Driver 1 approaches a green light to turn left and has to yield on green before making the turn. Driver 2 is coming from the opposite direction and turning right, where the right lane goes straight, and a turn lane appears just at the light.
I honestly don't know. I guess I always assumed that if you are turning right with a green light, you always have the right of way and do not have to stop. Buddy of mine disagrees.
I need to preface this by saying that I rage quite often on the road and always stay in the left lane when possible, always passing people. Can't stand wasting time driving.
I hate this situation almost more than any other because I can't comprehend people's decision making abilities.
This same situation can be applied to just a normal crossroad with no lights in my opinion.
The car turning right doesn't ever have to yield to the other car going the opposite direction turning left...but they do all the time and it just looks stupid and doesn't make any sense to me.
Will never understand these people yielding for me when I want to turn left.
The car turning left panics half the time because they are waiting for the car turning right to actually turn. And when that right-turning car doesn't turn, it just turns in to a mess.