try their best to keep all the sport forums running smoothly but we cannot please veryone all the time.


Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
Wil, nothing about kodiak, but about well respected posters....COME ON

why was this moved? lets get some feedback? feed back is essential for a successful business!


New member
Jul 20, 2002
This wa my post.

<TABLE class=tborder id=post2830118 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal">05-01-2006, 11:53 AM <!-- / status icon and date --></TD><TD class=thead style="FONT-WEIGHT: normal" align=right> #6 <INPUT id=plist_2830118 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; MARGIN: 0px 0px 0px 5px; VERTICAL-ALIGN: middle; PADDING-TOP: 0px" type=checkbox value=0 name=plist[2830118] inlineModID="inlineMod"> </TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>wilheim<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_2830118", true); </SCRIPT>
Head Mod

Join Date: Jul 2002
Location: Rx. dot com..
Posts: 35,358

</TD><TD class=alt1 id=td_post_2830118><!-- icon and title -->
<HR style="COLOR: #fdde82" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->There are some users that do post immaturely and for that I am sorry but there is also a censorship issue involved. Some of you who have been here a while may be dissappointed with The Rx. and it's moderators for letting posters start threads that you find offensive, unfortunately there is not a lot we can do other than try to move the so called attention whore threads here to the Rubber Room.

Personally if I were that upset by a few threads during the NBA playoffs I would try to find someplace more in lines with what I am looking for in a gambling forum.

Ppeter - That not correct. Sure we are trying to clean up the Politics forum and yes we do need to keep positive relations with sportsbooks but the bottom line has always been to provide information to our posters.

Dwoofdaddy - I doubt if we could ever do anything to make you happy.

<!-- / message --></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Home of the Cincinnati Criminals.
Sep 20, 2004
yea, wil, great post. but then your true color shine telling woof nothing will make him happy.

with his insight on many different fields, way to run a "ASSET" away from the site.


New member
Jul 20, 2002
Bigbet, I have tried my hardest to make Dawoffdaddy happy numerous times over the last year. Just never seems to be enough with him.


Rx Wizard
Sep 21, 2004
I also have concerns the Rx's leadership position in the offshore world is being squandered. Why do I care? Because I have enjoyed contributing to making this place a better community for years. I have gotten out of this place as much as I have put into it, and have invested my time and energy accordingly. But I too can't help notice the steady migration of respected posters to "across the street" much like the Pilgrims in 1620.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
Ppeter, I understand what you are saying and I am trying my best to keep everyone happy but it is never an easy thing to do. I really cannot worry about what happens at other forums because it makes it to difficult to keep this one running efficiently. I apprecaite all you have done for The Rx and would hate to see you leave.

This is the rubber room and my remark to Dawoofdaddy was simply a wisecrack about not being able to make him happy. I was not trying to talk down to anyone. We have a lot of moderators working very hard to keep all the forums as clean as possible and if the NBA forum was a litterbox the otherday I apologise.


ball dont lie
Sep 21, 2000
agree. cant say or do shit around here anymores. guess this place is more for the "what are your favorite pizza toppings" threads in the offshore forum and let the touts run free whereas other sites have no tout policy, period, end of story and no censorship if its not to there liking.

probably go back to eog if i cant find out why im on post review. thats where bucsfan is anyway, the best baseball capper on the net and it is afterall, baseball season.

place has changed thats for sure. one can draw there own conclusions.

Rx Wizard
Sep 21, 2004

I think you have an incredibly hard job trying to keep so many factions happy and its pretty much impossible. You have to be pulling you hair out every day.

But I would take notice as to what your competitor is doing---things may seem more "immature" over there, but the bottom line, is the posters are having FUN flamming each other, posting soft-core porn, and "gently" being jerks to each other. Plus guys are making MONEY off certain cappers.

Of course they have the luxury of being the smaller, more agile and innovative operation and did a Bobby Irsay on your second most valuable asset. Thats a strong clue that your most valuable asset should be jealously protected, as handicapping (ie making lazy money) is still what drives these kind of places. THAT is where your focus should be, and your investments, IMHO. I am already on record as to my opinion on the X hiring. If that was supposed to be some sort of quid pro quo for the other guy, well lets just say he made everyone over there 30 units since then and X has kept a few flames down in the poly forum.

New member
Jul 20, 2002
I know a lot of this is about Bucsfan and his move to EOG. There was little I could do to prevent that from happening.

To be honest I do wish him well and am trying to move on with the moderators we have here at the present time.

Sep 21, 2004
The_Man said:
agree. cant say or do shit around here anymores. guess this place is more for the "what are your favorite pizza toppings" threads in the offshore forum and let the touts run free whereas other sites have no tout policy, period, end of story and no censorship if its not to there liking.

probably go back to eog if i cant find out why im on post review. thats where bucsfan is anyway, the best baseball capper on the net and it is afterall, baseball season.

place has changed thats for sure. one can draw there own conclusions.
Lets be fair here and admit that EOG has Touts selling picks on the site for goodness sakes!

Sep 20, 2004
Guys of course your opinions matter, PPeter,Dwoof, BigBet...all great contributors...Sometimes no matter what you do or say someone is not happy, that is more the case here....it's harder than it looks at times to keep peace , accomodate everyone's concerns.

BigBet you started the thread, what do you think the problem is, of course we want everyone to be happy, and we will work harder to fix it, if we can.

To suggest that we don't care about veteran posters is wrong....try and think about it from a moderator's perspective too, just for the sake of this debate....and I assure you we are always listening.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

But I would take notice as to what your competitor is doing---things may seem more "immature" over there, but the bottom line, is the posters are having FUN flamming each other, posting soft-core porn, and "gently" being jerks to each other.

My problem is that is exactly what posters contstantly complain about. To much bashing in the sport forums - please ban this guy or that guy. To much spamming in Politics plaese censor this guy or that guy. Way to much Off Topic materieal offshore - The Rx. is becoming a soap opera.

I get this kind of stuff everyday. The new poster Trek who started the problem the other day in the NBA fourm was acting immature and we did finally move several threads to the Rubber Room.


Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
wilheim said:
Bigbet, I have tried my hardest to make Dawoffdaddy happy numerous times over the last year. Just never seems to be enough with him.


Wil, until a few months ago reporting political posts that were total horseshit, what exactly have I dont that bothers you?

I used to directly report to Bucsfan via AOL IM touts fishing for new customers during off hours. I was doing that to help you guys keep trash out of here...nothing more.

Co-captain was totally out of control (I was not alone with those beliefs) and several new posters found this site and spammed with tout garbage.

I never cared much what Doc did until he started spamming & hijacking every thread in the political forum. Plenty others had problems with Doc. You fixed the problem and I and I doubt anybody else now has a problem with the political forum.

Rather than continuing the flaming within the forum, as is requested by RX moderators, I used the post report button. Yes, I used it often, for it seemed the only way to get a response from you.

You post that cleaning up a forum that became a complete spamming, hijacking, & bashing joke was some type of favor to make only me happy. Thats total horseshit and you know it is. It was obviously stupid for me to have given a damn, but I work from home and am often at RX. Its nice to have a decent forum to read and post, since most days the dialogue here is informative.

As I said yesterday, I could give two shits now whether or not you choose to allow certain posters turn a particular forum or this entire site into romper room.

Hopefully this site stays on the path its had for years.

Rx Wizard
Sep 21, 2004
Wil, most guys like the drama and soap opera stuff. That the beauty of the net, the anonomity (sp?) allows people to act in ways they could never openly act in public. Its the duel existence that attracts people to post here to begin with. Its a fascinating psychological study, I would think. And look at the types we are to begin with, 99% male, mostly under 40, above average intelligence, and moral degenerates. There is no way to safely keep a lid on this playpen. Sometimes you have to let it go....

Sep 20, 2004
Dwoof, I think you took what was said out of context slightly Of course it was and is always appreciated (reporting posts), I can only speak for myself but there are a few posters who do this, and it is always a big help.

New member
Jul 20, 2002

The problem started with you bashing Kodiak and others for being touts and I brought back Site Promotions so the touts could be kept out of the sport forums. All the mods try and police any shilling by touts at all times. Should we ban old time posters like Kodiak and rodfather if they do not promote their services in the sport forums. Actually I have a thread in our board room right now asking just that.

The politics forum has also been addressed and not just for you. I asked the entire politcs forum several times.

I am not sure which posters are turning the site into a romper room unless this goes back to Kodiak again.


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