Why does it appear that the U.S. "secretly" love Israel so much?


Smell like "lemon juice and Pledge furniture clean
Sep 20, 2004
I'm not as well versed on the how far the relationship goes back with the U.S. and Israel and what has caused this unique bond but I hear and see it's there. Is this more media wizardry or an actuality?

Oct 5, 2004
i do not pretend to be an expert on that part of the world, and anyone feel free to correct me, but i would say that they have proven to be a strong ally to us in a part of the world where we are not too popular..

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Here is something I found using Google, probably a bit biased but not devoid of truth...

Immense and concerted pressure was placed upon U.S. President Harry Truman so that he would endorse the idea of creating a Jewish state in Palestine. Naturally, most of that pressure came from Jews. Indeed, at one point Jewish Congressman Emanuel Celler led a group of Jews to the White House. There, during a conversation with Truman, Celler pounded on the president’s desk and said that if Truman did not give his blessing for a Jewish nation, “we’ll run you out of town.” In fact, Truman said that “extreme Zionists” had threatened him. Also of note is the fact that Truman’s Jewish friend Eddie Jacobson contacted Truman to urge him to support a Jewish state. But before Jacobson contacted Truman, Jacobson was briefed on Palestinian matters by Dewey Stone, a Zionist leader (which might make one wonder how Jacobson came to contact Truman and on who’s behalf he might have been acting).

Also, never underestimate the power of the Jewish lobby, or the huge Jewish dominance of the media.

Sep 22, 2004
Theres only about 12 million of them in the world, and yet they exercise a somewhat inflated influence.

They appear to run the US media now.
Once one gets in the door he sticks his foot in it to let his Jewish buddies in.

The UK opposition (Republicans?) Conservative party in the UK has a Jewish guy as leader now, and by amazing coincidence his recently appointed shadow chancellor is Jewish too. (gawsh)
There's only two major parties in this country so thats not bad going for a tiny minority of about 7 million people in the entire world outside Israel...

BTW. Of course, anyone that mentions this stuff must be a Nazi.

hangin' about
Aug 21, 2003
Nearly two years ago Adbusters ran an article on the fact that roughly half of the Neocons with power were Jewish. Given that their #1 priority is American protection of Israel, this is a very relevant point.


You should have seen the backlash in the following issue's Letters to the Editor.

If Kerry'd been elected and half of his administration were gay, you can bet it would be near-daily news. And there are more gay people in the US than Jews ...

Sep 22, 2004
If Kerry'd been elected and half of his administration were gay, you can bet it would be near-daily news. And there are more gay people in the US than Jews ...<!-- / message -->

Nice comparison.

I'm sure that if the entire mainstream US media was run by gays it wouldn't be a problem for anyone...

And if a gay UK conservative leader appointed a gay chancellor no-one would turn a hair.

a mere coincidence.

RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
eek you couldnt be more right. clinton days tits and ass every where. football, tv and commericals.

conservative era, no cheerleader tits in superbowl, people flipped out on the lame terell owens deal and jeans commercials with hot chics have been replaced with guys asses yuck. the rise of homosexualtv programing in 'will and grace' the whole gay deal about sponge bob. the fact that they constantly discuss 'gay marriage' so much it makes me think every republican except for the ones from new england :) are fags. freakn janet jackson youd think she shot 20 people at a mcdonalds with that reaction. its gay city man.

im drop dead serious when i say the bush administration has put homosexuality (and closet acception there of) on the rise. im not joking. at all.

Sep 22, 2004
I've got no problem with people that break the mould like Einstein and Heifitz(a violinist for those of you who do not know)
People like that are a massive asset to the human race and civilisation.

But there comes a time when it looks like the cards being dealt out are coming from an internet casino.
Randomness is suddenly no longer there...

Muppets are not hard to spot.

"Nigel Lawson argued that he was a victim of poor information"

Nigel Lawson was a (UK) chancellor during the Thatcher era.
The day he announced his 1988 budget I knew we were fooked.
I thought Jewish guys were smart, but he was obviously playing on it.
The 'tard obviously didn't have a clue.


Smells like victory!
Sep 20, 2002
I have always been intrigued by this question reguarding why we are in bed with Israel.

I don't know what gays have to do with it :icon_conf

Some of the arguments I have heard:

We have a large Jewish lobby in the U.S.
We want a friend in the middle east -maybe to keep a close eye on oil
Most of our media is run by Jews

Personally I have never understood the realtionship - don't you think we did enough for them setting up their own state for them 58 years ago at the expense of the palestinians - who are we to judge who deserve that land over there.

It seems that Israel has no allies except the U.S.. Everybody else hates them- I have always wondered why

What does Israel do for us and how do we gain from being friends with them. It seems that it causes more problems for us as a country - it is all the excuse others need to hate us
I remember they got caught spying on us a while back. They bombed one of our ships 38 years ago.

We give them a lot of money and what do we get for it, except grief and enemies.

"American Idol Capping Expert"
Jul 20, 2001
echhhh.....darryl and eek - you people are bigots. its awful.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
Here They Go Again

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=420 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=center><TD width="40%"><!-- Yahoo TimeStamp: 1108566537 --><!-- recent_timestamp 1108566537 15378 secs not stale 28800 secs -->Wed Feb 16,10:08 AM ET
</TD><TD noWrap align=right width="60%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="1%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width="1%"> </TD><TD noWrap width="99%"> Op/Ed - The Nation</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<!-- TextStart -->Ari Berman

As RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman praised the election of his new counterpart Howard Dean (news - web sites), influential Republican front groups were already planning a mendacious offensive against the new DNC chair.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="1%" align=left border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD width="99%"><!-- ult --></TD><TD width=5> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

The first attack came courtesy of the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC), a big money pro-Israel lobby group linking Jewish-American neoconservatives to the Christian Right and Israel's Likud government. On Monday the RJC began running full-page ads in major Jewish newspapers across the country featuring a large photo of militants strapped with explosives coddling a young Palestinian boy. Above that arresting image is a quote by Dean: "It's not our place to take sides." Below the photo are quotes by Democrats critical of Dean. The ad effectively equates Dean's election with the appeasement of suicide bombers.

Such smears are to be expected from a group whose board of directors includes members of the Project for a New American Century, top fundraisers for the Bush campaign and former Bush officials, including press secretary Ari Fleischer (news - web sites). The RJC took Bush on his first tour of Israel in 1998. Evidently, Republicans hope to peel off a few more Jewish votes by distorting Dean's record.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
Why was Isreal allowed to get away with this?

The long-delayed story of the USS Liberty finally has been revealed, by three different filmmakers — all working independently. The one thing that is certain is that, regardless of where you start, the tragic events of June 8, 1967, were inexcusable.
The fact is that this was an extremely high-level and top-secret attempt to exploit an American ship, the USS Liberty, to create a war by falsely implicating the Egyptian government. The purpose was to provide an excuse to attack and discredit Egypt and provide a ready-made excuse for whatever the Israeli government wanted to do.

Only one thing went wrong with this Machiavellian and unbelievably blatant attempt to change history on behalf of Israel. That problem was that the Liberty, an American spy ship sent to monitor the Middle East war, turned out to be unsinkable. Thus the diabolic attack failed in its purpose — and left surviving witnesses. It was then that the 35-year cover-up began. In retrospect, it is difficult to decide which is worse: Was it the betrayal of an entire American ship’s crew, of whom 34 members were killed, and 271 wounded? Or has it been the astonishing ingenuity of the cover-up devised by the Israeli government and some high-level Americans, who have lied, dissembled and simply manufactured evidence to suit every new revelation.

Now, however, the facts are irrevocably proven. The first of the three new films, “Coverup: Attack on the USS Liberty,” was produced by The History Channel. The Israel lobby fought to the end to stop that film from being shown, making every possible attempt to delay it, challenge it and attempt to disprove it. The resulting strange amalgam finally saw the light of day Aug. 9, 2001— after its initial air date of Feb. 25 was postponed, with little explanation. It was done quickly and quietly, however, so that almost no one saw the advance program notes. Fortunately, members of the Liberty crew, by word of mouth and e-mail, publicized the event as best they could. Because of popular demand the History Channel announced that it would be re-aired. Once again it became almost impossible to obtain the details. For all who have “missed” the History Channel’s airings, videotapes are available from several sources, including the American Educational Trust Book Club, P.O. Box 53062, Washington, DC 20009.The cost is $25.

New member
Jun 20, 2004
common knowledge that America is ran by jews. of course we will be in bed with Israel.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nothing like some fresh paranoia for a wednesday afternoon.

While you will always find some whackos who think it was deliberate here are the actual reports about the incident:

Admiral Stansfield Turner, Director of Central Intelligence, has stated that "It remains our best judgment that the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty was not made in malice toward the United States and was a mistake."

Or you can go with the Court of inquiry rulings which stated as follows:
The Court of Inquiry made 52 Findings of Fact. The most significant findings were:

1. Available evidence combines to indicate the attack on the USS Liberty on 8 June was in fact a case of MISTAKEN identity.
6. There are no available indications the attack was intended against a U.S. ship.
The Court of Inquiry report was endorsed (first endorsement) by Commander in Chief Naval Forces, Europe, Admiral John S. McCain (father of Senator John McCain) as follows:

15. The foregoing comments by the convening authority lead to an overall conclusion that the attack was in fact a mistake.

Another Day, Another Dollar
Mar 1, 2002
We armed Israel with WMD's and we beg them not to use them. If they do, you can count on the holy war, so the US tries to be as friendly as can be so that they can reason with Israel when they get the notion to nuke the region when enticed.

New member
Oct 21, 2002
The Israelis initially claimed they had "mistaken" the Liberty for the Egyptian ship El Quseir. But the El Quseir was only 40 percent the size of Liberty (4000 vs. 10,400 tons). The El Quseir was an old, rustedout horse transport that bore about as much resemblance to the Liberty as a rusty VW does to a new Cadillac. The Liberty was arrayed with numerous specialized antennas, and an ultramodern (for 1967) 16foot microwave dish, a device possessed by no other ship in the world except her sister ship Belmont. She bore standard U.S. Navy markings, which included a freshly painted 10foothigh hull number, and Liberty on the stern.

<DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* The radio jamming is by itself damning evidence that the assailants knew exactly whom they were attacking. Such jamming requires intimate advance knowledge of the target being jammed, obtained by extended monitoring of its signals. And this was selective jamming; it struck Liberty's frequencies and no others.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]Afterward, in one of their ever changing explanations, the Israelis claimed to have learned the ship's identity when they heard its distress signals. But the attack continued for sixty six minutes after the first distress signal, which the Israelis had jammed, was sent. Had this particular Israeli claim been true, they would have recalled the torpedo boats before they even reached the ship.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* The Israelis claimed that the ship's U.S. flag hung limp because there was no wind. Later, when presented with the fact that the flag had been perfectly visible, they claimed that they thought that the ship was an enemy vessel flying false colors. The extended radio monitoring, exposing considerable advance investigation of Liberty's communication facilities, refutes this claim.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* The Israelis claimed that the torpedo boats, after first sighting the ship, had called in the aircraft to attack after the ship refused to identify itself. This is an obvious lie, because the attack was clearly a preplanned and well coordinated onetwo punch employing different branches of the Israeli Defense Forces. The jets were already intent on attacking the ship before the Liberty came into the torpedo boats' radar range. Directly contradicting themselves, the Israelis later claimed that their aircraft had called in the torpedo boats.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* The Israelis eventually admitted that before the attack, their commanders had compared reconnaissance photos of the Liberty with Jane's Fighting Ships. But they claimed that before the attack they twice telephoned the U.S. naval attache in Tel Aviv inquiring whether the Liberty was a U.S. ship and were told that there were no U.S. Navy ships in the area. They claimed that having received a negative reply, they decided that the ship had to be the El Quseir. However, the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv, and later the naval attache, emphatically stated that no such inquiries were made. The Israelis not only knew the ship's nationality and that she was an "ELINT" ship; they also knew she was the Liberty herself.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* Immediately preceding the attack, an Israeli pilot recognized Liberty as a U.S. ship and radioed this information to IDF headquarters. He was instructed to attack anyway. This dialogue was intercepted at the U.S. embassy in Beirut. Former U.S. Ambassador to Lebanon Dwight Porter revealed the existence of this intercept in 1991.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]* Finally, there is evidence, circumstantial but clear, of a relationship between the attack on the Liberty and a postponement of Israel's planned attack on the Golan Heights. The Golan attack was scheduled for 11:30 a.m. on 8 June; the Liberty was spotted by 6 a.m. or earlier; lastminute orders delayed the Golan attack; the Liberty was put out of commission; and the Golan attack occurred shortly thereafter. The vaunted IDF made very few mistakes in that war.[/size] <DT>[size=+1][/size] <DT>[size=+1]After the attack Secretary of State Dean Rusk recommended a strong response, and Presidential Counselor Clark Clifford advised President Johnson to treat Israel in the same manner as the U.S. would treat the Soviets or the Arabs if they had committed the atrocity. The U.S. would certainly not have taken this insult in silence had the offender been any country but Israel. But President Johnson stoically accepted Israel's explanation. The Navy conducted a Court of Inquiry, which ignored and even suppressed testimony that the attack had been deliberate; it dealt only with the actions and performance of the Liberty crew. State Department legal advisor Carl Salans performed an assessment of Israel's official explanation; with only the Navy's highly incomplete and erroneous preliminary investigation to go on, he thoroughly discredited the Israeli Government's claims of innocent error. The logical next step was to confront the Israelis with his findings, but that was not done. The U.S. Government's inaction was completely out of keeping with the outrageousness of the attack.[/size] </DT>

New member
Sep 21, 2004
There are still people that think the american government knew about the 911 attacks and purposefully chose not to stop them. You can be a conspiracy nut all you want.

and jin, you dont win arguments by typing larger and in bold lettering.

New member
Feb 5, 2005
At least we got away from the gay issue..they get enough ink as it is.
Oct 21, 2004
This country is about to get hammered like never before with Rice in the Middle East pushing Bush's agenda of splitting up Israel ... get ready as this is one baddd move for this country

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