Merkel. She's been Chancellor almost 12 years. Her immigration policies alone could easily destroy Germany and take down the EU.
Obama was a nightmare for 8 long torturous years, no question, but he's done far greater damage to his party than America. Obama's greatest legacy may be the rise of the tea party and President Trump.
All This ^^^, very well said. :toast:
Many of Obama's Destructive Policies will be able to be overcome, in time and Hopefully All of those though the condition he and Hilary leave the Middle East in along with that encouragement given to The Liberal Left...these things will linger, tragically.
Per Capita/Size of Country taken into consideration the peril that Merkel has wrought upon her nation, its No Contest.
In Merkel's defense: German Birth Rates were (are) declining to a degree that, yes, serious consideration had to be given to supplementing the Labor Force in some manner but there is absolutely
No Way that a Leader does not fully realize in advance what the outcome would absolutely be of accomplishing a bringing in of Cheap Labor via Muslim Immigration.
Angela Merkel made a Conscious Decision to sacrifice German Females (and other German People) upon an altar, literally. She decided that the number of German Women and Female Children of Germany harmed was an acceptable price to pay. If this world were Just Angela Merkel would be transported to a Muslim Ghetto in Germany and abandoned there to fend for herself.