I also imagined he might have pummeled her numerous times to knock her out. But she went down with one punch to the jaw and no facial damage. Could have been much worse.
It really is amazing that just because they see it, it changes the whole case. Weird. What did they THINK happened in that elevator?
The Ravens should have cut him just with the initial video. And the NFL should have suspended him indefinitely after the first video. But they both tried to give Ray a break because he was clean prior to this and maybe because he and his wife kissed and made up. If she came out of this battered and black and blue, and suing and wedding off, it would have gone differently.
Goodell gonna get fired for the cover-up. AP reports the inside elevator video WAS delivered to the NFL Office! Goodell gonna try to say he never saw it. Some secretary is gonna take the fall and say she misplaced it!
Goodell is either lying or he just didn't want to investigate this thing too thoroughly. He and the Ravens tried to sweep it under the rug.
Sounds like Ray had no prior record and no domestic violence before this. Bad night and he got too ticked off when she kept coming after him. Sounds like they were spitting on each other. He just couldn't refrain himself.
But they're married now. Happy ending!